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@Rune_Alchemist Lol didn't mean to pile on more work, just a passing wonder.
I too would vote for the forging of post were it not for the fact I work soon. A question I was wondering however is about the rooming for newcomers who are we roomed with and when would we learn this?
Completely understandable Rune, have a nice break and thank you for your quick assistance.

I'm going to try and get a nap in real quick.
Woot! IC! I'll be busy tomorrow unfortunately, but always good to see things moving forward. On that, I'm not entirely sure on the status of my CS, as I haven't gotten final confirmation on it yet.
An update to my Captain, I'll keep chipping away at it but the next few days are somewhat busy for me by the looks of it. Should be able to finish it Wednesday however as that is my day off of work.
I hate sleep and all the schedules annoyances that comes along with screwing up how one sleeps. In other words, Good morning to all those who got sleep in the last 24 hours, I have yet to get any my self.
Why do you have to have the fun conversations while I'm at work T^T.

<Snipped quote by Shifter_Master>

Yes, it was :3

I haven't gotten around to watching that yet, I'll have to move it up 9n the priorities.
"Oh please, I've seen bathrooms more intimidating then you"

Name: Alphonse Grissom (has too many nicknames to count)

Age: 36

Sex: Male

Orientation: Straight

Position: Captain

Qualifications: He has had a short and bloody Military career, proceeded by another short and bloody stint as a Pirate, succeeded as a Short and blood time as a privateer, backed up by years living on the streets. These years of conflict have made Alphonse impossible to shake up, and have given him more than enough experience in leading others through tough situations, or just leading people in general. Also he kind of owns the ship, that’s worth something.

Appearance: Alphonse is a moderate 5'9" with a rather whip like build, he has short stick stright brown hair, and dark blue eyes. He does his best to keep himself clean shaven and cleans up rather well when he tries.

Personality: Alphonse is a reserved person, thus comes off as cold or prickly. To those is more familiar with he is much more relaxed and a bit more open. A fan of a snark and dry wit with a dash of dead pan humor he is forever a cynic. He tries to be patient as he can but he will be the first to admit that he doesn’t do people well due to his very skewed interactions with people most of his life.

Space: It always fascinated him when he was a street rat, and actually going to space was better than he had ever hopped. Now that he has his own ship, nothing is going to be able to take the sky from him.

Chess: it’s an old hobby and an even older game. He is very good and enjoys playing whenever he can.

Snark: it started off as a coping mechanism, but ended up becoming more fun to just be a snarky cynic then an optimistic fool. Besides you get more cheek that way, both kinds.

Combat: He is just so tired of it.

Religion: Most religions tell him that his after life will be filled with pain and torment; he gets enough of that from his own nightmares.

Idleness: There is always something to do, somewhere to go, someplace to be. He doesn’t like sitting around and doing nothing,

Survivor experience: He knows how to survive regardless of the situation, be it live fire combat, or back room politics. His expertise comes in getting himself and his allies through anything in more or less once piece.

Unbreakable will: Life has never been nice, never been kind, so he never learned to back down, only how to keep getting back up

Connections: He has lived on every side of life, good and bad, posh and poor, and in each of those lives he mad something of a name for himself, so he has “friends” in all kinds of places. This leads to all types of information that he can get ahold of.


Unlucky: Murphy is a cabin mate for Alphonse; things just tend to go wrong from him.

Pessimistic: With luck as bad as his seems being an optimist never sounds like a good idea.

Paranoid: Know as many people as Alphonse does and people start taking a interest in you, not many have the best wishes at heart.

Open to relationships: Sure

Relationships/family: Father is an admiral some renown as well. He also has an older brother who is swiftly climbing the military ranks. Neither are related to Alphonse by blood only by law, part of his plea bargain. Younger sister passed away, not related by blood but ran with him when they were street rats; her death is what pushed him to becoming a pirate. Mother unknown, never meet her as far as he is aware, could have been any number of people living on the streets with him possible even someone of importance that didn’t feel like raising a kid and just left him on the street one day.

Biography: Raised on the streets on the good old slums of earth Alphonse started off life knowing that nothing is really fair, but rather than rolling over he pushed on for the option of giving up hadn’t occurred to him. He taught himself how to read and speak, how to live, and above all how to survive.

Every time his life started going for the better something would happen to try and break him down. At 15 his only true friend succumbs to a lifelong held sickness, he goes and gets “Recruited” by a pirate gang to bury the pain.

At 21, two weeks before he has enough cash and influence to quit that life the gang gets busted and he faces death or suicidal odds on government issued black list operations, he laughs at death on every mission.

At 27 after “paying” his debt to humanity, he “Resigns” from the military life. Only to have his Adoptive family turns their backs on him leaving him high and dry. He salvages an old scout and joins a band of privateers to keep a roof over his head.

Now at 33 he owns his own ship, top of the line, purchased fresh out of the dry dock, with a crew of misfits just like himself. Seems he got one step ahead of lady luck this time, as he is ready for the curve ball whatever it may be.

What does SIRIUS mean to your character?:

Freedom: he can choose where to go and when to go there, and no one can really tell him no.

Comrades: the life of strife he has lived has taught him that a handful of people that you can trust your back too are better than nearly anything.

More peaceful life; or at least an attempt at a more peaceful life: Knowing his luck there is always something just around the corner that wants him dead.

Obvious: He does own the Damn thing.

- His neutral stance has a lot of eyes on him, and his crew, for if he chooses to tip one way or the other, his connections can go a long way.

- he is capable in all ares of running and repairing his ship, not enough that he could hold down a job for any of the positions, but handy enough to be an assistant to any of the other crew members, or be able to fill the role in an emergency.

- He is a decent biotic, focusing mainly on the defensive aspects of mass effect fields.

Sample post:
Was the play though done by Cry? Night.
So I hear but I've never been able to play it
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