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And I have done some polish work on my CS, no real changes just more fluff and better descriptions here and there, plus actual appearance descriptions.

[Mention=@Flamelord] That is not a face of mercy or remorse, that is how I hate it.

@Landaus Five-One You say that, But Laat'AlOfan Might have issues with you Owning a family for several generations depends on the internal politics of that situation.

@Rune_Alchemist Yes she is a paragon of sanity and stability, Witch is why she made a deal with lesser devils and follows around a mercenary like a puppy all the whilst summoning the souls of the dead to do her bidding. Nothing bizarre about that at all.

@canaryrose You weapon and uniform also modify your stats, plus you get some "coins" to tweak things as well

@Rune_Alchemist I can see Iesud and Laat'AlOfan getting along decently
@Flamelord She tries every day, she is not very good at being normal anymore though
@Flamelord That was my prior Character. Penny is just a simple monster girl working for a God of Destruction, no Horrors here. Xp
@Western Robot gotcha

@Flamelord Sadly Penny is still KOS in that regard
@Western Robot So We have 5 1/2 characters accepted with one more being written at the moment, how long till we will be starting?
@AriamisNo problem
@Ariamis Yes she is, I got a bit fancy with the discriptions

+Magical Overload-: Half a blessing, Granted to only one of Laat’AlOfan’s girls, dubbed his Chosen, it grants His Chosen with greater Physical might at the cost of overt magical skill(Redirected Magic), and the radiance of a multifaceted soul(Second specialization).

-Monstrous Form+: Half a curse, this is the cost of being His Chosen, A body that reflects a twisted mockery of its soul(None standard limbs), and the unending urge to rip and tear(Destroyer). A need as real as food or water, grafted permanently to His Chosen’s mind.

That is what her mutations are
@Western RobotSweet, Also Monster Girls are considered full blood monster?

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