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.:Kyle Anderson:.

Kyle was quietly enjoying his sketching. It had become a rather interesting task as of late, his skill hadn’t dropped but he had to focus more or whatever he was drawing would come out wrong. He found it fun to work with the pseudo-handicap, as he could also allow himself to slip here or there to create some truly interesting pieces.

As such He was completely unaware of the tendril stalking up to him, all of his attention on the portrait he was sketching.


“Gah, Sonova’“

Quickly he turned around intent on finding who had struck at him. Grated it wasn’t that painful of a blow but still who the hell goes around hitting people like that? Only to be greeted with the same empty classroom as before.

'The hell?' he wondered for a moment or two as he rubbed the back of his head where he had been hit 'Okay, not letting that happen again'

The youth had gotten the feeling someone was watching him earlier, now he just had to find who that was and give them a slap of his own, possibly, depends on why they decided to smack him in the first place, as it could have been an accident.

Narrowing his eyes he stood up, placing his pad and pencil on the desk as he did, and began to walk around the class room. He may be new to having powers but that didn’t mean he was stupid about them, someone or something stuck out at him, he could hazard a few guesses as to how someone could do that without being seen, and the first ones that came to mind required them to be in hiding nearby. So he started to work his way around the room looking under and around everything.

As he started his search, a few extra eyes had appeared across his head, all of them covered by his hair, giving him a decent field of view around himself. He wasn't going to be caught by surprise if they tried it again. Unless they struck him with an invisible force, or they themselves were invisible. A passing thought about ghosts came and went. HE was still new to the superhero lifestyle, he didn't know if ghost were a thing or not.

It was only a matter of time until he stumbled upon Meredith and her hiding place.
<Snipped quote by NarcissisticPotato>


I know D:

Having that pip-boy would be so awesome

I don't live near any retailers that are selling that edition, but I want it
You and me both Rune
@Rune_Alchemist Ahh Skyrim, I remember being lock within the vast mountains of tamriel for countless hours. I get the feeling a similar thing will happen with Fall out when 4 comes out.
Gahh, got a post up. Not a post I'm happy with but I figure I should post something rather then continue to seethe over it.
The Sirius was quiet and completely empty save for one man. He was a slim man of light build, and he was down in the cargo bay, running laps. It wasn’t much just a light workout, and it was being done solely as there wasn’t anything else he could do to at the moment. Alphonse was not one to venture off the ship for a shore leave for long, at least not lately.

Lately there was an ‘itch’ let’s say, keeping the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. He knew this feeling well; it always showed up shortly before something went terribly, terribly wrong. So he was keeping himself in shape, double checking that the ship was in top shape, generally making sure that everything was as good as he could make it. For he knew it was only a matter of time until whatever it was that was coming made its self-know and he would be ready. He was always ready.

Slowing down he check the time on his omni-tool, most of the crew was going to be returning soon. With a nod to himself Alphonse started making his way to his cabin, intent on cleaning up before the crew showed up.
I work most of the weekend, so i understand your situation @Zoldyck
@Savo I'm pretty sure that she is referring to Ziska & Anastasia in that post.
Strange strange things have happened here...
@Daxam4 posts I think, not much
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