Avatar of Shandria


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I'm back now. I'll work on responses to everything after work.
6 yrs ago
Just taking a little break for a day or two. I'll be catching up on all replies soon, I'm not gone!
6 yrs ago
Long morning, responding tonight when I'm able.
7 yrs ago
Just a notice that I'll be responding when I can. As recently posted some family matters have come up.
7 yrs ago
Sorry for the slow responses today. Family coming in and whatnot.


I came here to join a specific RP. That being said there's some things people should know about me.

I do normal, serious RP in public and am open to erotica type things in private. Only, in private. I definitely prefer if anything of an erotic nature is going to happen, that it have some basis. Like if the RP that happens in private is between two characters that already know each other from a regular public RP. Of course, if I really like a partner I'm the sort who tends to brainstorm the most random of ideas of just, things I would like to do that we could jump into, even with randomly made up on the spot characters.

Anywho, been RPing for years. Started on a site known as Gaia, doing little RPs here and there. Moved on to WoW private servers, then WoW live, and just been all over here and there with friends and strangers alike.

Most Recent Posts

Removed the Queen's Tournament idea for now, as it was the only thing getting interest so a bit full on that. Added a new original idea, as well as Fate.
It seemed time to leave just as quickly as they had gotten back. As such, the helmet that had just come off, was almost immediately back on, and before long Viraa was inside Virtue once more. With a short "GN-005 Virtue, Launching" Virtue flew from the ship and was on its way, awaiting instructions on where it would be going.

Viraa's only question in her mind that she was awaiting the answer to, was simply... who will die next. Who will stand in the way of Celestial Being, and be crushed? Who would offer themselves up as a display of power, so the world could see this was not a joke, and that War would be eradicated from the world.

"GN-005 Virtue, awaiting mission details."
I'd say get us all together.
I know, like I said it's just downtime now so nobody is required to post or anything, I was mostly waiting on people to finish their profiles, which in this case was just one person I suppose so, I'll get an actual start for the RP up soon so we can actually get this going, and I'll just leave it open to anyone else to join.

Since it has been a week I'm going to just consider the fourth 'slot' open for now.
I'll get my post up tonight. If you feel necessary you can just post a start to what comes next, and I'll work Viraa into it.
So I figured why not make a more generalized interest check. And well, here we are. So before I even put out the ideas and such I'll get the important things out of the way.

P.S. please PM me, I won't respond to posts in this thread.

About Availability

I post pretty much every day, multiple times a day. Some things can have an effect on that. If I have an extensive amount of work, family matters, or holidays and whatnot, I may not feel like posting too much. I will still try to get a post out, but sometimes I'm simply put into a position where I can't. Likewise depending on the mood of the RP at any given time, I may not feel in the mood for responding. Now this specifically relates to smut related things. If I'm not in that kind of mood to write such a thing, then I just won't bother because it wouldn't be worth anything in quality.

But that being said, the norm for me is posting very regularly every day, even capable of just doing back and forth posting if we happen to be around and available at the same time.

I would prefer a partner who is similar, as waiting too long for posts can make me lose interest in a 1x1 RP.

About What I Play

So I have said it before a few times I'll say it again. I play "Girls With a Little Extra". Whatever the term you prefer to use when talking about this kind of character, I would prefer to not openly state it in a public post. If you aren't sure what it means, then ask me in private but be forewarned that the subject is an 18+ topic. Of course, you should already be keeping that in mind with everything about this, considering this is labeled as 18+.

As for characters I can play most anything as far as character types go, from young and innocent to older and wiser, and anything in between. Obviously, what I play is very dependent on the RP we are doing, but I can also work with you on what you would like to see me play, as I hope you can do the same with me.

What I'm Looking For

As far as a partner, I already mentioned that I want someone who is fairly active as I am. Sometimes I have nothing to do but respond to RP depending on the time of day. But as far as the rest goes, I'm more interested in someone who is open minded. Someone who doesn't have too much of a closed view of what they will, or won't play. I understand that we all have things we are interested in, and things we aren't. I for one can be somewhat close minded when it comes to the type of characters I enjoy. However, I'm willing to work with you on what my own characters are like, I prefer you be the same. This includes character personalities, and character body types mostly. I'm not looking to design your character for you, but if a simple detail like playing a girl with a large chest is something you won't do, then I don't think we'll get along too well.

I'd also like someone who, if they lose interest in the RP, or are unable to continue for any reason, they are willing to give me a warning. Someone who has the courage to just say so, not to just go quiet, be offline for weeks on end, or simply stop responding even though they are in fact, coming online regularly. It's not that hard to just say it, and if you're worried about looking bad, just disappearing makes you look much, much worse.

I'm also looking for someone who can play multiple characters, albeit not all at once. I will do the same of course. What I mean by this is even we have have 'main' characters, they will still come across other characters who may or may not be important to the RP, whether we only see them one time or they are more permanent. Either way, one of us will need to play these characters.

And lastly if me basically putting "18+" three different ways in the title didn't get the message across, whatever RP we do there is a high likelihood that it will be heavily smut driven. I'm perfectly fine with a 50/50 split, as if it's JUST smut it gets boring, but understand that this isn't a fade to black RP, and that smut is a large part of it.

RP Ideas: (I will be adding to this list as time goes on, and potentially removing ideas if they get too much interest)


Pokemon - I'm specifically interested in a long-term adventure where our characters will start out as beginner trainers setting out together on their Pokemon Adventure. Basically, imagine the games, but its our own original characters, and following a more, less linear, free to do as they please path like the anime where they may go to the beach or stop off and go camping.

