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Sorry for the delay got sick right at the end of the weekend and it keep me down rather completely. I should be able to get a reply up later today and if not early tomorrow.
“No they won’t” Slade confirmed quietly. Heaven was a paradise, few people alive had the sheer willpower to try and leave such a location, fewer still that would be able to succeed. Hell on the other hand? Well that was a different story.

“And I’m not here to send you there either, and one should never want to go either” He would go on lifting his mask as he spoke; he had no need for it here, not now at any rate. He was an older man; seemingly in his late thirty’s. His hair was cut short and was a crisp white. He had one deep blue eye visible, the other was covered by a simple leather eye patch and he had a small neatly trimmed beard. Were it not for the eye patch and armor he could easily look like a kindly grandfather.

“I was a friend of your mothers.” He would continue after a moment “And she used to work for those ladies that attacked. They were mad at Yumiko for leaving.” He would explain. There was more to it than that of course. The years of attempts to try and coerce Yumiko back into the fold and the slow escalation of threats, but those reasons would just muddy the end point they both stood at.

“I learned about it too late to be able to help” He would admit without shame. Slade knew he was good, really damn good, but he also knew that he wasn’t perfect. That it was impossible to be such, and he never allowed himself to fall into that kind of over confidence again. His lost eye still burned at the thought.

“Your mother was a wonderful woman.” He would stand and walk over to where Jin stood next to her parents’ bodies “The world is a lesser place with her loss and it wasn’t your fault you couldn’t fulfill her last order” He would once again crouch down to look young Jinyah in the eye. “You have two options in front of you right now. The police, the people your father worked with, will be here soon. They will take you to somewhere where you can try and move past this night, to a place where you can try and become part of a different family.” Jinyah would likely be taken to an Orphanage, required to see a therapist, and potentially be able to live a normal life, but this night had already left its mark on her and it always would. Had she been anyone else that would be the only option Slade would offer.

But she wasn’t anyone else “The other is that you can come with me, to my home. I can’t promise much, I’ve not been a father in... quite a long time. But you won’t be alone. Where we go from there is up to you, but you won’t be alone, that I can promise.” This would cause problems, he knew it would, but sometimes the best option is the one that causes the most problems. So few people understood that sometimes and absently he wondered what the Capes would think about this development.

)))One down, one to go?(((

@Ariamis @Majoras End @Asuras

The moment that those magic words were spoken both Violet and Sakura were focused solely on Fanfan to the exclusion of all else.
“Mine” “Mine” They would call out at the same time before glaring at each other.

“I called it first!” Sakura would declare with more force than one would expect of her due to her quiet demeanor.

‘Doesn’t matter you got the last one!’ Violet would reply mentally.

‘But that was months ago!’

“So? I’ve not had one in even longer!”


‘There is still a chance that they will ask for another wish.’

"That doesn't matter!" 'This one is mine and you know it!'


“Do I need to bring up-“

‘Gah!’ “Fine” Violet would throw her hands up as she took a step away from Fanfan ‘Too nice for my own good sometimes’

“Yes!” Sakura would call out in joy before stepping closer to Fanfan her eyes flashing a deep white “As you wish!” her voice would echo with power as the space in front of her would warp and twist suddenly from some unseen force. Magic would arc wildly as with the point of twisted space the silhouette of a box would start to form. Then with a sound akin to fracturing glass there would be a bright flare of light. Once it faded Sakura would still be standing there now surrounded by a corona of magic as she held a plain white box in her hands which she offered up to Fanfan “I shall grant” her voice once again echoed outward.

The moment Fanfan would take the box from Sakura the pink haired girl would collapse to the ground with a loud contented sigh. “Show off” Violet would comment from where she stood. Not that she was all that surprised. Their magic didn’t like being held back, and if it weren’t for it being the fact that it had been their patron who had grounded them they would have likely been in a worse state.

Within the box was a cake, but not just any cake but a fantastic cake. It was a decadent blueberry ice cream cake layered with strawberry jam. The top was ringed with fluffy whipped cream and there were a dozen tiny marzipan tea cups spread about. Small lines of icing were dotted across the cake in the shapes of flowers or stars.

"I think that is a pretty good demonstration of how our helps works no?" Violet would ask, once again smiling at the group.
@Majoras End Question for you. Valire going to be Joining Penny or are you going to have her go her own way? Because collab stuff might be happening.
Odd. I'll poke you via PM's then when a full post goes up for a bit then, OOC can kinda go at what ever pace it needs so no pokes for them.
I'm going to toss in my interest as well, seems like it is good for a grand old time of silly insanity.
Indeed it does, which is why I like it so much. Sadly there is zero proof of it being the case, and is likely actively contradicted by the comics somewhere, but that wont stop me from having and enjoying such a head-canon
She's starting to get there and this time she had a better reason for it.

.:⋮01001100 01101111 01110011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100100⋮:.

@Majoras End@Rune

When the Spark had stopped warning Penny she knew that she had made a mistake, but by then it was too late to back out. Her body was no longer in her control, and try as she might she was locked into fulfilling her original intention. For the Machine within her had taken over and would not be denied.

01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01100111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101100 01101111 01101111 01101011 00100000 01100001 01110111 01100001 01111001

If she could have screamed she would have, she would have screamed her throat raw at the fizzing static that bleeds under her outer casing. Screamed until she ran out of air td the feeling of her soul twisting in inhuman ways, she would have screamed long into the night at the realization that she was becoming corrupted once more. For unlike many others, this was her first experience with the sensation.

