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Kakashi would be the first to admit that he could be insufferably nosy, the reason most people were willing to put up with it was the simple fact that most of them were blissfully unaware just how often the masked nin would poke his nose in their affiars. It was how he knew about his student’s habits while off duty, it was how he knew that Kurenai and Asuma were both thinking about dating each other.

It was why Kakashi was moving to eavesdrop on Gai and Airi.

The work on the roof was nearly finished; Naruto was hammering in the last few bits while Sasuke cleaned up the discarded shingles and Saukra collected the tools. Kakashi for the most part hadn’t done much other than supervise, as Naruto seemed to have some experience in repairing a roof. Thus Kakashi offered to go collect the paper work to signify the completed mission while the three cleaned up.

After his team acknowledged the plan Kakashi quietly dropped down from the roof. He landed just off the side of the front door, and was just in time to hear Lee yell out ”You’re Guy-Sensei’s fiancé!” That stopped the silver haired ninja cold.

He stayed just out of sight as he listened in to the next few moments of conversation. His thoughts were a buzz of activity as he dealt with the sudden sense of loss that was brought about by Guy’s affirmation. A few things started to become much clearer to the Ex-Anbu however, some of the ‘factors’ that were hindering his friend from returning to the corps seemed to be coming to light. This didn’t calm his thoughts however, it made them more confusing.

Thus he closed his eye and took a silent breath forcing his thoughts to calm. As he released his breath he reopened his eye, unseen by all was the fact that he had also opened his covered eye at the same time. Since it was still covered it wasn’t drawing any Chakra from Kakashi, but the simple fact that he had opened it had sharpened his focus.

‘Too many questions, not enough answers’ He told himself calmly ‘Emotions come third, mission comes second, The Pack comes first.’ He waited a heartbeat before he resumed moving in to Delicious Delights. He knew Guy well enough to know that the boisterous man wasn’t lying about the engagement, but the fact that Airi hadn’t said anything in response was also very telling. There was also the fact that neither of them had told him about it. From Guy, Kakashi could understand; it had nothing to do with their rivalry.

Air not telling him, however, it hurt. Or it would hurt, if Kakashi didn’t have a suspicion that she wasn’t as enthused about it as her current fiancé, but as he told himself before, too many questions not enough answers. He would deal with his own rolling ball of emotions later, for the moment he had answers to gleam.

The jingle of the door signaled Kakashi’s lazy entrance in to Airi’s establishment, he had the same bored look on his face that he always seemed to wear, though it was mixed with a faint hint of curiosity as he took in Team Guy. Each of the Genin in turn, turned to regard the newcomer each much more apparent with their curiosity.

There was a moment of silence as everyone took stock of each other, alas it was never to last as Guy began ”Ahh my Eternal Rival wha-"

“We are done fixing the roof Airi, anything else you needed?” Kakashi asked both cutting off and completely ignoring Guy for a moment before he turned to the man seeming to only just now notice him dispite the fact he was still holding Airi “Hmm? Oh Guy, fancy meeting you here.” he said with slight cheer and an eye smile.

”You and your hip attitude Kakashi!” Guy called out in despair.

What if the winning Waifu isn't looking to have a magical boi toy?
@Flamelord perhaps we will, perhaps we won't. Not aiming for anything but who knows what will come of it.
@BrokenPromise I can agree to this club name.

@Flamelord True, but that was a relationship doom to fail from the start. I mean come on one's a Beacon member, ones a monster girl.
I said start a club not hook up. I like Penny being alive and I'm sure you don't want Amber to run off.
@BrokenPromise just realized that all of Amber's wifu's keep dieing and all of Penny's keep running away. Think they should start a club?
If it is right around their return from Wave it could be used to explain why Team seven get's involved. They run across the rescue team, and offer their assistance. By the same logic it could be used to explain why Kakashi would pick up a mission with out the rest of team seven, they just got back from an incidental A rank, give them a bit of time off while he goes and assists the rescue mission.
Kakashi just chuckled at the utterly gob smacked expressions on the rest of Team seven as Airi ventured back in to her business/home. “I did tell you she used to be a Chunin” he said as he set the supplies he had brought down before he jumped down.


