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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spud
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Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spud
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Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Name: Loire Lanrete.
Age: 25.
Sex: M.
Orientation: Undecided.
Position: Medic.
Qualifications: Childhood prodigy, began medical school at 13 and graduated at 17 with exceptional results. He's worked on various military grade ships before finally joining the crew of the SIRIUS. He's done research on experimental brain implants as part of one of humanities leading scientific teams before suddenly quitting the program.
Personality: Quiet, shy, sometimes broody, distant, aloof, poetic, gentle, cowardly.
Likes: Study/research, piano/classical music, history and ancient ruins.
Dislikes: Violence, cigarettes, beer.
Strengths: Medicine, biology and xenobiology, classical music, cooking.
Weaknesses: Combat, socialising, dance.
Open to relationships: Yeah
Relationships/family: Twin Sister - Lucine (deceased), Sandra Wu (former classmate, old friend).
Biography: Loire was born within 7 minutes of his twin sister, Lucine, on a colony planet inside the Milky way galaxy. He attended a local public school and at the age of 7 his teachers discovered he was a genius, though he played dumb so he could stay in the same classes as his sister, Lucine, who had average intelligence but excelled in ballet. After rigorous testing, it was discovered that Loire was within the top 2% of the system and the human research base on the Citadel requested Loire's parents send him away to learn medicine. Loire begged his parents to refuse, wanting to stay on his simple homeworld with his sister whom he loved dearly. At that time, his parents agreed.

His childhood was relatively normal, aside from the fact he studied advanced subjects while sitting beside his sister in an average class. His parents and teachers encouarged him to study at his own pace (which turned out to be considerably fast) and supplied him with all the books he could read, in return, he was allowed to stay with his sister and lead a relatively normal life. Lucine excelled in dance adn was incredibly outgoing, Loire followed her like a shadow and the two were incredibly close. One day, while Loire was ailing with a common cold, Lucine prepared for her dance audition, with the chance to be awarded a place in a prestigious dance school on Earth. Loire agreed that if Lucine was accepted, he would allow himself to be sent to a medical school, but only if it was near his sister, somewhere on Earth. Their parents could not afford to relocate to Earth on a whim, but numerous research centres were begging Loire to attend, ever since he was young, so they decided that they would come up with a plan, should she be accepted to dance school.
Loire was upset he couldn't attend his sisters audition, bedridden with a fever, but she assured him all would go well and he could support her from his bed and that she'd return home soon with good news.

He never saw her alive again.

After the dance audition, Lucine was killed in a fatal traffic collision which injured the two other passengers (one of Lucines classmates and her classmates father who was the driver). Distraught, Loire spent 2 years in a great depression, his parents moving around the colony on their shoestring budget, trying to find a way to rehabilitate Loire. No amount of counselling or therapy could console him, and by the time he was 13 he decided he was better off leaving altogether. His parents reluctantly sent him to the Citadel to train among the best biologists in the galaxy.

Medical school went well for Loire, he threw himself heavily into his studies and though it didn't cure the hole in his heart, it gave him some kind of purpose. At 17 he graduated top of his class with exceptional grades. He immediately began working on the Citadel and later began working as a travelling medic on a number of different military vessels. At 21 he left his military service and returned to the Citadel, seeking to learn more about biotic implants, he'd read a few papers and wanted to analyse them. He was sent to a remote planet to work with an experimental division of scientists developing implants. He developed an experimental procedure to aid integration of biotic implants in humans however he highly stressed that his theory was not fully completed and was too dangerous to test, he forbid his peers using his half-completed research however they ignored and portions of Loire's procedure were performed on poor colony inhabitants. The tests were failures and the subjects were left horribly crippled or dead. Eventually, as an act of empathy, Loire and fellow researcher, Sandra Wu, euthanised the patients to ease their misery, their peers opposed the mercy killings and struck Loire and Sandra from the study. Gladly, as Loire had planned to leave anyway, he vacated the colony and wound up back on the Citadel, wandering aimlessly trying to fix his wrongs. He ran into the owner of the Sirius who was looking for a medic to join the crew and decided perhaps this was the escape he needed.

