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Just noticed how much time has been slipping by, I'll get a response up later today.
@ERodeIf it is not too late to have Robo-Penny join Amaryllis for the knight fight I would like to toss her hat in on that one. Which Deni should be fine to join in and make it a 3-on-1 if you want @PlatinumSkink which will help the stats issue.

Other wise Deni and Human Penny could meet up for some gabo hunting

.:⋮Gone Shopping⋮:.

It was early, dreadfully early some might say, when Penny had slipped into Brittany’s Boutique. She had decided to head to the shop as soon as it opened for the day. It had only been a day since she had split and she didn’t like the feeling of being unarmed.

There were a lot of things she had gotten used to that she found herself missing. The newfound silence was one, as she no longer hummed from an engine core, it was the state of her thoughts that surprised her the most. They were very fluid, and keeping focused on one task was difficult at times. Unless Chloe was involved, and this trip involved Chloe and a Weapon. She couldn't forget the Weapon part.

Penny moved past the counter to survey the new stock. She couldn’t help the feeling of relief at seeing she had been correct in assuming that the store now had Weapons on display. After all that is why she came here. Granted there weren’t a lot of them, but at the same time Penny didn’t need much time at all to decide what one she wanted. It was a short blade, little more than a dagger, but it called out to Penny. And one look at it’s placard told her everything she needed to know about it. Gently she picked off the rack and held it.

It felt right, it felt like home, she furrowed her brow as she tried to place why that was, but the thought slipped away from her. With a shrug, Penny wandered further back into the store, she couldn’t let herself get distracted anymore she had something very important to pick up. It was why she came here after all, right?

At last she came upon the shelf of plushies and her goal for the shopping trip,or was it the dagger she was carrying? Shrugging it off she gently reached out and picked up the small plush version of herself, smiling as she reread the placard. Glad that she was remembered as someone who helped people.

Still smiling she moved back towards the front, weaving through all the newer stock to take a second look at everything there. She couldn’t get anything else, only barely having the money for her current purchases, but she could remember for next time.

“Hi Brittany’' Penny would say in greetings as she walked upto the counter, placing the doll and dagger down as she continued. “I like your new stuff. Is our deal still valid?”

Brittany was looking down as she rested her forearms on the counter, her hat drooping down to the point it nearly obscured her eyes; instead of her usual greeting, she only gave a wave of her hand as she addressed the customer.
‘Greetings...‘ She mumbled, only to blink and lift herself up to look at the taller girl.
‘Oh, it’s you, Penny. Been a long time since last we met at the beach, huh? Nice makeover you have there.‘ Memories began coming back to Penny, from the time she first met with Brittany.

Brittany blinked at Penny’s mention of the deal, and her eyes lighted up.
‘The deal? THE DEAL! YES!‘ She screamed in joy, taking Penny’s hand with her hand, and lightly shaking it.
‘Penny, you can help me rescue Sammy! Please, you’ll help me right?‘
She pleaded, her eyes sparkling as she made a puppy-like face.

Penny was taken aback by the reaction, and it showed on her face as she worked her thoughts into a more coherent state. “Sammy?” she would try to place the name to no success, regardless when the next part was processed her eyes sharpened as her focus fixed on the important thing that was said “She’s in danger? Yes, yes of course I’ll help. What's the problem, where is she?” she would ask quickly.

Brittany released the ex-android girl's hand and nodded.
‘"She is a friend of mine who was kidnapped while we were gone at the beach," she explained.
‘"She's held here in Penrose. I don't know exactly where, but I know who did it." She leaned over the counter, glanced around the shop, and whispered: ‘"The Ebon Mint."

Penny would hiss at the mention of the Ebon mint. “Of course it’s those scum sucking leeches” she would say venomously. “I’d be willing to help out even if we hadn’t set up a deal. When do you think you’ll know where she is?” She would ask as she started to try and piece together who it was she could ask to help out. Depending on the time she might even be able to pull her other half into this as well.

