Avatar of Shandria


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I'm back now. I'll work on responses to everything after work.
6 yrs ago
Just taking a little break for a day or two. I'll be catching up on all replies soon, I'm not gone!
6 yrs ago
Long morning, responding tonight when I'm able.
7 yrs ago
Just a notice that I'll be responding when I can. As recently posted some family matters have come up.
7 yrs ago
Sorry for the slow responses today. Family coming in and whatnot.


I came here to join a specific RP. That being said there's some things people should know about me.

I do normal, serious RP in public and am open to erotica type things in private. Only, in private. I definitely prefer if anything of an erotic nature is going to happen, that it have some basis. Like if the RP that happens in private is between two characters that already know each other from a regular public RP. Of course, if I really like a partner I'm the sort who tends to brainstorm the most random of ideas of just, things I would like to do that we could jump into, even with randomly made up on the spot characters.

Anywho, been RPing for years. Started on a site known as Gaia, doing little RPs here and there. Moved on to WoW private servers, then WoW live, and just been all over here and there with friends and strangers alike.

Most Recent Posts

What does your IC post have to do with bringing it up OOC?

In fact let me respond to your "You were saying?" question directly.

I was saying exactly the point that you just proved, that everything was an IC issue and you refused to bring it up as an OOC one. Not once did you bring up this idea that Kaito should know what Grey was doing or her limits or anything like that. You plainly stated that Grey understood HER OWN limits.

The correct approach would have simply been posting in the OOC at the player

"Shouldn't Kaito understand what she's doing and that she isn't sleeping or insulting him or anything like that?" and taken it from there.
I think the general consensus is you are the one lacking logic here with your actions. You expect everyone to notice little details for you without you having to bring them up. It was honestly considered by everyone from what I can see, an IC misunderstanding. One would assume if that was the case, you would deal with it... IC. Not throw a fit over it OOC. Nothing but minor, difficult to spot details gave away it was an OOC issue not an IC one.

We are all here to enjoy writing and write a good story together, not to sit around picking apart each other's posts for them to try and find issues that need to be addressed. It's not the GM's job to pick your post apart looking for inconsistencies. She's here to enjoy the RP just as much as the rest of us.

You saying things like "where I am allowed to hope that a GM will notice inconsistencies without my having to point it out both IC and OOC."

That just makes it kinda sound like you are just upset because you didn't want to bring it up, and are now mad because other people didn't pick up on it without you bringing it up which is a dumb thing to be upset about since you very well could have just brought it up OOC.
I have to agree with the others. If there was a problem there was absolutely no reason to respond to it IC as if it was fine, and hen wait almost two weeks to bring it up as an issue and start insulting people's IQ and all that crap over it because you didn't act like an adult and bring up your issue as a healthy discussion.
Well I should study all humans no? If you are odd and others are normal, maybe I am simply odd too. I wonder what the difference might be between the behavior of a Dragonkin like myself, and a human like you or your mother or anyone else. But I have to wonder if there are any differences at all, or if I am as different from the average human as you are." She said this thoughtfully and then wiggled her jaw with a frown. She huffed and started walking, feeling the arm around her waist. Considering how large her kind were, standing somewhere between eight and nine feet tall, the human didn't have much other place to put her arm unless she wanted to hold hands. Which would be odd.

The first fight was not so bad. I think it was a misunderstanding and the style of combat Grey uses looked as though she wasn't taking the fight seriously, and so Kaito got angry. He seems to be a very honor bound man, and such an insult would not be taken lightly. But again, it was likely a misunderstanding and not an actual insult. Gareth is a very strong fighter, but I can't say the same for Silvia, if not for the sole reason I cannot say I've seen her fight before." Just as she finished her statement she visibly shook, hands coming up to wrap around herself. She looked towards the door, and then up out the sky windows. "That... that was an odd feeling." She shook her head, and continued on down the hall, down the stairs, and towards the back of the hall.
Shandria looked up at Daphelora as she felt her hand on her arm. "No, no... I was just contemplating the human mind is all. I'm only half human but I have always wondered what the differences are between how I think and how humans think, if there are any. But I guess it doesn't all matter to think about it now because each person thinks differently from one to the next. You think differently than your mother, your mother thinks very differently from others in the guild..." She cleared her throat and turned to the door. "Best not keep her waiting or she'll think badly of my ability to sniff people out, and she'll send a hunting party after me who will leave as we return only for another party to be sent after them... just like in the funny stories."

She turned on her heels and headed back out into the hall. She could hear the fight starting through the open windows, making her want to see it. "Sounds like Gareth and Silvia have begun their fight as I figured." Her ears twitched, from the sounds. "Are you ready then? Not that I assume you need me to find your way to the arena but I came and woke you up, I may as well go as far as escorting you back."
Shandria definitely hadn't expected that. Changing in front of her was one thing, flat out walking about naked... she considered if this was a trait of humans, watching the girl carefully, and yet she simply stood there not turning away. A Dragonkin was not so easily embarrassed by such things, but she had heard humans were very self conscious about others seeing their bodies. Like the differences between what they wore under their clothes, and what they wore swimming being so massive when they were often the same thing. A human would lose it if they were seen in their 'underwear', but not a 'bathing suit'.

She scratched her head, legitimately trying to understand the human nature as she scratched the back of her head while staring off into the floor as people often did while lost in thought. So lost in thought, it took her a moment to hear the question.

