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1 yr ago
Current Bro, how does this site stay the same but change so much in just a few years. Damn
3 yrs ago
Damn its been 4 years and it took a car crash, medical school and a pandemic to get me back here. Memories be crazy
7 yrs ago
I'm gonna be away to the islands for three days so I'll be back Tuesday NZT <3 Will try and get online but I'm pretty sure there's no signal
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7 yrs ago
Got an 18 hour flight ahead of me today, wish me luck y'all :)
7 yrs ago
Merry Christmas from NZ to RPG, have a fun one and hope you have prezzies <3


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It was a tiring performance, one which accelerated the heart and rushed the blood. In all senses, among these drunk and rowdy, not the bourgeois and judging, did Kalil feel most alive. Genius and merchant's son though he was, his foremost childhood was not spent only tutoring in his father's manor. Roaming and exploring the streets of Dhaka, being among the common peoples, this was the childhood he had. To smell the street food and hear the lower merchants sell their wares, to feel the trundling of the masses and to see the laughter of the people. It was something to enjoy and onboard the airship, it seemed to be something he left behind.

These noble sons and daughters felt so distant to him. Kalil was rich, yes, mayhaps even richer than many here, but a commoner he was still. So, in his drug-addled mind, he was surprised to find other students joining him in song. He laughed with a few of them afterwards, sweating slightly after the boisterous effort.

His well-needed conversing and socialising was distracted by two men taking center stage. It was a duet of expertise, as far as his ear could tell, the occidental-style music both new and refreshing in his ears. There was something more lively about a performance by humans over a performance by machines. It was sobering him to listen to the duet, calming his senses and euphoria. And in this small, calm sea he found himself in, Kalil realised two things.

One, his compatriot Englishman (did he learn his name?) had parted ways without him noticing. Rude. Two, he had promised a dance with a lady. And a gentleman never backed down from an offer of dance. This distracted him enough to ignore the fact he actually did recognise one of the men which underwent spontaneous performance.

Hurrying to leave, he bid farewell to faces he would surely forget in the morning, to look for one he would. Spotting the silver-haired German on a table, approached by a familiar looking blonde, the Mughal beelined straight for the pair. Hopefully he would not be strayed from his path.

That would just be rude.
"The past is a foreign country."
6 Months Ago

As the E.S.M.G.'s hold on the city became nigh on impossible and with the fall of the main HQ, Major General Batzorig reined all of his forces, along with many others, into a perimeter surrounding F.O.B. Steel. Neo Beijing became the last hotspot of ECU resistance against the wailing tide of Whiny Fucks, a name used by the last defenders of the ruined government as an insult to the revolutionary's legitimacy. To some, this killing was just business. A contract with an end which seemed to be coming near. To many others, this once foreign conflict became very personal. The ex-Protectors hanging on who have lost all that they knew, clinging on to what seemed like their last hope from a vengeful tide. The newly formed Mercenarios who deserted their own army after losing too much and gaining too little from this conflict. And even the apes, who were sent here by the wishes of their city-states, felt abandoned in a useless cause and desperate after so many losses.

Not that the mercenaries did not make Whiny Fucks pay. Blood was paid back with blood, bodies stacking on both sides. Surrounded on all sides with no help, F.O.B. Steel should have been an anarchic mess that the Flowers could sweep up. But allies of convenience can quickly become brothers in arms.

The E.S.M.G. had been holding its current perimeter for over a few days, with fortified checkpoints and constant patrols. Bolstered by human allies, the mercenaries had some reprieve in their week of constant retreat. The land they occupied was empty of anything aside from IEDs and ambushes among burnt-out buildings. For now, there was some quiet on Checkpoint Charlie and within was an unlikely foursome you would not have seen anywhere else in the galaxy.

They were banging their heads to the tunes of old-Earth 50 Cent. Well, at least three of them were.

"♩ Many men, wish death upon me / blood in my eye dawg and I can't see ♭"

A heavily scarred Mercenario took a sip of his ¡Bomba! drink, a sought-after and jealously guarded prize among the rationing Matuvistan deserters at the moment. "Hijo de putas, I don't understand why you like this shit music."

"I like this better than your mariachi bands."

"Fuck up Adrien, you don't know what a mariachi band is, had to learn it from the monkey even though you live in this Earth-loving hell-"

Both received a banana peel to the face each, courtesy of a tribal-looking, laughing chimpanzee in a skirt. The Matuvistan sputtered as one flap entered his mouth but Adrien was smart enough to keep his golden visor up, the peel falling and sticking on the scratched "PROTECTOR" logo instead. Both looked his way but only one visibly glared at the diminutive ape, which only sent him cackling. "Who knew humans were so stupid? I dearly hope the spirits, bless their souls, were not close to even half of how stupid you are Juan. Bloody bareskins."

"¡Qué Cabrón! ¡Fucking el mono!"

"Fake Spanish fuckers."


"Drug addled softie."


"I heard the exclamation points in that one. Is all you know is shouting, swearing and drugs? I swear you barely know Spanish beyond swear words."

"Don't forget the women, drinking and killing mi hermano. If only you monkeys were a race of space babes instead of babuinos. Mierde I would kill for somewhere to lay some pipe, if you get what I me-"

"Your pipin' don't work as good as you think, Juan. Y'all should pay attention to the convoy ahead." As always, the quieter ex-Protector came in between the two loudmouths, focusing them on the job at hand. It's been the dynamics of the unlikely trio ever since they came together in Checkpoint Charlie. Due to the high attrition rates on patrols, the shifts on checkpoints had become longer and manpower shortages across the front caused previously separated forces together.

Thus how the quiet ex-Protector, loudmouthed Mercenario and the foolish chimpanzee found company in each other. Charlie was equal parts lively and violent, culture clashes happening frequently between the three but they certainly got over their grudges quickly. One had to if one were to rely on that same face you punched to be saving your life an hour afterwards. Fights would only really happen between Juan and Xi, with Adrien breaking it between them.

Their job consisted of checking for hidden trackers, potential false flag attacks and intercepting enemy incursions within the area. Along with the ten others in Charlie, they would act as a QRF force to block any holes in the line. As it stands, they would be lucky if they could fill the hole in the broken toilet.

As the convoy stopped in front of the makeshift wire gate, the fourth member of the foursome came from behind the lumbering Adrien. The German Shepherd, lovingly nicknamed Lady by the former Protector, leapt forth nose first.

Outwardly, Khanate-provided canines seem the same as the ones on Earth. As you learned while working with them, they were anything but those glorified house pets. Lady has a keener sense of smell than any naturally born dog, with a full three cones in her eyes, sharper intelligence and a fiercer bite than even an old Earth wolf. Fearsome, loyal and adorable all wrapped in one package. She would work in tandem with Adrien to search the vehicles as the others keep watch. It was slow, repetitive work but the black and gold armour-wearer felt calm in how familiar it felt.

It was good to feel familiarity in things other than murder and violence. Other than those creeping voices in his head, the monsters which stalk his nightmares, metal and gaunt and screaming-

"Aight, they clear!" Adrien pulled a treat out of his pocket as Lady put her paws on his boots, looking up at him with puppy eyes. He scratched behind her ears with clean gloves, smiling softly under his mask. Yes, familiar and boring but so much calmer.

It would go like this for a few more hours as it neared to the end of their shift. Adrien patiently watching the other two banter with each other as Lady loyally laid at his feet. Check convoy, pass them through. Check convoy, pass them through. Soon enough the sun would go down the horizon and their officer signaled that the next shift members were coming through. He yawned, peering into the dimly lit streets.

"You okay friend?" A hairy hand wrapped itself on his bicep before a sudden hefty weight sat on the ex-Protector's shoulders. He merely shrugged the weight on as if it was nothing.

"It's nothin' Xi, just thinkin' that's all." There was a silence that stretched between the two comrades, looking out to the darkness. It was comfortable, more comfortable than Adrien has been since Zeta-5.

There was a tap on Adrien's head. "You know, I never got to thank you for trying to help me find my friend. Sergeant Marley deserves a friend like you. I just abandoned him there like a coward."

He waved his hand, dismissing the nervous chimp antics. "Don't worry 'bout it bud, ya can't do much when yer burning alive yknow."

A cackle and a slap to his helmet. Rude monkey, he thought. "You're right there, you big oaf." A pause and once again, that silence comes back. Tenser than before. "You know, if you wanna talk about what happened on Zeta, we can talk. We've been saving each other's asses long enough."

"It ain't worth it."

"That's what I said, before you convinced me to search. We all have each other's backs, my friend."

Adrien stood still for some time and watched the shadows stretch across the pavement. It would be a few minutes of this as his shadow lengthened over him. It felt like it was eating away at him, a caged monster now unleashed, a pain which felt stronger everyday. It made it harder to get up from bed, to eat and even to talk, at times. His teeth were yellow and he knew his hair was unruly from the lack of a shower. But ever since he woke up, he decided he did not deserve to be clean. The filth was too overwhelming for him to just wash it all away. He did not deserve remorse or sympathy, he was just a violent, big, dumb brute who slaughtered innocents. Others don't see it that way. But he did.

"I ain't dumb, yknow, even though ma tests keep saying I am. My ma just told me I was different from the other children. But these kids, yknow, they told me I was wrong and stupid and they called me a retard or sumthin'. But I ain't ever wanted to hurt nobody, I just wanted to protect. Protector, it's in the name yknow? So I signed up like a good little boy, just before Zeta happened."

"This right here, ma home, if ya can even call it that anymore, is jus' different from Zeta. We jus' killed and killed and killed ova' there, killing all of 'em toasters as much as we could. It was, whatchumacallit, geno-cide?" Adrien let out a shaky breath, blood misting up his visor as he recalled his past. "Yeah, yeah it was genocide aight. Cold blooded murder. But it felt good, if ya catch me. It was that word they always be using, right-eous. It never felt wrong to me but I guess I was the one that's wrong. Definitely felt that way when I came home, they started gettin' rid of ma buddies, everyone started lookin' at us weird. These were the people we were supposed to be protectin' but instead, we were murderin' 'em. Now it started to feel wrong."

