Name: Amy Jones
Alias: Amazon
Nickname: None
Alignment: Good
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Powers: Plant communication- It turns out, plants have a complex language of chemical signals, and Amy can understand it quite easily. And when I say language, it is indeed something close to human speech, enabling her to set up a rudimentary information network. After all, who in their right mind thinks the crabgrass is going to rat on them?
Rapid plant growth- Amy's other power is far more dramatic. With a fair degree of focus, she can incite massive growth in any living plant, as well as shifting existing plant matter around, i.e. a tree branch might slide down the trunk several feet. She often uses them to tangle and ensnare her enemies, but she's not above growing out oak limbs to use as clubs.
Weaknesses: Obviously, without any plants around, she's just an ordinary human, meaning that she'll be far less effective working in large buildings and the like. In addition, she has very little training in martial arts and is in serious trouble if things get hand-to-hand.
Skills: Amy is fairly smart, and has quite an interest in science. She's no supergenius, but if there's one who needs a lab assistant, she'll be capable in the role.
Equipment: None
Appearance: Amy stands 5 foot 5, and weighs in at about 150lbs. She has blonde hair, green eyes, and a long scar from a rather bad car accident she was in as a little girl. Thankfully, her costume covers it up. She's a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl when it comes to clothing.
Costume: Amy's costume is a full-body forest green spandex suit. The only parts of her that can be seen are her lips and eyes. The only ornamentation she has a chest insignia consisting of a bright pink A wrapped in green vines. There's nothing special about it; it's just clothing.
Personality: The key philosophy that Amy lives by is simple: get the job done. She's one of the hardest workers around, and crime has dropped dramatically since she started patrolling her neighborhood. She's also very upbeat, but that sunny personality hides her fatal flaw; a crippling lack of self-confidence. She does recognize the problem, at least, but actually doing something about it is much harder.
Bio: Amy's always had her powers, as long as she can remember. There was never anything she was exposed to, or something like that. Still, she tried her best to live a normal life, but after a couple of headline-grabbing supervillain attacks a couple of years ago, she decided she had to do something. Maybe she couldn't tackle the big threats, but she could focus on street crime, do some good that way. So, with the help of a couple friends who swore themselves to secrecy, she made her own costume and started doing hero work on nights and weekends. It's a tough job, and she's still not good enough to play with the big boys, but she's getting better.
Oh, and before I forget: Spectacular!