@HushedWhispers @lovely complex
Sorry I'm late. Been working on these sheets since last night.
Sorry I'm late. Been working on these sheets since last night.
“We’re all brilliant lights, shining in our own way.” Maggie Shields
Name: Margaret Jane Shields
Nickname: Maggie
Birthday: January 16, 1998
Age: 18
Alias: Mona Lisa
Role: Hero
Loyalty: Mayweather
In Depth Appearance: Maggie’s hair is just a shade lighter than the picture. She wears a small set of glasses, not liking contacts because they irritate her eyes too much. She has a scar on her right palm from a fall while learning to ride a bike.She usually wears bright colors, which shows in her hero costume, which is a multicolored top and long skirt combo. Describing it any further would be impossible because, thanks to Maggie’s powers, the colors constantly swirl and flow, even when she’s not wearing it.
Habits: Drumming her fingers, often tilts her head slightly for no apparent reason, hums along with whatever song is playing on her iPhone
Hobbies: Running, cooking, reading sci-fi novels
Likes: A warm fire, spicy food, afternoons in the park, working on her latest art project, pop music, a good workout, math class
Dislikes: Cold weather, swimming, spiders, being alone, thunderstorms, flying, the dark
Fears: Heights and enclosed spaces
Personality: Excitable, warm, friendly, unassertive, cautious
Personality description: The first thing anyone notices about Maggie is that she’s friendly. In fact, maybe a little too friendly. She’s always trying to make others happy, whether through a joke or a kind comment.
While out doing hero work, Maggie’s fun-loving side usually manifests itself in the form of Spiderman-style quipping. She enjoys protecting others more than fighting, but don’t be fooled. She can be ruthless if she’s pushed.
Abilities: Minor: Art Animation- Maggie can bring her sculptures, drawings and paintings to life. Simple, less detailed drawings and paintings will stay on the page, but if she puts enough time into them, she can bring them into reality.
Major: Portal Portrait- If Maggie puts a truly impressive amount of effort into a drawing or painting, she can enter the world she has created. The sun will rise, people will move and talk- it’s just like reality.
Limitations- Maggie’s constructs have a limited “shelf life” in reality, ranging from seconds to hours. However, they can stay permanently animate on the page. Maggie cannot animate anyone else’s works; it has to be her own art. It takes several seconds to bring something out of the page, and she can’t manifest anything weighing over 200 lbs. In order to manifest a fully working inanimate object, she has to know precisely how it functions.
Place of Origin: New York City, specifically, Brooklyn
Family: Adam Shields, 47, father. Construction worker
Michelle Johnson Shields, 46, mother. Registered nurse. Neither has any abilities
History: Maggie was a normal middle-class child for most of her life. Hanging out with friends, worrying about school projects, and generally just being average. The only thing that really made her stand out from the crowd was her love of art. She could often spend hours at a time working on a painting, but nothing truly unusual happened until two years ago.
She had been working on a colored pencil drawing of a local park, when a gust of wind blew through and nearly took her paper away. After managing to catch it, she noticed something she hadn’t before. The leaves in the trees were actually moving around on the paper! In amazement, she touched the paper and found that she could move her hand through it, even plucking out a twig. That was when she knew she was special.
Her parents were amazed by what she could do, but urged her not to tell anyone. Despite the understandable secrecy, she decided to test the limits of her powers. Further experimentation showed that she could actually climb into her paintings, like they were some sort of open window. Fortunately, the analogy worked both ways, and she was able to get back to her room. After that, a letter from Mayweather arrived, offering her enrollment. She jumped at the opportunity.
Other: None.
My favorite superhero is Thor
Name: Margaret Jane Shields
Nickname: Maggie
Birthday: January 16, 1998
Age: 18
Alias: Mona Lisa
Role: Hero
Loyalty: Mayweather
In Depth Appearance: Maggie’s hair is just a shade lighter than the picture. She wears a small set of glasses, not liking contacts because they irritate her eyes too much. She has a scar on her right palm from a fall while learning to ride a bike.She usually wears bright colors, which shows in her hero costume, which is a multicolored top and long skirt combo. Describing it any further would be impossible because, thanks to Maggie’s powers, the colors constantly swirl and flow, even when she’s not wearing it.
