Avatar of Shandria


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I'm back now. I'll work on responses to everything after work.
6 yrs ago
Just taking a little break for a day or two. I'll be catching up on all replies soon, I'm not gone!
6 yrs ago
Long morning, responding tonight when I'm able.
7 yrs ago
Just a notice that I'll be responding when I can. As recently posted some family matters have come up.
7 yrs ago
Sorry for the slow responses today. Family coming in and whatnot.


I came here to join a specific RP. That being said there's some things people should know about me.

I do normal, serious RP in public and am open to erotica type things in private. Only, in private. I definitely prefer if anything of an erotic nature is going to happen, that it have some basis. Like if the RP that happens in private is between two characters that already know each other from a regular public RP. Of course, if I really like a partner I'm the sort who tends to brainstorm the most random of ideas of just, things I would like to do that we could jump into, even with randomly made up on the spot characters.

Anywho, been RPing for years. Started on a site known as Gaia, doing little RPs here and there. Moved on to WoW private servers, then WoW live, and just been all over here and there with friends and strangers alike.

Most Recent Posts

By the way SpaceMan, your avatar and title basically sum up my thoughts on how combat is going to play out in this RP almost every single time.
I'm assuming we'll just shoot them down as we've been doing and be done with it.

And I'd just like to point out that Viraa shot down three Helions, AND the missile launcher. So ha. She wins.
Viraa aimed her shoulder cannons right at the two Helions carrying what looked like a large box. Zooming in on it, she was just barely able to make out its design through the GN particles that were protecting her. It looked like some kind of large missile launcher, not something that a single Mobile Suit could just carry around and use as a weapon. The missiles inside were probably powerful enough to do serious damage to the Orbital Elevator.

"Two remaining Helion units making a run for the Elevator. Payload identified as a heavy missile, potentially torpedo launcher. Eliminating the threat." She aimed the cannons, and then her GP Field dropped, and at once, the Cannons fired off in large bursts similar to the Bazooka, just not quite as powerful. However, it was more than strong enough to destroy these mobile suits with a direct hit.

The two Helions were hanging on to the missile launcher tight between them, but when they saw those cannons firing, they let go and tried to dodge in opposite directions. Just as predicted... she had pre aimed expecting to not be brave enough to keep going, and their attempts to dodge instead put them directly in the way of the shots fired at them. Both of them melted away into nothing, leaving their payload floating harmlessly through space.

Well, mostly harmlessly. It was still a fully loaded heavy missile launcher floating straight for the Elevator. She didn't want to take chances on it having some remote detonation, or even detonating on impact. She raised the Bazooka once more, and fired a blast right at it detonating all the explosives inside. Just as she thought, a missile launcher, now only dust scattered into space like the vermin who had brought it here.

"GN-005 Virtue, targets destroyed, payload destroyed, awaiting confirmation of mission complete." She had assumed that Kyrios would soon deal with its own threats.
Ah, the Citadel. A wondrous marvel of engineering created by a civilization long past, or so everyone figured anyways. It was the center for the Governing bodies of the different species known as the "Citadel Races". Humans, Turian, Asari, and Salarian were the main ones holding positions within the Council, but many other races lived on, or at the very least visited the Citadel. It was the hub for anything you could imagine from trade, to industry, to sports and entertainment.

But then of course, the Reapers came. For whatever reason, they didn't invade the Citadel. The first Reaper to show up, Harbinger, had made a direct attack on the Citadel sure and failed, but since then, even when planets all over the Galaxy were falling to the Reaper invasion, the Citadel was untouched. Not a Reaper in sight. This made it the obvious choice as a bastion for all the refugees that managed to escape the war, and it was getting packed. But on the inside, on the streets of the cities of its massive arms, everything seemed peaceful. Some murmurs here and there about the war, people being worried, but it was like a place away from the war itself. Peaceful was a good word for it.

Near a docking station, a large barracks of sorts had been prepared for a new crew that was going to be heading out to gather support for the war effort. An Alliance crew that would be getting the other species of the Galaxy to send aid to Earth, for a direct attack against the Reapers. If they could take back Earth, they felt sure that they could win the war. And apparently, the Alliance was working on something special, an ancient weapon that could potentially be the secret to destroying the Reapers once and for all.

But none of that mattered to the people who were actually CHOSEN for this crew... with the mistakes that had been made. The positions that had been filled by people that, well, 'unqualified' seemed like an understatement for most of them.

One of them, probably more out of her league than anyone else, was Linalla T'sado. A week ago she was a doctor working overtime in the hospital to treat the refugees that were coming in from all over. Today? Today she was a Military Officer given the title of Commander for Goddess knows what reason, and Captain of her very own ship. And just out the window, she could see it sitting in the Station, ready and waiting for its crew. It was a beautiful ship. It was a Frigate, built in the same shape as the SSV Normandy, the famous ship of Commander Shepard himself. You didn't need to be Military, or even Human for that matter to know who Shepard was. But this ship... this wasn't the Normandy. No this ship looked like the Normandy, but it lacked all the special bells and whistles. It wasn't experimental... it was just a Frigate.

