The call suddenly went out. All in one chaotic moment, the intercom sounded off with:
"SSV Minotaur, begin boarding now. Departure in Ten Minutes."
Lin sighed to herself as it seemed that yeah, this was happening... With a deep breath, she stood up straight and watched as all the more, trained members of the crew immediately stood and marched out onto the boarding platform and into the ship. Soon enough, she followed, and whether people were happy about this or not, they were all pushed to get on board as quickly as possible, no wasting time asking questions. The time for that was over, this was happening, it was time to leave. They had a war to win... not necessarily their war but, well...
Lin walked aboard the ship, her ship, and looked around. Most of the crewmembers were settling into their stations, doing systems checks, plotting courses, updating everything and everyone on the situations around the Galaxy. Lin? She just wanted to know what the hell they were supposed to do. Then a thought popped into her head, as she asked around to find the Comms Specialist. It was doubtful she had too much to do right now, so she figured, why not have her put out a message.
As everyone was boarded onto the ship and the doors closed up, the internal intercom of the ship sounded off with a simple message.
"All crewmembers who feel out of place or that their position may not be suitable to their skills, report to the briefing room immediately."