Avatar of Shandria


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I'm back now. I'll work on responses to everything after work.
6 yrs ago
Just taking a little break for a day or two. I'll be catching up on all replies soon, I'm not gone!
6 yrs ago
Long morning, responding tonight when I'm able.
7 yrs ago
Just a notice that I'll be responding when I can. As recently posted some family matters have come up.
7 yrs ago
Sorry for the slow responses today. Family coming in and whatnot.


I came here to join a specific RP. That being said there's some things people should know about me.

I do normal, serious RP in public and am open to erotica type things in private. Only, in private. I definitely prefer if anything of an erotic nature is going to happen, that it have some basis. Like if the RP that happens in private is between two characters that already know each other from a regular public RP. Of course, if I really like a partner I'm the sort who tends to brainstorm the most random of ideas of just, things I would like to do that we could jump into, even with randomly made up on the spot characters.

Anywho, been RPing for years. Started on a site known as Gaia, doing little RPs here and there. Moved on to WoW private servers, then WoW live, and just been all over here and there with friends and strangers alike.

Most Recent Posts

Well, since she's called the Headstrong Alchemist, yes, she's an Alchemist.

Analysis is yeah, just like, in the midst of a stressful situation, she can generally keep calm and work quicker if not directly disturbed. Meaning of course, she'll still get put off of what she's doing if she gets actually hit.

And the book is written by her, but everything is copied from other books, so she just copied everything she felt she needed into one single book rather than carrying a whole bunch around.

How's this?

I want to have what it takes. But RNG has screwed me more times than I care to admit in the past.

Can....... Can I have a descendant of the man, the myth, the legend himself, Major Freaking Armstrong, who is somehow, nothing at all like an Armstrong, and in fact is basically the exact opposite?
You've heard the stories of King Arthur. The different tales that tell the vastly differing stories of the Knights of the Round Table, Sir Lancelot, Gawain, Bedivere, or Tristan. Everyone knows of the betrayal of the Witch Morgana Lefay, or how Mordred, Bastard son of King Arthur was the one who struck the fatal blow to the King. Everyone knows of the Sword in the Stone, and the fabled Excalibur. Many even know of the Dragon who aided Arthur in his quest. And of course, there are few who do not know of the great Wizard Merlin.

But stories don't often speak of the soldiers who fought for the King. The soldiers who followed orders from the Knights of the Round Table, and did what they could not do alone. Fought against armies and hordes that threatened Camelot and stood their ground when nobody else would. For the King, for their homes, for Camelot.

This is your story, in a new, original world of Camelot. This is not the Camelot of Britain. This is its own Kingdom, not just one city, but an entire stretching land for hundreds of miles around. Nestled between the Mountains, with the sea at its northern tip, this is the home of the Human Empire, at least, the most well known one. In a world of Elves, Dwarves, and Monsters, it is the people of Camelot serving under the Knight Lords who protect the land.

But who are you? Are you perhaps a novice Wizard trained under the great Merlin, now set loose upon the world to learn from your experiences, that which a book cannot teach you? Are you a Warrior who trained under the great Sir Lancelot and has been given the task of seeking out and hunting Monsters that threaten the people? For every class, there is a leader. And every Soldier, be they Wizard, Archer, Warrior or Rogue, fight for one of the Knight Lords. This creates factions that war among each other, but all in good will. There is no killing among the factions, but they can certainly get competitive when trying to prove the worth of their chosen Knight. Whether it's the faction wars trying to claim ownership of the many forts in the land, or tournaments that often are decided by how much support each Knight gets from their followers, it all strengthens the people as they work to be better than one another, and in doing so, become better than they could ever be on their own.

Of course, this is quite the different story than you are likely accustomed to when it comes to the story of King Arthur. The King already wields the Holy Sword, Excalibur, and those you know from other stories to have betrayed the King, you may yet find to be his greatest allies.

Welcome to Camelot.


