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1 yr ago
Current Bro, how does this site stay the same but change so much in just a few years. Damn
3 yrs ago
Damn its been 4 years and it took a car crash, medical school and a pandemic to get me back here. Memories be crazy
7 yrs ago
I'm gonna be away to the islands for three days so I'll be back Tuesday NZT <3 Will try and get online but I'm pretty sure there's no signal
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7 yrs ago
Got an 18 hour flight ahead of me today, wish me luck y'all :)
7 yrs ago
Merry Christmas from NZ to RPG, have a fun one and hope you have prezzies <3


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The Emerald Isles, Peha
The creation of a new star in the night sky is an event much talked about by the amateur astrologists and recreational sailors of the world. To the average Umana, nothing had changed from the unusual, the merrymaking started by the annual tohunga of the chiefs well underway. If it were not for the space-worthy prowlers searching through the local solar system, perhaps nothing would be found amiss. Hardly worth of discussion.

Not here. Not in the great hall of the Kiri, of Ngarewarewa’s blood, of Ngareia the Woman-King. Fierce debates, often rising to shouting matches and physical altercations, filled the air and rebounded to make a cacophony of disunited noise. The only silence came from Emerald warriors along the walls, making sure that not too much blood would be spilled. And of course, from the increasingly impatient, strikingly beautiful young woman which oversaw this angry rabble which made up her “court.” Fist against cheek, elbow against fine wooden throne as a bored look was set on her face. She glanced to her left where a muscle-bound figure in traditional naval dress stood.

”How long have they been going at it?”

A deep vibrating chuckle, one which brought comfort to her young soul.

“I believe it has been over a quarter of a moon into the tohunga, my Kiri. The chambers have not been silent once in that time. Some have taken to sleeping here so that they can continue their debate as soon as they wake.” The Kenera gestured to the sleeping figures strewn among the many chieftains, slumbering undisturbed despite the fever pitched debate raging around them.

”Leave it to my people to partake in endurance debates.” Ngareia snorted as a pair of rowdy chiefs had started to hold each other by their ears, preparing to headbutt each other with wild eyes.

There was precedence for this sort of action from past tohunga. It was said that her father Natawhau held a conference so long during the debates over the Mandatu that some chiefs would return to find their once-pregnant wives holding a newborn. If he was to be believed, one woman chief even gave birth amidst debate! She was cleaned up, checked by healers, and continued right on with shouting after a short two hours, holding her newborn in her arms. A powerful woman she was, a shame she and her child were slain for dissidence only two years later.

Alas, that was enough reminiscing. There were actions to be taken and they needed to be quicker than whatever this was. Lines were forming across the room, many tira speaking out on who should carry the weight of responsibility for an envoy to the stars. What a trivial question, with only one clear answer.

The Woman-King sat straight and slammed her fist against the armrests, toughened wood shattering on impact to the future dismay of a distant carver.

Her warriors in turn, knocked their jade-tipped staves into the hardwood floor, a staccato rhythm which drowned out the withering debate. She waited, for silence to reign and for the sleeping to awaken, before standing. All in the room bent to one knee for Ngarewarewa’s blood was to address them. All could feel the will, the power, the intrinsic mana with which she spoke softly.

”Peace, my tira, my chiefs.” And that was that. No more debate could be had, not in these halls, not under the eyes of the Kiri. With increasing volume, Ngareia let her voice be carried into the masses, holding a tone similar to that of a mother scolding her children.

”Peace, peha, is bestowed upon us by the will of the gods and our predecessors. Through many moons of war, of blood spilt, of waka used to slaughter and pillage, we have come through and found peace once again. Despite our many sins, our many different familial lines, our bloods have intertwined with each other in the mud, the trees, the waters.”

The Woman-King paused, thinking back to easier times, her father cradling her in bed as he weaved tales and song. It was from visiting the past that they could gain strength and, perhaps, gain unity. ”All our peoples remember the bloodied shores. Umana slaughtering umana. Hatan murdering hatan. Them versus the other. We remember babes taken from weeping mothers. We remember the violations wrought upon the women of the lands. We remember the burning soil, the howling trees, the destruction we caused the land. Of Ope o Peha dying, of fleeing, of hunting.”

The few Hatan present shifted nervously, rippling fur indicating intense discomfort at the insult. The rest hummed in agreement; heads bowed in respect to the history of her words. Of their memories.

”But my forebearer, Ngarewarewa the strong, the wilful, the original tira of the lands we banquet in today, foresaw a future different from the then present. Of one united under one tira, of a Kiri worthy of the title, to unify our peoples together through sheer willpower. My father, Natewhau the intelligent, the cunning, set upon his mother’s work to weave the tribu together, to turn his mother’s legacy, her efforts into a functioning unification of these lands. Many countless moons spent toiling, both of them working with the wishes of our ancestors to find a peaceful future. And with this bickering, with such inaction, such disharmony, you tira only sing songs of failure.”

There was stillness, there was sadness, there was respect. And there was shame. Shame at past actions, plastered on the faces of many, joining the Hatan in discomfort. The loudest voices kneeled the quietest now.

A collection of breath before taking advantage of the tense hall. Soft words now, sailing through the shame in the room. ”You failed in unity. You failed in creating the harmonious Kiritane my father and his mother before sought and fought for. There has been no gentle discussion, no unanimous decision made. And because of what? The creation of a star in our sky? The opening of a door? The path to our Mother, to our past peoples, to the wrongdoers of the past, from which we had fled, is now open for us. And you bicker here, clamouring on top of each other for the position to greet possible cousins in the stars.”

