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@PlatinumSkink Coordinating with the other half at the moment, but the Twins are planning on making a showing.

...That moment when you forget to hit post, and come back a half hour later...

Working on a Post for Violet now, I'll edit it in under my Penny post

Casual Conflict Conversation

“Trust me, if Suwako hadn’t pinned Lily I would have.” Replied Penny as she easily climb up the car jack, she noted what looked to be a makeshift bed on top, old sheets and a pillow that was falling apart. “And I’m doubtful I would have been as nice. When you Redline like that it can easily go very, very bad.” She added. She was talking from personal experience as her transformation didn’t make her a Monster girl as Lily’s did, Penny would transform almost completely to a monster.

“I think most of Alex’s problem is that he has a crush or something on Lily, only thing I can think of for such a knee jerk reaction.” Penny explained as she shook that train of thought away before hopping down “Because Lily wasn’t in much danger. Between Me, you, and Suwako one of us was going to pull her out of the fire regardless.”

“Anyway, found a bed up there. So at least one person is sleeping here, any luck on your end?” She asked as she once again she scanned the inside of the building. She doubted that there would be a whole lot that they would be able to gather from this place, outside of proof that someone was living here.

Still made her feel better about her own lair, she had at least made sure it was defended and trapped. Not to mention out of the way and… Penny let out a sigh ‘Who knew I would make such a good monster?’ she mused after coming to the realization that despite being relatively new to all this she at least had a good idea on how to set up a liar. She couldn’t even pin the blame on Laat for that one; He destroyed things he didn’t build them.



Friends old and new

“Sounds like a party” Violet stated as she stood up from her spot on the roof “I’m slipping through” She warned Eli before she slid through the small portal they had kept open for the occasion.

She landed softly at the base of the tree, and a quick glance told her no one saw her, or no one assumed anything weird about it. Sometimes it was good to be lucky.

She quickly moved in to the diner, and gave it a nod of satisfaction as she did. It was a nice place. Upon entering she easily saw Deni and who she assumed was Sue already sitting down with someone she didn’t recognize.

With a shrug she walked over and sat next to Deni “Seems we weren’t the only friends to be brought” she said with a smile, completely ignoring Lily’s spoken request to Mariette.

@FlamelordFair, I do recall the Better PR perk, but I think we might know who is behind it.

Search? Yes. Destroy? No.

Penny stepped in to the rundown garage and felt sorry for whoever had to crash here, granted hers wasn’t much better but at least it was clean. Cautiously she started to look around for anything that might point out that this was a Monster girl residence, knowing that at her own place she had trapped it and hidden her bed, she stayed wary of any traps that might be around.

“While we are just looking around, I’ve got some news I wanted to pass along to you and the higher ups in Beacon.” She said as started digging through an abandoned tool shelf “Apperently there is someone by the name Justine that has a castle in the Overcity.” she explained as she pulled out a decent looking wrench, she looked it over a moment before pocketing it. Taking one last look she ventured off to rifle through one of the nearby tables.

“ The thing is, she might be responsible for the tensions between you guys and the rest of the people getting worse and for the crazed girl at the park meeting” The table was a bust, as far as Penny could tell, with a shrug she went over to the car lifts, one of them was extended to as high as it could go. Hopefully it was hiding something; she kept talking as she walked.

“ Not sure how valid it is, mind you, as I got the info second hand from Alex and Lily. Both of them are normal Magical girls, ands far as I am aware neither of them holds a grudge against The Bacon.” She continued not noticing her slip up at the name; she had spent the last week listening to Thalia call them Bacon every time it came up. “Though Alex, did rail against your anti-monster mentality due to what happened to Lily when she went berserk, but I’m thinking that was just a misunderstanding myself.”

Laughing at lunacy
Well, Penny is trying not to be a monster, which I'm guessing why she is allied with Bacon, but she does still think like one at times.

:Request Relay:

”So, you will be able to get that stuff to me in about a week?” Penny clarified as she jumped to a different roof. She was currently talking to someone one her phone, the fact she was holding nearly arm’s length from her as she waited for the reply would make it easy to assume who.

“Yes, Along With A Few Other Supplies That Ought Be Of Use, Considering Thy Companions” Came the booming answer form her phone, Laat wasn’t as loud as normal since He wasn't there in person, but he was still loud enough that people would be giving Penny odd looks if she was on the ground.

“Alright Thanks” She stated before closing her phone without waiting for a response giving out a sigh of relief as she did. She wasn’t quite sure how to feel about Laat’Alofan and talking to him never made her feel better. Still she hadn’t expected that the contact listed as “demolition supplies” in her phone to be his, granted it was only to be used to request demolition supplies, but how many people can say they have a god on speed dial?

Never the less she was able to order a few of the things she had fantasizing about using on the castle she was informed about earlier. A few Law rocket and a few pounds of Semtex, plus whatever Laat was tossing in.

Putting her phone away she couldn’t help the crooked grin that spread out on her face as she tried to push such thoughts away. It dropped a bit when she looked around and couldn’t see Thalia nearby. Penny had asked for some privacy as she called Laat, mainly so she would be able to finish the conversation without her face heating up, but it seemed as if they ended up losing other during the call. Or Thalia was stalking her in a bid to embarrass her again; she wouldn’t put it past the Fox girl.

With a shrug she turned to head ‘home’ as it was the one place they both knew well. Along the way she reviewed the updates from Beacon that had trickled in over the past week, nothing too major outside of the kidnapping that had happened earlier today. As she was looking over the updates she got a new one

You are currently in the vicinity of agent Alicia, Their task is recon on a suspected Monster Nest, are you capable of assisting?
Beacon Updates

She replied with an affirmative and the address was forwarded to her. With a nod she set off to rendezvous with Alicia.

She had gotten other request for help, normally it was fire support in case someone was getting over whelmed, but this was the first time a recon task was assigned, she was guessing it was because Alicia knew her as not a lot of the other members of Beacon did yet.

It didn’t take her long to get to the garage, and she had to admit it wasn’t a bad spot, it did rankle her how close it felt to her own lair however. Jumping down from the roof she landed softly in the back alleyway, and easily spotted who she was here to help.

“Hey Alicia” Penny greeted as took a look around “Seems someone didn’t want you flying solo” she added when she noticed they were the only two in the alley.

@PlatinumSkinkIt's not be cause I dislike her, quite the opposite in fact, It's so I don't start infecting Penny with thought she shouldn't yet have as she is a wonderful villan and I want to maintain the mystique surrounding her. I fully plan on going back and catching up on everything surrounding her once the castle siege has started.

Besides from the look of things Violet and Sakura will be hanging around Mariette for a while, so I'm even working against myself already.
@BrokenPromise I have avoided anything dealing with Mariette that I've been able to avoid. Other then that I skim posts in not directly connected to.
I shall work on a post to fling your way when I get home. Helping people move at the moment.
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