So the basic idea here is that it's an original world, and doesn't follow all the lore of most Arthurian Legend you might know. For example, this will not be following the same old story of Lancelot and Guinevere, or Morgana and Mordred, these won't be happening here. This world is a bit, brighter than many other worlds of King Arthur, so if you're looking for some Grimdark, you're not likely to find it here I'm afraid. Some examples:

Lancelot is Guinevere's Brother, and there is no lack of love between the King and Queen.

Mordred is the legitimate child of King Arthur and Guinevere.

Morgana, while using darker magic than most would usually accept, is still accepted as Royalty, and is not any sort of Villain. Yes, she is Morgana Pendragon. Also she won't leave Lancelot alone.


Each Class has a Class Leader. However, keep in mind that this has nothing to do with your faction. There are also advanced classes, that you can only 'earn' through RP, such as the Knight, or Beastmaster. These are evolution classes, meaning you must start as an Archer to become a Beast Master for example. The Class Leader also has no effect on power or standing. Just because you were trained under King Arthur himself, doesn't mean you're better than anyone. Except when it does, and changing to an advanced class does not always change your Class Leader. Some advanced classes can be advanced into from more than one class... does it make sense that a Cleric can suddenly become a Paladin with absolutely no experience with heavy armor, swords or shields? No, but why not.

Note that not all classes have an advanced class, or the same number of advanced classes. (You are also not required to advance if you don't want to.)

This is an early development of the classes. It may change, it may not, by time this becomes a full OOC.

Warrior - Sir Lancelot
Wizard - Merlin
Cleric - Queen Guinevere
Rogue - Mistral (Dark Elf OC)
Archer - Cynal (Wood Elf OC)

Advanced Classes:

-Knight (Class Leader becomes King Arthur)
-Paladin (Class Leader becomes Sir Mordred)
-Berserker (Class Leader becomes Ghamki, a Dwarf OC)

-Warlock (Class Leader becomes Morgana)

-Paladin (Class Leader becomes Sir Mordred)

-Shadow Assassin
-Shadow Archer

-Shadow Archer (Class Leader becomes Mistral)


The factions are a Knight that each individual swears loyalty to. This puts them in a faction, and it's their duty to compete with other factions for fame and glory, while raising their standing with their chosen Knight. No faction is stronger than any other for any reason beyond the strength of its members, and a Class Leader does not care if those studying under them choose a different faction. For example, Sir Lancelot isn't going to care if a Warrior joins Sir Mordred's faction. The Knights who have their own faction are as follows:

Sir Mordred
Sir Gawain
Sir Lancelot
Sir Bedivere
Sir Percival
Sir Tristan

Something to note, is that these are the "Knight Lords", meaning that if your character changes class to the Knight, you won't be on the same level as them. If anything, you answer even more directly to the Knight Lords as a Knight than you would as a Warrior.

The Point?:

Now after all this you're likely wondering, okay, but what will we as participants in this RP actually be doing? And to put it simply, you will be adventuring through Camelot as members of the Camelot Military. A diverse (Hopefully) group of Humans from different factions. Just because you're in different factions doesn't mean you can't team up after all. The only times you will be secluded into your own faction is during things such as tournaments.

And yes, while it may seem odd to limit you to only Humans in a world that as stated, has anything from Elves and Dwarves, to many other fantasy races, it would kind of defeat the purpose if you were another race. While King Arthur has employed allies, such as a pair of Elven Twins, and a Dwarven Smith to help train Camelot's people, the members of the Camelot military still remain entirely Human.

As for more in depth story, beyond just adventuring around, fighting Monsters and saving towns and the like, you will also be able to aid famous figures from Arthurian Legend on their quests, and see more of their story building up, such as Sir Mordred's Quest for the Sword of Choosing, or Sir Lancelot's Quest for the Holy Grail, a totally, 100%, entirely serious storyline. Without a doubt.

What I Expect From Players:

I know a lot of RPs can sometimes be a little open to interpretation on what they expect from the quality of writing, just leaving it up to 'this RP is Advanced' or Casual or Free or whatever. I'd like to get more specific than that.