“If you cannot find a quick decision, I will make one. As is my right as Kiri.”
A chill settled in the air, many chiefs stiffening their necks in shock before bowing deeper. Direct intervention into tohunga was rare, as it was more common for the Kiri to agree what the council of chiefs had agreed to. But Ngareia had let the bickering go long enough, a decision needed to be made quicker than what a typical tohunga allows. She must gather the mana of Ngarewrewa’s blood, gather the shamans for prayers to the gods. The chiefs would not like such blatant strong-arming, despite many of them appearing to agree today.

But they will either go with the tides or be swept into the depths by struggling.
Half a moon later, aboard the Yearning Tranquility
This great waka, once used for unbidden war, is now returning to its roots. Exploration of the unknown with a unified face. Though perhaps the word "unified" should be in quotation marks.

Even here, the politics of the Kiritane take place, even with one of Ngarewarewa's blood overseeing the envoy. Every tira made their case for sending envoys of their own on the Yearning Tranquility but as great as its halls were, space was important in this void. Hence the various political alliances sent forth their own representatives, great tira in their own right, to accompany Ngateia, third daughter of the current king and leader of the diplomatic envoy. She stood resolute within the bridge, a woman who has come into her own at the age of fifteen, taught by the Emerald Isle's best shamans. As all of those who come from her, Ngarewarewa's presence is strong even in one so young.

"Captain," she started, staring at the monitor which depicted the "Gateway" in its entirety "do we have the appropriate shamans to deduce the route towards the Mother?"

It was decided that if the Kiritane were to set sail in the void once more, they should go back to the lands where their ancestors walked. See for their own eyes the state of their Mother, remind themselves of unjustices wrought upon their lands. No Umana would forget their Mother's death but it would do wonders to unify ourselves to once again stare at her corpse.

"Aye my princess, should be through the Gateway in a wee moment. Your great mother only send tha' best afta' all." An odd choice, a Gaelic Hatan captain, prominent black and green chequered quilt clashing with the bare, blue-furred torso. Many of the tira who were also on the bridge eyed him suspiciously. Alas, with so much forgotten, the Hatan were still the most prominent spacefarers and captains within the Kiritane. Hence why the fleet of five ships, one human and four Hatan made, were all captained by a Hatan. Thoroughly vetted of course, to make sure no dissenters slipped through the gaps.

She nodded once before telling the rest of the envoy to stay in the assigned diplomatic quarters. It would not do for them to interfere with the crew's work. But she stayed, dorning a grand Kākahu of flax and bright white feathers. She stayed still in the final moments of entry through the Gateway, determined in thought and stance, refusing to let even a slight sign of discomfort. And later on, suppressing the great revulsion she felt at the sight of their murdered Mother and the unsightly thing which parked itself near it.

The reaction of the rest of the Umana will be that of sadness and great fury.
At the risk of double posting, here's a taste of what the fight against the Hatan was. Warning: Graphic violence ahead.

Here is a new nation I was working on, subject to change with how you guys review it:) Feels a bit half-assed for some reason but I did put lotsa effort in it so maybe I'm just being too critical haha

TL;DR = isolationist confederate kingdom led by a Woman-King, just coming out of a genocidal war from aliens and between each other, initially a colony of hippies and conservationist indigenous peoples who formed a peaceful utopia (prior to alien invasion). Technology is hodgepodge, everyone likes boats and songs and killing each other with melee weapons (because up close and personal is the best way to kill people who want to kill you and yours).

Hahaha yeah no worries, I’ll cut the jokes but it’s largely complete tbh. I was just bored and inserted too much humour into the sheet just cause the concept of talking cows is too much of a low hanging fruit. There are obviously the makings of an absolutely dystopian nation being made there, just sprinkled with too much humour

Edit: I mean, I should cut out the nuclear fission based rockets right? Right? Right?

The fun I’ll have with this nation is that they need to breed to make technological progress haha
Ahhh I don't think I could give the old apes a good run, I've forgotten many of the plot points and characters I made.

I've got something else to be considered, sort of a meme yet utterly created for my fun mwahahaha

<Snipped quote by SgtEasy>

Ah! We were just talking about the Khanapes the other day, believe it or not. I can still hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men...

If only I had the drive to continue a Khanape story. I always thought about the implications of a nation built up of uplifted cattle where only its upper echelons were aware of the extensive genocide of their predecessor species

That would be funny!
Just an old AFKer and former player of the old Gateways popping by to say that it’s nice to see the new Gateways doing well:) If health issues hadn’t cropped up, I would have stayed to the end of the old one!

Good shit @Enigmatik @Tortoise

Dreams come easily to some. They come and go, forgotten once dreamt. Others have mostly bad dreams, others mostly good. Yet a select few have the same dream which comes to them every time they close their eyes to rest. That is, “rest” in the most superficial of ways. For what is rest if your mind is awake, picking out details in a dream you have seen a dozen times. New and old, all arrayed to in the mind before you on repeat, again and again, every night. At times, trauma does not leave so quietly in the night. It comes as sharp as it was or perhaps, duller than the time it was last felt. But come it does, every night, without fail.

A tiger and a lion, battling in a myriad of different backgrounds. A jungle, a forest, a snowstorm, a desert. Different places but same two animals. At first, it was a stunning sight to watch. Two primal, proud beasts pawing at each other pitilessly as apex predators. Gnashing teeth, extended claws, deep growls. Yet even the best of sights dull the eyes in repetition. It was the same, no matter where the two fought. Same fight, same participants, same outcome. The metaphor to real life was so obvious that it felt like the brain shoving allegory down the throat. The lion, felled in battle with exactly twenty wounds, head bowed with the proud tiger standing over its corpse. A Bengal, of course, to hit the point closer to home.

This time, the duel was fought in tumbling water, strong tides interrupting the familiar staccato of swipes and bites. But even this could not blur how it was the same. Every night, without fail, the same dream which faded like white noise to his eyes. He was muted, inattentive yet giving all the focus he had to the scene before him. To think too much was to break the spell of the dream and come to life again.

