The slam of Ana’s front door drew a few glances from those who were walking past, but the empty porch didn’t hold much attention and they quickly forgot the incident as they went about their day.
Kakashi was off a ways on a distant roof, he was gazing upwards at the clouds and his disguise had been dropped. For the casual observer he seemed his normal laid back self, but that was decisively untrue. The conversation that he was replaying in his mind or more specifically the last part was stuck on repeat.
He had asked his last question partially out of curiosity and partly out of annoyance. He knew that it would most likely wear out his welcome when he did and he was fine with that as he had gotten the information that he had come for. It was Ana’s parting shot at Airi that he wasn’t expecting.
“she’d have asked that dumb copy ninja”
It was such an innocuous set of words, which had rattled said ‘dumb copy ninja’. The part of him that had been depressed by having to correct Naruto days earlier was dancing with joy. It was overshadowed by the rest of the emotions that were whirling around in him, skepticism, depression and a notable amount of fear.
“I need a drink” Kakashi said softly as he pulled his attention back to his surroundings. This day had been emotionally trying for him, the fact that most of it had blindsided him just added to the trying nature of it all. He wanted to go to the memorial stone or perhaps to Rin’s grave and just be alone with his thoughts for a while(The rest of the day). It was with one of those destinations in mind that he turned to start roof hopping away when his stomach grumbled softly.
‘Food first’ he decided as he set off back to the commerce district of Konoha, his plan was to get something to go then perhaps go deal with his revelations elsewhere, with that in mind he just followed his nose to what ever smelt the best. Still his attention was more inward then normal, so while he wouldn't be caught off guard by an attack or something similar. He could easily walk past someone he knows with out noticing them.
Kakashi was off a ways on a distant roof, he was gazing upwards at the clouds and his disguise had been dropped. For the casual observer he seemed his normal laid back self, but that was decisively untrue. The conversation that he was replaying in his mind or more specifically the last part was stuck on repeat.
He had asked his last question partially out of curiosity and partly out of annoyance. He knew that it would most likely wear out his welcome when he did and he was fine with that as he had gotten the information that he had come for. It was Ana’s parting shot at Airi that he wasn’t expecting.
“she’d have asked that dumb copy ninja”
It was such an innocuous set of words, which had rattled said ‘dumb copy ninja’. The part of him that had been depressed by having to correct Naruto days earlier was dancing with joy. It was overshadowed by the rest of the emotions that were whirling around in him, skepticism, depression and a notable amount of fear.
“I need a drink” Kakashi said softly as he pulled his attention back to his surroundings. This day had been emotionally trying for him, the fact that most of it had blindsided him just added to the trying nature of it all. He wanted to go to the memorial stone or perhaps to Rin’s grave and just be alone with his thoughts for a while(The rest of the day). It was with one of those destinations in mind that he turned to start roof hopping away when his stomach grumbled softly.
‘Food first’ he decided as he set off back to the commerce district of Konoha, his plan was to get something to go then perhaps go deal with his revelations elsewhere, with that in mind he just followed his nose to what ever smelt the best. Still his attention was more inward then normal, so while he wouldn't be caught off guard by an attack or something similar. He could easily walk past someone he knows with out noticing them.