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.:Kyle Anderson:.

Kyle was half absorbed in his sketching when his phone’s alarm went off. Fishing around in his pocket he pulled out a rather top of the line smart phone. A few taps later and he had turned off the alarm and started to quietly pack away his art supplies. Class was to be starting soon, and Kyle always tried to arrive to class early.

Standing, shouldering his pack yet again he headed off for the building that housed the class rooms. On his way he mused about the lack of people that had seemed interested in him or what he was doing. He wasn’t sure if he should be happy or aggravated. He was one of the most popular students once upon a time, he figured it would be a simple thing to get back to that spot, but at the same time every one here was a potential super hero, with powers and what not. Maybe it was a good thing that Sketching hadn’t caught all that much attention to any of the passing crowds.

That and it was most likely that everyone was just busy getting breakfast from the sounds of things. That youth had been tempted to get something to eat as well, but didn’t really want to have people asking him about his powers, which would happen when he eat one of everything they had, tray and cutlery included.

A deep gurgle echoed out within him at the thought of food. It wasn’t loud enough for anyone to hear, but he could feel it acutely none the less. With a sigh he shot his stomach a quick glance ‘Yeah, yeah I know’ he grumbled internally lamenting for a moment on his ever present hunger.

A few minutes, found him walking in to his first class of the day, Biology. It was slowly becoming his new favorite subject, due to how easily it seemed to come to him recently, and by the looks of thing he was the first to arrive. His steps faulted for a moment when he saw the white board, not because he recognized the name written on it, thought it did seem familiar he just couldn’t place it. No he faulted because of the crude drawings; it looked like a child had drawn them, with their feet. He was sorely tempted to redo the drawings himself, but a feeling was cautioning him away from doing that.

Placing his pack in one of the seats near the front of the class he scanned the room, not seeing anything but could shake the feeling he wasn’t alone. With a mental shrug he sat on top of the desk he had chosen and pulled out his sketch pad once more, it wasn’t like he had anything better to do.
@Zoldyck Because I complain about my lack lack of sleep at people, not as good as getting some sleep but makes me feel a bit better, and I can be rather loopy depending on the sleep loss.

EDIT: Also Post away
Question for the Gms, when does class start? And are we all the same class?

I clicked the @Mention button. It failed me, I didn't know that it could fail.
[@RuneAlchemist] Them fighting on the same side is just a big O' cup a' NOPE waiting to happen.

I can't wait for this to move beyond the opening it has so much potential.

EDIT: No idea why the mention didn't work, strange...
...Should have Meredith preparing for classes.

oh what fun she shall have torturing the 1st years~ :D

Hey kids! Wanna dissect a dead body!? 8D

I'm still trying to decide if she is going to be a positive influence or a negative influence on Kyle, either way it is going to be odd seeing them interact with each other.
Don't worry about it, a short post is better then no post.
@SpudWould it be alright if I made Alphonse a biotic?

@Vec I think your Reddit is showing
That was a fantastic read
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