What does SIRIUS mean to your character?: Freedom, escape, and possibly redemption.
A.O.B: He's left handed and has the word "Lucine" tattooed on his inner-upper arm.
Sample post:

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FuzzyFly
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Augustus "Chatterbox" O'keefe
Age: 26
Sex: M
Orientation: Bi
Position: First Mate/Second in Command
Qualifications: Gus grew up around a single father who ran a small cargo business. Naturally Gus picked up the trade of running a small ship from his father all of his memories were mostly in the void rarely staying on any one planet for long. He's been flying roughly from around thirteen and helping plot his father's route as a childhood game they would play. Most of his training came from first hand experiences with puddle jumper ships and crates on trip away from the scrapyard. When Gus came aboard SIRIUS it was the fastest and newest ship he'd ever been on and he immediately fell in love with it.
Appearance: He stands about 5'11 a grizzly unkempt beard and shaved head. He has numerous tattoos on his arms and back mostly of different types of ships he's flown or has a really good story about.He is a little scrawny due to the fact he sometimes forgets to eat unless reminded. He wear thick glasses and has an affinity for bowling shirts and cargo shorts.
Personality: Gus or Chat can be kind of talkative to the point of annoyance to anyone near him. He talks when he's scared, happy, excited, sad, and etc. He's a bit of a joker and can't take things too seriously even life and death situations there's a comment to be made. He's also extremely loyal to any crew he's serving with.
Likes: Flying, making horrible joke, talking, history, Classic music (basically current pop and rock music.)
Dislikes: getting shot or any sight of blood really, Long drawn out plans he's more act now then find out what happens, Being cheated
Strengths: flying, navigating, mechanics when needed, guitar, charm
Weaknesses: planning, combat, lying, Paper work
Open to relationships: yep
Relationships/family: Richard O'keefe (Father/Deceased), Sunny Morales (Mother/unknown), Lyne O'Keefe (Sister/ Alive)
Biography: Gus was born to an aspiring trader who was focused more on growing a business so his children would be settled and happy that just ended with dragging Gus and his sister around and never being able to settle. Never knowing his mother and every time he'd asked his father would just shut down the conversation so almost nothing is known about her by Gus. He grew up around ships and hard work keeping them going and his sole wish for most of his childhood was to make his father happy and that meant trying all he could to help keep the cargo company afloat. The company was mostly up and up while Gus does has some dealing with minor smugglers there's no love lost there. After his father died in an accident the company folded soon after.

His sister was the one that was always there for him and a protector in his earlier days. She was always there as a friend and the only other person around his age on the ships they kept flying. They were total opposites and that seemed to suit them just fine as brother and sister of course she never wasted a moment in reminding him who was the elder sibling. After their father died Lyne decided she'd' go find their mother and Gus was tempted to join her but he really didn't want to chase that rabbit yet. He hasn't heard or seen her for a few year and he keeps just plugging along and having the best life he can.

What does SIRIUS mean to your character?: It means a family of sorts and a group that'll actually accept him.
A.O.B: His tattoos that cover most of his arms and chests, he also has a bit of an obsession with ships and their history
Sample post: (It's from an old post and another site if that's all right)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Henwen
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Henwen A Mixed Fraction of Failure

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Viva Crux, Vee to her friends
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Orientation: Bi? Pan? She's a friendly flirt so we really don't know...
Position: Pilot / Navigator
Qualifications: She's a certified licensed pilot despite her young age. She's been flying for pretty much her entire life, and she knows the trade and merchant space-routes like the back of her hand. At any given time she can tell you where the three nearest spaceports are and how long to get there.