Not that there was much to his life now.

And just like that, with a final swipe from orange paws, the lion slumped in crimson water. This was when the dream would stop, focusing on the Gharbi lion twitching in its final death throes. Instead, the tiger shifted in the water, turning to face him in an unexpected move. If Kalil could, he would gasp. A chill would rise in his spine, his fingers would tremble. But in his mind's ocean, the churning of the water prohibited him from moving at all. He felt weightless and thus, powerless. Emerald eyes stared at his own, flecks of azure in theirs while none in his own. His vision zoomed into the bloodstained fangs, the opening jaws, the powerful bite which kept coming closer and closer. He stretched his arm out in front of him to stop those unrelenting teeth-
"Pah, fuck!" The heir of Gharbi spat seaweed and seawater, the ocean splashing on to his face. He sat up immediately, trying to come to his senses. Eyes bleary from the intrusion of salty water, it took him a few seconds to realise where he was. Or how little he knew about where he was. His clothes were soaked from head to toe, his turban discarded to his side and its jewels mysteriously missing. He was cold and filled with sand and confused and what the hell was that dream?-

He hissed, the saltwater hitting his left palm on to a- "Wallah, I did not have this last night!" The dream faded in his mind as Kalil honed in on the injury he seemed to maintain from unknown origins.

Quickly using his prodigal dynamicism to dry himself off, Kalil got his bearings and stumbled his way from the beach back to his dorm. By this time, he had just missed the roommate he barely remembers existed, feeling a hangover in the worst way possible. Questioning his choices in going out last night (and smoking whatever was in that flavour the Bengals gave him!), he decided to forgo showering in a bout of laziness and changed into new, simple white robes with a blue turban messily covering his long hair. He wore similarly coloured azure gloves to cover the wounding, a fitted gift courtesy of his employers. Thoughts raced in his head as he tried to recall the last night's events or even what he was up to at the ball but once again-


The prodigy jumped out of his mind and walked to the door, expecting that blurry-faced roommate of his to show themselves. He knew by now that breakfast had finished and hoped they brought him something out of kindness. He paused at the door, scratching at his memory to remember the other occupant of his dorm. Tanned skin was all he could remember which seemed to make him shake a little in fear. Why does the name Whitehall ring in his head now?

Alas, there was no stalker behind the door, only a letter with the confusing Bengal seal and a messenger long gone. Kalil only spent a few seconds making sure no one saw what was in his hands before closing the door and fleeing to his room to read it. Curiously, it was in Latin of all things. The handwriting is poor and the characters almost blended together. Whoever the writer was, messenger or not, had to do this in quick time. This did nothing to hide the disdain inside.

As a prodigy, I would have expected early mornings and an eagerness to study in the best university in the world. Not making a fool of yourself in the first formal function of the school year and sleeping in on the next day. In a public place, of all things.

Remember your place, fool. You work for the leaders Dhaka, the entrepreneurs of the Mughals, the hidden network which keep our great nation intact. You work for an organisation which goes past your own selfish needs, a Majesty which surpasses anything on this world, one which no nation and no person is peer. We stand alone. You have succeeded, for now, but if you continue to gallivant as a careless dog, you will be put down as one.

Your stumbling, arrogant dealings have been backed by the coincidence of a lifetime. The sick, old man of Europe has fallen to its own arrogance but stay alert, for deals may change. Alas, the winds have changed and you have been given another assignment. It smells of burning, doesn't it mutt?

A fool has burned down a library. Where you may smell foul play or an arson's work, we smell opportunity. Read carefully, mutt, or you may prove too worthless to let live.

Remember what is at stake.

The letter continued in the same insulting fashion. A silent Kalil gripped the paper tight in his hands after ashamedly reading the letter several times, to the insult of his own pride. An instinctual calculation later and the paper became embers in his trembling hand. Several names were now engraved in the inside of his skull, a mantra to listen to on another job. Some familiar, others not. Fear gripped at his heart like a vice, tightening and squeezing.

He took an instinctual, deep breath of his pipe, letting it swirl in hoops. No use on letting fear grip him like this. "And thus, the 'great collaboration' begins."

The Bengal left swiftly in pursuit of his next targets. And perhaps a library.
Collab between @SgtEasy and @Jangel13
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
The jungles of New Gift

The heat was heavy and oppressing, stifling you and taking your breath away. Dehydration was but one of the many killers lurking here, the jungle enticing you with seemingly fresh, cool streams. If a being was not eaten alive by any number of creatures lurking in the dark, the sheer number of diseases you would contract from unknown waterborne contaminants would make your death agonising and slow. But anyone who ventured into these jungles knew that this would be a mercyful fate compared to the madness.

There was darkness at every turn yet out of nowhere, light would shine through the thick canopy. It is a trap laid for the unworthy and unprepared, any number of creatures would strike at you as soon as you step into the light. The dark offered unknown threats from within, death coming at an instant to those unaware. You must hope that death is swift. Or that you die at all.

For elsewhere, in these godforsaken jungles, laid eldritch creatures which haunt your nightmares and stalk you long past your last step from this jungle. Monsters of too many eyes or perhaps none at all, skittering and reaching and rushing towards you. Things which stiffen the spine and raise the hackles at their mere presence, trembling and unwanted urination could swiftly follow. Biologists wonder at how such creatures could evolve but study only results in such apes clawing their eyes out or devolving into a brain-fuddled mess as the sheer impossibility of these creatures are so profound that it destroys all a scientist knows.

Devils, they all are, which stalk you till they decide you are fit for hell. Some, if you lay your eyes upon them, would drive a man mad. Terrifying beasts of sharp claws, gnashing teeth and a cunning unbefitting such wild animals. Though the apes were kings and queens of the jungles of Earth, they served as morsels of food in the jungle food chain.