The SSV Minotaur. At least it sure had a pretty name...


As stated before this is downtime for the RP. Just posting as you wish, doing whatever until the whole gang is set up and ready to go. Literally ICly waiting for the other characters to show up, while we OOCly wait for the other characters to show up.

I was thinking it would be a 4 person squad, and it ended up as a 5 person squad which is fine but beyond that we'll see about more in the future maybe xD

For now I'll set up an initial post.
Made the OOC, presuming you two are still interested.
Viraa sat in her seat with her arms crossed as she listened to people cut in and out of the communications. Both parts of the mission were beginning. She watched the Kyrios move out to engage the enemy, and just sat there like she was going to observe. Honestly she shouldn't even be needed, even if they put up a fight, the Kyrios should be able to handle six regular Mobile Suits. Unless... they split up.

Of course they had to split up. Actually that was a pretty smart move on their part. Most would be stunned to be met with such sudden and strong opposition from a single Mobile Suit, but it seemed this little band of terrorists were different. They were dead set on completing this mission. A shame for them they didn't have as much resolve as Celestial Being, or they might have gotten what they wanted today.

"GN-005 Virtue, engaging the enemy." She raised her GN Bazooka up, Virtue taking it with both hands and pressing it to the chest of the Mobile Suit to lock it in place. Her Optical Camoflauge faded just in time for the weapon to charge up, and then fire a single, long blast of energy that rushed through space in a stream. One of the three Mobile Suits was caught up in the blast, and over the course of a couple seconds, the entire machine, and the pilot inside, were turned to nothing but dust scattered through space. "Two Enemy Mobile Suits remaining from the group that split away from Kyrios. Enemy Mobile Suits appear to be protecting some sort of weapon."

As the two remaining Mobile Suits closed in on the Orbital Elevator, they managed to spot Virtue ahead, not a difficult task once they were close enough. They raised their weapons and started firing off Beam Rifles, but a large green shell appeared around her, and simply deflected the shots. For the moment, they kept up their fire, however as they were doing this, Virtue's two GN Cannons slid up onto its shoulders, and aimed down toward the enemies, preparing to take a shot at both of them at once as soon as there was a window to drop the GN Field around her.
I think you mean Viraa's group! It's right there on the mission details. "Team Viraa".

No yeah that works for me.
You've heard the stories of King Arthur. The different tales that tell the vastly differing stories of the Knights of the Round Table, Sir Lancelot, Gawain, Bedivere, or Tristan. Everyone knows of the betrayal of the Witch Morgana Lefay, or how Mordred, Bastard son of King Arthur was the one who struck the fatal blow to the King. Everyone knows of the Sword in the Stone, and the fabled Excalibur. Many even know of the Dragon who aided Arthur in his quest. And of course, there are few who do not know of the great Wizard Merlin.

But stories don't often speak of the soldiers who fought for the King. The soldiers who followed orders from the Knights of the Round Table, and did what they could not do alone. Fought against armies and hordes that threatened Camelot and stood their ground when nobody else would. For the King, for their homes, for Camelot.

This is your story, in a new, original world of Camelot. This is not the Camelot of Britain. This is its own Kingdom, not just one city, but an entire stretching land for hundreds of miles around. Nestled between the Mountains, with the sea at its northern tip, this is the home of the Human Empire, at least, the most well known one. In a world of Elves, Dwarves, and Monsters, it is the people of Camelot serving under the Knight Lords who protect the land.

But who are you? Are you perhaps a novice Wizard trained under the great Merlin, now set loose upon the world to learn from your experiences, that which a book cannot teach you? Are you a Warrior who trained under the great Sir Lancelot and has been given the task of seeking out and hunting Monsters that threaten the people? For every class, there is a leader. And every Soldier, be they Wizard, Archer, Warrior or Rogue, fight for one of the Knight Lords. This creates factions that war among each other, but all in good will. There is no killing among the factions, but they can certainly get competitive when trying to prove the worth of their chosen Knight. Whether it's the faction wars trying to claim ownership of the many forts in the land, or tournaments that often are decided by how much support each Knight gets from their followers, it all strengthens the people as they work to be better than one another, and in doing so, become better than they could ever be on their own.

Of course, this is quite the different story than you are likely accustomed to when it comes to the story of King Arthur. The King already wields the Holy Sword, Excalibur, and those you know from other stories to have betrayed the King, you may yet find to be his greatest allies.

Welcome to Camelot.


So the basic idea here is that it's an original world, and doesn't follow all the lore of most Arthurian Legend you might know. For example, this will not be following the same old story of Lancelot and Guinevere, or Morgana and Mordred, these won't be happening here. This world is a bit, brighter than many other worlds of King Arthur, so if you're looking for some Grimdark, you're not likely to find it here I'm afraid. Some examples:

Lancelot is Guinevere's Brother, and there is no lack of love between the King and Queen.

Mordred is the legitimate child of King Arthur and Guinevere.

Morgana, while using darker magic than most would usually accept, is still accepted as Royalty, and is not any sort of Villain. Yes, she is Morgana Pendragon. Also she won't leave Lancelot alone.


