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@Vocab Both Thalia and Penny are itching for a fight at the moment
@Vocab@Flamelord this is going to be interesting, this is going to be fun.

Also post is away.

Penny’s focus was near absolute as she lined up her shot on the Naga. The Naga wasn’t even aware of her, too focused on taunting Janet to notice the danger he was in. Thought the same could be said for the mechanical girl, as she was unaware of Umeko’s psychic retaliation.

Just as Penny was firing suddenly someone had jumped on her from behind. That, combined with the recoil from discharging her gauss system had her flailing about trying to keep her balance. The good news is that the sudden shift caused her to unknowingly dodge the psychic attack come at her; the bad news was her shot went wide, and ended up striking the road away from the combatants with the force of a bomb.

Once again Penny was spooling up for another shot up immediately.

”Gwaa?” was the intelligent reply penny made when she was finally able to regain her balance. ”Who- Thalia!?” She called out a moment later she saw who it was that was wrapped around her. She sputtered for a moment as she tried to speak before she just slumped her shoulders and let out a sigh.

”Hey Thaila” Penny sounded resigned as she turned back to the fight below. ”No one as of late, last kill got stolen from me” she answered agitation clear in her stance despite not coming through her tone of voice ”Was trying to kill the Naga down there, but you threw off my shot” she continued throwing a small glare at her ‘passenger’ Penny was tempted to try and throw the girl off, but knew from prior experience she wasn’t likely to succeed. With a huff she started to line up another shot on Ilia only to watch him conjure a cloud of green looking mist and vanish from sight.

She let a low growl that was heavily electronically distorted, a voice once again chimed from somewhere inside Penny “Yellow alert, D̷͞҉͏̡è̛͘҉̕s҉̶̛̛҉t́̀͘͢͜r̡ứ̧ć̸t̶̡̨͟į̛ơ̶͜͡͝n͏̡̛ ̴̵̛͞E͏̨ņ͏ģ́̕͠҉i̡͞͏̸͠n̴̢͠͝e͏̧̀ ̶̵̨̛ has reached 50%, caution advised” Penny didn’t seem to notice the voice, nor did she notice the blue glow from her blade ports starting to turn violet as her eyes were filling with more red.

She quickly let off two shots in to the mist hoping the kinetic force from striking the ground would blow it away or she would get in a lucky strike and nail the Naga to the floor

”So what brings you here?” Penny asked as she started lining up another shot on Umeko her voice surprisingly calm for the amount of frustration she was feeling.


@Vocab You have officially dubbed Penny a Tank, it was unintentional to make her such, I just wanted the breath weapon, but it makes her so much more awesome to think about.

In other news working on a post, but expect heat wave based delays. It is around 103 where I am at, and it is frying my brain.
@VocabWelp I can guarantee that Penny's next shot is going wide, other then that, this is going to be fun
@VocabGo for it
@PlatinumSkinkWell the Sisters are likely considered something along the lines of urban legends. There is also the fact they aren't quiet about their powers, as they actively need to seek out others to grant wishes.

’I’m never going to get used to all of this am I?’ Penny mused as a miniature forest seemed to grow from nowhere and trap Lily before catching on fire from the amount of amps that the enraged girl was giving off. Her bemusement likewise had her standing about while Alex broke through the burning vines before running off with the injured Lily.

Shaking herself she refocused on the other battles that were still taking place around the hospital. She let out a sigh of relief as she saw that Alicia and Janet were still doing fine.

She snarled at Umeko when she began firing at Alicia and was about to go and introduce the witch to the ground when she noticed Suwako assisting with her own barrage of arrows.

”Sweet, reinforcements”

Figuring the two on one odds would be fine against Umeko, she turned to Janet and the Naga, or she was planning on doing such. A part of her railed against turning away from the fight in front of her, it was the same part that wanted her to prove her dominance to the transformed Lily. It demanded retaliation.

Thus Penny was torn; the tactical part of her mind told her to join the fight against the Naga, but her instincts didn’t want her to leave Alicia after witnessing her being attacked. She knew she wasn’t fast enough to help on both fronts of the battle but couldn’t bring herself to make a decision.

As she was struggling with this dilemma an electronic voice sounded from somewhere inside Penny “Auxiliary system now operational” The girl in question was momentarily confused before understanding assaulted her, explaining yet another change that Laat had done to her body.

”I swear that I'm going to hurt you one day” she spoke aloud before refocusing on the battles below her ”But thank you”

There was a loud electronic whine as Penny triggered her new internal system and she opened her mouth as wide as she could. Inside it was obvious she was no longer human as sleek metal and a neon blue glow were revealed rather than the normal fleshy interior.

A spike made its self-apparent in the neon glow as Penny locked her eyes on Umeko, telling her self it was because she didn’t want to risk hitting Janet. Moments later a thunderous roar was heard as the spike fired off like a bolt of steel lightning.

The electronic whine could be heard again immediately after the discharge as Penny was still supercharged from Lily’s earlier attack. Quickly she turned to find her next target: the Naga.

@BrokenPromise Their idea, I'm just glad to be along for the ride. Also felt we were missing something, I'll fix it shortly

Edit:T^T so many tiny errors those will be fixed before I move it over to the CS tab
And now for something completely different. Mine and @t2wave's Oddball magic girl submitted for approval your @Ariamis

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