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Normally he wouldn't but he still is recovering from a traumatic event, and there is the "Other" that had it's own two cents to toss in, tends to be a volatile mix when it comes to high emotion.
@Rune_Alchemist She did just trigger a traumatic Flash back so the feeling will be mutual for a time.
Post is away, now time to make a teacher that will be fun to play
.:Kyle Anderson:.

'Breath, just breath and relax'

Kyle was just lying on the ground a hand over his face as he waited for a response from anyone that was in the room. While accustom to embarrassment situations rarely was he at the center of it, thus he was trying to recover his composure in this situation so he didn’t end up causing himself more embarrassment.

It didn’t help that none of his emotions felt like they should anymore. The normal heat of embarrassment was replaced with a cold sensation like he had ice water in his veins, and for all he knew there could be. His abilities still worked more on reflex then active choice most of the time for him, so it wouldn’t surprise him if he turned his blood to icy slurry by accident. ‘I should be more troubled at that then I am’

A few moments of silence passed without a response to Kyle question ‘Guess it was a more spectacular fall then I thought’ He mused as he moved to stand up

Then the computer started blaring out the most confusing mix of animal sounds he had ever encountered, and before he could even become confused he caught sight of movement. His many eyes were still open and while most had turned to face the computer as he had, there were some that lacked the ability to face the source of the sounds due to being located on the back of his head or the side of his leg. These extra eyes caught sight of the tendrils retreating to someone that quickly dove in to one of the empty cabinets.

His extra eyes were made quickly and Kyle doesn’t have much practice in making them so they can’t pick up fine detail, just movement, color and outline. A cold terror crept up from within Kyle as the world dropped away and he found himself back at his old school staring at the face of the would be school shooter once again. His instincts screamed at him, and without a thought he lashed out.

He thrust his hand forward ’Get the gun’ his arm twisting and bubbling as he did 'Have to Stop the Gun' quickly his appendage no longer looked like anything that belonged on a human, 'Have To STOP Him’ or anything that belonged on earth 'CAN'T LET HIM SHOOT'.

The skin of his arm had turned a raw red color, his fingers had contorted around what seemed to be a tube of bone, that had extended from what once his palm, the Skin having melted away partially to reveal his veins which had grown unnaturally thick and were filled with a green substance. Following his veins they lead back up his arm which no longer had an elbow joint, instead it had three bulbous sack of the same green fluid each about the size of a baseball. This was all connected to him by what looked to be large spines from his upper arm that were pierced through the strange sacks of fluid, and on through the rest of his lower arm if someone looked closely.

Shortly after his arm finished mutating in to the abomination it now was there was loud hiss of compressed gas being released, the sound happened three times in rapid succession. Instantly the sounds from the computer halted. The reason being that three spikes of bone each about four inches long had been impaled into the computer, rendering it useless.
@Rune_Alchemist So am I, sorta.
After this post I'm planning on working on a teacher for this RP as we are lacking in the Tech department when it comes to capes and I fell like fixing that because who doesn't love technobable.
@Zoldyck Doing good, Just working on an IC Post. How about you?

@Rune_Alchemist Second verse same as the first.
Morning all
Well, I'm off to sleep. I'll be working on a post tomorrow for Kyle as well as finally starting on that Tech Teacher I mentioned a page or two ago, took a while to get a good idea for the CS.
Just double checking. There are only Alphonse and two others on the ship at the moment and everyone is on their way there correct?
How does one react when they wake up to see a conversation about parking...
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