Shandria was in the usual place she could almost always be found in. Somewhere close to Artura. Perhaps sprawled out across the top of the throne-like chair, or resting her head on the armrest. Her exact position changed over the couple hours of the morning that everyone was gathering and she looked rather tired, or like she was about to fall asleep. Most knew that was the usual state for her, bored and on the verge of needing a nap no matter how rested she truly was.
Now just because she sat there next to the throne on her knees leaning against the throne, or atop it lying on her side, this didn't mean she was some kind of pet. Just because she shared characteristics with a dragon didn't mean she was an animal... and besides dragons were the furthest things from beasts one could get. Except for maybe the Angels but, who knew if they really existed. Angels were a concept of but one religion of many and they certainly hadn't come to help when the demons invaded.
Either way the reason she was always so close to Artura was because of their history together and Shandria's mentality of looking up to the human. She had lived three nearly five times as long as this human and yet she felt there was so much she could learn from her, and felt her own strengths paled in comparison to hers, especially in the wisdom department. After all, in just under fifty years the human had created a guild that protected an entire kingdom from threats the army couldn't deal with. Heroes of the people, champions of the land... in over two hundred and thirty years, what had Shandria accomplished? She was just a member of that prestigious group, and only for a couple years now.
The Dragonkin sighed to herself as Artura called out who would be fighting, signaling the beginning of the tournament. She herself wore little more than strings, but Dragonkin were very different from other mortal races. They had little need to cover themselves up as their scales were natural clothing. It was difficult to ever consider a Dragonkin nude when they had nothing to hide. Plus she didn't do armor, it wasn't her thing. Her scales were like steel as it was, and she preferred staying far from her enemy regardless.
She watched the two enter the little arena, her tail swaying about as she spoke up just barely enough for the two to hear her. "Oh my, Kaito is doing his quiet ominous act. Shh, don't tell him how silly he looks or he might break his composure. And we'd never know! Also hope Grey doesn't pass out... isn't it like way past time for her to be sleeping?" She said this genuinely, not in a mocking way knowing the girl was usually going to sleep around this time.