This was what it is like walking through the equatorial jungles. Expeditionary Legionnaires are set apart from the rest, by their dress, mannerisms and superstition but most obviously, their steadfast courage. Along with their auxiliary volunteers, these are some of the toughest simians one could come across in the entirety of New Gift. Anyone tougher would have already been picked up for more special services yet a few talented individuals still slipped through the cracks,

It was these Legionnaires which forged their way through the monsters and the dark, with heavy guns, furious intent and napalm-fire. They would battle with their sanity everyday for they would encounter all manners of nightmarish things which seem to feed on the soul.

The suicide rate among these brave souls is a remarkably high number. Yet the rewards were plentiful and one could earn many, many tugriks upon the end of their 10 year compulsory service. As well as a comfortable plot of land upon the capital.

It was among these brave souls that the Mahre representatives and their Conservationist allies travelled with. The 27th Division, First Regiment, E Company. They had travelled here, to this “inner sanctum” by which the two allies have been trying to find for the last six months. Leaving behind the Mobile Stability Base, they travelled in jungle-crushing Virtue-class MBTs, Fortitude-class APCs and the napalm-spewing Righteous-calss ATV. An entire armoured convoy, crushing jungle and making as much noise as possible to deter any curious creatures. Yet as they went deeper, quiet would need to be observed as they came closer to what the Mahre called “the center of the planet”.

So the three parties would eventually disembark their vehicles, half staying with and the other going deeper within.

They trudged through thick undergrowth until the noise started.

It was a deep growling noise, bellyful and strong coming from near the leftmost squad. Close and rumbling and churning in the ear, like stones grinding. It vibrated the brain, etching them to paralyse in fear. The horror starts now.

The collective had talked to this race prior to their involvement and had worked out the details in full while they spoke secretly about what the collective could do to help. This seemed to be something familiar and almost like home in a sense and while the danger of the world was obvious they knew better than anyone if there was a chance to integrate and become one with a planet. To find the source of the planet’s soul and make peace with them, proving that mankind could adapt rather than dominate. Once an agreement had been reached between the two the Mahre Collective returned home to deliver the news about finding allies and people to work with. This was in any case a much more dangerous yet just as rewarding experience for they would find another planet much like their own and can possibly get even closer to understanding what made these planets so special in how they had a will of their own.

In ancient times when humans were one race there was believed to be a spirit of the world even then known as Gaia however that spirit wasn’t strong enough or simply knew it was better to simply die then to suffer longer. Why Terra had died didn’t matter anymore but it simply added fuel to their theory that planets have a mind of their own but simply had a varying degree of potency and strength or if the wills could understand self sacrifice or suffering.

As the collective had gotten back home after their trip they organized expedition teams to help their newfound allies. Richard the lead geneticist of the collective organized their science teams a group of 6 of his best geneticists and scientists went. Of course before they were allowed to leave they made sure to get the necessary mutations to allow them to survive in the hostile environment mainly things like stone skins and poison eating stomachs, things that would allow them to survive in harsh environments and survive killing blows that would normally be fatal like having a second heart just in case. They were ready to go and like anything else they needed their own security detail. They didn’t want to send too many or they would seem paranoid or hostile. The council had a long debate about whether or not they should risk sending one of their thorns in on this expedition or not since they were few in number and were the elite among the elite and were nearly impossible to kill here on their home planet. However they decided that this chance to see a planet similar to their own was one worth the risk. So they allowed a single thorn to be awoken from their slumber asking if they would take such a task.

The warrior agreed in understanding that this was paramount to understanding their own world; his name was Severnus and was stronger and bulkier than the other guard. They decided to allow him to take 3 of their warriors with him to protect the scientists and make sure that they made it back or if nothing else that their research made it back.

That brings us to the present moment as they are riding inside the strange machine and burning away the forests around them. Once they were told to leave the vehicle the elite thorn Severnus stayed behind to guard their way out and half the scientists. The one that left ahead was the lead geneticist of the group by the name of Gorgmus a young man made of almost iron like skin along with the 3 warriors they brought with them.

It was darker than it should have been, that was what set Sergeant Rock of E Company off ease. Well, that and the mutated bareskins which were only a few meters away from him. Ironskins may have been a more accurate title. They were eerie and strange, even with his own mutations his genetic manipulation was not as extensive as his human escorts. And, well, the fact that they were human was strange in and of itself.

Humans were creatures learned about in books, songs and movies, not in the flesh. Secretly in his mind, he wished for the fall of human civilisations to be quick. It was unnerving to see such potentially violent beings around him and his. Fuck the human worshippers, he knew what they had done.

It was professionalism and a little bit of fright which held the Rock’s tongue back, his eyes darting to and fro the shadows which enveloped him and his squad. There were three automatons at the front, slicing and burning away at the forest with the Conservationists and their alien allies in the middle. Around them were his squad in E Company. Travel through here was monotonous work, until a dinging sound rang in their ears.

>Hostile detected: 1
>Species: Cervus Ursinus
>Recommendation: Heavy Weapons Support and armour

Rock dialled the volume down on his earpiece, as did the other Expeditionaries around him. This deep in the jungle and the sensors went haywire, all they could serve as were early warning systems. As a career soldier, he kept his cool but was sweating underneath his armour.

“Oi humans, five hostiles in a 100 meter radius around us. Keep your eyes peeled for bright lights and a -”

Deep growling noises cut him off, one which shook his brain violently in his skull. Bang bang bang, it went, slamming his brains back and forth. His ears felt as though they were erupting, tears welling up in his eyes. A bright white light shone itself in front of Rock and the escorts, his HUD immediately darkening to counteract the blinding lumens. Along with this, fast-acting drugs flooded into his system which regulated the shocking symptoms immediately. It was in these relieving moments that he finally saw the monster.