Viva is fairly fit, although not rail thin and muscular, she's has a gentle roundness to her that belays the strength of her form. Her hair is a curly mess she tries to tame by keeping cut short, and is a ruddy auburn brown that matches the hazel of her eyes. She fair skinned, with a smattering of freckles from what little time she's spent land bound or in uv-light. She's a big fan of cargo pants- the more pockets the better, and she tends to keep whatever knick knacks and junk she can find in them- her favorite pair is a dark purple color. It goes well with her grey and neon-green stripe shirt that hits about her midriff. At any point in time she could be wearing a pair of obnoxiously large headphones, listening to loud raucous music. And if the weather is so inclined when they make landfall, an equally large coat styled to look like bomber jacket of ye-olden-times of pre-planetary travel.

Fun loving and a free spirit. She loves to laugh and tends to be snarky and sarcastic, but she can also be stubborn and she's not afraid to stand up for herself. Space travel is her passion, and as much as she enjoys seeing new places and visiting new worlds she has a touch of wanderlust to her and gets antsy if she stays in one place too long. Space battles tend to thrill and terrify her in equal measure, loving the exhilarating adrenalin rush and absolutely petrified that the ship will become too damaged to limp to port- or that her crazy flying will kill somebody. She cares deeply about everybody she meets, even the people she doesn't like- she may hate your guts but that will never mean she wants you dead. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty though, and no stranger to the shader side of intergalactic planetary relations, she likes to stay on the legitimate side of things but understands there are times when you need to go outside the law to get things done.
Space and being behind the wheel of a sweet flying ship. Seeing new worlds and visiting new places, meeting new people of all shapes, sizes, personalities, and species. Loves excitement and loud music, and real planet grown fruit and foods. She is fond of the color purple, and enjoys sensible clothes. And she really enjoys meeting new and attractive people and flirting with said people.
Artificial UV sunlight, people who are judgemental or snobby about trying new things. Unnecessary cruelty, injustice and the cold corporate dis-compassion for others.
Her innate sense of direction in the three dimensional void of space is an enormous strength, but greater than that is her compassion for others. She is bold and fearless in the face of the unknown, and does her best to bolster the spirits of her shipmates.
She can be rash and stubborn at times, and her eagerness to dive in head first can get her in over her head. Her compassionate nature leaves her open to emotional manipulation, and she can be more than a little gullible.
Open to relationships:
Very open. She's a shameless flirt, but gets flustered at reciprocation. Please flirt with her.
Sergey Crux- Father, mechanic come pilot of the Lucidae. Retired.
Gema Starling- Mother, smuggler come gunfighter of the Lucidae. Retired.
Valko Crux- Twin Brother, mechanic come smuggler of the Lucidae. Active Criminal.

Sergey Crux, Viva's father, was the mechanic-come-pilot of a small independent spacecraft called the Lucidae. The Lucidae was a smuggling vessel, and her crew tended to run on the shadier side of the law. Her mother, Gema Starling, was one of the smugglers and tended to live on the wild side- not even marriage slowed her down, getting into gunfights even when she was pregnant. She was born and so was her twin brother Valko, and they were raised in space together on the Lucidae for nearly their entire childhood.

Born in space, she grew up in the pilot's chair on her father's knee. By the time she was ten 'years' old she was allowed to fly her father's frigate on her own for a shift. The vastness of space was her backyard and the well traveled merchant routes as familiar neighborhood streets. She's a natural in the pilot's chair that only a fascinated child can be- by the time she reached her later teens she'd taken over the position of pilot permanently.

Valko was taught the mechanic side of things, and always relished the opportunity to get his hands dirty. He also inevitably learned about the smuggling side of things- and he took to that with just as much relish. It caused some friction between the two twins, Viva didn't care for the reckless danger nearly as much as Valko did- what they did and who it affected didn't matter to him, but Viva was so much more compassionate about the plight of others.

Their parents eventually retired, running a kind of bar come safe house called Kuiper Belt House, in one of the more out of the way reaches of the galaxy, and the twins took up their positions on the Lucidae. It was then that the tensions between the two came to a head, Valko and the captain had become good friends and decided to take their enterprise from simple smuggling runs to outright criminal activities. One day, after a particularly bad run, Viva decided she had enough and jumped ship- not even saying goodbye to her brother. The Lucidae had changed too much, it was no longer home.

