Avatar of Shandria


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I'm back now. I'll work on responses to everything after work.
6 yrs ago
Just taking a little break for a day or two. I'll be catching up on all replies soon, I'm not gone!
6 yrs ago
Long morning, responding tonight when I'm able.
7 yrs ago
Just a notice that I'll be responding when I can. As recently posted some family matters have come up.
7 yrs ago
Sorry for the slow responses today. Family coming in and whatnot.


I came here to join a specific RP. That being said there's some things people should know about me.

I do normal, serious RP in public and am open to erotica type things in private. Only, in private. I definitely prefer if anything of an erotic nature is going to happen, that it have some basis. Like if the RP that happens in private is between two characters that already know each other from a regular public RP. Of course, if I really like a partner I'm the sort who tends to brainstorm the most random of ideas of just, things I would like to do that we could jump into, even with randomly made up on the spot characters.

Anywho, been RPing for years. Started on a site known as Gaia, doing little RPs here and there. Moved on to WoW private servers, then WoW live, and just been all over here and there with friends and strangers alike.

Most Recent Posts

I have added a new, mostly original plot, Valkyrie of Asgard. I am very interested in this particular one.
Added a Magic Academy idea. Very interested in this idea.
Viraa was charging up her Bazooka to destroy the remaining structures when she heard someone screaming. Well, only one of them had a weapon they had to charge. She looked at her display and saw a Mobile Suit approaching her from behind. A reckless soldier, so focused on the fact that he had recognized the weakness of one weapon, and so single minded in attempting to exploit that weakness that he had forgotten sense and reason. Whoever the pilot was, he had clearly pushed aside all thought of the fact that the Mobile Suit he was charging was not only far more advanced than his own, but that the large Bazooka charging up to destroy the base was not the only weapon, and that was plain to see. This would cost him his life.

The GN Cannons on Virtue's shoulders turned around 180 degrees, aimed directly at the approaching Mobile Suit. Her GN Barrier dropped and in an instant, both Cannons let loose blasts of energy that streamed across the entire base, and engulfed the enemy Mobile Suit in light as it was turned to ash, just the same fate as the terrorists in space had met.

When it was over, she took a moment to recharge all her weaponry. It was best that the enemy was destroyed in this way. She did not yet want them to see that their normal weaponry could not pierce her barrier.

A short time passed before the Bazooka fired off again, and the remaining structures making up the base were obliterated.

Such fools they were, throwing their lives away in a misguided effort of vengeance. As if such reckless behavior could threaten a Gundam.
Added Terminator idea.
Writing a response soon, just catching up on things.
I just didn't realize it's my post... I guess I did but like, I read all the posts, and was like, alright, I'm up next... then just, didn't post? Lol it's my mistake, I am enjoying this RP so it's not like I was just like "Meh". I'll get a post up soon, catching up with things.

Also we do sorta have an MIA for over a week. Said they were around but like, not actually posting.
Added League of Legends, and Nintendoverse ideas, as well as an idea for a Skyrim styled RP set in a Skyrim styled world, that is not in fact, Skyrim.

Edit: Game of Thrones as a late entry
Still looking for someone interested in the Hitman Academy plot. Also working on some new plots but, I need rest first.
Viraa turned Virtue's Bazooka on a couple of the last remaining hangars on the base. It took a short while for it to recharge, but when it did she once more let off a blast that destroyed both of them almost instantly. Before long the base was in flames, and while there were still some combatants fighting back, as well as a few buildings left standing, none of them were much of a threat to her she didn't feel like. The other more mobile Gundams were taking care of the major threats, while she was doing most of the damage to the base even as bombs and missiles rained down across the land. Most of the stray shots fired at her impacted her shield, and even when she dropped it the superior armor of Virtue protected it from most everything.

"The message of Celestial Being has not been heeded. They wish to wage war, and destroy lives and ignore us. We will show them that we cannot be ignored. All who wage war must be eradicated from the Earth. They are a plague, a sickness... and we are the cure. Celestial Being is the cure. If they wish to fight us, then we will cure the sickness with fire."
I'll have a post up in a few hours.
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