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Violet and Sakura

While the chaos at the hospital was underway, myth and legend arrived in Penrose. Drawn by all the hubbub the Djinn Sisters were primed to stir the pot. Thing was they didn't have any particular goals right now. Their patron was rather lax on the details so long as they granted wishes. Speaking of which the day was setting and Sakura had not fulfilled a wish in the last two days. So with this last day nearing its end she had to find someone to grant a wish for. Not that it was hard. But not every wish was interesting.

Right now the two were in their normal forms. However with her Third Eye, Sakura could tell that their were magical girls nearby. Of course anything that Sakura knew Violet also knew and they both headed in the general direction of the battle to see what would happen. Together they called out their incantation to transform "The wishes of the many be granted by two." Being transformed into their Djinn forms they began to scale a building with grace and ease via the fire escape. Once perched on a building they surveyed the area. A lot of activity going on. There also seemed to be several other magical girls that were hovering around but keeping out of the battle. One in particular caught Sakura's eye. She looked rather crazed but appeared to be observing two other magical girls with some malicious intent.

Though speaking wasn't entirely needed the Twill Souled girls still liked to hear one another, so they still held conversation aloud. In her somewhat cheery voice Sakura said quietly. "What do you think? Should we warn our fellow twins or see what the hiding one might want?" Her gave moved back toward the latter so as not to lose track of her.

"Might be a bit late for that" Violet answered as she saw the hiding one fly over to the other twins in the area."We could go and introduce ourselves to all of them though, it would be more interesting the getting in the middle of the rough housing." she added as she looked over at the brawl that was happening with clear disdain.

Sakura shrunk back slightly at the suggestion. "All of them? Remember last time we did that? I need to grant a wish before tomorrow and if we do it with several people around then they'll all want one. They don't always take no for an answer. Couldn't we wait for them to split up?" As per usual Sakura was shying away from too much social interaction. Sometimes she felt she got the short end of the stick as the twin having the bright cheery demeanor coupled with what had been Ashley's hidden introversion.

Violet nodded after a moment as she recalled the incident, it had seemed like a good idea at the time. Granted she always though meeting people sounded like a good idea, the perk of getting all of Ashley's extroversion. Granted it landed the two of them in more then one sticky situation. "Oh yeah. Ugg soo annoy.... Did she just lick one of them?" she asked partially dumbfounded by what she just saw.

The thought of someone getting that close and doing such a thing sent a shiver down Sakura's spine. "That's creepy. They seem to be nice but..." She trailed off as her Third Eye observed them. The twins were clearly of the monstrous variety, though with less physical mutations and more lack thereof, Both appeared to have gravity magic and then psychic and empathy respectively. The one in red had something she'd never observed before and an Oddball. The first, as far as Sakura could make out, had something to do with blood. The second was harder to pinpoint as Oddball had a way of being.

Communicating these findings with their mental link the twins remained on the same page. "I don't like the red one, I can't really tell what she is. The other two are at least twins like us." Sakura posited. Although knowing her sister that unknown might be what makes her the more attractive option.

"Not sure if I would call someone willing to lick people as nice, freak maybe" Violet replied with a shudder "I'm willing to chat with the other twins, but I'm not up to being licked today." Shuddering again she turned her attention to the fight that was going on, or more accurately the people in the fight "What about the people punching it out, any of them seem interesting? Also think any of them will want to clean the place up?"

Turning her gaze toward the battle it looked like things were just as chaotic. Though there was a newcomer. She had Stone magic and seemed to want to the attention of the others. Her sister had a point though. Perhaps after the fighting was over there would be a wish or two to grant. Waving a finger in the air she smiled to her sister. "You're so clever
Violet. What would I do without you?"
Having a few more options the two would just have to wait and see what would resolve first. "Maybe we should move closer so we can listen in. Then I can watch these three and keep an ear out for wishes." Vaulting across one rooftop to the next she waited to see if her sister would follow.

"Sit in a room and listen to music all day?" Violet replied with a grin as she moved to follow after her twin. "You keep on eye on the creep and the other twins, I'll make sure no one tries to take a pot shot at us?' She offered as she summoned her blades, all the while keeping her attention to the fight they were moving closer too. She knew she could take a hit better then her other half, so it made sense that she would keep an eye out for errant attacks. That and she figured that watching the messy melee with Third Eye might give someone a headache with all the different magic being thrown around.
@skarsgard I was waiting at first. Then I realized I could make a post that wouldn't interrupt the flow too badly, so I did.
Penny is on the move.

Post away

”That flash of light would have been my kill being stolen” Penny mentioned off handedly as she let off another pair of gauss rounds, this time at Umeko, only to scowl afterwards. Her aim was deteriorating. With a shake of her head she walked to the very edge of the roof.

Her expression lightened a little as Thalia nuzzled in to her shoulder. ”Well at least someone thinks I’m irresistible” she quipped softly as she tracked the battle below. Janet wasn’t in a good standing due to the toxic mist, while Alicia and another Maho archer poured down support fire. She had given up trying to supply artillery fire, figuring she had a better chance of hitting an ally then an enemy with her current, sloppy aim.

She figured the Wood archer was a member of beacon, which had Penny wondering if the rest of Beacon knew she was an ally, or if there would be a few tense moments after this fight where that would need to be explained. Then she recalled the contents of the deal that had been struck. She stifled a groan, Beacon was going to want to kill Thalia, and they were going to expect Penny to help.

‘So this is why people complained about The Beacon’ she thought morosely.

"Hey, Penny. Since we've never really had the pleasure of fighting together… How about we go and show them down there how to fight? Ive been dying to get some action~"

Thalia’s question brought her back to the present. With an internal shake she shoved the looming confrontation out of her mind and looked to the girl on her back.

”There was another girl here, she Redlined when her boyfriend got taken out, and dropped a massive bolt of lightning on my head. The light you saw.” Penny explained as a mischievous grin started to form on her face ”Granted she wasn’t aiming at me, I just happened to be fighting the one who took out her boyfriend. Turned them to ash, but gave me boost, which I figure I’ve still got a few minutes left with.” she continued not turning away from Thalia even as she walked away from the edge.

”Do I want to show them how to fight?” Penny’s grin turned blood thirsty as the red in her eyes took on a soft glow. Slowly she turned back to look at the Naga down below, without warning she bolted towards the edge of the building and leaped.

”Of course I do” She bellowed out before landing with a crash near the toxin mist.


@skarsgard Penny was also not paying attention to anything but the metal dolls at the time so she likely didn't hear that anyway.

@skarsgard Lots of misunderstandings then, Penny assumes they were with Helga who tried to kill Alex.

@Flamelord but where is the fun in that?

Anyway lunch is over back to lurking I go
@skarsgard Ilia and Penny are two sides of the same coin. Still used to being on the other team. They could likely be good friends if they ever move past trying to kill each other.
@skarsgard What Ilia doesn't want Penny to nail him? She'll be bringing a foxy friend to double team him. Xp
@VocabNaw she didn't mean too. that Naga on the other hand seems more and more tempting by the second
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