He clenched his fists, shaking harder even as his buddy placed his hands on his helmet. "Everythin', everythin' I ever did was wrong. I couldn't do nothin' right. I failed my tests, I failed my old buddies. I fucked it up Xi. At Zeta, I failed bein' a human. A proper human wouldn't have done the things I did. They would've stopped Xi. But I just kept goin' and goin' yknow. And here, I failed even harder. I failed my ma, Xi. Them Whiny Fucks went after her, they knew who she was and they made, they made an "exam-ple" out of her. I dunno what that means but they messed her up real bad. Ma wouldn't stop bleedin' Xi, it was like those spirits of yours found me lackin' but ended up punishin' the wrong person. And I killed 'em all bud, I killed all of 'em Whiny Fucks who did that to my ma. B-But just like now, it didn't do nothin' right. It jus' made me empty, yknow. Empty is all I feel nowadays."

Adrien felt the weight come off his shoulders as the diminutive chimpanzee leapt down to face him. "You open that visor up, my friend."

Hesitatingly, he flipped the button up to reveal his face. A young, scarred face revealed itself, pale white from the lack of sunlight. A teen, a young fool with blue eyes and scraggly black hair. Couldn't even grow a beard right yet. Yet gaunt, haunted, lacking proper food and sleep. The eyes hid a much older man, old for all the wrong reasons. Xi stared at the boy, not with sympathy, but with understanding.

"You know what I see when I look at you Adrien?" The boy shook his head, shifting his eyes everywhere but into those staring at him. "I see a young, scared boy taken from his mama too early. I see a manipulated boy, a silly boy, maybe even a dumb boy, but I don't see the monster you keep telling yourself you are. You didn't know what you were doing back then, at least you know what you're doing now. And you know what you're doing friend? You're choosing."

"For the first time in your miserable life Adrien, you can choose. You can be what you want to be. You can do what you want to do Adrien. Don't let your past weigh you down because right now, right now you're surviving. And I can't fault you for that, Juan can't fault you for that, no one can! You're surviving to become a better man, to grow up, to be better than what you used to be. To become a man, not just a boy handed a gun and told what to do without knowing shit about life." The ex-Protector felt a hand reach for his own which he could barely see under the tears. "Don't worry my friend, it gets better from here."

The boy nodded slowly, wiping his tears away just in time, as Juan had finished his break. "¡Oi putas, we got one last convoy before we hit the roa- ¡mierde! You having a moment gringo?"

Adrien only laughed this time, tears receding punching the Matuvistan in the arm which elicited a sharp, manly yelp. "Mourning yer ruined pipe, that's all my friend. Cut back on the drugs, maybe yer gonna get it up next time." He patted his gaping friend on the arm, leaving the other cackling as Lady loyally followed his lead. She looked up at him, concerned with eyebrows furrowed. He only smiled, scratching behind her ears before looking at the new arrivals.

It was standard up until the truck in the middle, holding the wounded from the front. Adrien was joking with the occupants inside until he heard barking, harsh and loud. His head whipped towards Lady, barking at front tire. "Alrighty, what do we have here girlie?" As he jogged towards her, he heard her whine in a way he never had before. A ding sounded.

>WARNING: Sensor jammer detected

"Lady, get outta there-!"

It was fiery and fast, a high yield explosive designed to destroy the checkpoints. It failed at the last moment, only acting as a anti-personnel bomb rather than the bunker-blaster it was intended to be. The start of the last offensive, just before the E.S.M.G. decided to get off world.

Former Protector Adrien Gausman, who had lied about his age to get into the Protectors to care for his mother. Murderer. Failure. Friend. Dead at 19. Honorary E.S.M.G. mercenary for life.
Present time
The Steel, Olympus Mons, Mars

"She laid there, you know, wouldn't move from Charlie after you pushed her away. The mutt didn't want to leave the planet, would bite me whenever Juan and I came to get her. The last ship, we left on the last ship because of her, my friend."

It was one of many, a name etched on to a wall on a list which would only grow longer. Brothers and sisters, comrades-in-arms. Lost too early.

Xi dropped the flowers off, as he now did every Monday, telling the same story each time. There were ex-Protectors around him, ones initially too scarred to truly be sent on missions, now keeping the peace in this little garden of the dead. Black armour and golden visor, a scratched "PROTECTOR" on their chest. Boys all of them, hated and scarred for life. He turned and they turned with him, stamping their feet in unison.

"Come on men, we've got a job to do." He called a forward march, set to start patrols around The Steel's most prized area. El Muro de la Muerte. The Wall of the Dead.

Man’s Best Friend: A collab between @SgtEasy and @Liotrent
”Detainee 407-1, it is time.”

There was no resistance in the “detainee” as he was shackled in heavy chains and his shock collar powered up to life. Escorted out of the bare, stark room, he had already been physically blinded and deafened to the world. A special sort of torture particular to this one simian. He was a hobby artist, a descendant of a popular man, among many. He was a family ape, a Legionnaire who was an eco-activist on the side. One growing baby and a loving life-mate, a well-to-do artisanal job. A good life that some yearned for. Though one might feel sympathy for his coming fate, keep in mind the monster which lurks within this diminutive chimpanzee in glasses.

Violence is in the blood. Primal rage, even among the most sensible of beings, comes to light under enough scrutiny. It is up to the being to hold themselves back from the actions which may tempt them in the day-to-day. Among apes, especially those of certain “bloodlines” or with certain past experiences, this violence can come easier than for others.

All it took was a clock which ticked too much and a newborn which cried through the night.This was what pushed this simple ape to split his family and his nearest neighbours into shreds, splitting limbs after falling into a deep rage. He created a monstrous statue of organs and limbs within his home, the local police catching him in the act of assembling the then 5 feet tall “masterpiece” of his.

He had utterly broken.

For any other being outside of the Legion, this act of brutal slaughter would be up to whichever city-state it occurred in. As a Legionnaire, he would be treated as a Legionnaire and be tried by other Legionnaires. This was an internal matter and would be treated with typical Legion efficiency.

The bodies were still being carried off to be separated and identified while the suspect was tried and convicted of 11 accounts of brutality and first degree murder, among other charges. The bodies were barely chilling as he awaited his punishment.

The glass-wearing chimpanzee was placed in an empty, dark chamber and left alone for some time. An unseen speaker crackling to life prevented him from dozing away.

”Detainee 407-1, you have been tried for 11 counts of first degree murder, breaking and entering and brutality against simian. Your sentence, as passed by the Legion, is to be indefinitely within our service until such time you are unable to.”

The “detainee” visibly relaxed. There could be much worse fates for a Legionnaire murderer than serving as an unpaid physical labourer for the rest of his life. But he stiffened, noticing something in the words of the voice.

“I beg your pardon, but whose service will I be under?”
There was no answer, even as a thick purplish cloud filled the room, bringing tears to his eyes. He grasped at the floor, the walls, screaming and hollering with desperation. The air felt like it was being vacuumed out of him, his mind reeling in a pain never felt before. It was a searing headache, piercing his skull a thousand times with pinprick daggers, embedding itself and twisting viciously. And as quickly as it came, it left.

”You are Doug. That is all you know.”

He was shocked, feeling a sudden regret in his actions. His mind raced back to the time he ripped his wife in half. Wait. Why would he do such a thing? He’d never do something like tha-

The pain came again, this time stronger than the last. And it would come, again and again and again. Like a never ending mantra, until all he knew and ever knew and felt like ever would know was the pain. He wanted anything else, to just die and free himself from this horrifying prison. But it would come, in the exact amount of time it needed to, overwhelming what senses he had left.

All he knew was pain and that sentence which repeated itself over and over again. Never stopping with the same cadence, same inflections, same everything. He spoke to a recorded message.

All he knew was pain. His emotions faded away under the headaches and the choking. He felt like he should die but could no longer voice it aloud and eventually, could no longer even hear his own thoughts. Everything was numbed and painful and soon-

All he knew was pain. And that he was Doug.

”You have learned. You are Doug and you are Hubert’s and the Khan’s. That is all you know.”

The pain comes back even stronger than before.


Four paws bounded across the metal floor in excited joy. It would be here, in front of the New Haven Directorate embassy, that it came escorted by two large gorillas. The receptionist, still unused to the sight of the talking apes, gaped openly but was promptly shocked out of this by what leapt over onto the desk.

A golden retriever puppy, with a bulky collar and a rose in its mouth. The young canine dropped the rose for the human woman, bowing with its eyes downwards. As any sane human would, she cooed and scratched behind the puppy’s ears. The pupper’s eyes squinted and its mouth opened with a lolling tongue, sitting down.

“Ahhh, this is the life.” The woman diverted her attention to the two gorillas, who had not moved an inch past the doorway. Who was talking-

“Greetings! I am Doug, the gift puppy to Lead Director Hubert, courtesy of the Khan!” The puppy extended a paw, his collar a glowing blue.

The receptionist froze, unsure of whether to continue petting the puppy or lead him up to Lead Director Hubert. After a few minutes of awkward silence, she continued to slowly pick him up and pet him some more while also bringing him to Hubert. Why you ask? Because, in her own words-

“Who’s the bestest boy in the world!? You are! You can call me Auntie Kathy and the Lead Director Papa Hubert!” Katherine used her baby voice and affectionately gave the puppy in her arms plenty of rubbing.

The puppy seemed both confused yet satisfied, trying to look as cute as possible to receive more affection. ”This is not the existence I expected but it is an existence I want!” His tongue kept lolling out of his mouth, mimicking a smile aight his canine teeth.

Another receptionist came to fill in her spot and address the apes by the door. “... Right, so she’ll be a while. Is there anything else you’d like? We have drinks, there’s a bar over to the right and an entertainment lounge to the left…” he then whispered, “... Director Hubert likes to take breaks from running everything every now and then. That’s why we have all of this, I use it too from time to time, you should try the simulator room, great stuff.”

The gorillas merely looked around, huffed as one and left, stamping their way out of the reception area. Their job was done, it was up to Emissary Doug to carry on from here. This left one confused receptionist, a desk full of dog hair and gorilla hand-prints on the carpet.

“Huh… I guess they didn’t want lattes.” he sips on a mug full of coffee amidst the mess of it all.

Meanwhile, Katherine and Doug arrive at Hubert’s office in the middle of Hubert being full blown upset about what’s happening in the Sol system.

“THEY WHAT!? I told them explicitly not to engage! It’s a non-combatant role. Their only job was to protect the NCV and medi-”

Katherine burst into the scene holding out Doug and placing him as closely to Hubert’s face as possible, “Hubert look! A gift from the Khanate! And he taaaaalks!”

Hubert stared into the puppy's eyes and paused for a solid second, “... director whatsyourface, give me a moment an emergency came up.”

Doug wiggled his butt out of Katherine’s hands, plopping himself on the desk of his new friend. He sat down, not minding the myriad bits and bobs which cluttered the Lead Director’s desk. The puppy settled on giving a smile and using a mystical phenomenon canines from Earth are uniquely adept with: puppy eyes.

