Avatar of Shandria


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I'm back now. I'll work on responses to everything after work.
6 yrs ago
Just taking a little break for a day or two. I'll be catching up on all replies soon, I'm not gone!
6 yrs ago
Long morning, responding tonight when I'm able.
7 yrs ago
Just a notice that I'll be responding when I can. As recently posted some family matters have come up.
7 yrs ago
Sorry for the slow responses today. Family coming in and whatnot.


I came here to join a specific RP. That being said there's some things people should know about me.

I do normal, serious RP in public and am open to erotica type things in private. Only, in private. I definitely prefer if anything of an erotic nature is going to happen, that it have some basis. Like if the RP that happens in private is between two characters that already know each other from a regular public RP. Of course, if I really like a partner I'm the sort who tends to brainstorm the most random of ideas of just, things I would like to do that we could jump into, even with randomly made up on the spot characters.

Anywho, been RPing for years. Started on a site known as Gaia, doing little RPs here and there. Moved on to WoW private servers, then WoW live, and just been all over here and there with friends and strangers alike.

Most Recent Posts

Olivia was about to go absolutely mad. Hold up in the Barracks, she wasn't sure if she was allowed to leave. She forgot to ask... wait for orders they said right? Well that would assume she was supposed to wait here then. How else would they reach her? Sending someone running through the city looking for her would just be annoying. Who knows where she could be. Although, those messengers were pretty good at finding the people they were looking for...

No no, it was best she stay put. Just in case. She hadn't been given direct permission to leave, and it felt like a stupid thing to go ask someone about. She didn't want to seem dumb, but also didn't want to seem like she was eager to leave. Whether or not she WAS eager to leave or not wasn't the point. Yet her mind kept going back and forth. Just ask someone... no, just stay put. It can't hurt to at least know if she's allowed to though, right? Well that information wouldn't be too useful if she doesn't intend on leaving... but if she CAN leave, she will, right? But it's better to just not ask...

Her brow twitched in annoyance as she just sat there on a sofa, as if she was in a meeting with nobody immediately sitting with her. Hands on her knees, looking like she was about to burst with annoyance. The problem was, all of this annoyance was with herself so it wasn't fair to let it out. But this waiting was TORTURE. Why was it torture again? She could go read something. Make some food, exercise or train. Something just kept her down, making her feel as if she was supposed to just sit here. Almost like she didn't have permission to even move, or breath... was she supposed to breath?

THIS WAS GETTING RIDICULOUS. She was supposed to be a Major now, right? She couldn't very much hold that rank if she couldn't even work up the nerve to get off her butt without permission to do so. Her father always said working for this kind of group was more personal... everyone knew everyone, but that was a different time surely. This was a completely different organization. She pulled herself up to her feet with a huff and turned to walk out of the lounge area into a hallway, and after a short check of what was where, headed off to the... did this place have a library? No, best go somewhere else. She ended up heading to the training room, and took out her Aunt's sword to get in some practice. It let her focus on something else, like stabbing the poor dummy that was her current victim.

Considered making her an Innovade since the prettiest boy Tieria was one, but that would probably cut back on her having a history like, at all.
So I'm basically looking for this now, but with League of Legend girls. Specifically interested in Ahri and Sona. Still the same idea, just specific characters.
I can take Virtue. Because Nadleeh is love and life.
So when is this getting started? Not asking in a pushy way, just curious what your plans are for everything being considered ready to go.
I'm fine for whatever if it makes sense. My only reservations for roll systems come from many, many years ago when I did RP in a game where it was entirely roll based, so if you don't roll high enough you just flat out fail, and my trained, old veteran warrior literally couldn't land a single hit on a skeleton, because RNG said so.
That's fine with me, and I added:

"All this knowledge came from her studies to actually become an Alchemist, when she took things far more seriously than most seem to and ended up writing her own book filled with all kinds of Alchemical facts. By the time she was a full Alchemist, she had finished a book which was an amalgamation of every other Alchemy related book, or paper in general, that she could get her hands on."

I would figure that the booksmarts skill which is already based around large amounts of Alchemical knowledge, would count for that. If anything, that's the skill I'll be switching over to it.

As for the book, yeah it's not like a precise 'here's how you do human transmutaiton', it's more just, the thoughts on it, what people have tried, at least what was recorded and tried, and the makeup of the human body. It's not actually instructions on how to do it.
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