Viva found a nice port, managed to finagle her way into getting a legitimate pilot's license and is now piloting the SIRIUS.

What does SIRIUS mean to your character?:
Sirius is a second chance for Viva, after parting ways with the Lucidae, she's looking for a new place to call home. As a skilled and experienced pilot she's already a vital part of the crew but she's hoping that she'll be more than that here.

A.O.B: All of Viva Crux's backstory is open for use in IC-Plot, her criminal brother and her retired parents safe home are all fair game. (Even what is mentioned in the sample post... as i'm using it to test out her character.)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Oh please, I've seen bathrooms more intimidating then you"

Name: Alphonse Grissom (has too many nicknames to count)

Age: 36

Sex: Male

Orientation: Straight

Position: Captain

Qualifications: He has had a short and bloody Military career, proceeded by another short and bloody stint as a Pirate, succeeded as a Short and blood time as a privateer, backed up by years living on the streets. These years of conflict have made Alphonse impossible to shake up, and have given him more than enough experience in leading others through tough situations, or just leading people in general. Also he kind of owns the ship, that’s worth something.

Appearance: Alphonse is a moderate 5'9" with a rather whip like build, he has short stick stright brown hair, and dark blue eyes. He does his best to keep himself clean shaven and cleans up rather well when he tries.

Personality: Alphonse is a reserved person, thus comes off as cold or prickly. To those is more familiar with he is much more relaxed and a bit more open. A fan of a snark and dry wit with a dash of dead pan humor he is forever a cynic. He tries to be patient as he can but he will be the first to admit that he doesn’t do people well due to his very skewed interactions with people most of his life.

Space: It always fascinated him when he was a street rat, and actually going to space was better than he had ever hopped. Now that he has his own ship, nothing is going to be able to take the sky from him.

Chess: it’s an old hobby and an even older game. He is very good and enjoys playing whenever he can.

Snark: it started off as a coping mechanism, but ended up becoming more fun to just be a snarky cynic then an optimistic fool. Besides you get more cheek that way, both kinds.

Combat: He is just so tired of it.

Religion: Most religions tell him that his after life will be filled with pain and torment; he gets enough of that from his own nightmares.

Idleness: There is always something to do, somewhere to go, someplace to be. He doesn’t like sitting around and doing nothing,

Survivor experience: He knows how to survive regardless of the situation, be it live fire combat, or back room politics. His expertise comes in getting himself and his allies through anything in more or less once piece.

Unbreakable will: Life has never been nice, never been kind, so he never learned to back down, only how to keep getting back up

Connections: He has lived on every side of life, good and bad, posh and poor, and in each of those lives he mad something of a name for himself, so he has “friends” in all kinds of places. This leads to all types of information that he can get ahold of.


Unlucky: Murphy is a cabin mate for Alphonse; things just tend to go wrong from him.

Pessimistic: With luck as bad as his seems being an optimist never sounds like a good idea.

Paranoid: Know as many people as Alphonse does and people start taking a interest in you, not many have the best wishes at heart.

Open to relationships: Sure

Relationships/family: Father is an admiral some renown as well. He also has an older brother who is swiftly climbing the military ranks. Neither are related to Alphonse by blood only by law, part of his plea bargain. Younger sister passed away, not related by blood but ran with him when they were street rats; her death is what pushed him to becoming a pirate. Mother unknown, never meet her as far as he is aware, could have been any number of people living on the streets with him possible even someone of importance that didn’t feel like raising a kid and just left him on the street one day.

Biography: Raised on the streets on the good old slums of earth Alphonse started off life knowing that nothing is really fair, but rather than rolling over he pushed on for the option of giving up hadn’t occurred to him. He taught himself how to read and speak, how to live, and above all how to survive.

Every time his life started going for the better something would happen to try and break him down. At 15 his only true friend succumbs to a lifelong held sickness, he goes and gets “Recruited” by a pirate gang to bury the pain.

At 21, two weeks before he has enough cash and influence to quit that life the gang gets busted and he faces death or suicidal odds on government issued black list operations, he laughs at death on every mission.