His blue collar shone to life. ”Greetings! I am Doug, a sapient-level intelligent dog from the Khanate. I am tasked to act as an emissary to the NHD for the Khan and facilitate relations. I am also tasked with being your budding companion! I also know many tricks such as lie down, shake, jump and stand.” Doug proceeded to do each of the tricks consecutively, doing them in as awkward movements as expected from a puppy. He finished with tilting his head, expecting an answer.

Hubert smiled, he then bent down and with both of his hands started to pet Doug, “Doug, you and I, and even Kathy who always brings me my lattes, will be the bestest of friends. I can feel it. In-fact! I’ll make you a new role in the directorate! Lead Director’s Companion! I’ll make sure that the Directorate will be home to many sapient dogs in the future. Somehow, someway!”

In the background Katherine was taking many pictures and uploading them onto all of New Haven’s social media sites. “Oh, you’re an emissary right? Did the Khan need something from the Directorate?”

“Oh… I almost forgot about that. Buuuut, ya know what, I’ll grant anything at this point. I have a mess to fix and I’d rather not waste my time berating Timbolini on his serious lack of serious… ness…” He wiggled his moustache on the last word, as if unsure if that was the right way to describe Timothy Candy’s complete lack of awareness when it comes to foreign affairs.

Doug instinctively jumped on Hubert’s lap, flipping around for him to give belly rubs. Despite this, he continued on an official tone as a new animal representative for the Khan.

”The Khan wishes to extend an invitation to an Artificial Intelligence program which can benefit both of our nations. A fully sapient AI with quantum computing power and the addition of a stable personality matrix, based on current or historical brains of the past. This brain-scan technology is available to you and is represented within me!”

The Golden Retriever turned around and sat up much to the dismay of his new owner. The puppy tilted his head, indicating a spot in his ear for Hubert to scratch. ”My overall brain template is from an unknown personality but also includes personality traits from Einstein, Darwin, Newton, Gauss, Ramanujan and Oppenheimer. The Khan has access to a large database of stable personality and brain templates to be used for any future AI.”

There was no “talking” motion with Doug’s jaw, all of his talking came from the translation matrix within his collar. State of the art and directly connected to his neural systems. Hubert would later find out that the collar could be taken off without any problem, only requiring a metal cap around the neural socket covered by the collar.

”Upon agreement of this AI program with leading Khanate scientists, the Khan is open for other deals you can put forward. I’m merely a message away from the embassy at all times!”

Doug raised his rear paw, showing an adjustable metal ring which glowed here and there. A small communications device sent to the nearest INFOWAR near-AI stations, a set of which would be given to Hubert for both study and placement around Directorate space and the embassy.

Hubert was thoroughly impressed with the Khanate’s scientific advancements. He was also easily won over by Doug’s loveable nature. “I’ll join this A.I. development program! There’s a few scientists I can think of that I could assign to this. I’ll make a few calls and give a formal answer to the Khanate in a few hours. First things first… I need to handle the Sol Scuffle. You can listen in if you want, but there’s going to be a lot of yelling...”

Hubert clicked a button on his gloves and quickly resumed questioning Timothy Candy about what’s happening in the Sol System. In the meantime, Katherine took Doug up and asked, “Would you like a tour of the place? I’m sure you do!” And so Doug became a permanent family member of the offices. Dick however, was rudely surprised since he was terribly allergic to canine dander.

Collab between @Liotrent and @SgtEasy

The Oxford dictionary, the premier leader for the obscure English language, states that the word ‘drug’ is defined as following: an illegal substance that some people smoke, inject, etc. for the physical and mental effects it has. Some take drugs by choice, to relax and unwind. Maybe some need an extra burst of energy to get through the day or are addicted to said substance. Others have no clue they even take drugs in the first place. This latter case applies to one Kalil Gharbi, currently hotblooded and all bothered, seeking a way to release energy. The effects of a drug the Bengals wanted to test out, for their amusement of course.

There were no physical symptoms, at least none so obvious to be seen by anyone but medical doctors, but the effects to the mind were profound. An increased blood flow, a greater activation of hormonal activity and general mood swings. The point of such a drug? The Bengals were unsure but did find it funny they were testing it out on their hostage heir.

And so here the merchant was, blood rushing, yelled at by a white man in a funny looking outfit. This मादरचोद. At any other time, Kalil would be reasonable and apologetic, as a merchant’s son should be. A businessman never raised his voice and never let his emotions get to him. It was simply bad for business.

A teenager starting to feel the effect of unexpected drugs however…

”You sisterfucker white man, you ran into the door!” Kalil exclaimed in Hindi, righting his slanted turban.

James fixed his tophat atop his head and stared at the man, it was one of the people he noted from earlier. He seemed just as upset as he was, he knew what he was saying, he has to. Language from a young age needed to be learned and needed to be fluent if the institute would use you in any capacity. However, his response would be to aggravate him more.

“Speak bloody English or Latin you tanned goat fucker! I can’t speak that garbage you call Hindi!”

Unlike the man before him he was unhindered by his chemicals. James’ plan was two fold. If the man were to engage in combat, it would be easy enough to slip a bit of the chemicals in his shirt into his nostrils. But if it never came to that and this ended up being a battle of wit, then James would concede, it was bothersome to waste spit on someone who wasn’t even his target.

On his part, Kalil got angrier. This bloody Englishman! There was just something about the English which put him and any good Indian in a fit. Maybe it was their garish version of tea or imperialist ambitions. He flexed his hands in a practised manner, pushing the wind flowing towards the Englishman in a wordless attempt to tell James to back off.

This only resulted in the silly top hat blowing off the Englishman’s head, making Kalil smirk. What a silly thing to wear on your head. ”Garbage? Funny thing to say for an Englishman with a language so stupid no one knows it beyond your tiny island.” He bit back in an Abya Yalan retort, glancing obviously to James’ bottoms. ”Is that a poor English excuse for trousers? So tight, it’s fortunate you do not have a big enough package to be outlined by those ridiculously cut seams.”

James didn’t flinch, instead he simply picked his hat back up, then turned to Kalil. “As usual only a barbarian would go so low as to use such a vulgar insult. Tell me, how is it that a man that clearly doesn’t belong here get here? Did you piggyback off of a well off Englishman. Perhaps that’s how you have such an unhealthy interest in what’s in another man’s trousers.”

He took a vial from his jacket as he turned, hiding it behind his tophat in the other hand. He stared Kalil down head to toe. He focused particularly on his pipe, “Aren’t you a few years too young to be smoking or are you a delinquent on top of being a savage?”

Kalil’s smirk only grew into a full blown smile, even as he simmered in silent rage. A drug addled mind he might have but he had his fair share of drugged experiences and he started to catch on to his untoward behaviour. Behind narrowed eyes, his mind raced with thoughts and emotions, the hormonal imbalance ringing alarm bells in his head.

This did not stop him from thinking this Englishman needed a little step down in the arrogance department however.

Kalil swirled the air around the two, pushing all of the wind flow towards James in a constant flow. He took a drag of his pipe, blowing accelerated vapour in the fool’s direction.

The merchant’s son noted his fingers twitching, blood rushing to his ears. What in the world was going on? Despite his inner confusion, he kept the wind flowing in an effortless show of wind dynamicism.

“I wouldn’t talk so tough if I were you, Englishman. For someone so old as you presume yourself to be, you seem to be lacking a little in stature.” Kalil raised his hand in a mocking manner, showcasing the clear difference in height between the two. ”And so what if I am interested in what is in another man’s trousers? Your mother seemed to show the same interest in what’s in mine. Seemed to enjoy it even.”

Unfortunately for Kalil, anything regarding his past family didn’t exactly affect him. “Why I didn’t know my mother. But it’s obvious that I didn’t need her to get where I am. If you know the whore… You can keep her. She would obviously suit a savage such as yourself.”

James then seemed to tire of this nonsense. He twirled his hat back onto his head revealing the small vial at the same time. The small cork that held the gas inside was freed from the top and with a snap of his fingers the chemical swirled around Kalil. “I tire of this nonsense. Have a whiff and cool your head.”

James had a chemical specifically made to relax the people around him. It was made to be particularly strong in order to help better make himself look friendly in front of people. He never thought he’d have to use it here. “We shall get nowhere with your head in such a state. Savage as you may be, you are here, as much as I hate to admit, but that means you were selected to be here.”

He then tossed him the vial with a label that reads, ’relaxant’. “... As a gentleman, I might as well be the bigger man and end this pointless argument here. Ironic because you are quite tall.” It seems, James had let off the gas a little, but it was also because the relaxant had also hit him. Kalil’s little wind display messed up James’ attempt to drug him. It usually doesn’t end up like this. But relaxed, doesn’t mean unfocused, there was still the person in front of him to deal with.

He held out a hand for a shake, “Let’s start fresh, despite our… Mishap. James Porter, and you?” now he spoke in Hindi, as a sign of respect.

In response, Kalil merely blinked his eyes in astonishment. Chemicals do unexpected things to the brain and when mixed, tend to accelerate in some direction unknown to the user. For someone who knew nothing about the chemicals entering his body, the poor Mughal was hit by a sudden sense of euphoria. The vial fell uselessly to the floor, shattering in a storm of glass. There was no reaction for within him, he found ᘉᓰᖇᐺᗩᘉᗩ.

Emotions rose and fell, some untouched parts of his body tingling in a way they never have before. Kalil felt both invigorated and depressed, energised but drained. It was a concert of waves and spinning colours. The world was lost to him as he rose, rose to heaven like the Prophet had claimed his people would. He felt like crying and laughing, it was a terrifying but beautiful moment of peace and chaos mixed into one. And just as it came, it left. Reformed into a razor sharp focus that Kalil had never felt before. It was as if the world became clearer, as if God had opened his eyes to enlightenment.

James had, inadvertently, combined the chemicals in Kalil’s body to make a new experience. ᘉᓰᖇᐺᗩᘉᗩ.

He gasped, coming out of his spiritual reverie. A long drag of his pipe later, he took the Englishman by the shoulders in a tight grip. ”Brother!” He exclaimed, voice modulated at a deeper, louder voice in a mere shaking motion. ”Join me in enlightenment!” He blew the vapour into James’ face, hoping to carry him to ᘉᓰᖇᐺᗩᘉᗩ.