This RP will be in the Casual section, but I'm looking for more, high Casual to Advanced Writers. Posts should be at least one Paragraph, and anywhere up from there that you feel comfortable with. No one liners. And most importantly, have competent grammar and spelling. I understand mistakes, but if you consistently spell things wrong, especially if it's the same words over and over again suggesting you legitimately don't know how to spell something, that's not the kind of person I'm looking for here.

And please be active. Nobody likes sitting around for days waiting for one person to post just so the RP can keep moving.

If you have questions feel free to ask here or PM me. If you show interest in the RP, I'll assume you want to take part and I'll keep that assumption for a couple days at least before opening your 'slot' so to speak to someone else. I'm not going to be too picky on the size of the group for this, I would prefer 4+ people.

I'll also say that I'm a big Fate fan, and while I don't know everything about it, it won't hurt to assume that some things from it will bleed into this RP. I'm not going to make King Arthur a woman, but some... other changes may be made as a reference to Fate. Oh and if you have an issue with 'not being true to the legend' well it's not hurting anyone for you to just not take part honestly.

Ah yes and finally, I myself will be playing a normal character, while also sort of, GMing everything else, from enemies, to the higher up figures like King Arthur or Sir Lancelot.

Oh and if you have an issue with 'not being true to the legend' well it's not hurting anyone for you to just not take part honestly.

So anyone interested in this?

New addiction, it's like Nightwish on crack.

Still looking.
Been a while. I'm looking for a RP that will be based in an academy setting, and will focus on relationships between 4 different main characters. Two that I will play, and two that my partner will play. My idea is that one girl will be the typical bookworm type, trying her best to succeed at everything she does. Meanwhile the other girl will be the sort of girl you don't really want to have around if you're trying to succeed in an academy, someone with a dubious moral compos.

These will be the two characters my partner plays.

Then there are my own characters. One of them is the bookworm type girl's girlfriend, and they're rather similar in nature, both being very smart and clever, not super socially adept but all around just doing their best. Then my second character will be the girlfriend of the other girl, and again, they're rather similar, not exactly the best person morally to have around.

The themes of the RP I'm most interested in exploring are adulterous scenarios, difficult relationships (Like the roommates trying to get along), and temptation.

Also I'm going to quote this from one of my past interest checks:

Note: This will be a heavily smut/story driven RP. As previously stated, I play 'girls with some extra' and never involve males in the smut side of things. So be advised, 18+ only.

If you have any questions, just let me know.
So I'm looking to sort of DM a long-term Warcraft Adventure. This is similar in some minor ways to the interest chicked I posted previously, but let me explain this one from the beginning.

You will be playing a group of preset characters. By preset, I mean I have their general appearances in mind, but you can come up with their names, personalities, backstories, relationships and all that.

These three characters will begin an adventure across Azeroth. You will decide where they go, and what they do. Based on your ever decision, I will come up with what happens, and try to fill in the world so you have more options than just "Head towards Stormwind" or "Keep going forward". There will be many encounters, and I will play as all the NPCs they meet on the way, although on occasion I will have you play one of them. I'll explain that more in depth after you show interest.

Anything can happen, and when it comes to dangers and combat, you are free to make actions as you wish, but it won't always be a positive outcome if you act recklessly and aren't properly prepared. For example, maybe charging towards Northrend right from the start isn't the best idea?

Note: This will be a heavily smut/story driven RP. As previously stated, I play 'girls with some extra' and never involve males in the smut side of things. So be advised, 18+ only.

If you have any questions, just let me know.
Multiple Characters
Many NPCs
Long-Term Travel Across Azeroth
Heavily Story Focused, but Also... let's call it "Driven heavily by 18+ scenarios"
Big... Bouncy... Plotlines that may accidentally be all over the place.

Do these kinds of things interest you? Well then you might just be what I'm looking for! But, before we assume anything let me go into more detail. At least, as much detail as I'm willing to go into in a public post. The details that require it will be discussed in private. I do try and understand what this site is all about, don't get me wrong.

