Avatar of Shifter_Master


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I am alive, I swear. Lot's of bad timing involved while the Guild was down, but I am back and I'll try and get that posted I mention up ASAP.
Now that my internet has stabilized, and the guild isn't falling apart, I'll endeavor to get a post up sometime with the next day or so.
I'll be keeping an eye on this.
Yours was good, struggled a bit on what I wanted Kakashi to do in regards to it, other then just nod approvingly. But the upcoming conversation looks to have more interesting options anyway so I didn't want to delay much longer.
Kakashi was rather intrigued at the scene that was playing out below, once he had gotten over his surprise at Naruto’s destination that is. Quietly he faded in to the background, becoming nearly unnoticeable, as he settled in and just watched the two people below.

He had to admit he the points Airi had brought up were good ones, which made him wondering what was being taught in the academy if Naruto hadn’t heard them before. He was also planning on shamelessly stealing the lesson for use with Sakura, at least the first and last points. She would need to step up soon or get left behind as Naruto and Sasuke progressed more and more.

He was still pondering how to help his female student, when Naruto’s innocent question caused Airi to start blushing. Kakashi simply smiled ruefully at the reaction, proof that Ana had been correct. There were a few questions he wanted to ask Airi in regards to that, but in the end he felt it would be better if he just pretended that he was unaware of her feelings for him. It would be safer for her that way, not to mention her engagement. He still wanted to have a ‘chat’ with Guy about that but his fellow Jonin was out on a mission at the moment.

Shaking his head to clear it of the stray thoughts, he returned his attention back to the people below. Naruto had just cleared the fence and was currently jogging back to his apartment, while Airi was looking to be cleaning up to head in for food if her grumbling stomach was any indication. He was just about to head out himself when he noticed the minor dilemma Airi had caused herself. He was moving before he could think against it.

Near silently Kakashi landed just inside Airi’s back yard, next to the gate for the fence. “Yo. Since it seems my wayward student has absconded with you basket, would you like some help?” he called out cheerfully as he looked up the street and the distant orange spot that was Naruto.
Sorry I've been absent, life got strange on me.

@Ariamis I've got no objections to a time skip, Penny's not good for much outside ship construction at the moment anyway.
@DarkwolfX37 can you find a clip about what you mean?
Happy new year.

That post took a lot longer to write then I thought it would, not completely satisfied with it but I've been at it all day and if I keep rewriting it I'll go spare.
It was a testament to how rough the day had been that Kakashi reached his destination without ever noticing that he had a tail since he had gotten food. No one else bothered to follow him other than Airi, everyone else just assumed that things were normal with the masked nin, had they followed they would have easily learned that was not the case.

Kakashi was at the graveyard, not a place he was commonly seen. He had slowed to a walk once he passed through the archway that stood at the entrance; it had been a while since he had come here last, a few years in fact. He still knew where he was heading with ease however. In no time at all he found himself standing in front of an old grave. It was well maintained as all of the graves were, but it lacked any flowers from friends or family.

Rin Nohara

That was the name inscribed on the flat stone, a name that always took Kakashi back to his younger years. He let out a weary sigh as he slowly sat down. “Hey Rin, it’s been a while.” His voice was strangely open to those who knew Kakashi. He was a man of masks, always hiding things behind either a physical one or an emotional one. Now however the emotional mask was lowered, and he wasn’t bothering to project an image he was just being himself, and right now he was tired.

“Sorry about that been busy. Got kicked out of Anbu, they have me as a jonin instructor right now if you can believe that.” He carefully opened his meal as he filled the air with a brief summary of what had happened to him recently the food was just the first thing on the menu that looked alright “Granted I’ve not been the kindest of instructors, considering that I was failing anyone that couldn’t pass the Bell test.” It was without ceremony that Kakashi started eating, but the thing was different was him eating like a normal person. His mask was down and he was eating at a sedated pace not causing his food to vanish from its container as he normally would. “Yeah I know just how difficult that is for fresh recruits to piece together, but that’s the point. Doesn’t matter anyway, I have a team that past. Team seven. Yeah, I’ve got the old team number and more than that I’ve got Sasuke Uchiha, last of his clan and he reminds me of me back when… I was still an idiot.” He grimaced at the apt comparison and for a moment Kakashi drifted off in to the past as the ‘What ifs’ sounding out in his mind as they always would.

Eventually Kakashi would speak up again chuckling softly “All skill no heart, Obito would be ashamed.” but his smile would seem hollow “There isn’t much to say about Sakura Haruno, she is a Civilian, good mind but terrible application. Then there is Naruto Uzumaki” The was pain in his voice was just as clear on face as he brought up the blond genin of his team “He looks so much like his father and acts just like his mother that it hurts to be near him, but he will do great things one day of that I am sure. I just hope that I’ll be helpful in him getting there.”

He fell silent again for a bit as he picked at his meal before he gave a weak laugh “You would have been a better sensei. You would have become the mother the boys don’t have and the role model that Sakura needs, you would get close to your team. But they got stuck with me; A scarecrow that brings nothing but ruin.”

He remained silent as he finished his meal, plagued by dark thoughts, ‘what ifs’ and old wounds that never truly healed. As he started to put away his trash he gave one last look at the headstone of one of his first friends “If you could do me a favor? Try and make sure I’m the one who dies next? I only have one good friend left and Airi would be fine after a bit, plus someone better would step in for my students”

A few moments later, Kakashi would be gone and there would be next to no trace that he had been there save for a single flower resting on the grave he had sat in front of.

Later the next day

“Relax Naruto, and focus on your breathing for a moment” Kakashi was currently helping his most rambunctious student when it came to tree climbing, his other two students had gone home already when Naruto had asked him to stay to help a bit more.

Naruto for his part was doing his best to follow along with Kakashi instructions, but was beginning to get more and more antsy; he was forgetting something but couldn’t quite tell what.

“Feel the flow of your chakra and try and match it with the ebb and flow of the tree” He instructed while he was currently standing at a ninety degree angle with the ground due to walking on said tree. “Try and-“

“OH crap! I’m late!” Naruto nearly shouted as he turned and started sprinting back towards the village, he had remembered that he was going to be helping Airi out with her garden today. She was nice to him, so he didn’t want to be rude by just blowing her off.

The fact that he was blowing of Kakashi to help her didn’t register to the young ninja.

Kakashi just looked on at his fleeing student in curiosity, as far as he knew Naruto didn’t have any plans on this day, which meant that it was a new occurrence for the boy. The masked ninja didn’t have anything planned for the rest of the day so decided to follow after the orange missile to find out what the new thing would cause such a reaction from him.

His surprise at following Naruto to Delicious Delights was photography worthy, just a shame that no one was around to see it.

-Catch up -

”Welcome to the mad house” Penny called out as she approached the parked car, admiring it as she did. ”The short version of what you missed is that Laat has effectively declared war on Justine, we are going to fix the ship, possibly turn it in to a tank, and recruit a few dozen more people to this assault, slash, rescue mission.”

She paused after saying that before shaking her head at the absurdity of what had she had just said. ”Mariette is here” Penny added gesturing to the bunny holding girl “Mentioned that she knew you, she is planning on helping us get that” She pointed at the wreck and all the supplies “Somewhere much less obvious. Any questions?”

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