James’ judgement was a little impaired, so instead of immediately moving back, he found himself accepting this shake down. Without thinking, he inhaled the vapours. Immediately the drug’s effects on his body began to take effect. The mixing of the drugs in his body became apparent. He nearly fell to his knees as he felt the strength in his legs leave him. He braced himself by the frame of the door next to them and put a hand to his chest.

“What the-? Did you- Drug me?” James began to feel everything Kalil could. A mixture of highs and lows, happiness and sadness, anger and calm all at the same time. It was intoxicating, but it wasn’t a good idea to stay in this condition. Additionally, James couldn’t use any of his cures for his own poisons - whatever the effects will be won’t be what’s intended.

He looked back at Kalil, “You were consuming drugs this entire time?” he strained to keep his mind straight; strained to keep his mind on the mission; strained to keep himself from doing something he’d regret. But he was losing himself slowly. Before he would lose himself entirely, perhaps this drug was worth studying. He fell to the ground and grabbed a piece of the shattered vial and cut open his palm to take a blood sample to try and isolate the chemical. With a flick of his finger he directed the flow of his own blood from his wound into an empty vial. Almost forgetting where he was and who he was in front of.

He then said, “I need to collect this for my studies… These… Chemicals… Might be useful…”

For his part, Kalil merely blinked away the weirdness of his temporary companion and waited for him to stop his extraction. Once done, the now exuberant Mughal picked the Englishman by the shoulders with a smile on his face. He slung his arm around him, like a comrade in arms would, marching forward while he began chatting excitedly in hard to catch Hindi.

”Well, I must say good sir that you are indeed a weird sort of sisterfucker. Perhaps we all are eh, given how we are all geniuses among geniuses. Ah but maybe I am a fake, I used to think Euclidian math was the truth until someone introduced me to non-Euclidian mathematics. How much of a young fool I was, obsessed with economics and numbers when I could not even see the world in any way beyond the perspective of an Egyptian of all things! Imagine that? Oh but on weirdness, there was this strange girl inside the ballroom right now who I think wants to get inside my turban, if you catch my drift, but I find myself attracted to the German sort if you catch what I’m throwing at you. Alas, my older yet most definitely virgin friend, I may have found the perfect match for your silly British sensitivities. I know from British foods that you hate spice but I may have found a spice so spicy that you might actually season your chicken! And by chicken, you should know that I mean- Ah! Here we are!”

For poor James, he would not be able to get a word in edgeways as once again, Kalil took a large drag of his pipe and blew it into the English man’s face. This was before kicking the massive hall doors open, potentially bruising his knee in the process. It seemed to be the end of a stunning dancing performance with a dark-skinned boy leaving the floor.

The now extroverted Mughal shouted towards the fake-orchestra. ”Oi contraptions! My new friend James would like his people’s best classic. RULE BRITANNIA!! And thus glory struck the room as the duo stepped on to the floor, Kalil beckoning all to come forth and join them in song.

Though his intentions were to escape, Urr'argh had spotted a familiar face in the crowd heading to the bridge. He growled, gripping his shorter slugthrower tighter as he tracked the Mandalorian in the crowd. His duty was to his people, to find them a way out of their plight and free their bonds. But his honour as a Ghorfa sang to him, ringing in between his ears. This was the being which saved him, gave him the chance to save his people. Through his debating, he had lost the surprisingly stealthy reptilian in the crowds and swore to himself. There could be no running away from this fight he instigated, he would have to join, on his honour. His speech seemed to have riled a dangerous mob of both the armed and the harmless, centered around the bar where he made his speech.

It would be good to start there.

Urr'argh shed his cloak, revealing his alien appearance with Tusken clothing and all. A longer rifle was slung on his shoulder, the gaderffii attached to his hip. He pushed past the barefaces in the crowd, including one blindfolded strange human calling out to the rest of them. The Ghorfa trilled and shrieked over the noise, raising his wooden lever-action once more.

"You brave wretches, let us take our hate to the enemy!" He roared, pulling and pushing beings towards the direction of the bridge. There was a brave, if sort of drunk, cheer among the crowd as they started moving as one. The Wanderer pushed through the masses yelling encouragement and insult alike, pointing at any weakling in the crowd who dared hesitate. The sheer amount of social pressure from the riled up mob pushed these weaklings to the front. Once most of the bar had emptied, he went straight to the bartender who started brandishing his own blaster.

The bartender scoffed, pointing his blaster at Urr'argh. "If you think yer gonna convince me of joining yer suicide mob, yer going to the wrong frakker."

Underneath his mask, Urr'argh sneered at the cowardice but outwardly, merely tossed him some of those credits that these civilised folk seemed to love so much. Pushing through the mad mass of sentients allowed him to pickpocket some for their money. The bartender just raised an eyebrow, lowering the old blaster in his hands.

"As many bottles of your strongest liquor as those credits allow, bareskin."

As it turned out, Urr'argh was not the best with money he just stole and managed to get swindled by the bartender, only receiving two bottles. For his part, it was enough for his own plans. After following the greater masses, pushing himself to the front, the Tusken heard the distinct whine of those shiny blaster weapons. He pushed off one of the beings he had been shoulder to shoulder with, throwing himself to the nearby pillar as the blaster scythed through where he just was.

The Ghorfa would not know it but in his hands were two unlit Molotov cocktails. He hastily used his flint and steel to light the white cloth he stole off the bartender, glancing to the raiders far off at the end of the hallway. He timed his throw to the E-Web cooling down, the high-alcohol liquid bursting in flames as the glass shattered around it. Unfortunately, due to how far the Wanderer was from the raiders and how a stun grenade exploded very near him, the flammable cocktail exploded right before the raider position

The stunned raiders recovered and started firing at Urr'argh, causing him to duck behind the pillar cursing all the while. Due to biological differences, a Ghorfa simply did not have the throwing arm to throw it that far and his senses were shattered by the stun grenades. He growled and cursed his luck, glancing towards the human across from him on a closer pillar.

"Oi, human!" He yelled over his ringing ears, raising the cocktail in his hand so the blind being could see. "Throw this at them with it lit, you bareskin!" Urr'argh threw the unlit cocktail towards the yet-unnamed Jinaath, followed by the flint and steel. Unfortunately for him, the stun grenade did enough to the Tusken's eyesight that he did not see the blindfold until he threw the flint. His stomach dropped and he stared, ducking only when the raiders shot at his position once more.

He reached into his pouch, throwing sand in the air in frustration. "WHY IS A BLIND CRIPPLE IN THE MOB?!"
Hey @Sigma, is there a nation sheet for the Gaians out?
The Khan's Liszt
The Meeting Place

The Hungarian Rhapsodies. A complex and beautiful set of piano pieces written by the brilliant Franz Liszt. Though the 2nd Rhapsody enjoys its time in the spotlight, all 19 were wonderful in their own right. Played by the descendant of the same mind and musical brilliance, it was a euphoric two-and-a-half hour experience. Franz Liszt VI was on a low stage in the same open space the Khanate used to parade, dark lighting and a silent crowd to set the scene. Around this humbly dressed chimp on center stage, were several dignitaries from around the Meeting Place but mainly, the Khanate ambassadorial staff.

One day, the simple performance of a particularly talented son of Mozart V, a mere clerk in the Khanate staff, was enjoyed by many. Henceforth, Herald Temujin II held twice-weekly performance showcasing the many different musical talents of the Khanate. Sometimes, the space was filled to the brim by people listening to their cultural heritage on display. Right now, despite the masterpiece playing and the genius playing it, it was quiet. It was not an insult to Liszt or his descendants, it was just the mere fact that such vivid performances had played twice every week since the Khanate had arrived.

Humans got bored of even the most beautiful things if exposed to it enough.

As of now, there were a few people of note and some not, along with the entire ambassadorial staff of the Khan. Recent events also impacted participation. It was written in the contracts they signed that each staff member, from janitor to ambassador, needed a certain amount of off time. To the eccentric Temujin II, he found these performances to be the perfect time.

It was here, in this dark space with a spotlight on the pianist center stage, two of the most important apes wined and dined, in one of the many elevated opera-style boxes on stilts. Uniquely primitive, wooden with steps but ornate and extravagant all the same, standing over the common seats below. Priestess Joan wiped her mouth with a white cloth having finished the 6th course of her meal. The ape across from her merely sighed, pouring another glass of Old Earth red wine to the brim of the wine glass with shaking hands.

"This one does not know much about alcohol, but this one believes you should avoid drinking this much so often Mr. Descartes."

The powdered-chimp, looking dignified yet worn, smiled after drinking half the glass. "That may be, madamoiselle, but we Freemen have always been on the alcoholic side. We love our drink almost as much as we do our democratic processes." He swirled the drink in his hand, staring at it with melancholy before downing the rest in one gulp. A dying man's actions, for sure.

Joan had grown up over her time as ambassador, seen the glass she tip-toed everyday. The stress wore on her, draining her dealing with all of these foreign ambassadors. Recent events only proved how precarious their, and the Khanate's, true position in this galaxy was. That meeting with those strange hybrid Mahre humans only edged away at her purist heart. Spirits bless the Conservationist's souls if they went through what they wanted, she thought, glancing down at the [APPROVED] stamp in her hands.

This last action at the end of this week only tore away at her soul, as she stared at the unfortunate young chimp before her. So young, so foolish. "This one is typically not allowed to make friendships but finds themself missing you already, Mr. Descartes."

"Ahh madame, you wound me so. I am young and free, I will not be dying any time soon." They neglected to talk about the black-clothed guards surrounding the both of them. In truth, the young Descartes had been caught in dealings with a certain rogue gene-slave, the descendant of an Italian dictator. Along with his facilitation of a Legion experiment into New Hollywood, the Khan merely lumped the blame for Freemen desertion in the E.S.M.G on top of all his crimes. The punishment? A fate worse than death.

There was silence as their last dishes were taken away, Descartes' glass filled to the brim by a robotic server. It was purplish and viscous, swirling in the glass with a deadly trepidation. "As a last meal, this one must admit there are worse things to choose from than a six-course meal by Murata Yoshihiro himself. Well, a descendant of his."

A laugh. Maybe one of his last? "I admit I took many a trip to Neo-Japan as a young child, aspiring to be one of their cool samurai. Instead, I merely adopted a love for Japanese food only to return to a place where European cuisine was king." Descartes smiled, reminiscing with eyes black and blue. "That's why I wanted to become President, you know? Because as a boy barely grasping his branches, I wished to mandate that Japanese food be served at every dining table." Another laugh, this one more melancholic than the last as it ended in a series of coughs.

