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<Snipped quote by Nimda>

No, I don’t have any preferences on the quest types. I have had my fair share of quests in my youth.

That’s a pretty valuable offer, you know.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

It was a magic security system, I had a strong sense that I’d be against another mage of some sort. So I decided that I would have the capability to handle it.

Well, are we getting drinks or what??
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

Mhm, it didn’t seem like there were any issues to do so.

What if it was trapped?
<Snipped quote by Session>

I have to authorize her key first before you all go anywhere.

What does that mean?
<Snipped quote by Session>

You’d think so, but she is the ultimate electric elemental. Trying to use her own element against her is suicidal and she has come up with ways to overcome what most see as weaknesses.

If you say so. Let's talk to her and find out.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

No, she is strong alright. An electric elemental.

Electric? That's an easy matchup for any mage even pretending to be good.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

She used her own magic, no? Seems to me sufficient power was used to prevent her from breaking the contract and protect you.
*scratches my brow then throws my hand to the side palm upwards*
I can do this for you, I’ll look into her and her family. Find out what she is like. But you two have to keep her from doing anything rash. Maybe she is very honor bound and won’t break it out of principle. Who knows? My husband will be my first broker, but I know someone else who can help. You may have seen her in the arcade sometimes.

Who is it?
<Snipped quote by Session>

Oh no. I need to know the terms right now Lily, send them to me.

<Snipped quote by Nimda>

One thing I know about them is that they don’t really mettle with things unless it is dimensional related, but yes there is a heavy possibility there are stronger beings. Including her husband.

*Red magic circles make one complete rotation in my eyes*
*Displays a floating panel with the text of the contract*
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

Wait, made a contract with her?!?! Don’t tell me is it bound with magic…

*Nods quickly*
It was the best choice at the time.
<Snipped quote by Session>

There is a group that he is associated with. Tier Five, is what they call themselves. Some of the most powerful beings are apart of it and her husband is a member of that group. Who knows my husband.

She's got to be the strongest of them all, right?
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