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:Mounting Frustration:

The mechanical girl couldn’t help but smile at her friend’s antics, and could understand the excitement as she was also looking forward to the fight. Part of her was looking forward to all the destruction such a fight would cause.

Penny hit the ground fully intending to rush the Naga and introduce him to the pavement, several times in fact. It was the fact that Ilia had run that had stopped her. She was slightly annoyed that he did, but considering the how the fight was going for them, she conceded that it was a sound idea.

It was while she took a moment to figure the best way to get up to the pair that started this whole fight that the earth shook, unfortunately nothing was broken, and a new person had shown up and began chastising everyone. Penny looked around and honestly couldn't see anything wrong with the devastation, if you asked her it wasn’t enough. She was getting ready to reply in the same way that Alicia had, when she finally noticed the red mist and the singing.

”Seriously? More people are showing up?” frustration was plainly evident in her voice as she searched for the new comers. She didn’t have any luck with that but did notice The Beacons leaving
Just in time to hear Alicia call out that fact.

She turned to Thalia just in time to see her jumping on her back, again. ”If we weren’t so bloody outnumbered, I would be more than willing to go find who you are talking about.” She said as she turned and started running to catch up with her allies ”Might recommend we go hunting later as is, I’m starting to need to break something”

A few moments, and a jump or two, later Penny landed near the rest of the beacon coalition. Her stance was a bit rigid due to the frustrating conclusion to the fight but her eyes had lost a fair portion of the red they had accrued. She still wanted to hit something hard, and the urge to rend was noticeable but thankfully still ignorable.

“So, What’s the plan?”

@Vocab Is good, figuring my next post will be similar in vein. A post to get them away to the Beacon rendezvous. Just had some inspirational insight in to Penny that had me itching to post.
@VocabLove you too
So how have people been?

Also I plan on getting a post up tomorrow regardless of Thalia.
Seems the plot thickens, I'm waiting on @Vocab before posting with Penny
I'll take a closer look when I have time, but for now I'm placing tentative interest
Sounds intriguing, I'll keep on eye on this
No need to apologize for being ill, happens to all of us, mostly at the worst of times.
S'all good, figure I'm slightly at fault for you needing to scrap your plans, nice use of conflicting attacks though
The sisters have arrived.

Good to see you again @canaryrose, welcome back
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