Star Wars - Mostly up for anything, though I prefer Clone Wars era. I would also be very interested in any sort of pairing involving someone playing Leia or Padme, and me playing some sort of escort for them, Jedi or otherwise.

Highschool of the Dead - Not directly RPing this series but the same exact thing. Students, maybe a Teacher or two along, trying to survive together in whatever way they can during the Zombie Apocalypse.

League of Legends - Interested in many characters, but I've got a few favorites.

Nintendoverse / Super Smash Brothers - Seen a lot of ideas based on World of Light. That'd uh, be pretty fun.

Game of Thrones - An abridged version, AU, whatever you want to call it. Just mostly for fun, doing our own thing, no spoilers or anything like that. I'll be honest it's been a hell of a time since I've watched Game of Thrones, but I think it could be fun nonetheless.

Terminator - This would take place in the future, a more Terminator Salvation type RP in which our characters are part of a resistance, taking on a highly advanced Skynet that has already taken over the world.

Original Ideas:

Valkyrie of Asgard - Set in the Asgard of the Marvel Universe for the most part with a lot of original lore to the world, the Valkyries are a legend of the past. However, two women are determined to claim that title for themselves, even though the challenges and rites of such a path have not been given for many years. They will train, grow in strength and power, meet many friends, and follow the legends and challenges that may one day name them, Valkyrie.

Hero of War - Loss cuts deep. Some people don't know how truly lucky they are if they have someone who can help them through the pain. Others are more than happy to be that support for people they care about. Two friends go off to war, and even though one promised her best friend's wife she'd bring her back, only one returns. How far will the wife go to forget the pain? How far will the best friend go to help her forget? And what happens when they have gone too far, and a ghost returns from the dead? Can they stop what they have started? And can the best friend hide the deep, dark secret she has been keeping the entire time? - This would be a heavily dark themed RP. A focus on loss, depression, and suffering. As the RP progresses, themes of betrayal and obsession will come up, and maybe even abuse. If it's not already clear, the idea is that the best friend who comes back from war will be the one to 'comfort' the now widowed wife of the other best friend. However, a while into their 'relationship' the best friend thought dead will come back, not so dead after all. You'll need to be open to some pretty dark themes, not necessarily like death or gore or anything like that, just mostly emotionally and mentally dark. Adultery will also become a pretty big theme, if not just be one from the start.

Alternative Theme: A Squire's Right - Similar to the idea above, one character comes back from a war, while the other does not. In this case, it is the Squire of a Knight, and in the Kingdom they come from a Squire is granted all that the Knight owns in the case of the Knight's death. This includes land, their home, businesses, and even family. Specifically, the Squire is given the wife of the Knight. The original idea was that Knights would only pick Squires who they thought worthy of being a Knight themselves, and who they would trust with the burden of one day looking after their property and family should they die in battle. Of course, the wife of the Knight might not be too thrilled to find her beloved is gone, and that she is now married to the Squire of their now deceased lover... Or perhaps all involved will find it to be a rather agreeable situation? This plot will likely involve less dark themes than Hero of War, but keep some such as adultery.
Checking up on everyone since it's been a good few days since anyone posted, even if it's a Holiday Weekend. Or, was.
I think we have two things being said here. We've got one person saying we have debriefing and training, then another saying we have another mission immediately. Obviously more inclined to follow the GM but it's confusing lol.
Voice Claim for Viraa

Just 'cause.
Viraa dropped her hands, and once more looked over at Atalei. "You were chosen. Others were as well. If something were to go wrong, there would be alternatives. Second options. You were the first choice, take pride in that. But me, yes, I was born for this. This is what I exist for. You could have said no, you could have had a normal life, or however normal one such as yourself can be." She said this, hinting at her knowledge about his past, then looked forward.

"I could not say no. This is my calling. My life, belongs to Veda, to Celestial Being. Not because I chose it, but because that is why I exist in this world. And I gladly accept that role. Do not look down on the idea of being one with your Gundam. The facts remain, that you were chosen, and you accepted. For these reasons alone, you are Kyrios. There is no other, who will pilot that Gundam. It may be a metal machine, but we inside it are their hearts, their souls. We give what is nothing more than an image of a person, a voice and a purpose. That is our part in changing this world. Perhaps you do not understand... you were chosen from this. I am different, someday, perhaps, you will understand. By time we are through with this, you will all understand... what it means to be a Gundam."

She seemed to always have her helmet on. During training, during meetings and briefings/debriefings. Even when she had recruited the Meisters, her face was mostly shrouded, typically picking clothing that suited the area she was traveling to that covered as much of her face as possible for, mostly unknown reasons. And during free time, she was barely seen, tending to stick to her room, or somehow managing to always be one step ahead of everyone else, and disappearing from any location just before anyone else arrived.

Yet in this moment, in the completion of their first mission that was the jumpstart to their whole Crusade against war, she reached up, and there was a click, and a hiss from her helmet like it was locked in place. She pulled it up from her head, freeing hair that seemed like there was no way it fit in that helmet in the first place. She simply gave Atalei a quick look, saying "We are expected for debriefing soon. It won't be long before we will need to display our full power. Humanity will fight back, and we need to be ready for what comes next." And with that, she kicked herself off, floating forward through the Zero-Gravity atmosphere of the ship.

Surely they were to be expected soon, they couldn't leave the other two Gundams on the surface alone. Who knew what the next mission would require. Well okay... Veda likely already had a good idea, but still.
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