“If it’s going to take some time I can try asking some of my other friends for help as well”

Brittany looked glad, and high-fived her Patron.
‘"Yes! I had a feeling you'd be the reliable type." She then scratched her cheek at the question, looking unsure.
‘"Um, sure, I just...I was kind of hoping you'd help with that too." She paused for a moment, as if she heard something, before returning back to her explanation.
‘"Sammy is a super sleuth you see, and was in a case when she was nabbed. I think the same might happen to me if I start snooping around. And if I'm gone, who's going to run the shop?"

“Good point…” Penny would humm as she rocked back onto her heel. “I can start asking around, might know a few people who could point me in the right direction.” Cindy and Chloe came to mind. Cindy knew a lot of things, and Chloe was still part of the Mint on paper.

“I’ll have to ask Penny about it as well” She would murmur quietly to herself as she thought about her other half “She has the contact information for a few others but I know she’d be just as willing” Still she’d end up nodding to herself before she looked back at Britney smiling. “I’ll start soon as I can!” Penny would promise, before pointing and the blade and doll “So price?”

‘Half the price,‘ Brittany answered. ‘An agreeable offer, yes?‘

Penny sat there for a moment simply blinking as she replayed what Britney had just said. Then she ran the math. Then she couldn’t help but break out a giant smile “Thank you! Of course that’s an agreeable offer.” She would say in delight as she fished out the needed coins from her pockets.

After placing the Coins on the counter top; 1 Gold 2 Silver and 4 Bronze. Brittany was pleased, and counted the coins.
‘Thank you, and please come again!,‘ Brittany answered.

Penny snatched up her new weapon and the adorable plush of her old self. “I’ll get started on trying to track her down right away!” She’d say dashing off to give Chloe her gift.

.:⋮Second verse, same as the first⋮:.

It would be hours later before Britney would have another run in with Penny, in fact it would be shortly before closing when Penny would quietly enter into the store. Yet it wouldn’t be the same Penny that had been here earlier.

The mechanical half of Penny would not waste much time from when she entered the shop. Her first circuit was done to establish all that was new in the store, and to establish whether or not her other half had already passed through.

The absent spot of where the doll of her old self used to sit answered that question quite easily.

Brittany lifted a confused eyebrow, but quickly shifted to her servicing smile.
‘Oh, uh, welcome to the shop! Feel free to browse as much as you like.‘

The second circuit was over even quicker, but was used to pick out the few things that she wanted, that she could afford. Her other half walked away with most of the money after all.

“Salutations.” she would greet Britney as she placed an Overcity guide and a Purification Artifact on the counter top. “These will be the total of my purchases.”

‘That would total 2 Silver and 14 Bronze coins, please.‘
Brittany did not waste any time in her response, expecting this customer in particular to be strictly business. However, she bit her lip as she took another look at her.
‘Um, excuse me for asking, but... Do you happen to know someone named Penny?‘

“Yes” Penny would reply as she carefully stacked the required coins on the counter top “My designation is Penny. And my other half is also designated Penny.” She would explain succinctly before pointing at where the plush of her used to sit “Circumstances lead me to believe you encountered her earlier”

She would wait until Britney took the coins to pick up her purchases once again, yet she would also wait incase Brittney had more questions. She knew it would be rude to simply leave now.

‘Really?‘ Brittany’s jaw dropped at the revelation, and she accidentally swiped at the coins, causing one of them to roll and drop to the floor.

‘Whoops. Sorry about that.‘ She walked to the front of the corner to pick it up, only to stop as a spider-like limb detached from Penny’s back and picked up the coin first and handed it back to her

“No apologies required” She would say with a soft smile. “She did pass on your request to me as well. I will also be working on finding her.” With that said Penny would pick up her purchases and internalize them. The Overcity guide would turn into a small floating orb shaped drone. It had a large lense on the front and it spent a moment just looking at things before floating into an open space on Penny’s back.

The Purification artifact would become a white gold pendent in the shape of an eight pointed star with a diamond in the middle that was glowing softly.