At 27 after “paying” his debt to humanity, he “Resigns” from the military life. Only to have his Adoptive family turns their backs on him leaving him high and dry. He salvages an old scout and joins a band of privateers to keep a roof over his head.

Now at 33 he owns his own ship, top of the line, purchased fresh out of the dry dock, with a crew of misfits just like himself. Seems he got one step ahead of lady luck this time, as he is ready for the curve ball whatever it may be.

What does SIRIUS mean to your character?:

Freedom: he can choose where to go and when to go there, and no one can really tell him no.

Comrades: the life of strife he has lived has taught him that a handful of people that you can trust your back too are better than nearly anything.

More peaceful life; or at least an attempt at a more peaceful life: Knowing his luck there is always something just around the corner that wants him dead.

Obvious: He does own the Damn thing.

- His neutral stance has a lot of eyes on him, and his crew, for if he chooses to tip one way or the other, his connections can go a long way.

- he is capable in all ares of running and repairing his ship, not enough that he could hold down a job for any of the positions, but handy enough to be an assistant to any of the other crew members, or be able to fill the role in an emergency.

- He is a decent biotic, focusing mainly on the defensive aspects of mass effect fields.

Sample post:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Diabolic
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Diabolic Seeker of knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Wymond Oroland

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Orientation: Straight

Position: "Other" - Mercenary

Class: Vanguard - http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Vanguard

Qualifications: He and his brother, Osmond, at a young age sparred together. Their father taught them how to handle themselves in more situations as they grew older. He was drafted into the military and saw very little action when he was 19. He did however pick up skills on basic medical practices, and basic gun handling He knows enough to handle himself.


Personality: Wymond is a hardened character. But he also has a strong relationship for people he cares about, and will practically do anything to protect them, legal or illegal. He is polite to people who are polite to him, however he tried to be courteous to all people who are superior to his military rank of Corporal, one less than Sergeant.

Likes: Musical Instruments, Guns, Babes!

Dislikes: Ignorance, Un-Honorable people

Strengths: Good with repairing firearms, Basic Medical training (helps in a pinch), Protective of who he works for, regardless of his feelings towards them.

Weaknesses: Lack of a huge personality (friendly relationships)

Open to relationships: Yes

Relationships/family: Not related to any crew members, but he has a brother.

Biography: From childhood Wymond trained with his father and brother, all the way up til the point where he was drafted into the military, Wymond has a brother, Osmond, who is a bounty hunter, they both have similar jobs now. Wymond is a mercenary.
What does SIRIUS mean to your character?: The vessel needs SOME form of protection, hired guns can be helpful for a non-military class ship.
He decided to leave the military and become AWOL, he was tired of working boring jobs without seeing any action, his early life didn't prepare him for what he was doing. He decided to work for people interdependently, he would see action that way and get paid almost weekly.

Sample post:

Wymond moved swiftly through the alleyway, the location of the hideout was just ahead, no guard. Rare and certainly odd for this time of night.
If the shipment they had was of any value as was explained to him then they would be protecting it, why were there no guards?
He still moved on towards the base, checking around him at all times to spot any ambushes. There were no security drones or cameras in the area, that's good.
Wymond found the door to the compound, it was locked with a keypad. He planted a device nearest the door and began hacking into the lock. He waited a minute and Viola the door opens. He made his way inside, checking corners for enemies. Nothing, this was very strange. The shipment of illegal firearms just inside the room, sitting in the middle. No lasers, no turrets, cameras.. What was going on, in a flash a horde of enemy troops rushed in, firing on Wymond. There was half torn-down brick wall next to him, he jumped behind it offering a little covering fire. They were closing in, he had to think of something. He check his remaining equipment, he had one smoke grenade left.

"This is it!" he said before throwing the grenade it exploded into a cloud, obstructing the view of everyone in the room except for Wymond. He used his visor that detected enemy heat sigs.