Her first hours of being remade had been lost to her; her first transformation from human to monster gone. So it would be this instant that would forever sear into her memory of what it was to become corrupted. Of what it meant to lose part of one’s self to the darkness.

01000001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110111 01100001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01111001 01100101 01110100 00111111

Once she was done and had control over herself once more she simply sat there for a moment in silent horror at what she had just experienced. One thought seemed to echo over and over within her mind ‘What have I done?’ the chill that seemed to seep from that thought was for more than just the fact that she had quite literally cannibalized someone like herself. She found herself reevaluating everything she had done in her magical life, and with each remembrance the chill intensified and she wondered yet again ‘What have I done?’

Penny could have very easily been lost to her own memories and the growing sense of dread that pooled within her. For even as much as the new corruption had frightened her a portion of her felt contented at once again being whole. Even Valerie would have been ignored in light of this forceful self-reexamination. But when the text flashed up in her HUD Penny grabbed onto it like a life line.

She didn’t push away her uncover truths, she didn’t try to bury them, she just chose to ignore them. For she couldn’t handle them on her own, and she had a feeling that trying to deny them would have a much worse outcome.

01000100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01001001 01100111 01101110 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001

“Joy” She would say standing grimacing at the leftover taste in her mouth “I was more asking cause a friend wanted to meet up, but seems like there isn’t a whole lot going on at the moment.” Penny would explain as she seemed to be in thought.

She would look off to the side suddenly before she let out a sigh “Spoke too soon” she would mutter before sending off a quick reply
Eden. You caught me at a good time. I’m free right now. Where would you like to meet up?

“Never get to rest it seems” Penny would grumble to herself “Got someone calling in a favor, your welcome to tag along if you want… I think” she would say as she quickly wrote up and sent off another text.

Hey C̸̀͞h͜lo̶̴e̸҉͟, it’s going to be a bit longer before I can come home. The PI is calling in the favor I own them.
Also learned that I was right in my worry, Beacon can track me by my̢ ̷͢Ś̵͢p͘͟a҉r̶͟͜k̛͘͠. If I had stuck around any longer back at the warehouse would have like brought them all down on top of us.
I’ll let you know where I’m going to be when I find out in case you want to swing by.
Ĺ̸͡͏͈̖̭̼̼̬̥̰̣̗̯̣̳̼̳̯̲͡ͅó̧̲͉̹̘̖̭̦͔̙̤̲͖̺̗̮̩̹̬́̕͠v̶̴̥͕̱͔͚̟̘̪̺̻̭̘̼͙͚́ͅe̡͎̲̠̣̺͉̬̜̬̹̜̣̕͟͜ ҉̴̢̛̬̥̜́y҉̸̧̜̳̫͍̤̠ơ̙͙̱̮̲̪̘͔͉̼̼͓̱̠̟̯̥̕̕u̶̴̧͔̯͕̬̟̳̣̠̩̖͓̪̤͞͠ͅ ̴̨̛̮̤͍̰͇̹͍͎̪̬̱̗͍̻̯̖̥͚̀͘

Though out all of this Penny would seem relaxed, if a bit annoyed, but inside she was shaking. She felt Ill, and uncertain of herself, those few moment’s looking in the mirror had shown an image that Penny wasn’t sure how she felt about partially because she was now aware that she didn’t really feel as much as she thought she had been.

01000110 01101001 01101110 01100101 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100111 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101000 01100001 01101110 01100100 01101100 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100110 01100110 01100101 01110010 01100101 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100001 01111001


His first assumption had been correct, Slade would realize as he looked down on the corpses at his feet. Blood loss had been what had been what it was that had done in the two of them. Neither of them had any major injuries on them that the trained assassin could see, but they both had plenty of cuts. Some of them likely ran deep, and in the middle of a fire fight it is very to lose track of new injuries if all they do is bleed.

A part of him wondered when it was that the assassins sent after them had switched to this tactic of simply bleeding them out. At least he knew that it was a gentle way to go, which wasn’t what he figured the assassins had in mind at first. A different part of him toyed with the idea of hunting down those that did this and repaying unto them the same care that they had showed Yumiko and her husband, but he knew at the end of the day it was simply business and that there would be nothing to gain from taking a personal stake in this.

That wouldn’t stop him from offering a discount to anyone who offered him a job that ran counter to the guild responsible for this however.

His musing were cut off quite soundly by the drawing of breath next to him and he turned to look in time to see a little girl trying to stab him with a kitchen knife. He could have easily countered the, quite literally, childish attempt to harm him but he stayed his hand. A number of things clicked into place at seeing the young girl, a good couple of years’ worth of offhand comments that Yumiko had said now made perfect sense, as did why the couple hadn’t simply abandoned the house when the battle turn unwinnable.

Then the knife hit his leg as was deflected off by promethium mesh in his leggings and he was brought back to the present. He just quirked an eyebrow at Jinyah as he stood there not caring that the gesture would go completely unseen due to his facemask, before speaking in a dry tone “You’re going to hurt yourself holding it like that”

A moment later Slade would crouch down to be able to more easily look the little girl in the eye, smiling slightly at the resemblance that the girl had to her mother. “What made you try that anyway?” He’d ask casually as he mulled over this latest surprise.
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