“Good night” She would say before turning to leave.

'Uh, yeah...Good night.'
Brittany waved goodbye to Robo Penny with a twitching eyebrow, still a bit taken aback by the revelation. Well, at least she got double the sales from it. That has to count for something.

I don't. Overwork is something I've seen grind people down, not a fun thing.

in RP related things, Let me know if you want me to add more. Was tempted to write out the trip to the Slade's home, and possibly cobble together a description of it, but wasn't sure if you wanted to have more happen before the house is reached. If not feel free to move it to the start of the next day.
Slade simply watched as Jin carefully pack away anything that she wanted to keep, and a small part of the man mourned for this child. She was far too young to be able to think so clearly about this, yet sometimes the world didn’t care for the truly innocent. Shifting his attention away from those dour thoughts, he kneeled down next to Yumiko’s body and gently closed both her and her husbands’ eyes.

While he was kneeling he placed their hands in each other’s, in life and death they had be together. Anyone who thought otherwise would get a visit from the Terminator. It was after, while he was paying his respects, that he caught sight of something else. Yumiko’s necklace, he would be the first to admit he wasn’t sure if it was a sentimental piece or not, but he had seen her wearing it for years at this point. So quietly he removed it.

Later, once the harshness of this night had dulled he would present it to Jinayah, so that she had something physical to remind her of her mother.

Just as he stood up, he hear his ward- his niece’s, he reminded himself, request. “Of course” And when he saw that the picture was still in one piece he was honestly surprised. It was more or less untouched, standing in stark contrast with the rest of the floor. Still he picked it off the wall and gently handed it to the little girl, before standing back at watching her have to deal with a situation that no one so young should have to deal with.

“Then let us go” He would say softly reaching his hand out for her to hold. Afterwards he would pick her up; cradling her with one arm as the other easily carried the full suitcase. His walk to the back door would be quick but still by the time they would reach it the sounds of cars pulling up to the front would be heard.

“Hold on tight” Slade would say to Jin as he pulled his mask back on and once he was sure she had a good grip, he moved. The world bleeding into a blur as he raced across the back yard and leapt over the fence, his landing hardly seem to register as he just kept flowing onward. In the span of about a minuet Slade and Jinny were several houses down and well outside the scope that the cops would be searching. And with each passing moment they were moving further and further away, unseen and unheard by the world around them.

A few streets later, they would arrive at Slade’s car; A simple looking four door sedan. It would beep once as they approached, due to Slade unlocking it. Once they reached it he would set Jinyah down and take off his mask once more. “And we are in the clear” he’d say opening the back door to set the suit case inside. "Next stop, home"
Much better, now if only I had more weekend to sleep in for things would be perfect
And here we are, delayed as it might be.
“I promise” Slade would say softly as he extended a hand to the little girl. “And if they do try and come for you, there will be nothing left of them when they fail” he would add as a cold smile ghosted across his face at the thought of getting revenge, before he set those thoughts aside.

“My name is Slade Willson” He would introduce himself with a much warmer smile “From now on you can consider me your Uncle”

Before the young Jin could respond Slade would look toward the door way, his eye narrowing slightly before relaxing. A moment later the sounds of sirens could be heard faintly in the distance, slowly growing louder. “Seems we are nearly out of time” He would say with a sigh. But that was just the way things happened some times. He was thankful that the Cops hadn’t called in anyone else just yet.

“Is there anything that you want to keep from here before we leave?” Slade reached back and picked up the kitchen knife as he asked, placing it in one of his many pockets. It was an interesting memento, after all Jinayah could say that she had landed a hit on him technically. Plus it would keep his involvement in this quiet, at least for a time.
In hopes of getting an 80's style montage to help raise Penny's stats on the Waifu tier, what are some of her failings that drop her to Trash tier waifu?
My prior statment was made since I was feeling better at that point, less so today. I can guarantee a post at some point Friday at the latest. On a related note, the Flu sucks.
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