Habits: Drumming her fingers, often tilts her head slightly for no apparent reason, hums along with whatever song is playing on her iPhone
Hobbies: Running, cooking, reading sci-fi novels
Likes: A warm fire, spicy food, afternoons in the park, working on her latest art project, pop music, a good workout, math class
Dislikes: Cold weather, swimming, spiders, being alone, thunderstorms, flying, the dark
Fears: Heights and enclosed spaces
Personality: Excitable, warm, friendly, unassertive, cautious
Personality description: The first thing anyone notices about Maggie is that she’s friendly. In fact, maybe a little too friendly. She’s always trying to make others happy, whether through a joke or a kind comment.
While out doing hero work, Maggie’s fun-loving side usually manifests itself in the form of Spiderman-style quipping. She enjoys protecting others more than fighting, but don’t be fooled. She can be ruthless if she’s pushed.
Abilities: Minor: Art Animation- Maggie can bring her sculptures, drawings and paintings to life. Simple, less detailed drawings and paintings will stay on the page, but if she puts enough time into them, she can bring them into reality.
Major: Portal Portrait- If Maggie puts a truly impressive amount of effort into a drawing or painting, she can enter the world she has created. The sun will rise, people will move and talk- it’s just like reality.
Limitations- Maggie’s constructs have a limited “shelf life” in reality, ranging from seconds to hours. However, they can stay permanently animate on the page. Maggie cannot animate anyone else’s works; it has to be her own art. It takes several seconds to bring something out of the page, and she can’t manifest anything weighing over 200 lbs. In order to manifest a fully working inanimate object, she has to know precisely how it functions.
Place of Origin: New York City, specifically, Brooklyn
Family: Adam Shields, 47, father. Construction worker
Michelle Johnson Shields, 46, mother. Registered nurse. Neither has any abilities
History: Maggie was a normal middle-class child for most of her life. Hanging out with friends, worrying about school projects, and generally just being average. The only thing that really made her stand out from the crowd was her love of art. She could often spend hours at a time working on a painting, but nothing truly unusual happened until two years ago.
She had been working on a colored pencil drawing of a local park, when a gust of wind blew through and nearly took her paper away. After managing to catch it, she noticed something she hadn’t before. The leaves in the trees were actually moving around on the paper! In amazement, she touched the paper and found that she could move her hand through it, even plucking out a twig. That was when she knew she was special.
Her parents were amazed by what she could do, but urged her not to tell anyone. Despite the understandable secrecy, she decided to test the limits of her powers. Further experimentation showed that she could actually climb into her paintings, like they were some sort of open window. Fortunately, the analogy worked both ways, and she was able to get back to her room. After that, a letter from Mayweather arrived, offering her enrollment. She jumped at the opportunity.
Other: None.
My favorite superhero is Thor
“Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way.” George S. Patton
Name: Abigail Fletcher
Nickname: Abby. She feels Abigail is a name from the 1600s, and most people agree.
Birthday: March 16, 1998
Age: 18
Alias: Jacqueline Hyde
Loyalty: Officially Delphina, in reality herself
Appearance: Abby’s eyes are a shade darker than what is shown in the picture. She has a hummingbird tattoo on her right shoulder and some burn scars from the Delphina fire on her left leg. Otherwise, she’s pretty much like the picture. Her villain costume is two-tone full-body spandex, all black on the left side and all white or the right. Only her eyes and mouth are visible. When using Infernal Gift, her eyes turn bright red.
Habits: Rarely actually carries things in her hands (uses telekinesis instead), scrunches her nose when she’s thinking, occasionally speaks to Carmotiel out loud instead of in her head
Hobbies: Video games, fashion, playing sports
Likes: Ancient texts, meditating, traveling, history class, riddles, spending her parents’ money, a tough fight.