It sat atop a branch above, five meters tall at a crouch. It reverberated that awful sound, still bouncing within his memories. A long tongue slicked out of its jaw, licking along its canines with an eyeball sitting atop one. Hungry, bottomless, sinking eyes stared right at him. Large, powerful arms with muscular sinew wrapped with small feathers, strange hands dripping with blood. Crimson dripped down to the forest floor, down to the headless gorilla shock trooper underneath it.

Shaking out of their collective reverie at the rare beast, Rock along with his squad and the automatons concentrated fire upon the monster. .50 calibre slugs along with twin-cannons firing alongside them, the automatons and the squad’s remaining shock trooper opening up with the later.

It moved, the slugs destroying the tree it was on moments before. It charged through the hailstorm of bullets, twisting through the air in an unnatural dance even as darkish liquid seeped out of knicks and cuts from whizzing rounds. It went “antlers” first into one of the lead automatons, moving it easily aside with the bony protrusions. The gunfire followed but it was simply too fast or, as it would be more accurately described as later on, too elusive.

It contorted in strange shapes and positions to avoid life-threatening bullets, almost as if its body was completely boneless aside from the antlers. Its movements were to jump to each individual, tearing apart bodies like ripping paper even as everyone alive was still trying to track a bead on the monster-thing.

Rock watched it through his sights as it gnawed upon the head of the last gorilla in his squad, bending its back to rip the skull and spine out of the simian’s body. He fired in its moment of seeming delacent worship of its meal, slamming a three-round burst into its arm.

It roared, louder this time, so loud it shook the ground underneath him. His ears bled, eyes shut as the light only grew stronger. He would not feel it bound towards him, jaw opened as it leapt over the humans.

The scientists understood that they would be facing creatures that were not entirely human which only brought fascination to them and made them even more curious. They did see that they were not very welcomed among them but they paid little mind to their personal feelings as they knew that this was done on high and if anything happened they would end up causing much bigger problems. They had explored this land and soon enough were able to witness the first of the creatures that they would be studying. It was large and threatening but to the Mahre this was of little consequence they had their own creatures that may not look in such horrific states but they felt the precense of this beast meant it was protecting this land from their invasion. As they started to attack the creature the warriors got into a defnesive stand making sure to keep their well trained eyes on the surroundings rather then the creature it was fast but they knew that creatures such as this would create a faint movement of the surrounding brush before they would even see it come.

In the mean time the scientists were singing, or at least it seemed that way to the simian allies that were still firing on the creature. However what they were doing was finding the frequency that the beast understood, creatures have a language even if not spoken verbally and the Mahre understood all creatures had a voice it was simply a matter of finding it. As the creature seemed intent on attacking them next the warriors stood in a line and braced as they dug their heels into the dirt and extended their bone blades they were able to catch the bottom half of the creatures mouth before tossing it over them with their strength. Before the creature could get back up and attack them again from behind it cried out as the singing finally hit a frequency that made it hear their voice. They spoke to it trying to be peaceful but of course this creature couldn't allow them passage but neither could it keep attacking under this freuqency. It gave one last roar before the creature would flee. When the creature left the scientists would excitedly talk amongst themselves discussing the creature and how it related to their own planet and the frequency of their song that broke past the language barrier. They could speak to these creatures however their songs were alien and unknown they would still be seen as a threat but they were already thinking of solutions to combat this while the warriors looked none the worse for wear.

The combined forces continued without much fuss afterwards, the Expeditionaries shrugging off the weirdness of their allies (keeping a healthy distance away of course) while the Conservationists hurriedly questioned the Mahre on what just occured. Dings would be heard frequently over the next hour, INFOWAR tracking and spotting several possibly hostile creatures circling around them. Strangely, none of them would inch any closer than a 50 meter radius around the Mahre. This would give them the breathing space to make large tracts of progress through the jungle.

Rock would hear one of the Convservationists cry out in joy as they reached a small clearing in the thick undergrowth and greenery. "What is it?" He asked, glancing around the clearing. These were the worst places for them

"This should be it!" The excited chimpanzee exlclaimed, smiling widely while somehow ignoring the near-death experience they had just gone through. That's just how Conservationists are. "We should be at the center of the jungle now!" He pointed towards a strange contraption in his hands, beeping frequently and loudly.

The Sergeant would snort, shaking his head. "That thing is broken young chimp, there's no way we're in the center of the jungle right now. We have another three days until we would get there-"

>Hostile detected - 1
>Species: UNKNOWN

The group tightened as one, coming closer together around the clearing with the scientists and Conservationists in the middle, warriors up front. It was a quick, efficient and coordinated move to protect the important assets within the group, the circle only completing as the jungle split in twain.

It was as if it parted for the creature coming, a droning sound filling the air, the sky darkening ominously. Two lines trees flattened against the ground, the rest of the jungle becoming silent. And from this dark corridor came a creature of horrific appearance.

It stood as tall as the trees once were, towering over the group in a mystic horror. Its front hands grasped and reached, movements of hunger and want as clear as day. Its upper torso "twitched", like a still-moving corpse stuck atop an irradiated deer. The droning sound became louder, deeper, as if the whole jungle was singing as one. The Cervus Ursinus paled in comparison, causing the simians within the group to fall on one knee, pass out or in some cases, die on the spot. It was a thrumming, infernal and living sound. The creature's haunted eyes gazed at the still standing Mahre, defiant even to this terrifying beast.

The hands spread in a showy gesture, as if the creature mockingly bowed. "Why do you, Outsiders One With Their Mother, stand among these ingrates which defile their own?"

