Name: Midori Kawamura
Age: 15
Her transformed costume consists of blue boots, a blue knee length skirt, blue top, white cape, and a tiara with a large sapphire on it. She also carries a bow, but no quiver or arrows.
Personality: Midori's defining trait is, well... she's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Many people have made jokes about butterflies or flashlight beams going right through her head, but the truth is, she's just not book smart. Socially (and especially in a fight), she really knows what she's doing.
Heroine Name: Zephyr Blue
Abilities: Midori has a wide range of abilities, all centered around her power of aerokinesis (wind control)
Gust Shot: Her basic attack is a short, sharp gust of wind.
Vortex Blast: A massively upgraded version of Gust Shot, Midori has to plant her feet to brace herself and concentrates all the air around between her hands before releasing it in a tornado-strength assault. This attack takes some time to charge up, and collateral damage is a "how much", not an "if".
Aerial Arrow: Midori conjures a blue arrow of solid air on her bowstring, then draws and fires.
Aerial Arrow Annihilation: Starts off like the normal Aerial Arrow, but Midori fires straight up. The arrow splits into a dozen identical copies, which then rain down on foes. Great for destroying a horde of mooks, but very draining.
Hurricane Shield: Midori's only defensive ability creates swirling wind around her to blow away projectile attacks. Does nothing against magical or melee attacks.
Flight: Like any self-respecting magical girl, Midori can fly, sitting on her bow and using the winds to propel her.
Skills: Midori doesn't have much in the way of mundane skills, but she's a very good painter. She's also beginning judo training, to make her a better fighter if something strips her of her magic.
History: Midori started out life as a plain-Jane girl from Tokyo. She just spent her days hanging out with friends and occasionally working on a new painting. One day, she went to a local jewelry store, buying a silver ring with a fake sapphire on it. What she didn't know (and still doesn't) is that the ring is property of Fujin, and contains a portion of his power.
When she got home and put the ring on her finger to admire it in the mirror, there was a mighty gust of wind and Midori, to her amazement, found herself in a full-blown superhero costume. After that, it was only a matter of time before she got a letter from Ishinomori in the mail.
Other: She's only had her powers for a month now, but she's been experimenting with them and thinking about how she'd use them if push ever came to shove.
She does have one friend named Sakura who knows her secret identity, having managed to catch her transformed once. Midori's promised to call once a week.
Age: 15
Her transformed costume consists of blue boots, a blue knee length skirt, blue top, white cape, and a tiara with a large sapphire on it. She also carries a bow, but no quiver or arrows.
Personality: Midori's defining trait is, well... she's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Many people have made jokes about butterflies or flashlight beams going right through her head, but the truth is, she's just not book smart. Socially (and especially in a fight), she really knows what she's doing.
Heroine Name: Zephyr Blue
Abilities: Midori has a wide range of abilities, all centered around her power of aerokinesis (wind control)
Gust Shot: Her basic attack is a short, sharp gust of wind.
Vortex Blast: A massively upgraded version of Gust Shot, Midori has to plant her feet to brace herself and concentrates all the air around between her hands before releasing it in a tornado-strength assault. This attack takes some time to charge up, and collateral damage is a "how much", not an "if".
Aerial Arrow: Midori conjures a blue arrow of solid air on her bowstring, then draws and fires.
Aerial Arrow Annihilation: Starts off like the normal Aerial Arrow, but Midori fires straight up. The arrow splits into a dozen identical copies, which then rain down on foes. Great for destroying a horde of mooks, but very draining.
Hurricane Shield: Midori's only defensive ability creates swirling wind around her to blow away projectile attacks. Does nothing against magical or melee attacks.
Flight: Like any self-respecting magical girl, Midori can fly, sitting on her bow and using the winds to propel her.
Skills: Midori doesn't have much in the way of mundane skills, but she's a very good painter. She's also beginning judo training, to make her a better fighter if something strips her of her magic.
History: Midori started out life as a plain-Jane girl from Tokyo. She just spent her days hanging out with friends and occasionally working on a new painting. One day, she went to a local jewelry store, buying a silver ring with a fake sapphire on it. What she didn't know (and still doesn't) is that the ring is property of Fujin, and contains a portion of his power.
When she got home and put the ring on her finger to admire it in the mirror, there was a mighty gust of wind and Midori, to her amazement, found herself in a full-blown superhero costume. After that, it was only a matter of time before she got a letter from Ishinomori in the mail.
Other: She's only had her powers for a month now, but she's been experimenting with them and thinking about how she'd use them if push ever came to shove.
She does have one friend named Sakura who knows her secret identity, having managed to catch her transformed once. Midori's promised to call once a week.