He dove from behind the wall firing 3 bursts into the enemies ahead of him, 2 down, he rushed forward to avoid some counter fire from the sides, he grabbed one man to use as a shield. He shot, 1 down. And another, and another. He placed a tracker on top of a pile of weapons, (the shipment).
Still under fire he spoke to his com device.

"Ok, bring it down whenever, I'm in a pinch though so be quick about it!'

He took down a couple more enemies before getting shot in the shoulder, the bullet didn't penetrate the armor but it hurt like hell. He snapped his hostages neck. He was pinned down again, the smoke totally clearing soon, he would need a way out of this one. Minutes past of him being shot at and him shooting back at the enemy, he took out a couple more before the ceiling came crashing in, it was his ride. And he was here to collect his bounty.

Someone spoke over his com.

"Attach the cables fast we don't have much time, hurry!"

The dust from the building being broken open gave him just enough time and cover to attach the cables undetected.

"Ok pull out!"

Just before the shipment was lifted away, Wymond held onto one of the cables pulling the palette up from the hideout. The ship then made its way to the drop zone, on com just before they were out of sight from the thieves the pilot spoke.

"Damn fine job Wymond, that'll surely earn your credits!-" the pilot chuckled.

Wymond laughed then muttered something off com.

"I'd have them regardless"

OTHER: Wymond met another mercenary by the name of Ardur Skor, they met on a transportation mission hired as guards. Shortly after they had left the city, a group of raiders attacked them, a long battle broke out, and Wymond saved Ardur right before a bandit could shoot him point blank in the head. Ardur is still greatful and informed Wy of a job anoard the SIRIUS.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nariata
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Nariata The Silent

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Ardur Skor
Age: 33
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight

Position: Security officer (Glorified mercenary.)

Qualifications: Served several years with the Targathian Freedom Fighters in the civil war on the planet of Agatha. Prior to this he was apart of the Agatha Military reaching the rank of Sergeant before defecting to the rebels. Since the war ended in a loss for the Freedom fighters Ardur has been working as a freelance mercenary for numerous factions/pilots/armies and has landed a gig as a security officer aboard the SIRIUS.


Personality: Ardur often comes off as a very rude man. He is quick to speak his mind and even quicker to punch someone when they come across as rude to him. He often carries a very demeaning demeanor, which often causes discomfort to those around him. Yet he is also very reserved with a part of him that he rarely shares with everyone. Stemming from his time with the Agatha army and the Freedom Fighters, he is quick to change the subject to something else very quickly when asked questions about this time period. But above all else he is an idealist, and as such he has a strict code of what is right and what is wrong. He is not afraid to do whatever it takes to see his ideals through to fruition.

Likes: Ardur loves a good beer, almost as much as he loves watching or playing a game of Agatha football. Though the combination of both often leads to disagreements in the bar, he welcomes the chance to prove once and for all that Agatha Football is the greatest sport out there. Ardur is an avid fan of any type of card game, be it a simple game of poker all the way to a drunken game of Ring of Fire. When he finds himself with some free time, he often focuses on keeping both his body and his skills honed. He also holds the native Agatha population in high regard, regardless of their affiliation or status.

Dislikes: Ardur hates talking about the civil war he participated in. Even the good deeds accomplished through his help bring a scornful look, and sometimes the threat of physical violence. In general the same could be said about politics. He also hates trying to hold an intellectual conversation, as he often gets confused with higher concepts.

Strengths: Since the day he was a young lad he was taught how to handle a rife. Over the years he has honed his skill to becoming quite proficient at shooting, He is also skilled in dealing with many undesirable people, through both force and choice of words.
Weaknesses: Ardur is not the smartest man out there. He will often confuse what others consider a simple concept.
Open to relationships: How the story progresses will determine this. (Yes)
Relationships/family: None

Biography: Born and raised to one of the original settler families that colonized Agatha. His family often worked side by side with the native Agatha population. The Native Agathaian's were a proud, hard working sentient race of creatures. Their strength, and dexterous frame allowed them to work jobs that many considered 'hard' with little or no complaints. It was for this reason the Netyi Mining cooperation came to the planet, seeking to exploit the cheap and effective labor pool that was in abundance here.