They traveled along with their allies down deeper to find the center of this planet and soon enough the sergeant would speak up at the young ape saying that they weren't anywhere near the center but the Mahre could tell from the formation of this area that this was going to be an area where those that wished to find the center would meet a guardian. Similar to a checkpoint in some ways and they would soon be proven right as a large creature came out of the forest standing as tall as the trees themselves. They heard the song of the creature and could feel its intention of hunger and want however this creature also understood that the Mahre were different, as it sang the Mahre didn't falter and in fact welcomed the new and strange song. The creature then came to them and bowed while it may seem like it was mocking the gesture the Mahre didn't see it that way.

They then stood forward before giving a deep and sincere bow showing respect to this guardian. They were in his home after all it would be rude to do anything else. Then the leader Gorgmus stood up and said "Guardian we apologize for coming to your land unnanounced, We are known as the Mahre. It is true we are one with our mother however we grew curious and wanted to know if other planets shared the same strength as our own planet. We search trying to understand if our planet is truly unique and if it isn't then what would it take for planets to gain such a strength. We wish to learn more about you and your mother, we are here with these ingrates as you call them because they wish to follow our path. They think that weapons an technology will keep them safe but we know better, for your mother is a being that deserves respect and reverance. A group of their kind understand this and wish to understand how to achieve what we have. We understand if you don't believe them in their intention as they have already attacked the land but they do not speak for this group alone. If you would allow us we would like to reach the mother and speak to her and learn from her children. We swear on our true mother that we do not wish to harm you or your mother in any way. If need be we will venture alone if you do not wish for these ingrates to move further" he explained to the creature. However while to them it was a normal conversation to their allies it would sound like the singing of birds with various tones and musical notes being sung at the creature.

It stood there, watching, for what felt like an eternity to the sentients on the ground. And all of a sudden, the thrumming stopped. The jungle returned to peaceful life, birds chirping in the air, critters running across the clearing. Their vision cleared and the pain stopped.

The creature beckoned them forward. The apes were hesitant, some still clearing their heads while others reached for fallen comrades. It's eyes pierced those who went to move the fallen. "Do not wake them, they were too weak to hear my Voice, they will die hearing the Mother's. Raggedy intruders, you must learn your place here. If you are too weak to hear Mother's voice, shoot yourself now and make death come quickly."

The Sergeant flared his nostrils, heavy breaths and bared teeth to show the anger which coursed in his veins. "Who the FUCK are you to tell us what to do, you ugly bastard!" He gripped the young chimpanzee in his arms, crimson coating his fur.

While others stood aghast, the Expeditionaries stood with their leader, weapons armed and ready. They spaced themselves out from the strange Mahre and their foreign tongues, untrusting of the unknown. They had trained for this, fear gripping at them but their willpower holding even stronger. Weak vines do not survive long in this jungle. But with this defiance, the beast only loomed closer and closer to the group, its features becoming clearer yet more confusing as it stepped more into the light.

Its crown antlers, which would have looked majestic atop any normal beast, had flesh molting off the bone, blood red veins pulsing with life as it spread itself across the ivory peaks. Its "torso" was grotesque, the "twitching" revealing itself to be breath and a pulsing heart, like a beheaded man straddling a deer. Its skin was tight to its body like a sign of malnourishment yet the muscles, tight and packed together, spoke of otherworldly strength. Atop this all was a green-ish mucous which coated the beast's thick, draping fur and with each droplet's landfall, a sizzling would fill the air as it ate at the earth. And its eyes, oh dear Spirits its eyes.

It were these eyes, abominable and glowing, set into deep cavernous sockets, which stared down the ape leader. The shadows flickered in the light, revealing what lay underneath the darkness. Throbbing skin and flesh on which two glowing orbs clung to with no obvious anchor, crimson bleeding from every pour like a waterfall down to into the mouth below. An infinite stream of blood drink for the creature, a creature of too many teeth and a serpentine tongue now that Rock could see it closer.

But as a testament to his name, the ape stood between it and his young charge, staring at the beast with a rage only a simian could muster in front of such horror. But then it spoke once again.

It rumbled and tore against the eardrums, making the simian sergeant flinch. "Oh to be so young again, to be foolish and unknowing of my place." It was close enough that its breath hung in the air, as putrid as its appearance, yet the voice came from no mouth, like it emanated from the creature. A pale hand reached out, carressing the ape's cheek slowly like a tender mother. "You are brave, as is the rest of your kind. Each of you who wander in the jungles have a pride and courage which seem unmatched."

It grabbed his throat in a vice-like grip, unbothered by the shouting apes surrounding it, by the knife which was now embedded into its arms. If anything, the metal wriggled in the flesh before being spat out, like an unwanted meal. The mucuous sizzled louder as more gently draped itself off its body as the beast's hackles raised, staring at the simian with ill intent. "𝖄𝕰𝕿 𝖄𝕺𝖀 𝕬𝕽𝕰 𝖂𝕰𝕬𝕶. 𝖄𝕰𝕿 𝖄𝕺𝖀 𝕶𝕹𝕺𝖂 𝕹𝕺𝕿 𝕺𝕱 𝕿𝕳𝕰 𝕸𝕺𝕿𝕳𝕰𝕽. 𝖄𝕰𝕿 𝖄𝕺𝖀 𝕮𝕺𝕹𝕿𝕴𝕹𝖀𝕰 𝕿𝕺 𝕯𝕰𝕷𝖁𝕰 𝕴𝕹𝕿𝕺 𝕾𝕰𝕮𝕽𝕰𝕿𝕾 𝖄𝕺𝖀 𝕶𝕹𝕺𝖂 𝕹𝕺𝕿𝕳𝕴𝕹𝕲 𝕬𝕭𝕺𝖀𝕿. 𝕯𝕰𝕬𝕿𝕳 𝕮𝕺𝕸𝕰𝕾 𝕿𝕺 𝖄𝕺𝖀 𝕬𝕷𝕷 𝕬𝕹𝕯 𝕬𝕷𝕷 𝖂𝕳𝕴𝕮𝕳 𝕿𝕽𝕰𝕬𝕯 𝕴𝕹 𝕿𝕳𝕴𝕾 𝕵𝖀𝕹𝕲𝕷𝕰."

