Name: Phagora Sanders
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Appearance: 4 foot nothing and 60 lbs, with blonde hair and blue eyes, Phagora is cute as hell, pardon the pun, and she knows it. She often wears a rose-colored dress and a bright pink bow in her hair, just to add to the effect.
Year: 1
Rank: Apprentice
Room #: 62-E
Personality: Phagora has two very distinct sides to her. Be nice to her (or better yet, spoil her rotten), and she'll love you all day long. Cross her, though, and out come the curses. You have been warned.
Magic Discipline: Black magic. Basically, a catch-all term for things like curses, necromancy, blood magic, and demon summoning. If it has no useful purpose beyond general maliciousness, it's within her purview. Downside to being such a generalist is that she won't ever be able to cast spells as strong as a specialist in a particular area.
Equipment: The Book of Invidiel- This book was a gift from her father to her mother, and thence to Phagora. Written by a demonic prince, the book contains many blasphemous and dangerous bits of magic within. It can only be safely read by those with infernal heritage. If someone else reads it, there are three different possible outcomes. The vast majority of the time (like 99.9%), it just appears as gibberish, and no spell can clear it up. If you're really unlucky, you can get a bad case of insane as your brain tries to comprehend things it wasn't meant to know. If you're really, really unlucky, the energies within will cause your soul to spontaneously combust. Not a fun way to go.
Biography: Phagora has a foot in two worlds, neither one of which is very nice. Her mother was a witch who specialized in demon summoning, and her father was one her contracts. She grew up with mom, being taught the dark magic she worked with. Unfortunately, knowledge does not always translate into talent. Worse yet, she had ideas about how to use these powers. Things like being a soldier or policewoman, causing harm to some in order to protect the many. Her mother sent her off to B.U.M. to learn how to control her powers. The corrupting could come later...
Master: At home, it was Phagora's mother, Emily. A dark and evil being, but Phagora is trying to resist her influence and stay on the good side. It ain't easy.
If she had to sacrifice something to advance: She doesn't have much to offer, so she'd sacrifice a little bit of her magic. She wouldn't be able to help people as well, but she wouldn't be able to do as much harm, either.
If she had one wish: To be able to live as she truly is. No hiding magic, no being shoved down the path of evil, no one hating her for being half-demon. Small chance of that, though.