Avatar of Shifter_Master


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@NarcissisticPotato I fear for both Emily and Kyle should she go looking in his mind. I don't see it going well for either of them.
Ya know I realized the lack of any tech based hero's. I think I'm going to work on a teacher to fix that discrepancy.

Also, good afternoon to everyone.
Oh, I am so glad to have you returnd @Ogobrogo, you had some of my favorite post to read in the prologue, and I get the feel it will happen in this one as well
I didn't have such an issue with One piece, I enjoy the new avatar@Great Sogeking
@Damo021 I can't say for sure, but I do think that there is room for more, just make sure to fill out the CS and send it too the GMs. Need to send it too all three of them, also there is no more room for magic based Characters, that has been filled.
Blerrg, I'm here, sorta. Not feeling well today, first thing I did upon waking up today was pray to the porcelain god so I called in sick at work. i'll be lurking around when I happen to be awake.
I'm tired don't judge me, I'm going to try and get some sleep now. Hopefully I will be less behind when I wake up.
Tomarrow I might be able to get a post or two, have another double at work, they are just filling my weekends with them at the moment.

@Daxam If everyone in the class room gets a post up in that time there would be at least 8 more posts not counting all the other stuff going on through the school. at the same time @Great Sogeking is floating around here if the viewing this page section is to be believed so you may not have to wait that long. EDIT: took to long to reply got ninja'd

@Rune_Alchemist ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) I too am have difficulty sleeping due to Fireworks no need to harm the table, just go put and start flipping people. Like so (/ .□.)\ ︵╰(゜Д゜)╯︵ /(.□. \)

EDIT: I need to refresh before posting more often This entire post is behind by an hour
.:Kyle Anderson:.

‘Someone is laughing at me, I just know it’ Kyle complained silently as he opened another one of the cupboards to make sure someone wasn’t hiding in it. He had cleared most of the room by this point, thought he hadn’t found anyone or anything to point him in the right direction.

With a sigh he closed the cupboard, super powered hide and seek wasn’t the easiest thing to do, especially when he didn’t know what the hider could do. He hadn’t seen any one moving around either, helped having eyes in the back of his head. Turning he started walking towards the back of the class room, there was a bunch of packed up supplies as well as a few mannequins that he could see ‘Not a lot of space to hide but who knows…’

He was only a few steps from being able to spot Meredith, when the door to the class opened. Stopping Kyle turned to look at who was opening the door. The turn came at a bad time however, for as he turned there was a sharp tug on his leg. This caused his to go spinning to the ground, as he was turning one way when he was jerked the other way rather forcefully, quite unexpectedly and completely uncontrollably.

“Oww” the now floored youth said after a moment. Looking back at the door he noticed two students had walked in, most likely just in time to see him get tripped in quite the spectacular fashion. He also noticed an older person just floating near the back of room, figuring they all just showed up in time, just in time to witness his embarrassment he let out another sigh louder this time. “I don’t suppose you know who just tripped me do you?“ He asked still on the floor as at least here who ever it was could sneak up behind him when he was down here.

It wasn't all bad however as he was falling his extra eyes were able to notice the tendril that was wrapped around his leg and had most likely caused his fall. so as he laid on the ground a few more small eyes blinked open on his leg that the tendril had snagged and watched the offending appendage closely, he may have been grounded but he wanted to know who had been messing with him, though he was getting the feeling that there wouldn’t be much that he could do to get back at them at this point.
Morning Zoldyck, doing alright I suppose, have work soon.

Also post is up and away, Might not be able to get much more up till Monday due to work but I will try.
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