When he came of age he enlisted with the Agatha Guard, serving for several years reaching the rank of sergeant. When the Agatha Civil War broke out when the native inhabitants and their sympathizers began attacking the mining operations, he initially fought the insurgents every chance he could get. But one faithful mission drove him away from the military and into the ranks of the rebels. The mission is something he will rarely talk about, but with often mutter "Damn Netyi Mining" at the mere mention of it.

Participating with the rebels in their conquest of the valuable mines located near Valinburg. He made a name for himself as a crack shot in the Battle of Toris, where the rebels dealt a serious blow to the Agatha Guard, defeating the military in open combat in the city of Toris

He fought the good fight for a few years, before the mining cooperation brought in mercenary forces to quell the rebellion. The brutality of these mercenaries, combined with their lack of Rules of Engagement, was unexpected. Within a year of their arrival, the rebellion was crushed and an example was made out of many prominent alien and sympathizers alike. Those unfortunate to survive this all were put back to works in the mines under harsh working conditions while a lucky few, Ardur included, made it off world. Since then he has floated from job to job, both reminded of his past in each job he takes while still looking for redemption.

What does SIRIUS mean to your character?: A chance for redemption. Ardur see's this Motley Crew of characters on board this ship and feels this is one of his last chances to do something meaningful, even if it's protecting a bunch of know it all's

A.O.B: Openly confident, inwardly conflicted.

Other: Ardur met Wymond Oroland while working for the Dumont Transportation Company when they were both hired on as additional guards for a high risk transport run. No sooner did the transports leave the city did a group of bandits attack, forcing both Ardur and Wymond as well as the rest of the guards to engage in an hour long rolling firefight. Nearing the end of the fight, when they had disembarked their vehicles to finish off what bandits still gave chase, Wymond managed to take out a bandit that had brought his gun to bear on Ardur. While it might have seemed trivial at the time, Ardur never forgot it. So, when he got a job as a Security Officer aboard the LWSC SIRIUS, he was fast to call Wymond in as help.

Sample post:

Name: Anora Divinio – Smuggler name: Selen
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Appearance Anora stands at a height of just five foot seven inches tall. Under her Eclipse shades she has sapphire blue eyes.
Position: Knows a guy who knows a guy kinda gal
-Pseudo hacker- She has some skill with hacking via the Intergalactic Net. Not proficient.
-Inventor- Her main skill lies in inventing numerous gadgets that either work to perfection, or more commonly, fail miserably.
-Smuggler- As she has developed a keen relation with many “merchants” on numerous planets, she can find a job that pays very easily.
Qualifications: Has invented numerous devices that aid in both smuggling, and escaping from enemies. Has worked with numerous “business men” who always have a package or two needing to be discreetly taken off planet and moved to a secure destination elsewhere. Has contacts in certain parts of her parents company that can “lose” a valuable package or two. Has contacts in other parts of the underworld.

Personality: Most people, upon their first impression, would say that Anora does not have a personality. Rarely will she start a conversation and she feels no obligation to break awkward silences, no matter how long they last. Most strangers are greeted with the same “what do you want?” question. Yet once they get to know the woman who hides behind her Eclipses, they come to learn that she does not keep herself distant because of her lack of personality, more so because she is a very reserved woman who has a troubled past. Trust, at least for her, is the keystone of all relationships. At the start, she trusts not one stranger. Anyone who is an unknown to her has the possibility of being someone sent to get her, or get information out of her. But once you give her a reason for her to trust you, she will open up and a friendlier side will emerge.

Likes: Anora likes to make things, whether it works or not. Be it something as simple as a robot that cleans her rooms for her all the way to the complicated stuff. Any time she gets an idea for an invention she will find time and try and turn it into a success. She also likes making her parents lives hell. She is not against having a drink, but hates getting drunk. She is also an avid fan of any board game, be it chess or Galactic 500.