It let go, the Sergeant landing on all fours, sputtering on the ground. The creature turned around back the way it came. "I am the Messenger, third child of the Mother. The fleshy ones and the beast on the ground will stay with me. The rest of you must 𝕷𝕰𝕬𝖁𝕰."

As one, everyone else in the party fell to the ground at the final command, laying at the feet of the giant. With the Mahre watching passively, and the Sergeant clutching his throat on the ground, the Mother was summoned. The Messenger split in twain, two halves of a suddenly and violently lifeless body ripped apart by unknown forces. And from this gory bloodshed rose a strange, pale "human" woman, of too many arms and too many legs protruding from her body. Blonde curly hair and beautiful blue eyes yet a nose which curled upwards too much and canine teeth which hung out of red lips. Her ears were on either side of her neck and her body was covered in red dress, which seemed fitted to her too many limbs. She smiled and spread her many arms, ignoring the grotesque stink of an already decaying body around her.

"Hello child." It was a melodic yet powerful voice, one which sung in many languages, known and unknown. The Sergeant stayed on the ground, almost crushed by the power. She snatched her gaze from the ape to the humans still standing. "Hello children. I have not met another Mother and her flock in quite some time. How did you find the peace with your Mother?"

The Mahre soon smiled as they heard the guardians singing stop and allow the rest to live and continue forward despite the obvious reservations of doing this with the ingrates. They were saddened to see such anger come from their allies and although they understood they should know that it was because of their stuborness and unwilliness to understand that they were in this position of needing their help in the first place. They wish that their allies understood that this was necessary if they wanted peace with their planet and to stop dying as a result. They walked forward and didn't mind the distance that their allies kept from them as they instead took the time to examine their guardian who was leading them to the mother of the planet. They spoke among themselves wondering how such creatures came into being and if it was a similiar process to their own planets guardians simply in a different form from what they know. Could their mother simply decided that forms like these that would cause nightmares to normal minds be the reason they were shaped this way or was their some deeper meaning behind it.

They then watched as the guardian spoke again but this time directed it at the commanding officer of their allies and for a moment the Mahre were hopeful until they heard what the guardian said. It only made the Mahre shake their heads knowing that the guardian was right. The secrets they seek are ones that could change the world and maybe even the galaxy at large. They knew that the guardian wouldn't kill the commander because if it wanted to it would have done so before they got this far. They then heard of the command to the others of the group and the fellow guards of their commander had been forced to leave.

Soon they watched as the guardian split in such a grand display that even the Mahre took a step back from surprise as the blood flowed so suddenly. Soon though a figure appeared and soon they were greeted by a beautiful woman wearing a fitting red dress despite the fact that she had more limbs then were necessary and canines that looked ready to snap their necks in half the Mahre were anything but afraid. They were meeting a mother of another planet for the first time. They were seeing living proof that their planet wasn't the only one with a strong connection to its mother. If anything they were in awe and when she spoke they looked ready to cry, they were so moved to hear the song of a mother again so far from home. After the inital moment of awe and reverance they composed themselves and bowed to her one more deeply before Gorgmus spoke again "It is truly an honor to find another mother so far from our own home. Thank you for seeing us and if you like I would be honored to speak fo the tale that has been taught to everyone back on our planet. We call it "the journey of the first flower." Long ago in our most ancient history we were much like these Simian's not in our looks mind you but in our ignorance, we tried fire and blade trying to carve our way into making a home but our mother was much stronger. No matter what she destroyed what little was made as quickly as it was built. Through her children that chased and ate us or through her own will as the flora and fauna encroached and killed us. It would have surely been the end of us however one day a girl went missing in what passed for a colony back then, everyone assumed she died of course. However she said she heard the song of a creature telling her to find her. An innocent child being told to come and find her she did so and instead of being killed she was allowed to explore, she was given food on journey by the mother. Our mother saw the kindness the girl showed she was happy as they spoke through the trees and was remorseful about hurting a stray plant or seed. She met a guardian after her week long journey and would have been killed if she had ran. For the guardian that greeted her towered much like yours did. However the first thing the girl did was greet the guardian and hug them as if meeting a parent. This caused the Guardian to soften. Soon she saw the mother as she revealed herself. The guardian shrank down their vines and leaves spreading out under it and soon it was the size of a woman. Wearing a beautiful floral dress with antlers and wide eyes. She hugged the child and they spoke, to this day we haven't discovered how it was possible. However the child came back and looked much like we do now. Different skin and different body but the same child. If not for her words in saying to our leaders back then that the mother didn't wish to kill us we may not be here today. The child explained to everyone that we must live in harmony with our mother and she will take care of us. Not to destroy but to adapt. To become her children or we would not be able to live at all. Our leaders were wise and took the childs words to heart. No machines remain on our planet save for the ones that allowed us to change our bodies and allow us to be as strong as our siblings back home. Dear mother, please understand we came here because unlike us none of the simian's that live here have a child of purity, of such innoncence to see the world in a way that the planet was family. We spoke to a group among them that wish to achieve what we have, to see harmony and peace in simply walking on the same soil as their true mother. In seeing you today we have discovered that our mother isn't alone. Knowing this is enough to bring us to tears" he said wiping his eyes as he admitted that after their story and reliving the same moment that their first flower achieved so long ago was someting that was beyond words. Something they could have never hoped to feel before.