Dislikes: Cowardice, people who are unwilling to lead, religion, large crowds, charity, being kept waiting, slackers
Fears: Not living up to her own standards, snakes,
Personality: Ambitious, cold, distant, logical, morose
Personality details: The first and most obvious thing one notices about Abby is her drive. She absolutely has to excel at everything, whether it’s sports, classes, or crime. Her goal is to be nothing more than a superpowered Moriarty, the most feared crook to ever walk the earth, and she’s not about to let anyone or anything stand in her way.
Needless to say, she does not make friends easily. Instead, she’s more likely to look at someone and see a collection of talents instead of a person. She’s highly analytical and great at solving problems, but seems to have lost something of humanity in the process.
Abilities: Minor- Telekinesis and pyrokinesis. Her telekinesis is limited to objects under 50 pounds, and the range of her pyrokinesis is fifteen feet.
Major- Infernal Gift. Abby can tap into the powers of the demon Carmotiel using her body as a vessel to temporarily upgrade her minor powers, as well as gain super strength. In this state, she can telekinetically lift 250 lbs, and her pyrokinetic range is 30 feet. She can also lift up to 1500 pounds.
Limitations: Due to the fact that the human body is not meant to handle demonic energies, Abby can only use Infernal Gift for five minutes before needing a one-hour recharge during which she will be very drained physically and mentally. In addition, holy items or places completely strip her of power and cause her excruciating pain.
Place of origin: Chicago
Family: Michael Fletcher, 47, father. Demonic sorcerer
Jennifer Morgan Fletcher, 45, mother. Demonic sorceress
Sarah Fletcher, 18, twin sister. Demonic sorceress (deceased)
History: Most twelve-year-old girls are concerned with fingernail polish, sleepovers, and wrapping boys around their fingers. At twelve, Abby was concerned with finding the right demon to become a vessel for. Obviously, her childhood was not normal.
Maybe a bit of background is in order. It all began with her father, Michael. The latest in a long line of hellish sorcerers, he shacked up with a woman from his coven and they had twin girls, Abby and Sarah. The two girls grew up around magic, feeling out their individual talents. Abby excelled in telekinesis and pyrokinesis, while Sarah was adept at telepathy and illusions.
On their thirteenth birthday, the girls each formed a pact with a demon, in accordance with Fletcher family tradition. Abby chose Carmotiel, Princess of Wrath, while Sarah preferred the powers of Zithrael, Princess of Lust. At the stroke of midnight, they made blood offerings, spoke blasphemous promises, and allowed the infernal beings into their bodies, hearts, minds, and souls. This done, all that was left to do was wait for a call from Delphina.
Abby attended classes under the alias of Jacqueline Hyde, the name reflecting her new dual nature. Sarah, meanwhile, took the name of MindMaster. For a brief time, the duo raised mayhem in the halls of Delphina, proving talented in all aspects of supercriminal life.Then came the night of the fire.
The pair roomed together, and it was Abby who woke up first to the smell of smoke. She roused her sister, but it took precious time, and by the point Sarah was awake, the flames were starting to lick at their door.
Living on the fourth floor of Delphina, jumping out of the window was obviously not an option, and Abby’s telekinetic abilities were not capable of floating them down safely. There was no other alternative but to make their way down through the blaze. Somewhere around the second floor landing, a massive rafter collapsed onto Sarah, crushing her spine. Abby tried to lift it off her sister with her demonically enhanced strength, but it was still too heavy for her.The dying Sarah implored her sister to save herself, and with tears in her eyes, she did so. Now she’s keeping an ear to the ground, swearing that when the people behind the fire are found, they will suffer a death so horrifying, Sarah’s fate will seem downright calm and peaceful by comparison.
Other: My favorite villain is Lex Luthor.
Name: Abigail Fletcher
Nickname: Abby. She feels Abigail is a name from the 1600s, and most people agree.
Birthday: March 16, 1998
Age: 18
Alias: Jacqueline Hyde
Loyalty: Officially Delphina, in reality herself
Appearance: Abby’s eyes are a shade darker than what is shown in the picture. She has a hummingbird tattoo on her right shoulder and some burn scars from the Delphina fire on her left leg. Otherwise, she’s pretty much like the picture. Her villain costume is two-tone full-body spandex, all black on the left side and all white or the right. Only her eyes and mouth are visible. When using Infernal Gift, her eyes turn bright red.
