Avatar of Shandria


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I'm back now. I'll work on responses to everything after work.
6 yrs ago
Just taking a little break for a day or two. I'll be catching up on all replies soon, I'm not gone!
6 yrs ago
Long morning, responding tonight when I'm able.
7 yrs ago
Just a notice that I'll be responding when I can. As recently posted some family matters have come up.
7 yrs ago
Sorry for the slow responses today. Family coming in and whatnot.


I came here to join a specific RP. That being said there's some things people should know about me.

I do normal, serious RP in public and am open to erotica type things in private. Only, in private. I definitely prefer if anything of an erotic nature is going to happen, that it have some basis. Like if the RP that happens in private is between two characters that already know each other from a regular public RP. Of course, if I really like a partner I'm the sort who tends to brainstorm the most random of ideas of just, things I would like to do that we could jump into, even with randomly made up on the spot characters.

Anywho, been RPing for years. Started on a site known as Gaia, doing little RPs here and there. Moved on to WoW private servers, then WoW live, and just been all over here and there with friends and strangers alike.

Most Recent Posts

"The B Team. That's what they would come to know us as. The team that did alright, but never quite as good as the Normandy did. Maybe we picked up a squadron of bombers here and there, sure. But that obviously paled in comparison to Shepard going around getting entire planets to fight for Earth. But I'm getting ahead of myself... see, we started as just, Ambassador Team 7, or just, AT-7 for short. N7's finest..."


"Welcome to AT-7, a team of specially picked individuals for the job of getting Earth the aid it needs. Armies, Fleets, Supplies, anything and everything, that's your job. You need to get these things so that the Alliance can take back Earth from those damn flying robot Squids. That means finding people in need, doing what they want you to do for them, and gaining their support. Now don't worry, the Normandy is out there doing the heavy lifting, we're not expecting you to get the entire Krogan Armada... Armada? Do they have ships? Nevermind, point being we don't expect you to do all the work. You're not alone soldier, so get out there and bring more into the fold!"


So it's a band of misfits who have absolutely no business being where they are, or doing what they are doing. Alliance Command really screwed this one up, and in the chaos of Earth being attacked, they accidentally got orders tossed around and people ended up in the wrong place. Now you, a group of nobodies have been essentially drafted into N7 whether you are human or not, given a frigate (Similar to the Normandy but by far less experimental and not as advanced), and told to go get support for Earth. Simple right? Yeah, definitely.

This is taking place during the Reaper invasion. It has been about a week since Earth 'fell', so people have just barely shaken off the shock that this is really happening. The different species are scattered, trying to defend their own worlds and desperately just trying to hold onto anything they have left. The Citadel is pretty peaceful all things considered, except for the flood of refugees. This itself is a bit concerning to people... why hasn't the Citadel been attacked, it's like the central Command for... everyone.

Well none of that matters now. You're heroes now, get to it.

You may be asking yourself... none of these people are that dumb right? Surely they have enough sense to sit down, and think "Alright, the Commander was a Medic, so maybe she should move to be our Medical Officer. Our cook is an Engineer, so maybe move them to Engineering." So on and so forth, right? Well, for comedic reasons, that won't happen. Our characters will keep the positions assigned to them, even if they help out on occasion in fields they are more suited for.

Allowed Species:

Volus (Because why not)

Your origin can be literally anything you want within the confines of the rules, however you have to have SOME connection to a military, be it the Alliance, or your own species' military. However, you are NOT allowed to play any sort of veteran soldier. Even slightly experienced soldiers are not allowed. The entire idea is your character SHOULD NOT BE HERE. Whether that means a fresh recruit fresh out of basic, or Tom from accounting down the hall. You've been drafted, but even Command doesn't realize the mistake they made, and so you just have to live with it. For the Galaxy, right?

This also means you'll need a pretty good reason to have any sort of biotic abilities. An Asari for example would naturally have biotic abilities, it's just that they may not have chosen to develop this ability and may be lost for how to actually use it. Don't get me wrong, make a character who has no idea how to use biotics but tries their damndest all you want. Just no Adepts or anything.

Classes are as follows:


No, your class doesn't need to match your abilities. That's half the point here.

Character Sheet:


Age: (18+, No Elders, No need to be species specific, age can be 'human equivalent')

Species: (Listed species are found above)


Class: (Also found above)

Image Reference:


Original 'Position': (Like Janitor, Engineer, Doctor, Whatever. Again, must be at least SOMEHOW tied to the military.)