She smiled, her eyes feeling moist at the edges. "This one hopes the spirits embrace you in your eventual final rest, Mr. Descartes."

He snorted, tapping a shattered finger to the purplish liquid. "I do not know much of the spirits, madame Orléans, but I do believe there is no rest for me just yet. Perhaps never. We must see where the coin lands tomorrow." A pause. "What do your spirits say about an ape such as I?"

She chewed on the question, pouring her own red wine with more delicacy and care. "This one believes that the spirits see all of us as sinners, as guilty as those who survived. Thus we must strive to be good, to relieve ourselves of our guilt. This one believes you have done good and bad in your life, Mr. Descartes, and that the spirits are glad they have more time in deciding your fate."

He nodded slowly, tapping on the table in time with the music below. There was a silence shared between the duo before it was broken once again by him. "What are we doing about those fellows trampling about in Sol? In all this business, I never got around to sending a response to those Xandalian folk."

Business as always, even to the last. Joan smiled, handing over two files to the chimpanzee across from her. It would be one of the things she would not be missing about him: his insistence on physical files for everything.

He smiled, nodding in appreciation. "Good work, as always madamoiselle. Hopefully that message to the intruders goes through, I see you tried to send it through all known frequencies. Most likely the message would arrive after action is taken. You were always better at this ambassadorial nonsense than I was. Perhaps my replacement will find you as good a company as I have." This time, Joan could not stop the tears fall from her face. He merely frowned, attempting to dab his ever-present handkerchief on her cheeks.

She waved his hands away, wiping the liquid into her fur instead. "Never mind that sir. This one is merely moved by this musical piece you have chosen. It would be good for you to know, before you go that is, that there has been a recent flower found in the garden here. Change is coming, Mr. Descartes, and this one is proud to have known an ape to have been part of the wheels which move history." The music continued in the background, never stopping. Truly, music could move emotions so. He smiled in response, happy at having shared one last moment with a friend.

A pistol harshly placed itself behind his head, cutting into the reverence of the moment. Descartes sighed, looking more aged than Joan had ever seen him.

He raised his glass. "To the next life, madame Joan Orléans."

She raised her own, a vintage red to his dark purple. "To the next life, Mr. Descartes."

They drank their glasses to empty. Slowly, one of them lowered themselves on the table into a gentle rest. As he was dragged away never to be seen again, she turned her misty gaze towards the beauty below.

"This was his favourite part." She muttered to no one, alone in the darkness, listening to Liszt long past the end of the performance.
O P : B L I T Z
New Beijing

To anyone versed in theology, they would presume that a crusader-like gathering of soldiers would have frequent prayers, incense and meditation. The Church of the Damned catered to the poor, downtrodden masses of the Frontier or the lower city states. These were former gangsters, murderers, beggars, cutthroats and day-to-day survivors of the Khanate. Enlightened (or attracted by shelter and food), they would "shed" their previous lives and either be inducted as pilgrims, protectors or clergy. Unlike the theocracy, the Damned flaunted their protection and guns, reveling more in the martial aspect of humanity's spirits. And so, the "Extra-Solar Monkey Group" as they were locally called, looked more like a regular military camp than expected. If one ignored the many shirtless simians covered in body paint and listening to hardcore "go-drilla", new drill music originating from Reformed America.

That is to say, not all of the E.S.M.G were Damned, there were apes from across the Khanate present. Thus the tension was thick in the air, especially with recent events. Knives were sharpened in base, cliques formed and everyone was ready to point "who's who" for defection. The assigned officers were scrambling to keep order, barely holding on to the city as they were. It was these officers, handpicked by the Khanate ambassadors for their military/Legion service, Damned or not, that kept this ball rolling. Not that they lacked their own arguments and gripes.

"Fuckin' Freemen pricks, as if we didn't have enough on our plate in this spirit forsaken city." A bulging gorilla covered in white body paint and feathers, a typical Damned protector. A primitive look which was completed by the axe strapped to his waist but was interrupted by the twin-barrel chain gun on his back when in combat.

"Can't say I blame the wig-wearers, these people need freedom! My brother best be leading those pansies while he's over there, Washingtons know best!" Major Washington, not to be confused with Major General Washington, leader of the remaining Reformed Americans which remained. They were called the "breadwinners" of the traitors, for staying on their contracts instead of jumping ship. No one trusted them so they were sent to man the dangerous checkpoints outside the Iron.

Jeers and insults were thrown around the room, the tension boiling over into harsh banter.

A sharp clack reverberated through the tent. Major General Batzorig I, infamous younger brother to the Khan, grumbled from his seat and stood, cane in hand. Blind in one eye, experimented on with then-illegal procedures and the most experienced mercenary of the lot. Respected enough to be chosen as head of the E.S.M.C. Human fingers pointed at several officers.

"You, you, you and you." The four stood at attention as they knew how, each varying slightly from each other. The old wizened hand then guided itself along the map on the table, tracing a red-marked section. Several in the tent winced. Red meant dead in this city, the most concentrated White Flower presence was there. Along with their strange allies. Outside the Iron meant being surrounded and outnumbered with second-rate equipment.

"We make inroads into White Flower-territory in three days time. In light of the news of the desertions and the Columbian betrayal, we must show a stronger face in this city. The plan is to clear the way for F.O.B Steel, near the perimeter of the red zone. We must reduced WF numbers near this red line." The red outlined the most dense part of the city, which limited sensor accuracy and greater mobility for the apes. A perfect spot for ambushes. "Standard procedures apply. Do not fire unless fired upon, keep an eye out for scouts, IEDs and ambushes. You will each lead a convoy of five Warhead-class APCs, two overwatch teams and a flight of drones. A three prong offensive backed by a QRF reserve."

A grim task, sure to be the deadliest operation in the war so far. Though the majority of the 401st had been captured into POW camps near operational HQ, elements were still at large actively opposing the occupation of the city. An armed, deadly and trained force of regulars supported by those strange human clones and regular WF. A force to be reckoned with though simian supremacy still shone in the minds of many, dulled only by the brutal city-fighting of the time past.

"The rest of us will strike at known WF hotspots outside the red zone, coordinated between myself and Major Washington. Give you some time and breathing space to hit these softskins hard in the mouth. There will be limited ECU support, they are tied up with other elements elsewhere so I'm told." Several apes snorted at the comment. The focus was on Neo London in this revolution. Leave it to the apes to be operating the unappreciated sideshow, not that any of them thought this war would continue on for much longer.

"Ready your apes and say your prayers. Operation: Blitz is in effect and I want everyone prepared for this push. Lets show these softskins what a simian blitzkrieg looks like."


The brass had decided to operate during the night while in lockdown hours, to increase the chance of hostile activity. If they could flush out the WF now while minimising civilian casualties, their slipping hold on the city could strengthen. Their advanced sensors, drones and overwatch teams should provide enough coverage to negate the effect of the dark.

This did nothing to make the streets of Neo Beijing any less creepy to one Sergeant Kingston, who had to spend his time twirling an overly large knife to calm his nerves. Joining the E.S.M.G to make a fresh start in a wider galaxy, he could not have made a worse decision in his opinion. An ape with common sense could see they were on the wrong side of history here but at least the job paid well. Well enough to babysit upstart, jumpy baboons that is.

A pothole sent heads into the ceiling, reminding everyone why this particular class of APC was so cheap. The orangutan dialed the in-vehicle music louder to drown out the swear words from the back, eyes scanning his tac-screen.

"♪ That's why I fucked yo bitch you fat mothafucka. West Side! ♫"

The tactical UI HUD of the Khanate militaries were its pride and joy. The INFOWAR cloud connected every military asset through high-speed encrypted connections, with each soldier carrying a mini-computer to better facilitate information. Almost instantly, an entire company of soldiers could be made aware of hostiles marked red on their HUD with casualty reports, estimated enemy firepower and numbers. Upon the loss of an officer, the near-AI sorting INFOWAR is able to dictate field promotions based on active performance evaluations while following the order of command. Communication was instantaneous and soldiers can hook into their local flight of drones for the advanced sensors and a bird's eye view of the battlefield. Standard equipment came with extra information on health levels for individuals or squads, stim level info, ammunition count and the vulnerability of known materials in marked buildings. Legion and customised equipment could even improve upon these feats. Even now, Kingston could watch in real-time the other convoys racing through the streets of New Beijing while checking on the vital signs of the apes behind him.

- Health levels are all clear Lieutenant, the music helps. Kingston quipped into voice comms, his direct superior giving a small acknowledgement from the APC behind his lead one. The sergeant took the time to marvel at the human streets around him.

If he used two words to describe it, it would be empty and depressing. No wonder the humans needed those simulations to get through the day if their cities was as colourless as this. At least compared to his own Freemen city, it was not as vivacious as he was used to. This disappointed Kingston, who expected better from his predecessors but this was to be expected from an inferior species. They were bred to be better after all. He recalled the last few weeks of violence which surrounded the apes, harkening back to the ape's own Last War. Unlike themselves, it seemed as though the humans did not learn from their own mistakes. Two wars in what, mere months of galactic interaction?

But he had to admit, these humans were crafty. They were near equals to apes in martial prowess, if only in cunning. Kingston could recall the number of ambushes and IEDs which befell on poor convoys, the amount of blood spilt, flowing through the streets. If they wanted to fight brutal, the apes could too. Limbs were torn off and anguished screams would reverberate within walls to strike fear into the human resistance. They always matched the apes in fiery determination. Which was why the silence of the last ten minutes since entering the red zone was suspicious.

"Gunner Xi, do you see anything with the APC sensors?"

"That's a negative Sarge, no movement except for standard household human stuff. If we can sense these humans mating in their bedrooms, we'll be able to see them coming before they swing our way. It's empty of hostiles."

The orangutan NCO grinded his teeth, picking at fleas in an attempt to relieve his anxiety. Maybe the humans just retreated, knowing that they were coming? He glanced at their objective on the HUD. A bribed and blackmailed informant told the brass of heavy WF presence near an empty plaza. The Flowers must know that the E.S.M.G was on their case. Where the fuck were they?

"♪ Grab ya glocks, when you see Tupac ♫ Call the cops, when you see Tupac-"

A sharp bang was heard, followed by a crack as the bulletproof windshield of the APC did its job. A bone-white object fell to the side of Kingston's peripheral vision. Of course, a bloody intersection before the plaza was where they chose to take their stand. The drivers slammed on the brakes as soon as the impact was heard. The Damned overwatch teams raced forward to provide support. INFOWAR chimed with information.