Each Class has a Class Leader. However, keep in mind that this has nothing to do with your faction. There are also advanced classes, that you can only 'earn' through RP, such as the Knight, or Beastmaster. These are evolution classes, meaning you must start as an Archer to become a Beast Master for example. The Class Leader also has no effect on power or standing. Just because you were trained under King Arthur himself, doesn't mean you're better than anyone. Except when it does, and changing to an advanced class does not always change your Class Leader. Some advanced classes can be advanced into from more than one class... does it make sense that a Cleric can suddenly become a Paladin with absolutely no experience with heavy armor, swords or shields? No, but why not.

Note that not all classes have an advanced class, or the same number of advanced classes. (You are also not required to advance if you don't want to.)

This is an early development of the classes. It may change, it may not, by time this becomes a full OOC.

Warrior - Sir Lancelot
Wizard - Merlin
Cleric - Queen Guinevere
Rogue - Mistral (Dark Elf OC)
Archer - Cynal (Wood Elf OC)

Advanced Classes:

-Knight (Class Leader becomes King Arthur)
-Paladin (Class Leader becomes Sir Mordred)
-Berserker (Class Leader becomes Ghamki, a Dwarf OC)

-Warlock (Class Leader becomes Morgana)

-Paladin (Class Leader becomes Sir Mordred)

-Shadow Assassin
-Shadow Archer

-Shadow Archer (Class Leader becomes Mistral)


The factions are a Knight that each individual swears loyalty to. This puts them in a faction, and it's their duty to compete with other factions for fame and glory, while raising their standing with their chosen Knight. No faction is stronger than any other for any reason beyond the strength of its members, and a Class Leader does not care if those studying under them choose a different faction. For example, Sir Lancelot isn't going to care if a Warrior joins Sir Mordred's faction. The Knights who have their own faction are as follows:

Sir Mordred
Sir Gawain
Sir Lancelot
Sir Bedivere
Sir Percival
Sir Tristan

Something to note, is that these are the "Knight Lords", meaning that if your character changes class to the Knight, you won't be on the same level as them. If anything, you answer even more directly to the Knight Lords as a Knight than you would as a Warrior.

The Point?:

Now after all this you're likely wondering, okay, but what will we as participants in this RP actually be doing? And to put it simply, you will be adventuring through Camelot as members of the Camelot Military. A diverse (Hopefully) group of Humans from different factions. Just because you're in different factions doesn't mean you can't team up after all. The only times you will be secluded into your own faction is during things such as tournaments.

And yes, while it may seem odd to limit you to only Humans in a world that as stated, has anything from Elves and Dwarves, to many other fantasy races, it would kind of defeat the purpose if you were another race. While King Arthur has employed allies, such as a pair of Elven Twins, and a Dwarven Smith to help train Camelot's people, the members of the Camelot military still remain entirely Human.

As for more in depth story, beyond just adventuring around, fighting Monsters and saving towns and the like, you will also be able to aid famous figures from Arthurian Legend on their quests, and see more of their story building up, such as Sir Mordred's Quest for the Sword of Choosing, or Sir Lancelot's Quest for the Holy Grail, a totally, 100%, entirely serious storyline. Without a doubt.

What I Expect From Players:

I know a lot of RPs can sometimes be a little open to interpretation on what they expect from the quality of writing, just leaving it up to 'this RP is Advanced' or Casual or Free or whatever. I'd like to get more specific than that.

This RP will be in the Casual section, but I'm looking for more, high Casual to Advanced Writers. Posts should be at least one Paragraph, and anywhere up from there that you feel comfortable with. No one liners. And most importantly, have competent grammar and spelling. I understand mistakes, but if you consistently spell things wrong, especially if it's the same words over and over again suggesting you legitimately don't know how to spell something, that's not the kind of person I'm looking for here.

And please be active. Nobody likes sitting around for days waiting for one person to post just so the RP can keep moving.

If you have questions feel free to ask here or PM me. If you show interest in the RP, I'll assume you want to take part and I'll keep that assumption for a couple days at least before opening your 'slot' so to speak to someone else. I'm not going to be too picky on the size of the group for this, I would prefer 4+ people.

I'll also say that I'm a big Fate fan, and while I don't know everything about it, it won't hurt to assume that some things from it will bleed into this RP. I'm not going to make King Arthur a woman, but some... other changes may be made as a reference to Fate. Oh and if you have an issue with 'not being true to the legend' well it's not hurting anyone for you to just not take part honestly.

Ah yes and finally, I myself will be playing a normal character, while also sort of, GMing everything else, from enemies, to the higher up figures like King Arthur or Sir Lancelot.

Oh and if you have an issue with 'not being true to the legend' well it's not hurting anyone for you to just not take part honestly.


Taking from another RP I'm in, would you two like to start a sort of downtime part of the RP where you can post as you wish around the Citadel while we wait on everything to be set up?

SpaceMan, I only just noticed this but in equipment, did you mean the M-3 Predator, or the M-8 Avenger? Cause you put a mix of the two, M-8 Predator.
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