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11 mos ago
Current A little ad for my RP, Mahou Shoujo no 30 Dai! IC starts Wednesday, but signups always open!…
7 yrs ago
Out $200+ thanks to government incompetence. Thank you, state of Pennsylvania!!
7 yrs ago
Don't listen to them. The Force is strong with this film.
8 yrs ago
@Rekaigan Some guy in a wheelchair stole mine. He can hide, but he can't run!


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@LadyRunic Accepted! Post it in the characters tab.

We'll start tomorrow evening when I have some time to get up a post.

Signups will always be open, so keep those CS coming!
Yeah, though it doesn't seem like anyone's posting. I want to get a few more people before we start. Got any friends you could invite?
Name: Katie Ingeri

Nicknames: N/A



Physical Description: Katie is rather small, standing about 4 foot 2, with blond hair and blue eyes. She wears silver flower earrings. Her usual outfit is a white top and blue jeans. She has a great tan from being outside a lot.

Personality: Don't be fooled by Katie's small size, she's tougher than iron. A tomboy through and through, she loves hiking, camping, and generally trying to be one of the boys. She gives compliments infrequently and can be a bit haughty at times, but she can reveal the somewhat sweet girl she tries to keep hidden.

Likes: Being outdoors, basketball, riding horses

Dislikes: Tight spaces, reading, being told what to do.

Bio: Katie grew up in rural Minnesota, in a place that could best be described as "the far side of nowhere." With few of the options for entertainment available to a city girl (there aren't many movie theaters in a town of 950), she spent much of her time outside, running through the open fields. Not too long ago, a man she didn't recognize knocked on the door. Visitors were few and far between, so she was surprised, then doubly so when he revealed himself to be an ancient god. He offered to take Katie to the Kingdom of Myth, and she couldn't pass up this offer.

Godly Parent: Ukko

God description: Finnish god of crops and weather

Relationship: Rather lukewarm. Ukko tries to be a good dad, but he hasn't had a mortal kid in nearly a millennium and he's still trying to get back in the swing of parenthood.

Mortal Parent: Meredith Ingeri, farmer.

Relationship: Quite good. Meredith was always there for Katie, a trusted friend and confidant. Katie stops by a couple of times of month, and Meredith has been invited to dine with the gods on occasion, so they still see each other frequently.


Weather Girl: Katie's most significant power is the ability to control the weather. She's still learning to use this ability, and she couldn't take it from a summer day straight to a blizzard, but she can do quite a lot with it.

Gardener: Plants naturally grow faster around Katie, and if she concentrates, she can make them grow even more.

Sssnake Ssspeech: As Ukko is associated with serpents, Katie can talk to snakes. Needless to say, this has led to endless Harry Potter jokes, and Katie doesn't like them one bit.

Name: Madison Jones

Nicknames: Maddie, Little Miss Creepy


Age: 15

Physical Description: The first thing anyone notices about Maddie is her height. She stands 5'7, towering over virtually every girl and many of the guys as well. She has black hair and brown eyes, and has varying outfits, all of which are black. She also wears waaay too much makeup.

Personality: Madison is a Goth to the core, and goes out of her way to make it obvious. She sees herself as a eerie modern witch, right down to a pet black cat named Lucky. Despite this, she has a reputation for being helpful; if someone needs a magical solution to their problems, they go see her... and usually leave as soon as they've been assisted.

Likes: Magic, reading, cooking

Dislikes: Large crowds, the mortal world, anything too lighthearted

Bio: Madison is a born and bred Bostonian. She fell in with the Goth crowd her freshman year of high school, and started reading a bunch of occult books. She managed to get a few of the simpler rituals to work, though it was hit or miss, and more the latter than the former. Hecate soon came calling, and told Madison that she was her mother.

Godly parent: Hecate

God Description: Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft

Relationship: Quite good. Hecate has taken it upon herself to teach Madison more magic, and the two often bond over their lessons- but Hecate still gives her a cluck of disapproval about her looks every now and then.

Mortal parent: Jason Jones, historian

Relationship: Absolutely dead. Jason never had much time for Madison, and often ignored her presence. That as much as anything was the reason that she fell in with the crowd she did. The fact that Jason knew who Hecate was and didn't tell Madison was merely the killing blow.


Crystal Ball: Madison can see the future. It's got quite a few limitations: She has to be looking for a person, place, or object, she can't see more than three days in advance, and she may get certain details wrong, but she will get the general gist of what's coming right.