The story, in which to others sounded like song, sang of life and hope. Of an innocence which saved lives and expanded them. Of limitless potential. The Mother of New Gift, her name unknown for eons and will continue to be, stood silently listening to the Mahren song. Emerald tears welled up in her eyes as she gazed at the group then to the simian clutching himself in pain.

"To be a proper Mother, one must learn forgiveness." She whispered, one of her many hands outreching towards the sergeant. The arm convulsed and stretched, bone cracking as the limb lengthened beyond what is natural. Slender fingers carressed the face of the ape, desperately trying to inch away but unable to by the sheer pain which crashed inside him upon the touch. He cried out and she retracted, a visible frown on her face.

Retracting it to normal length, she looked back at the Mahre, ignoring the whimpering sergeant for the moment. "I am moved by your story, children, yet I do not know if I can trust these Supremus yet. One of them came to me, black of fur, one of the short ones, asking for the gifts you have received yourselves from your own Mother. I, being young in the cradle, fell for the sweet words of potential."

The Mother's face hardened, the lightning crackling in the sky as it darkened with her mood. "He betrayed me, and with his betrayal came my weakness. He gave gifts to my other children, gifts which took them away from me and made them ungrateful for all I've done. They continue to intrude upon the lands which I oversee, I control, I love. They are an ungrateful, arrogant, foolish lot who think they know better than the Mother which guided them here, allowed them to be here."

With every word, thunder erupted and the ground shook, howling winds sweeping through the small clearing. It was power incarnate, pain, betrayal, loss, love, strength, weakness. Of a youth led astray, of a being so powerful fooled by the descendant of someone who was betrayed themselves. And then, with a graceful shake of her head, it stopped.

Her features softened, otherworldly body relaxing. On her face was regret, a mourning blue glow appearing around her like a crown. "But alas, as your story shows, to be a proper Mother, one must learn forgiveness. They have been churlish and insubordinate but maybe they can be shown the error of their ways. Both them and those which have left my flock to be with them. I will take the young, the young must show me the error of my ways. Then, I will take those willing to be my Guardians and my children. Thank you, children of a foreign Mother, I wish you fruitful endeavours and a bountiful life."

Her arms, all of them, too many of them, stretched out in a violent cacophany of cracking bones. They reached out like tendrils of malice, reaching for the youngest of the simians in the group. Five would be chosen, all under the age of 20, wrapped in the limbs of a gentle yet twitchingly violent Mother. These five would be taken away, with the Mother and the clearing itself, disappearing with a quickly encroaching undergrowth.

The Mahre would return to the vehicles alone five days later, grimly explaining the attacks which befell their simian comrades by the hands of the Cervus Ursinus. It would be a mournful loss for E Company yet an expectant one. You do not enter the jungle lightly without knowing the risks of such an endeavour, especially with an escort so small. The expedition would be written off as a failure by both the Legion and the Conservation League, both organisations moving on with their lives.

Yet unknown to the parties involved was that even with the Mother's gaze, even she can miss details. Like an eavesdropping, rebellious child, eager to displease her.

The light remained dim in the high trees, barely visible and flickering like a shifting tunnel of light from the sun above. The creature chittered, its long tongue licking the peeling crown atop its head.

"ђє ๓ยรՇ кภ๏ฬ." The light vanished, like the shifting branches covering a hole in the canopy.

It was time to board the trains and avoid... the travesty that had occurred in the ballroom. In truth, Kalil did not expect the dancing to go so badly as it did but at least his new friend(?). As the night would go on ad his high faded, the Dhaka prodigy would only remember more details which would embarrass him to no end. The drugs, the singing, the dancing, oh Allah the dancing was horrendous. It was full of missteps, tripping and desperate fumbling on his part. All in all, he would have difficulty trying to find the mindset to rest after such an eventful night. Cringeworthy, future students of his age would claim. A cringeworthy experience indeed.

But for now, the embarrassment was to the back of Kalil's skull, as another idea seemed to grasp at him during the train ride. There were two details missing from the night, two which itched his thinking mind. Who was Nazca? And who caused the bulbs to spark like it did? The former was difficult, as with women, there could be a myriad of different reasons as to why she was so insistent. A stalker, perhaps? Or perhaps she was a cannibal? He went pale white at the thought.

She was a Briton, right? Did they not eat man meat? As a boy, he was always taught the savagery of the "Empire of Britannia". A small island with imperial ambitions but not even a tenth the size of Hindustan, expansionist pale-skins. Cannibalism seemed to fit the bill, the outer world always seemed so savage. But she was not as pale-skinned as his other British friend... Where did James go?!

In the drug-addled ramblings in his mind, Kalil had once again forgotten the latter topic in which he wished to think upon and stumbled into his new quarters with a piercing headache. The effects of drugs and alcohol seemed to flush out of his system very quickly but the pain always felt severe. It was in fact so bad that he completely missed the other occupant inside the room and almost missed how lavish it was.

Well, in the Western style that is. As Kalil's vision spun while he laid down on the floor, he would see the vastness of the space that would be his and another unknown person's. To his taste, it was not as opulent or colourful as his own home before but it was leagues better than the hovels he had seen at the local universities in Dhaka. But at least add some colour here, this thing was so blindingly white. His complaints would be said aloud, as chemically-altered people tend to do, perhaps making his new roommate uncomfortable or amused?

The prodigy of Dhaka would only know after a few minutes, with the world's spinning coming to a stop and the headache fading slowly. He sat up, bleary eyed and sore as he placed his miniature shisha pipe in the middle of living room, beckoning forward what he reckoned to be a person of his imaginations. He often smoked with ghosts, to combat the loneliness of his endeavours without his father.

"Spirit, o come forth," He slurred, slowly getting more coherent as he spoke. "come partake in holy vapours." He smiled, hoping to calm the short spirit in front of him.

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