>Hostiles detected and marked: 2
>Projectile = Spear, possible clone WF presence
>Error, error
>Sensors confirm presence of previously unknown hostiles: 62

Kingston's enhancements allowed time to "slow down" for him, adrenaline pumping through his enlarged veins. His eyes bulged in surprise. Memory racing, he tracked the primitive spear in his mind. To it was strapped a miniature explosive.

Courtesy of the One, monkeys.

"Ah fu-." A searing heat, deafening noise. Kingston saw black and knew no more.
O P : F R E E D O M R I S I N G
Neo London

They felt calm even as another Jetrike sped past their position, spitting out the dwindling stim-cigars and stamping on it. The room was dark and dreary, part of a boarded up New Hollywood home turned hideaway. The entrance of the apes into the White Flowers was controversial, to say the least of it. It was clear the majority of their "allies" only trusted them as far as they can throw them, which was not very far given how heavy apes are. Thus the deserters were sent into the thick of it by their new leaders, graciously left to their own devices as long as they did not interfere heavily with human operations. This way they could be out of sight and out of mind for the xenophobic humans which populated the irradiated world. They liked it this way. No softskins to slow them down.

They were all equipped with heavy weapons by human standards, large caliber guns which just made the right sound that the apes could enjoy. Even distinguished Freemen enjoyed the firepower that simian guns provided. Human weapons lacked a certain dakka quality. One gorilla even had a large rotating cannon on her back. Along with their armament, each deserter was provided state-of-the-art technology, courtesy of the Republicans.

Overt visors with bulging communication and sensor suites covered everything from their nose upwards. Sleek armour painted gold, black and red, stamped "LIBERTY" in the ostentatious way the wig-wearers liked. Ribbons adorned the arms of each Freeman, regalia of past conflicts, quotes of freedom etched on to the metal. More than a few had the Statue of Liberty tattooed on their person or otherwise put on their armour. Each of them, much like their American brothers, were firm believers of liberty of all peoples and the right for self-governance. The desertion was as easy to them as it was to walk out of a room, their minds were made up as soon as the Revolution came to be known.

Back home, they would be regaled as martyrs of freedom. Though none of them will ever set foot on New Gift ever again, the wings of freedom must fly in every world. No matter how many men, women or children have to die for it.

They were, of course, zealots. The lot of them. Mentally insane Republican Army rejects who were shipped off to do the bidding of the government which turned its back on them. Not that they minded, it was this or be a gene-slave for another foreign power. Tiffany Holstead provided them a glorious death, pushing the boot of oppression into the dirt and spitting on it. The ecstasy each felt when they maimed and killed the oppressors was addictive. But still, they waited in silence, heat rushed to their furry cheeks as they waited for the chime.

>Hostiles detected and marked: 10
>Heavy <"Protector"> presence

Glass and rubble rained on the Protectors down below as apes flooded out of the building. They screeched and hollered war cries, erupting into a once silent alleyway. The cannon spat its load, kicking up rubble in front of the Terror Machine to stop it in its tracks. Heavy, booming gunfire tore up the street and the humans below, some apes choosing to close in for their kills. An ungodly amount of noise and light belched out of the Terror Machine, making the apes falter in their attack, allowing the Protectors to almost reinvigorate themselves into a counter-attack. But the apes had reached close quarters that same second. Ears bleeding and hallucinating from the noise, the closest apes screeched even louder, baring fangs. The simians lunged just as emergency sensory shutdown activated, blocking out their sense of sight and hearing.

The smell of blood and fear was enough to guide them. Shrieks were heard under the cacophony of gunfire and terror-tactics as limbs were torn, heads were bitten off and torsos were pummeled. The tight quarters of the city street favoured the bloody apes which ripped and tore through their opposition, splattering blood against the walls and the Terror Machine. The panicked driver attempted reverse out of the ambush but one close quarters gorilla smashed through the door, sensing the fear and panic. Extending one meaty arm over the human's head, a good squeeze later and viscera covered the inside of the vehicle.

The bloody, noisy slaughter lasted only two minutes. Swift and brutal justice delivered unto these "Protectors".

But just as quickly as they struck, nearly all of them left.

Climbing rooftops or scampering into hallways, Matuvistan or ECU reinforcements found the same disgusting sight all around the city after the initial attack on New Westminister. Patrols would need to be reinforced and trackers sent out to find the beasts. The tactical effectiveness of such ambushes were marginal, only harming a few patrols before the Matuvistans cracked down on them, inflicting harsh casualties on the apes. But the psychological damage of it all was what the apes were searching for. The icing on the cake came from the two martyrs left behind, hijacking the Terror Machines.


The inside of the once-ECU vehicle was a mess of wires and computers. One driver and one hacker was all that was needed. Though some pairs were cuaght before they could gallivant around the city, many were successful in their efforts. Merely rerouting all power to the speakers and changing the sound file they played, they would drive off in a high speed chase around the nearest concentrations of ECU citizens. They would hoot and holler, singing with both brevity and a touch of sadness.

"Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free!"

The lunatic martyrs would be killed by whatever forces could catch them first, driving off in a wild goose chase. Though their human leaders may not understand, the apes knew the power of music to rouse a people.

Liberty reigns. Free the ECU.

After a successful first contact with the so-called ‘Universal Genius’, the Konigsmahne heiress aimed to find a private place where she could write a telegram, perhaps one of those opera boxes would do, then after that’s done, head to the post office to send it. According to her deductions, she could accomplish all of these while still having enough time to return to the ball before the feast period is over. Indeed, rather than spend her time here doing nothing useful now that her goal was accomplished, she might as well use the hours for something worthwhile.

The silver-haired young girl lived each day according to a predefined mental schedule and any deviation from said schedule would be considered wasted time, this was how she dealt with life and it brought her a sense of stability and order in an otherwise chaotically abstract universe. Her peers might judge her as being humorless and boring, but let the dogs bark for they knew not the lion’s burden.

However, despite all of her special gifts and quirks, Lucy was still a human like any other, her body wasn’t altered in any way unlike egoists and thus, when the sudden shifts of luminosity from the bulbs up above were reflected on her retinae, she instinctively tilted her gaze up out of instinctual curiosity. How peculiar… was this intentional?

”Nnngh…” Then the light grew much too bright for comfort, prompting her eyelids to close, shielding the Deutschscion’s most valuable sensory organs, while one of her hands as it went up to perch on her forehead. This happened in nigh-perfect sync with the faulty lightbulb’s shattering demise as its transparent shards rained down upon the thirteen-year-old.

Alas, if only Schwarzritter was one of those fabled automata, it could’ve taken the initiative to protect its charge like a knight should, but as it stood, twas’ merely an extension of Lucretia’s will and a limb is only as good as its wielder.

What was wrong with that girl? Did she have some sort of agenda? Was there a target of some sort on his back? Kalil fidgeted with his pipe, side-eyeing the other polymaths around him. His certain criminal connections were not widely known, not many peered into the internal affairs of the Mughals, as secretive as they were. As far as anyone should know, he was merely the genius son of a far off eastern merchant. Could any of these other “children” carry an agenda of their own? Spies, criminals, murderers?

The merchant scion gripped his pipe tighter and breathed out, releasing the air he did not realise he was holding. If he was to stress like this every time a female cornered him, he would have grey hairs at 20. He needed to take his own advice and relax. Once an (in)sufficient amount of space and people were put between him and the madwoman, he began his search for his target. But this only set his thoughts aflame.

What was the point of him, a lowly merchant’s son, going for an Occidental noble’s daughter? What were the Bengals playing at? The brand on his chest itched at the thought. A reminder of Kalil’s debt and the futility of his thinking. No use wondering, only act. As is duty.

The lights flickered and the boy looked up on instinct, perceiving the formulae which struck across the air. Crackling but subdued. Thunder but no lightning. Eyes narrowed as an aberration of his own abilities had propelled itself across the room. This place was only getting stranger.

But before Kalil could cast his eyes on the culprit, glass bulged and shattered, hot metal pieces raining from the sky. A person underneath the broken bulb, back turned towards him. He lunged, arms reaching towards the silver-haired girl in a natural panic. His heart hammered in his ear as he kept his left arm shielding from the shards above, his right scooping the surprisingly heavy girl under him. But as soon as the moment came, it ended.

The young Bengal found himself staring at emerald eyes, the very same he was searching for. Well, this was convenient. Crimson liquid splashed down on her cheek and he wiped it away instinctively, eyebrows furrowed at the sight. He glanced down at his still raised shield, a rip down his white sleeves revealing a savage cut on his forearm.

Kalil snorted before the pain hit. ”Well, this wasn’t how I imagined I’d meet you, Ms. Konigsmahne.” At least he avoided butchering her last name.

For someone so naturally adept at crafting artificial tools, Lucretia’s body was as natural as a human could be, no cybernetic limbs like Bang, nor biomass modifications of Egoists. As far as her physical existence went, she really was just a 13-year-old German girl, one who was firmly on the smaller side of build too. Thus, the error fully lied on Kalil’s side when he misjudged her weight.

Perhaps twas’ a clue that his strength wasn’t as it’s supposed to be for someone his size due to all the opium he smoked? Perhaps the Bengal did something to make sure he remained a harmless tiger cub? Or perhaps it really was an honest mistake made in the heat of the moment? Regardless, for this split-second moment of danger, one couldn’t exactly afford to care about an irrelevant thing such as a young lady’s weight.

”...wha-?!” An honestly adorable yelp came from the usually-stoic girl when she found her feet suddenly being lifted off the hall floor, and in that sudden moment, her fight or flight instinct took over higher forms of thought. ”Schwarzritter, aktiviere!” The command was enunciated and it took the record of the loudest Lucy had been since she arrived here at Bermuda.

Upon the soundwave of its mistress’ voice reaching its audio receiver module, the metal “backpack'' floating beside the pair lit up with a rather ominous pale blue glow, pulsating light in the shape of a circle, then within the span of a few seconds, the thing unraveled itself via the Formulization functions already installed, copper veins gave life to the metallic construct as it transformed into a floating T-shaped drone a little more than twice Lucretia’s height, its shadow looming ominously over the Flametouched Virtuoso. Schwarzritter, Lucretia von Konigsmahne’s masterwork and personal guardian, in the ‘flesh’.

Normally, its mistress would immediately issue further commands, but this time, nothing came. It was left floating there like a silent observer, perhaps wondering just why it was so.

