Avatar of Shandria


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I'm back now. I'll work on responses to everything after work.
6 yrs ago
Just taking a little break for a day or two. I'll be catching up on all replies soon, I'm not gone!
6 yrs ago
Long morning, responding tonight when I'm able.
7 yrs ago
Just a notice that I'll be responding when I can. As recently posted some family matters have come up.
7 yrs ago
Sorry for the slow responses today. Family coming in and whatnot.


I came here to join a specific RP. That being said there's some things people should know about me.

I do normal, serious RP in public and am open to erotica type things in private. Only, in private. I definitely prefer if anything of an erotic nature is going to happen, that it have some basis. Like if the RP that happens in private is between two characters that already know each other from a regular public RP. Of course, if I really like a partner I'm the sort who tends to brainstorm the most random of ideas of just, things I would like to do that we could jump into, even with randomly made up on the spot characters.

Anywho, been RPing for years. Started on a site known as Gaia, doing little RPs here and there. Moved on to WoW private servers, then WoW live, and just been all over here and there with friends and strangers alike.

Most Recent Posts

Work has been keeping my busy but I'm still around.

I'm currently mostly interested in the last idea I put up, the Hitman Academy one.
New, much darker original plot idea. Please understand what it's about and the things it involves fully before messaging me.
Another new original plot idea. Even if it's not exactly original since the idea is to do something similar to another idea but... shut up.
Oh and a new original plot idea.
Mostly looking for Star Wars RP at the moment.
I'll also respond to @Vox when I post. Just let me know when you want me to post, if you have a specific order in mind. I just sort of kept it on pause until we figured out what was going on with the RP xD
It wasn't long after they arrived that Viraa dropped straight down from the sky above the base. She assumed that any of the Mobile Suits that attempted to pursue her would be taken care of by the other Meisters. She, after all, was the only Mobile Suit specifically designed for this type of mission. At least, in some ways. It was true, any one of them could likely take on the whole base. It might be a challenge, but they could do it. Her Bazooka was meant for larger targets than simple hangars, but it would still show just what she could do.

As she landed, she spoke simply as usual, however this time she added on a more, prophetical statement. "GN-005 engaging the enemy. All who revel in war shall burn in the avenging light of Celestial Being."

With that, she raised her Bazooka and locked it in place on Virtue's chest. Within second the weapon charged, and the large beam fired out, punching through one hangar, the next, and then another. Three Hangars in total, as they were all in a row, were decimated in an instant, with all Mobile Suits inside falling prey to the following explosions of anything from fuel to weapons being detonated from the sheer heat of the weapon they were being hit with. Three down, five to go. They weren't difficult targets, but she had to display the power of Virtue... without necessarily ACTUALLY displaying its power. Blasting their base to pieces was a good start at least.
I've had a long few days. Don't worry, I'm not going to drop out or anything, I'd let you know if that was happening. Just been a long week for me is all.

Writing up a post now.

Sorry that took so long, had a long few days through the week. But I'd say it's time to get the RP going. Hopefully everyone is still here and we can kick off the adventure and actually get something done that isn't idly standing around chatting.

Feel free to post as you please, and we can just work on a natural order rule here. If you feel you have something to post, go ahead, you don't need to follow a set order, just don't spam post. Use your best judgement I'd say.
The call suddenly went out. All in one chaotic moment, the intercom sounded off with:

"SSV Minotaur, begin boarding now. Departure in Ten Minutes."

Lin sighed to herself as it seemed that yeah, this was happening... With a deep breath, she stood up straight and watched as all the more, trained members of the crew immediately stood and marched out onto the boarding platform and into the ship. Soon enough, she followed, and whether people were happy about this or not, they were all pushed to get on board as quickly as possible, no wasting time asking questions. The time for that was over, this was happening, it was time to leave. They had a war to win... not necessarily their war but, well...

Lin walked aboard the ship, her ship, and looked around. Most of the crewmembers were settling into their stations, doing systems checks, plotting courses, updating everything and everyone on the situations around the Galaxy. Lin? She just wanted to know what the hell they were supposed to do. Then a thought popped into her head, as she asked around to find the Comms Specialist. It was doubtful she had too much to do right now, so she figured, why not have her put out a message.

As everyone was boarded onto the ship and the doors closed up, the internal intercom of the ship sounded off with a simple message.

"All crewmembers who feel out of place or that their position may not be suitable to their skills, report to the briefing room immediately."
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