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<Snipped quote by Shifter_Master>


I have two questins though...

One, which clues did you think you found?

And two... was that a LFG reference? :P

In reverse Order: Yes, yes it was.

Clues I think would be: The second voice in Anastasia's head. Her actions at the cafeteria might be important beyond character growth. The 13 on Mishka, as well as the super encrypted file. National Center of Super Human Training and Research might be important as well. Something is happening/happened at the Infirmary that was/is important, and I feel I might have missed something with Ziska but only a feeling.

@TheHangedMan This is a continuation, same time line and all that.
It's 3 AM and I'm feeling jazzed and ready to go so I finished up my CS, Might need to go back over it later and smooth out any wrinkles but for the moment it is done.

Post is up and it is 2 am but I don't care, it's my weekend so I don't need sleep.

.:Kyle Anderson:.

Kyle was… well, he was nervous and he was starting to appreciate the nerve of some transfer students. He was out lying down in the Gardens’ and looking up at the false night sky arms behind his head.

He didn’t know how he knew that it was false he just did and didn’t really want think too much about it.

He had been out here for hours watching the fake sky shift as if it was real. If only his old friends could see him now, they would have been shocked speechless at his demeanor. Here was Kyle Anderson, most popular guy in Hill Top High school, hiding from everyone. Which was true; he was hiding. Hiding from everyone and anyone, because honestly he didn’t feel much like socializing at the moment, too busy trying to makes sense of the direction his life had taken.

Three weeks ago the young man had been wondering if He should ask out some girl to the dance that had been coming up. Now he was trying to pick up the pieces of what he would only describe as a disaster. Everything he thought he knew about his life had been dashed completely the moment he woke up in that hospital bed.

Sighing he shook his head “Don’t go through this again man, not today” he muttered to himself before turning his thoughts to earlier this day, or perhaps it was yesterday? Not needing sleep all that often was throwing off his sense of time.

The train ride had been decent, he couldn’t remember how he had gotten on to it but neither had anyone else from what he had gathered. He had woken up the same way he had been since his powers reviled themselves with sudden clarity and feeling like he had been dropped in to a bucket of ice. He stayed where he had awoken for most of the train ride, only when things started breaking did he move.

He and plenty of other students both, new and old, had wanted to find out the reason for the commotion. Kyle was part of a group that showed up shortly before Meredith had. He was perhaps the only person on the entire train that found her absolutely beautiful. Half of him knew why, the other half tried to keep the first half buried deep within him. There was also the vague thought that he should be panicking, it was that thought that brought him back to his senses. Not that it really mattered as by that time everything was being taken care of. Then he was lead to his dorm room for the foreseeable future and told where to get some food. He had opted to getting some alone time and wandered off finding himself in the gardens, and had been here since doing his best to find some solace.

Pi Pip Pi Pip

The alarm on his watch went, off piercing the silence that hung over the garden, lifting his arm he checked the display on his watch.


‘Been hiding too long I guess’ he mused not the least bit worried that he had just spend the better part of eight hours staring at the ceiling not visibly doing anything. Standing he brushed himself off before beginning the trek back to his dorm room, unknowingly passing by his dorm mate as he did.

Entering the dorm he noticed the coffee and note immediately. He took a moment to read the note and downed the coffee, not that the drink did anything for him anymore but he enjoyed the gesture. With a small smile he went over to his seemingly occupied bed and pulled back the covers to reveal a few sets of clothes and a back pack carefully arranged to give the illusion of someone sleeping in it.

Reaching in to one of the side pockets he pulled out a pencil before shouldering the pack and walking back to the note. Underneath in equally neat handwriting he added

Thanks for the welcoming, seems I just missed you if the coffee was any indication. I look forward to meeting you both in person rather than note soon - Kyle

With a nod he once again left the dorm this time heading to the Atrium. Upon arriving he found a decently open place to sit and pulled out his sketch pad from his backpack, and with a small smirk started to sketch the landscape.

If this was like normal school few would resist wanting to see if what he was was any good at drawing as well as what it was he was drawing.
Freedom comes with great rewards it seems, For the IC lives and quite the post has been post as well.

*After Reading*

I think I may have seen some of the hidden clues that were scattered around, but no time for those now I need to get working on a post, I've been waiting too long to not start ASAP, who needs sleep anyway.
<Snipped quote by Guilty Spark>

Shush you.

Do not question things or you'll end up like Zol~ xP

That sounds ominous, I almost want to start questioning things to find out what will happen.
@NarcissisticPotato I agree whole heartedly. There is also there powers which are nearly opposite in effect. She effects the minds of others while he effects his own body.
Maybe Mahz forgot to feed the hamsters again.
@NarcissisticPotato Emily holds perhaps the single most terrifying ability From Kyle’s perspective at the moment.
Fair enough, would make sense of it was an undercover op as well as Alphonso was force drafted by the military after they caught him and the pirate crew he was running with.
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