Habits: Rarely actually carries things in her hands (uses telekinesis instead), scrunches her nose when she’s thinking, occasionally speaks to Carmotiel out loud instead of in her head
Hobbies: Video games, fashion, playing sports
Likes: Ancient texts, meditating, traveling, history class, riddles, spending her parents’ money, a tough fight.
Dislikes: Cowardice, people who are unwilling to lead, religion, large crowds, charity, being kept waiting, slackers
Fears: Not living up to her own standards, snakes,
Personality: Ambitious, cold, distant, logical, morose
Personality details: The first and most obvious thing one notices about Abby is her drive. She absolutely has to excel at everything, whether it’s sports, classes, or crime. Her goal is to be nothing more than a superpowered Moriarty, the most feared crook to ever walk the earth, and she’s not about to let anyone or anything stand in her way.
Needless to say, she does not make friends easily. Instead, she’s more likely to look at someone and see a collection of talents instead of a person. She’s highly analytical and great at solving problems, but seems to have lost something of humanity in the process.
Abilities: Minor- Telekinesis and pyrokinesis. Her telekinesis is limited to objects under 50 pounds, and the range of her pyrokinesis is fifteen feet.
Major- Infernal Gift. Abby can tap into the powers of the demon Carmotiel using her body as a vessel to temporarily upgrade her minor powers, as well as gain super strength. In this state, she can telekinetically lift 250 lbs, and her pyrokinetic range is 30 feet. She can also lift up to 1500 pounds.
Limitations: Due to the fact that the human body is not meant to handle demonic energies, Abby can only use Infernal Gift for five minutes before needing a one-hour recharge during which she will be very drained physically and mentally. In addition, holy items or places completely strip her of power and cause her excruciating pain.
Place of origin: Chicago
Family: Michael Fletcher, 47, father. Demonic sorcerer
Jennifer Morgan Fletcher, 45, mother. Demonic sorceress
Sarah Fletcher, 18, twin sister. Demonic sorceress (deceased)
History: Most twelve-year-old girls are concerned with fingernail polish, sleepovers, and wrapping boys around their fingers. At twelve, Abby was concerned with finding the right demon to become a vessel for. Obviously, her childhood was not normal.
Maybe a bit of background is in order. It all began with her father, Michael. The latest in a long line of hellish sorcerers, he shacked up with a woman from his coven and they had twin girls, Abby and Sarah. The two girls grew up around magic, feeling out their individual talents. Abby excelled in telekinesis and pyrokinesis, while Sarah was adept at telepathy and illusions.
On their thirteenth birthday, the girls each formed a pact with a demon, in accordance with Fletcher family tradition. Abby chose Carmotiel, Princess of Wrath, while Sarah preferred the powers of Zithrael, Princess of Lust. At the stroke of midnight, they made blood offerings, spoke blasphemous promises, and allowed the infernal beings into their bodies, hearts, minds, and souls. This done, all that was left to do was wait for a call from Delphina.
Abby attended classes under the alias of Jacqueline Hyde, the name reflecting her new dual nature. Sarah, meanwhile, took the name of MindMaster. For a brief time, the duo raised mayhem in the halls of Delphina, proving talented in all aspects of supercriminal life.Then came the night of the fire.
The pair roomed together, and it was Abby who woke up first to the smell of smoke. She roused her sister, but it took precious time, and by the point Sarah was awake, the flames were starting to lick at their door.
Living on the fourth floor of Delphina, jumping out of the window was obviously not an option, and Abby’s telekinetic abilities were not capable of floating them down safely. There was no other alternative but to make their way down through the blaze. Somewhere around the second floor landing, a massive rafter collapsed onto Sarah, crushing her spine. Abby tried to lift it off her sister with her demonically enhanced strength, but it was still too heavy for her.The dying Sarah implored her sister to save herself, and with tears in her eyes, she did so. Now she’s keeping an ear to the ground, swearing that when the people behind the fire are found, they will suffer a death so horrifying, Sarah’s fate will seem downright calm and peaceful by comparison.
Other: My favorite villain is Lex Luthor.