Of course, the answer lied with the aforementioned mistress. ”...e-... eh?” Emerald eyes blinked with creeping realization that her “assailant” wasn’t intending to harm her. He… was a fellow student it seemed, his features and turban screamed Mughal, and he knew her name, well… to be fair many people did, but it still didn’t answer the question just why he invaded her personal spac-

-by the Kaiser, he was bleeding!

”E… eeeh…? Ah… uhm…! Now finding herself in a completely ‘unplanned’ encounter and situation, Lucretia’s composure broke down as she was left stammering like a deer in headlights, the rapid shifts of her gaze repeating between Kalil’s face and his injured arm said enough. Why did he suddenly scoop her up? Why is he bleeding? Just what is going on?!

So many unanswered questions, so many uncertainties, she didn’t like this, not one bit, she wanted to return to a safe place, where order was maintained in a stable environment.

Chaos seemed to surround the merchant heir wherever he went. From Abya Yala to Dhaka to even here in Bermuda, trouble seemed to follow in his shadow. It was like a constant joke was being played on him and the people surrounding him. At this point, it was a wonder his lungs hadn’t clogged with the amount of nicotine and drugs he’d consumed to cope with it all.

But throbbing pain was nothing Kalil wasn’t used to. Unlike a currently panicking noble’s daughter, he had not been coddled even as a merchant’s son. As far as he was concerned, ‘tis but a mere scratch compared to the beating and branding he’d undergone. It would leave nothing but a small, faint scar.

Kalil stood straight, gently letting go of the girl in his arm. He noted the large floating metallic being near them which unfurled itself on Konigsmahne’s command. A frightening beast for sure. Perhaps this was were the riches were?

He mentally shrugged, ripping the bloody, torn sleeve away and wrapping it tightly around the cut to form a makeshift bandage. Such a waste of cloth but it was unlike this was coming from his own pockets. The Bengals paid for these clothes, as much as an object owned by them as he was. Once satisfied that blood would not drip-drop on the floor, he surveyed his surroundings.

It seems as though he had gathered an audience from his stunt. Unfortunate. Seems they’ll have to make a quick escape if he wanted to talk with her alone. He outstretched his hand and offered a reassuring smile.

”It seems as though it is raining with hot glass tonight, Ms. Konigsmahne,” Kalil started, ”fortunate that I was there to take a blow for you, yes? It wouldn’t do for a pretty face like yours to lose an eye from such a thing. But alas, I wished to converse with you beforehand. Perhaps we can continue this somewhere more private? You do owe me at least a conversation, no?” He jokingly pointed at his bloodied arm, some more crimson staining the white fabric.

”Uh...” It became apparent that the silver-haired girl couldn’t function well in sudden unfamiliar situations as she simply stared in silence after Kalil put her down, though her eyes were focused at the wound on his forearm, she otherwise kept still. It wasn’t like she couldn’t comprehend the notion of someone being injured, but considering the circumstances, a student suddenly scooping her from behind and then getting injured? The chain of events didn’t make sense at all, there must be something she missed here.

The gears of her mind turned, coming up with various hypotheses in order to make sense of things, to bring order to the chaos, if she could connect the dots then she could be at peace. Yes, this was of utmost importance. ”That bright light... a short-circuit in the electrical conduits? Short-circuit... that led to... oh.” A figurative lightbulb shone above her head, a perfectly functioning one unlike the one responsible for drawing Kalil’s blood.

Yes, it made sense now, a glass bulb shattered above her due to voltage overload caused by a fault in the wired network, then those shattered pieces of glass rained down upon her. She didn’t notice this, but this Mughalman did and he took it upon himself to shield her from harm at the expense of his own safety, explaining the invasion of personal space. He wasn’t an assailant, no, he was her saviour.

She knew what must be done.

Kalil could now see the composure returning to the petite girl’s face, no longer were her gasping breaths audible and no longer her eyes shifted from place to place, focused and direct just like when he observed her earlier.

”Schwarzritter, zurückkehren.” Upon her voice command, the iron construct ran one of its many installed formulizations to fold itself and within a few seconds, it became no more than a floating object in the shape of a backpack. With that done, she finally addressed the taller student, in Latin, the lingua franca of the academia, ”No, good sir, I certainly owe you more than a simple conversation.” She declared as she accepted his outstretched hand, shaking it, her eyes again returning to the covered wound on his arm, ”Our first priority is to go to the nearest infirmary to properly treat your injury, lest you run the risk of an infection. Anything else can wait, but rest assured, I will adhere to your request.”

She didn’t even wait for him to reply as she began leading him by his - uninjured - hand, out of the Hall of the Greats and toward the aforementioned infirmary, it seemed she had already memorized the route.

It might come to Kalil that the noble girl didn’t recognize him and never asked for his name, but as she said, anything else could wait, including introductions.

Even the best cunning merchant could not take a Konigsmahne woman from her set path. And thus the duo found themselves in the infirmary where a stern-looking nurse awaited. She took one look at Kalil’s bleeding arm and muttered about how idiotic some geniuses could be. Explaining the situation as much as he could but the fading adrenaline meant Lucretia had to fill in with what she knew (which was little).

They found themselves in silence after the nurse had finished disinfecting and wrapping fresh bandages around Kalil’s wound. The Mughal man rested his head on the pillow, occasionally glancing at the girl sitting beside him. They were alone in the infirmary, accompanied only by moonlight and the slow ticking of a clock.

Now that they are here together, what to do now? “You know what to do”? Bloody Bengals. Why give such vague instructions?

Kalil came to a sudden realisation throughout all this that he did not have a plan. Despite all his ability to “charm”, how does one charm what amounts to barely a teenager? He sat up, despite protests from his companion, facing the girl with a deep focus from his golden brown eyes. They pierced and struck, looking deeply into emerald orbs to search for answers. The same expression of a polymath figuring out complex equations, trying to find the lay of the world. Gears turned, seconds passed like hours, but he could find no answer. Nothing which did not sicken him to his core at least.

Criminal he may now be but that was only by association. By Allah he would not lower himself to scum. Kalil merely sighed, closing his eyes briefly to rest his mind. He extended his two hands in front of him, grasping the formulae which surrounded them. ”A little formula play to dismiss untoward listeners.” he quipped, most of the air circulating around the pair instead of outwards. It would last but a minute or two but would nullify most of the frequencies of his voice. Any listeners, even the nurse, would only hear muffled words from his own.

”I must confess, Ms. Lucretia Konigsmahne, that I sought you out due to your hallowed surname. Even in the depths of the Mughal Empire where I hail, I hear of the genius and wonder of your house. Your house’s creations and expert technologism is proven even in the youngest child, with your expertly made contraption over there.” Kalil gestured to the floating Schwarzitter, chuckling a little to himself as he did so. There were geniuses above geniuses after all.

”Ah, despite my label as a “genius” I am afraid I could never hope to replicate such a marvelous creation. But alas, I chatter too much. Forgive me, an old habit of my father’s mercantile ways.” The adopted heir grabbed Lucy’s hands in his own, breathing deeply. This was for his father. Swallow your pride for your father. ”I, Kalil Gharbi, heir of the Dhaka Trading Company, one of the largest in the lands under the purview of Shah Jahan, have come here seeking an ally. We seek inroads within the Occident, to facilitate trade of rich spices, textiles and silks. My father and his associates have sent me here as a way to skip over the Ottomans growing fat from the taxes on trade routes. I have been sent here to enrich the coffers of my betters through charm and wit.”

Come on, Kalil, half-truths mixed with lies. You must get through to the end. He spoke with melancholy and guilt, his grip tightening with shaky breaths. The heaviness in his shoulders could not be faked. ”But what I see in front of me is not someone to be charmed or outwitted. Alas, having seen your creation, I see a girl coming into being, someone I must admit to be better than a lowly merchant’s son like myself. I cannot ask of you, a lady of higher intellect and kindness than myself, for the sum I was tasked to fool out of you. A sum needed to fund our ventures to the Occident, an investment as part of our deal, to enrich both mine and yours for future expeditions. But alas, I was sent to find a greater sum than needed, as forced by my father’s associates.”

The final crescendo. You must sell this like you mean it. He dropped to his knees, head bowed with Lucretia’s hands still clasped in his. ”I must ask for forgiveness, my lady. Forgiveness for my missteps and planned deceit. I realise that I cannot, with full heart, cheat you of the investment that was needed. I will return to my father after this year as a failure, instead of deceiving a kindly, intelligent lady as yourself.”

He kept the tears from dropping. Allah forgive his lies for he is tormented by his actions.

With the combination of Lucy's single-tracked mind and extraordinary capability to retain information, it didn't take long for the pair to arrive at one of the campus ground's infirmaries, the nearest one to the Hall of the Greats to be specific. The no-nonsense nurse immediately went to work, professionally removing Kalil's makeshift 'bandage', cleaning and disinfecting his wound, before finally rewrapping the wound in real bandages this time around. That done, she assigned one of the vacant beds for him to rest, although with this kind of minor injury, he should be allowed to leave whenever he wished.

But of course Kalil wouldn't leave just yet, for this was the perfect chance to get an audience with one of the Konigsmahne, a noble house known to be notoriously difficult to appoint with if one didn't have friends in the high places.

As for Lucretia, the silver-haired girl normally would be taking her leave now as she was confident that the tanned student would be doing just fine, she still had a letter to write, things to report, and a ball to attend after all. If the circumstances were different, such as her finding Kalil already bleeding, she'd still help him get to the medical ward, but would have no issues to just hand him over to a nurse before leaving, not even introductions would be necessary, he was an injured stranger whom she helped and that'd be the end of it.

However, she didn't feel like leaving this time, perhaps beneath all the insensitively stoic exterior, the young prodigy had the capacity for empathy, even though she had difficulties expressing it herself. He had saved her from possible grievous harm, a spontaneous decision made without prior arrangements, he wasn't one of her family's bodyguards, he's just a stranger who happened to attend the same school as she, one of the two thousand Polymaths. Yet despite all that, he put himself in harm's way for her. This selfless act deserved recognition and she was the one who'd be most responsible to grant it.

Besides, she promised him a conversation and a Konigsmahne's word actually meant something.

The quiet infirmary under the moonlight of the evening sky provided the perfect atmosphere to have a private talk where each and every word would be heard, free from the ambient noises of a lively party and an automated brass orchestra.

While Kalil gathered his thoughts, Lucy decided to tinker with the backpack-formed Schwarzritter, ever the workaholic savant she was. This way, she could wait until he was ready while also doing something useful. Waiting for its own sake wasn't an ideal situation to be in for one such as herself.