“Are you going to teach us that?”

“That was soo cool!”

“Yes I am, we will start with the basics now and practice with it as we work and after the mission” Kakashi answered before he gave them the tutorial on using chakra to walk on surfaces. He made sure not to have them attempt it on the wall of the building first, as it wouldn’t be good form to fix the roof while leaving a bunch of holes all along the back walls. While this was happening he made sure to have a Shadow clone ferrying supplies up to the roof in the meantime.

After a few attempts only Sakura was given the go ahead to practice using the building proper, and she showed flawless technique and was easily able to make it up. Naruto and Sasuke were both given one shot but neither was able to make it all the way up to the roof before they lost adhesion.

“Well, we will have more time to work on this afterwards. In the meantime try using the same principle to adhere the hammers and shingles to your arms or legs while you work.” He explained before returning to the roof to start the preliminary work on the roof.

Eventually they settled in to a easy routine, each of the students would rotate heading down to pick up more supplies, with Sakura being the only one would could go the easy route of walking up and down the wall. Naruto and Sasuke were forced to go the long way around of hopping down, picking up the supplies then jogging down the street to a roof they could jump up too then roof hopping back.

Kakashi was the first to notice Airi’s revenge, and was the only one to know that it was in fact revenge, as he noticed the scent of bread shortly after the chimney started to smoke. The rest of the team all noticed before too long, and soon after the grumbling of stomachs could be heard from the kids

“Keep on task” Kakashi said as Naruto got lost in the smell for a moment “You can always come back and purchase some after we get paid” He offered simply as he kept up the work on reroofing the building.

He had to remind his students several more times, as the smells of freshly baked confections just kept growing and they kept getting more distracted, but for the most part he was able to keep them on task. As they were nearly done, Kakashi swore he heard something. Looking around he heard it again, but this time he could make it out better.

Glancing down the street he saw Guy and his team heading in this direction. Guy and Lee were loudly declaring… something or the other. It had grabbed Kakashi’s attention mainly because they kept shouting Youth.

-Red VS Blue-

Penny slid in to her own combat stance as she watched the mysterious magical girl across form her ready a dagger, her eyes taking an electric blue tone as she let her gifted instincts rise to the forefront of her mind. Her last fight had been a sloppy desire riddled affair; she wouldn’t allow this one to take the same route.

Still, the sudden movement of the ship stalled Penny’s opening attack but never once did she allow her attention to waiver from her crimson eyed opponent. Instead she used the unexpected lull to inspect Silhouette in more detail. Over all Penny wanted to say she had the advantage, but the lack of information she had regarding her kept the cyborg wary. The only thing she could say with any certainty was that the dagger that they wielded was more than an ordinary weapon if the runes etched on to it were anything to go by.

The electric whine of building electricity was the only sound that was heard from either of the mahou as the ship descended. Penny was effectively a statue as she sat there unmoving, not even breathing. The soft pulse of neon lights the only ‘movement’ coming from her as she left the first move to her opponent.

Even as Amber came aboard her own ship Penny kept her focus on Sil, ignoring the question posed by the pirate, waiting for the inevitable attack. Her vigilance was rewarded as she noticed Silhouette’s subtle movements just before they blurred in for their attack.

Fully focused on the fight at hand, Penny swayed back dodging the knife by scant inches, before she move back in. Reaching out with the intention of latch on to her opponents arm, she also sent a hook at Sil’s face.

Yup, found out why I went with "Gai" instead of "Guy" same pronunciation but the former is how it is spelled in the Manga.

Not sure how having Airi tagging along for the Wave mission would work, nor am I wanting to bring her along to it, was more spit balling ideas with that one. Reason as to why is that mission is rather critical for most of team seven. Naruto picks up his Nindo, Sasuke picks up his blood line, and Kakashi realizes that he has been slaking a bit too much and picks up his training. Tossing in Airi in to that would require a fair amount of planning I would think.

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