In tune with magic: Even when compared with other demigods, Madison knows a lot about magic. She can cast spells, mix potions, and make charms, though they aren't exactly strong yet. For instance, a "Love Charm" will usually end up being a "Like Charm", despite her best efforts.
@Karos and @SouffleGirl123

Both of you are accepted! You may copy your characters over to the appropriate tab.
Let's see it.
Name: Katie Ingeri

Nicknames: N/A



Physical Description: Katie is rather small, standing about 4 foot 2, with blond hair and blue eyes. She wears silver flower earrings. Her usual outfit is a white top and blue jeans. She has a great tan from being outside a lot.

Personality: Don't be fooled by Katie's small size, she's tougher than iron. A tomboy through and through, she loves hiking, camping, and generally trying to be one of the boys. She gives compliments infrequently and can be a bit haughty at times, but she can reveal the somewhat sweet girl she tries to keep hidden.

Likes: Being outdoors, basketball, riding horses

Dislikes: Tight spaces, reading, being told what to do.

Bio: Katie grew up in rural Minnesota, in a place that could best be described as "the far side of nowhere." With few of the options for entertainment available to a city girl (there aren't many movie theaters in a town of 950), she spent much of her time outside, running through the open fields. Not too long ago, a man she didn't recognize knocked on the door. Visitors were few and far between, so she was surprised, then doubly so when he revealed himself to be an ancient god. He offered to take Katie to the Kingdom of Myth, and she couldn't pass up this offer.

Godly Parent: Ukko

God description: Finnish god of crops and weather

Relationship: Rather lukewarm. Ukko tries to be a good dad, but he hasn't had a mortal kid in nearly a millennium and he's still trying to get back in the swing of parenthood.

Mortal Parent: Meredith Ingeri, farmer.

Relationship: Quite good. Meredith was always there for Katie, a trusted friend and confidant. Katie stops by a couple of times of month, and Meredith has been invited to dine with the gods on occasion, so they still see each other frequently.


Weather Girl: Katie's most significant power is the ability to control the weather. She's still learning to use this ability, and she couldn't take it from a summer day straight to a blizzard, but she can do quite a lot with it.

Gardener: Plants naturally grow faster around Katie, and if she concentrates, she can make them grow even more.

Sssnake Ssspeech: As Ukko is associated with serpents, Katie can talk to snakes. Needless to say, this has led to endless Harry Potter jokes, and Katie doesn't like them one bit.

Name: Madison Jones

Nicknames: Maddie, Little Miss Creepy


Age: 15

Physical Description: The first thing anyone notices about Maddie is her height. She stands 5'7, towering over virtually every girl and many of the guys as well. She has black hair and brown eyes, and has varying outfits, all of which are black. She also wears waaay too much makeup.

Personality: Madison is a Goth to the core, and goes out of her way to make it obvious. She sees herself as a eerie modern witch, right down to a pet black cat named Lucky. Despite this, she has a reputation for being helpful; if someone needs a magical solution to their problems, they go see her... and usually leave as soon as they've been assisted.

Likes: Magic, reading, cooking

Dislikes: Large crowds, the mortal world, anything too lighthearted

Bio: Madison is a born and bred Bostonian. She fell in with the Goth crowd her freshman year of high school, and started reading a bunch of occult books. She managed to get a few of the simpler rituals to work, though it was hit or miss, and more the latter than the former. Hecate soon came calling, and told Madison that she was her mother.

Godly parent: Hecate

God Description: Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft

Relationship: Quite good. Hecate has taken it upon herself to teach Madison more magic, and the two often bond over their lessons- but Hecate still gives her a cluck of disapproval about her looks every now and then.

Mortal parent: Jason Jones, historian

Relationship: Absolutely dead. Jason never had much time for Madison, and often ignored her presence. That as much as anything was the reason that she fell in with the crowd she did. The fact that Jason knew who Hecate was and didn't tell Madison was merely the killing blow.


Crystal Ball: Madison can see the future. It's got quite a few limitations: She has to be looking for a person, place, or object, she can't see more than three days in advance, and she may get certain details wrong, but she will get the general gist of what's coming right.

In tune with magic: Even when compared with other demigods, Madison knows a lot about magic. She can cast spells, mix potions, and make charms, though they aren't exactly strong yet. For instance, a "Love Charm" will usually end up being a "Like Charm", despite her best efforts.
There is a kingdom in the sky where the gods of old still reign. Now, their half divine children are coming to live with them. But with all these different powers together, it's going to be interesting, to say the least.

Rules: I am GM, what I say goes.
No fighting in the OOC
No godmodding





Age 13-18

Picture or physical description


Likes (At least three)

Dislikes (At least three)


Godly parent name (include a Wikipedia link if it's obscure)

God description (What pantheon and what they're the god/goddess of)

Opinion of godly parent

Mortal parent name

Opinion of mortal parent


Relations with other demigods
It's unfortunate, but I've noticed Dresden RPs have as much of a chance of getting started as Toot-Toot does of interpreting metaphor.
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