Dislikes: She hates, above all else, her parents company “Divinio Enterprises”. While the company originally helped her get into the bests schools, it also stole her technology and passed it off as their own. Anytime she see's her Eclipses knockoff, Moon Shades, she will often crack a smile at her family's inability to recreate what she made. She also hates anything to do with violence, preferring to find a way to talk herself out of any disadvantageous situations.

Strengths: Her inventions are her biggest strengths, as is her ability to continually make new ones. She also has contacts on numerous planets that will both offer her jobs or buy goods taken by means deemed unlawful. Anora is also a very smart woman, her upbringing allows her to both think effectively and quickly when thinking of a solution to a problem.
Weaknesses: Fighting, metaphors and a good story.
Open to relationships: How the story progresses will determine this. (Yes)
Relationships/family: None worth mentioning

Biography: She has been long heralded by her family as a child prodigy of inventing. From an early age she could be found making trinkets and simple devices that made her life easier. When she entered her teens she was sent away to the best schools money could pay for, with degrees like Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering being just some of what she archived in this time. When she turned seventeen, she made a prototype device that she called the 'Eclipse'. This device would allow the wearer to have access to a series of maps, directions, as well as notice things of importance, like a police officer nearby or a potentially good sale at a store. It was a simple device that looked like any normal sun glasses. She left the prototype at home when she left for school one semester, and by the time the second week came around did the Intergalactic Net become flooded with this new technology called “Moon shades”. It looked like hers, functioned at half capacity and was released by her fathers company. Anora quickly returned home to find the first prototype missing and her family bragging to their friends of their accomplishment. When she confronted her father, he bragged that there was nothing she could do, that whatever she invented was his as way of repaying him for school. Yet the prototype they stole was just the first one she made, primitive compared to the next model she had planned to make. So, packing a few things and taking enough money out of her fathers account to be secure, did she set off into the world on her own; planning to both make her gadgets for herself as well as making her family's life hell. Things as simple as a smugglers HUD, that displayed a simple map of where the pick-up and drop off locations while being only usable by the smuggler himself, to things as standard issue on a smuggler ship such as the black out device.

The blackout device is her crowning achievement, one that has allowed her to have a name among the many in the smuggler field as well as pocket some hard earned cash. It uses an algorithm to break into encrypted channels unnoticed for a short duration, allowing the owner of said device to listen in on the chatter as well as flood it with noise to disrupt an enemy's response to anything a smuggler did.

It has been many years now, and her family still searches for her. Not just because she ran away, more so because they haven't been able to work out anything new with their 'Moon shades'. She knows if it was up to them, she would be stuck in a lab for the rest of her life making things that nobody will know were hers.

Though she has made many inventions that work to perfection, she has made many, many more that fail miserably. Often leading to both chaotic, and sometimes explosive, results.

What does SIRIUS mean to your character?: SIRIUS means a place where she can both feel safe from her family while contributing to something bigger than herself.
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Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

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Name: Saffron "Sassy" or "Phil/Philly" Phillips
Age: 18
Sex: F
Orientation: Don't even go there.
Position: ninja Unwelcomed guest
Qualifications: None whatsoever
Personality: Stubborn, upbeat, charismatic, childish, enthusiastic
Likes: Dancing, Pop music, cute things
Dislikes: Dirt, work, the military/the system
Strengths: Badly timed jokes, Colour coordinating outfits
Weaknesses: Not having any useful strenghts
Open to relationships: No
Relationships/family: Military parents, 2 brothers and a sister, grandmother
Biography: Sassy grew up with a military family, her father often away on duty leaving Sassy's mom and grandmother to raise the kids till he returned on shore leave. Sassy is the youngest, and everyone has high expectations for her, since her brothers and sister pursued successful military and political careers, however Sassy is a free spirit, never doing well in school because she was too busy wanting to have fun rather than study. She failed to get good enough grades to go into science or politics like her sister and one of her brothers, and so her parents insisted she enlist in the military and make a name for herself there. Now its time for her to be deployed for training off the Citadel but she's done a runner.
What does SIRIUS mean to your character?: She doesn't really have any connection to the SIRIUS yet, right now, its just any old ship that she can hide in.
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