His sigh prompted her to look up from her construct as her eyes focused on his face. She blinked once in curiosity when he declared his intention to formulize... the air? "Formulization of the intangible... hmmm... so he's a Dynamist." She concurred, an elementary-level deduction. "But for what reason? Oh, of course, privacy." Asking the nurse to leave her post would be unreasonable after all, another elementary deduction, solved.

With Lucy already planning to listen, she was all ears when Kalil continued speaking. So, even before he took the plunge to shield her from the raining glass, he was already intending to meet her and it was a pleasant coincidence that he saved the person he wanted to talk to. "So that's why he requested to privately converse after knowing who I am... Then indeed, humoring him was the least she could do. "..." When Kalil praised Schwarzritter, the younger student had a visible reaction, subtle it might be, the secluded nature of the infirmary meant it was clear to someone as sharp as him. The corners of Lucretia's lips curled into a small proud smirk as her left hand moved to pet the floating contraption as if it was a beloved canine companion, it's clear that she had emotional attachments to the drone.

She continued listening, uttering no words of her own so he could take center stage. It seemed he really admired her family a lot, despite coming from the Orient, rather unexpected and just made Lucy realize just how famous her family is, beyond what she expected them to be. Her eyes widened a bit when he held her hands, but then relaxed not even a second later, her rational mind reminding her that this foreign student held no ill will toward her, and perhaps, physical contact among acquaintances was part of his culture, just as it was for the Italians.

He finally introduced himself, Kalil Gharbi of the Dhaka Trading Company, hailing from the Mughal Empire, an Orient sovereign nation under the rule of Shah Jahan. To be honest, she never heard of him personally, but it wouldn't take a genius to see that he came from a prestigious merchant-prince background. So, he's seeking an alliance... just as she intended to ally Herr Steiner, perhaps? Although conceptually similar, the details were different, he wanted to expand his company's business into the Occident, without having to bow to the Ottoman Sultan, cut off the middle man so to speak.

That seemed reasonable enough, Lucy thought, of course a merchant-prince would want to expand his family's business, and if he was looking to expand into the Occident, then gaining the alliance of her house was the logical move. After all, the Konigsmahne held a significant amount of political power in the Iron Sentinel Empire, and Germany was considered the ubiquitous 'leader' of the Occidents for centuries now. However, this still didn't explain why he seemed so desperate, perhaps he would explain it in due time.

Her prediction proved true as he expressed that he was supposed to... gain a significant amount of funds out of the deal? "...?" She didn't want to offend, but it seemed he was making a huge deal out of... nothing really, it was public secret that in most - if not all - business deals, each party would try to leverage one another for their own interests, until an equilibrium was reached, it's a simple matter of reaching that sweet spot where both parties would benefit the most. She wasn't a businessman and even she knew that, it's among the very basic principles of economics.

As such, while Lucretia understood what he wanted, she couldn't comprehend why he needed to be so dramatic about it, going as far as kneeling and bowing as if he had murdered someone she loved. She... honestly didn't know how to tell him that it wasn't necessary. If he wanted to talk about a business, why didn't he just do it like normal? Take her talk with Franz for example, a simple introduction, discuss the terms of the deal, then shake hands in agreement, done. Was this... part of Mughal culture?

"I... don't really know what to say to that because as far I am concerned, you're someone who wants to discuss business with my family, representing your own family company. How can that be deceit? Of course enterprises will try to leverage as much advantage as they can in a deal, but only when that balance is struck, the deal can be signed. You are acting as if you had just committed high treason against me, if this is how the Mughals do business, then I'm wholly unfamiliar with such methods." She answered matter-of-factly, with a tone so stoic that one could mistake her for an automated voice box. She didn't urge him to stand up or release her hands, figuring he would have the common sense to realize that this melodramatic display couldn't achieve anything useful.

"So, for our mutual benefit, please rephrase your words in a clear, concise manner. I have things I must do and a ball to attend, Mr. Gharbi."

Well. Wasn’t she forward? To a boy used to the Mughal courts and trade, where flattery and drama reigns, such forward talk almost put Kalil off balance. German efficiency huh? He shook himself out of it. Well, he was getting the ins the Bengals wanted wasn’t he? He straightened his back, coughing into his hand to hide his not-so small embarrassment.

”Ah, well, the ways of the Orient are different from the Occident.” He could never recall how many lies and begging merchants he’d seen before. ”Let me be frank then, if I am so bold to take your words as an indication of wanting business. With an investment, lower than what I had been told to gather, you will be funding a direct trading expedition from the heart of the Mughal Empire into the Occident. In exchange for your investment, your house will gain a share of the profit from the sale of spices, silks and textiles, all greatly sought after in your lands. I will ensure that you personally give fair investment and receive a fair return. As for the methods in which our trading company will use to circumvent the Ottomans, certain native contacts will help in doing so.”

The mercantile prince had already thought over this offer in his head. A dimwit his father did not raise. Gather a sum, enough to pay his interest for this month and the next few. The Bengals could then invest within a black market shipment of goods using the gathered sums to get through Istanbul, using their own underground allies there to sneak the cargo to other fleets on a return trip back to Germany. Use the corruption within the Ottomans against them, pay off some dock officers and tax officials and you are good to go. Even now he could remember the exact amount of rupees needed for an Ottoman dock officer to “accidentally” stamp goods with an official seal and turn a blind eye. Mix it with a regular shipment of the same goods and most won’t notice an increase if spread across several fleets.

Upon entrance into Germany, it would be distributed and sold as normal legal goods at exorbitant prices. Kalil had hoped to win some sympathy with his pity plea but straight business could work too. Even if one shipment was somehow “caught”, there would be several others distributed across other trade fleets to be sold as well. Spread illegal additions out across several fleets and it would take a wider crackdown on shipping to catch such an increase.

Kalil stood, brushing off his pants and bowing slightly in apology. ”Perhaps if I was direct at the start, I would have been more successful. But alas, I understand that such decisions cannot be made in one night. I will await your response by the end of the month.” His sudden transition from weeping boy to sharp businessman could be confusing to some but this was the way of the merchant. Adapt and overcome while confusing your would-be client. But maybe his most confusing move would come next, at least for Lucretia.

”Perhaps we can be business partners and friends, eh Ms. Konigsmahne? I’ve never taken a piece of fallen glass for anyone less than a friend before. Perhaps friends who can dance on the floor together?” joked Kalil, extending a hand palm upwards, inviting the lady to a dance in the far-away music.

Once again, it seemed her deduction proved true, apparently this was considered normal in the Mughal Empire, to make a whole theatrics out of business deals. She wondered if they actually mixed the performance arts in negotiations, what a confusingly colorful society it must be. Well, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, and since Kalil was the 'guest' here, the burden of acclimatization lied with him. When he toned down the drama for good ol' straightforwardness, Lucretia found herself far more able to make sense of his offer.

Of course, if the deal would be beneficial to her family, she had no reasons to turn it down or at the very least, consider the proposition. "Ah... so he wishes to reroute the Silk Road to skip the Ottoman Empire, therefore bringing pushing down the purchase price of those goods in Germany, thus attracting more consumers which will bring his company increased profits than otherwise.” She pondered, the Ottoman Empire must be abusing their strategic position as the bridge connecting the Occident and the Orient, likely through exorbitant tariffs. It would make perfect sense to remove this leech whenever possible, and fortunately, doing so will mutually benefit both seller and consumer. If the expedition proved to be successful, then the House would receive a share of the profits too.

However, judging from the lessons she had learned about projects, whether they be scientific, engineering, medical, or mercantile in nature, there's always a catch, a possible snag in the gears. In this particular case, if the Ottomans found out about it, they'd most likely deploy measures to retaliate against Germany and the Mughals, but considering the potential benefits... It's still a proposal worth considering.

"Perhaps... but I wouldn't fault you for being unaware of my preferences, it'd be hypocritical of me to do so." Her petite shoulders rose up a bit in a shrug, "It's not a decision that I can authorize by myself either so you are correct, Mr. Gharbi,” She then paused, as if considering something, and unlike Franz' faux pause, hers was genuine, "Among these textiles of yours, do you have any that are particularly resistant to heat and combustion while being lightweight and durable? If there are, I request for my family to gain exclusive access to it. It'd greatly increase your proposal's attractiveness to us if you do."

She’d wait for his answer to his important question of hers before addressing his next words, which were firmly in the realm of pleasantries rather than business.

"Well, we are fellow students of Bermuda, us being friends is not an unwelcome notion. As for us being business partners, like I said, you will have to wait for my family's decision on the matter." She then stared down at his hand, now that was a strange proposal, what does that have anything to do with asking her for a dance? She couldn't see why they should dance together because he saved her from falling glass, but if he asked her because they were both students who were attending the same ball and therefore should partake in its activities, then... "Perhaps... but not right now, as I said, I have things I must do first, then I will return to the ball. I will search for you once I'm there to do this... dance, but I have to admit that I have little experience with the activity so you will have to compensate for me."

With that answer, she figured she shouldn't waste anymore time. "Let us not tarry then, I should go now. I will see you later, Mr. Gharbi." Then Lucy did exactly as she claimed as she stood up from her seat to make her way out of the infirmary, Schwarzritter following closely beside her, ever the loyal knight it was.

Ah, the German efficiency did not disappoint. After confirming the existence of the material which Lucretia was looking for, Kalil found himself delighted at the prospect of teaching the young girl to dance. It was one of his many delights in the world, to dance to good music. He nodded to her farewell, replying to her back.

”A pleasure doing business, Ms. Konigsmahne, and may I see you on the dance floor!” Soon enough, Kalil was left alone to wander his way back to the ballroom after being discharged by the nurse. He took long drags of his pipe, filling the hallway with gentle vapour as his mind wandered. A colourful string of events but with several unknowns ticking away at his mind, some with worrying possibilities.

It was a dynamicism that felt familiar but wrong in the same vein. He would have to look out for perpetrators with the power to match his own.

Vapour swirled around him like the thoughts in his mind, dancing in the moonlit hallway. The chemicals soothed his addled brain, dulling the senses. The euphoria edged at him, pushing the troubling thoughts away. The heat which felt small beforehand seemed to rise the more he took of his pipe. Whatever. He could worry about all of this another time, he had accomplished enough this evening. After all, there was a banquet to attend!

Kalil barged through the doors, smile on his face. Where was that cute Whitehall girl that took such an interest in him? He felt like celebrating.
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