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I know I had a post Of Violet 'dancing' with some of the bloodicorns back when I was trying to find out if Vocab was coming back or not.

Granted the post sucked and it was mainly used as an proof that I hadn't ghosted the RP, and it was rightfully ignored by most people, but I know what you mean. Have any ideas for them?
They would be useful to know
At the moment, neither would immediately recognize him as his facial structure has been altered by the genjutsu. Nothing else has changed however, so they would be able to recognize him from other things.
Send me the link
Airi’s discomfort was easy to pick up; just it was easy to see that Guy was oblivious to this. Not that Kakashi blamed Guy, the man was a fantastic jonin and easily the best Taijutsu specialist that Konoha had. That being said Guy had always been more of a front line combatant than anything else, thus when off the field he tended to let his situational awareness wonder. Kakashi had over ten years of Black Ops experience that drilled in to him never to let his situational awareness drop.

Kakashi just gave Airi an eye smile as she stepped away to get the paperwork he was after, glad to give her a moment to regain her equilibrium. “So..” the masked nin drawled as he turned to Guy “You’re engaged?” he asked casually as he pulled out his book.

“Indeed I am my rival” was the proud response

“When did that happen?”

“Last month. I asked her parents for her hand in marriage.”

That had Kakashi looking up from his book, with a mild look of surprise on his face. He had figured that it had happened more recently then that, if for no other reason than he was only now hearing about it. Guy just had a large easy going grin on his face as the two men looked at each other and Kakashi did have to reevaluate his earlier assumption. Guy not telling him did hurt, if only because it didn’t seem as if the green clad ninja had any regrets about keeping it a secret from Kakashi.

‘When were going to tell me?’ Was the unspoken question that hung in the air between the two.

‘When you got the invite’ seemed to be the response.

Before the tension between the two could start building up Airi returned and handed over the required paperwork. “Wouldn’t dream about” Was Kakashi’s reply as he gave a slight wave before he departed. He would have preferred if he could stay, both to try and snoop without being obvious and because they were his closest friends, but the mission had to be completed.

Team seven was about half way back to the mission desk when Sakura piped up “Oh, Miss Mae made this for you” interrupting the conversation about wall walking that had been going on, as she pulled out the treat that Airi had made for Kakashi and handed it to him.

The ninja in question just chuckled lightly at the attached note before he stowed it away “Thank you Sakura, now where were we”

“No missions tomorrow, team” Kakashi informed them as they walked out from the mission hall “We will be working on perfecting the tree climbing technique. If you can progress to the point where I feel it is sufficient we will apply for a C rank deal?” after getting a chorus of yeses Team seven split up to go their separate ways.

Kakashi himself was going snooping, he had resolved not to bug Airi about what it was that had been disturbing her a few days ago, and he was going to stick to that unless things got bad. That didn’t mean he couldn’t go and bug her family about it instead.

He had thought about going and asking her parents, but discarded that idea almost as soon as he had thought about it. Parents know alot about their kids but rarely do they know everything. Siblings on the other hand, tend to know more than most people would expect. It was this thought that had him blurring in to focus atop one of the houses in the civilian district.

He knew who he was looking for, though he hadn’t had much contact with them in years, Ana, Airi’s sister. If he had been a civilian, it would have next to impossible; even some jonin would have difficulty trying to find one person in the city with only the memory of their target to go off of. But Kakashi wasn’t a normal jonin, and he liked to poke his nose in to his friends’ lives without them knowing about it. Thus he already knew which neighborhood he was looking for, and from there it was a simple task to narrow it down to the right house.

Not even five minutes later Kakashi was knocking on Ana’s door. Not that many people would recognize him at the moment; He looked to be dressed in a simple gray long sleeve shirt and black pants, his headband had been swapped out for a black strip of cloth and his trademark mask wasn’t visible.

This wasn’t to say that Kakashi had dressed in civilian clothes for this trip, the man didn’t own any such clothes, and instead he was under a basic transformation jutsu to alter his appearance. The face he was wearing was a default one Kakashi used when he had to go unnoticed; it wasn’t how he actually looked.

The reason for the change of look was simple; most civilians didn’t react well to a jonin showing up at their front door, regardless of how innocent the reason for them being there was. Plus he didn’t want it getting back to either Airi or Guy that he had went snooping and the gossip that a silver haired ninja had visited a civilian would tip them off.

Now he just had to hope that Ana was home at the moment.
That was a terrible pun... I approve
It seems the battle on the ship has started in earnest
@Flamelord At the very least Penny will still be her friend, as she might be in the same boat as Alicia in that regard.
I was actually planning on having him go that way afterward this scene has concluded. Seems we are of a like mind on the direction of this plot so far.
Sounds like a plan, in the mean time there is Guy to deal with.
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