Avatar of SepticGentleman
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    1. SepticGentleman 10 yrs ago


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“Silverspell is… a very distinct institution, Ethra. Open to all beings, of all different makes and calibers. If you attend, you may find much of who you are, your fiber, being tested. Perhaps criticized as well, and not always for your better. It may not ultimately be for you.”

“I understand.”

“Then you still wish to go?”


“Well then. Start packing.”

“Are you certain I’m going the right way?”

I know this place far better than you think, girl. So yes, I’m certain.

Ethra did not return a retort to Irsk’s rather rude reply. He lay nestled in one of the folds of her scarf, almost dead still, as if living up to his horribly malformed appearance. Even if he weren’t her Familiar, Ethra would never resort to eating something so sickly looking, even if she were on the brink of starvation. That thought caused her to wander over to what this University served in terms of food - she was confident they would cater to species with purely carnivorous diets such as her own, but she still didn’t know if they served purely mundane meats or… otherwise. She’d yet to press Irsk about it, as in the short time she’d known her, he’d only come off as a rude little mouse. She was, however, doing her best to bear with it.

She was in the dorms now, on her first day, a week before classes began. Ethra had received her key and been told her destination, which Irsk was now leading her towards. She passed several other students along the way, some giving her a short stare. She found it to be understandable, though. Most of them had probably never seen a bagoyép. Ethra’s kind were not a very widespread one. Bit of a sad thought, but she paid it no mind. She was here to learn, not to mourn.

This is it.

Irsk piped up as Ethra stood before the door to her new abode. Room 308. Without hesitation, she unlocked the door and stepped inside. She was then witness to all the luxuries laid out before her - fine furniture, clean walls, and carpets. None of which she knew back in her hometown, a much more rural place. This was what she was gearing up to get used to, this… lavishness. But she figured she’d fare just fine. The decor wasn’t life-threatening, after all.

She stepped inside. Seemed Ethra was the first among her trio of roommates to arrive.

“What species did you say my roommates were?”

A warlock and an Eaten.

“An… Eaten?”

Ask him about it, I’m not interested.

And once again, Ethra did not reply. She merely stepped towards one of the couches in the dorm’s living room, and sat down. Waiting for her roommates to arrive, so they could discuss who gets what room, or other matters to be decided.

She wasn’t exactly thrilled about it.
@Rhiannon So how should we all proceed? Straight to our dorms?
@Conscripts Hey man, I'm not looking to downplay Mortem, because I always appreciate a good skeleton, but I think you should revise his age some. If he's 129, there's no way he'd have been around during the Middle Ages. He'd have to be closer to 1,000 or so, to be in the thick of it.
@Rhiannon Good to hear. Have fun with your new pupper.
@shagranoz Don't listen to her, summon ALL the demon grandmothers.
@Saarebas You've brought back horrible memories.
@Rhiannon Huh. Okay. So if money and student status aren't really factors then, what's the in-setting process by which moderate, luxury, and premium rooms are doled out?
@Rhiannon I mean, not all of the characters are wealthy enough to afford premium, right? I was thinking it'd just be reliant on the sum of the wealth of each pair. Like if one student is rich and the other's comparitively poor, they could get a better room anyway on the richer student's expense, but two poors just get a standard room.

Just my two cents, at least.
@Rhiannon So besides roommates, how will it be decided what kind of room each pairing gets?
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