So let me talk more about what I'm looking for. I got this friend from an idea who started a RP that was very similar. The basic idea is our party of characters will start in one zone, such as Westfall, and they will travel and explore the world. They will find many adventures to be had everywhere they stop, and each zone and town will have its own little story arc where the group, or at least some of the group will be heavily involved. An example for this is let's say the group starts out in Westfall. From there they travel to Elwynn Forest but they have to stop off in Goldshire for a night (Because the IC world is much, much larger than the in game world, so traveling from Westfall to Goldshire is quite the walk.) The next day, they travel up to Stormwind for supplies. Then it's back down to Goldshire and they head East, likely camping along the way before landing themselves in Eastvale. Then it's East through the mountains to stop off at Lakeshire before the group heads south into Duskwood. The group will do this in a journey all over Azeroth.

Now at each location there will be a story to be had. In Stormwind one of the characters gets their coinpurse stolen, and trying to hunt down the thief leads to the group uncovering a gang of criminals they need to put a stop to. In Redridge the tavern is full up, but the group gets offered a place to stay at the home of a noble family, but something is definitely odd about the place and they have to investigate in the middle of the night. So on and so forth. Think of it like an anime where every few episodes are bunched up into their own story arc as the group moves from place to place.

Now I said this is "Driven heavily by 18+ scenarios". You know what that means already I'm sure but let me just make it clear so that everyone who has read this far and is still interested up to this point knows right out the gate. Yes, this is intended to be very heavy in the smut side of things. No fading to black or anything like that. Just so you know that's what I'm looking for.

Here's some other things I would like to make clear, so you don't have to read through til the end to see them.

The title says FxF. Normally, that would mean Female x Female. I'll put it out there, I play girls with a little extra, if you know what I mean. If you don't then... this might not be the RP for you. And that's all I play.

One thing I want to be a heavy focus on the RP is adultery. While it won't be any sort of drama point, like characters finding out, freaking out, screaming and crying and all that... Adultery will be a driving factor in many things. So you should be comfortable with that sort of theme.

I'm also looking for an active partner, who can make multiple posts a day, if not sit down and actively RP over Discord or something.

Now... what did I mean by multiple characters. Here is the ideal vision of this RP in my mind: We each let the other know what kind of characters we would like to play with. As in, what sort of characters we would like our own to be partnered with. Just some basic stuff, nothing major. For example, maybe I say "I'd like one of your characters to maybe be some rich noble redhead human girl from Stormwind." Now we can talk about what you envision for your character. Differences you might want to make. Perhaps you can't stand playing redheads, that's fine. Maybe you'd prefer she be from Elwynn, or maybe she only acts like nobility and really isn't. All of those can be discussed. But the general idea is we just give a basic idea of what we would like to see in each other's characters, but then let each other make those characters we will be playing, and make them our own creation.

The ideal group size is either 6, or 8. So we will each be playing 3, or 4 characters in the group. Note I also said there will be a large number of NPC characters. This could be anywhere from the store clerk they are buying their potions from, to the head of the noble house they are staying at who will be a major character for a little while. These 6-8 characters are our core group. We don't always have to play each and every one of them at a time. Most of the time, we will each focus on the interactions between two of them, while at other times the group simply moves as one group, rather than typing out the actions of each individual members.

However, this isn't Darknest or some other smut driven website. I understand that, and that's why I'm here, not there. I expect a good quality RP partner from here, and if typing out the actions of each individual character is what you want to do, more power to you I'll be right there along with you. But just know, that while we will each have 4 whole main characters to play, I'm not expecting or requiring that we each play all four of our characters at once. And on that note of a good partner, remember RP is a collaborative effort. So this isn't intended to be me leading you through a story I've predetermined. I would especially enjoy a partner who brings their own ideas and who enjoys brainstorming. Best case scenario, I lead us through some story lines in some zones, while you lead us through some others.

P.S. please have general knowledge of WoW. If you message me saying "I don't know a whole lot about WoW but I know the races and whatnot-" that's fine, we can work with that. But if you're the person who "Hasn't really ever played it but always wanted to try it out, but because of that has no clue about the game or the setting" then it might not be the best fit.

So I think that's it. If you think you might be interested, send me a PM and we can talk more about it in private. I'm a generally nice person, and even if you aren't sure if you're interested or not but just have some questions feel free to send them along. I'll be happy to answer them.
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