New 'Position': (Like head of research, logistics, quartermaster, so on. Once more, does not need to match your skills or class, old or new.)

Equipment: (Keep it basic, no N7 special weapons or anything like that. That means no Black Widow. At the start. You can have one primary weapon, and one secondary weapon. So a Rifle, Shotgun, or Sniper or something, then a Pistol or SMG. HUMAN Andromeda weapons are also allowed, since they will be the same tech level as Reaper-War Milky Way.)

Other: (Anything else you feel is missing.)
Sounds good, I'll work on the OOC right now.
Yeah, that's fine xD Although as I'll detail in the OOC, people were chosen, not volunteered. After all probably anyone would volunteer for what they think is getting away from the action and going on a 'vacation' from world to world being a negotiator.

I'll probably keep this to 4-5 people including myself, just to keep it with that feeling of a squad like Mass Effect always had.

I'm thinking a lot of things with this team would be lost in translation so to speak, as the Alliance Command is having a hell of a time coordinating things, so people end up where they weren't meant to be... like, I don't know, an actual doctor being the Commander.
Yeah seems about right to me. Basically anyone is fine as long as they aren't someone who is both trained, and experienced in the field. Fresh out of training is fine, because they lack the actual knowledge of what it's like to be out in the field.
Have you ever thought to yourself, man, that Commander Shepard person sure was great... but there was no way he did everything alone, right? Or even just his crew! Stories tell of the Normandy, and the heroes aboard it that aided the Commander in saving the Galaxy from the Reapers. But... there were other soldiers, right? Other groups? It couldn't have been JUST Shepard out there... right?

And that was where the B Team came in, a smaller group in a Not-So-Experimental Frigate of their own. They had a similar job to the crew of the Normandy. Go out, meet allies, help them against the Reapers, earn their trust and support to take back Earth. Simple right? Well, it's not quite as simple when you're not the Man...Woman? The Myth, the Legend Him/Herself, Commander Shepard.

Things are tougher when your Commander's first words are "Me? A Commander? But, why me? No like, literally, why specifically ME."


So this is basically just a RP taking place during Mass Effect 3. The Reaper invasion is in full swing, Earth is all but gone with little more than a resistance on the surface, and the Alliance is trying to pull together support for an all out assault to take it back.

Our team is literally just a second team doing the same thing as the Normandy, but without being all that special, at least, that's the description that would be given in official reports. Obviously our characters will be more special than you'd be lead to believe, rather skilled in their own rights, even if they make... mistakes.

This is intended to be a more light hearted side to the Reaper Invasion, with a team of misfits strung together from 'Whatever the Alliance could get their hands on', so you can imagine they're not entirely cut out for the mission they're put on. But hopefully, they'll get it done, with as little screaming and panicking as possible.

I'd like to focus on characters that aren't just 'They've been a soldier for years, they're a great shot and can easily keep their cool in a fight'. I'm more looking for people to play "Jim from accounting was given a gun and told to go save the world. This is working as intended. Welcome to N7 Bucko."

Comedy would be a good description, but we'll have plenty of serious moments too.

All the 'normal' races are acceptable. This means:


And yes, Salarian is acceptable as long as you understand the race. It has been stated in lore that Salarian aren't just smarter and socially different because they are raised differently, or because they have a different mindset. They LITERALLY have a different perception of the world around them, and don't think like other races, especially humans do.

Potentially Drell and Volus too?

Basically Humanoid Citadel races, and Normandy races only. No Elcor, no Hanar, No Geth (They're still all at war.), No Vorcha or Batarians, no Threshers, and no Pyjaks. I think you get the point. If they serve on the Normandy at any point, they're acceptable. And Volus because you gotta love the little bastards.

So anyone interested?
Oh, didn't think this was going to get any interest after a week passed and it got moved on to the next page lol. Well I'm glad to see at least some people are interested! I'll look into getting an OOC up, in case any more people want to take part in this.

@welshcardinal@baha blastoise
Read Before Applying

Think it's all changed around. Left the name and Codename the same since there would have never been a reason for her to be given a false name of any kind, I figure giving an Innovade a Real name, and then a Codename would be strictly for Innovades meant to actually blend in with people.
Realax :P I got them backwards. Name is supposed to be Tanya, Nickname is tupposed to be nothing, and codename is supposed to be Viraa.

And alright, I'll make her an Innovade but since Innovades are kinda, made by Celestial Being that means she doesn't really have any history to speak of.
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