"Kaito and Grey have already fought and disappointed the audience. Whether it was due to her combat style or otherwise Grey appeared to be napping during the fight while a shadow fought for her. Kaito became angry and stormed off from the arena. Next as I left, I heard Gareth and Silvia were going to be next, and they seemed much more excited to face off each other, they actually requested to be next so it should be a good fight. I'm not sure who else has signed up." She shrugged and looked back at the human girl, trying not to laugh at the clumped up hair. She succeeded at least. "Though there may be more to the day than a simple guild tournament." She could feel her scales shifting, sort of like a radar for trouble. The day felt off, not like a simple sunny day of fun in the back yard.
Shandria waved a hand dismissively. "If that knife had hit me it would have just bounced off my scales. I'm tougher than I look, remember~" She padded her hand against her scales and then crossed her arms, watching the girl carefully. "Yes, the tournament for the day has started and the second match is probably going on right now. I assume she wanted you around to be a part of it or at least watch. Plus she probably just wants you to not be in bed all day anyways." She clicked her claws on her scales with a nod to what she had said.

The pervert in her wondered if Daphelora would change right in front of her! A sort of "We've all got a perv in us" moment. Not that she intends to do anything with such thoughts. One of the wonders of Shandria's mind that she often wondered if was common for Dragonkin, was the thoughts and curiosities she had about humans. Random thoughts that made no sense regularly ran through her head and this was simply one of them. It wasn't even that she wanted to see the other woman's body really, more that she had a legitimate curiosity if Daphelora was comfortable enough to get dressed in front of her, if humans were perhaps tired enough for their judgement to be impaired after waking to do such a thing... if they cared about such thing sin the first place. So many questions... and she found herself actually just standing there staring at a wall while thinking, having to shake her head clear. Human science, probably for another time.
Shandria pulled herself up and looked around, scouting the area as if she was just going to up and spot the Guild Master's daughter while she herself could not. The eyes of a dragon were good... but the eyes of Artura were good too. She pulled herself up and stretched with a yawn. The fight watching was fun but, now that the first fight was over the Dragonkin wasn't as interested. The second fight hadn't started, and so she had time... though she was sure the next two would start fighting the moment she was out of eyesight. She tapped her fingers on her thighs, wondering where to look first. She'd have to check the guild... if the girl wasn't off somewhere else entirely.

She walked off, waving her hand with only a short "Yeah yeah I'll sniff her out." With that, she was off. She started checking the oddest of places. Every broom closet, every crawlspace. You never know... She worked from the most unlikely places to the most likely, until finally she was opening the doors and peeking into bedrooms to see if she was in one of the guest beds perhaps. In a matter of about ten minutes she had every single room checked except for the girl's own bedroom. Or was it the Guild Master's room? She didn't know, but it was time to find out! She turned the knob and peeked in, eyes adjusting to the dark as necessary and peeking around.

If the girl wasn't in here... then she wasn't in the guild at all. And if the girl was in the room, Shandria would sneak in ever so quietly with the stealth of a dragon... just, not a dragon... and come up to the bed only to pounce onto it with a bounce and a quick "It's time to rise and shine as the humans say!" (Unless she had been found somewhere prior to checking the bedroom. Just assuming a usual -still asleep- deal.)
Still here, will post soon, just got caught up in some things.
Shandria was in the usual place she could almost always be found in. Somewhere close to Artura. Perhaps sprawled out across the top of the throne-like chair, or resting her head on the armrest. Her exact position changed over the couple hours of the morning that everyone was gathering and she looked rather tired, or like she was about to fall asleep. Most knew that was the usual state for her, bored and on the verge of needing a nap no matter how rested she truly was.

Now just because she sat there next to the throne on her knees leaning against the throne, or atop it lying on her side, this didn't mean she was some kind of pet. Just because she shared characteristics with a dragon didn't mean she was an animal... and besides dragons were the furthest things from beasts one could get. Except for maybe the Angels but, who knew if they really existed. Angels were a concept of but one religion of many and they certainly hadn't come to help when the demons invaded.

Either way the reason she was always so close to Artura was because of their history together and Shandria's mentality of looking up to the human. She had lived three nearly five times as long as this human and yet she felt there was so much she could learn from her, and felt her own strengths paled in comparison to hers, especially in the wisdom department. After all, in just under fifty years the human had created a guild that protected an entire kingdom from threats the army couldn't deal with. Heroes of the people, champions of the land... in over two hundred and thirty years, what had Shandria accomplished? She was just a member of that prestigious group, and only for a couple years now.

The Dragonkin sighed to herself as Artura called out who would be fighting, signaling the beginning of the tournament. She herself wore little more than strings, but Dragonkin were very different from other mortal races. They had little need to cover themselves up as their scales were natural clothing. It was difficult to ever consider a Dragonkin nude when they had nothing to hide. Plus she didn't do armor, it wasn't her thing. Her scales were like steel as it was, and she preferred staying far from her enemy regardless.

She watched the two enter the little arena, her tail swaying about as she spoke up just barely enough for the two to hear her. "Oh my, Kaito is doing his quiet ominous act. Shh, don't tell him how silly he looks or he might break his composure. And we'd never know! Also hope Grey doesn't pass out... isn't it like way past time for her to be sleeping?" She said this genuinely, not in a mocking way knowing the girl was usually going to sleep around this time.
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