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As an Advanced Tk user Jinny could do it in either way based on needs. Violet's bubbles are a great comparison as well.
I regularly have conversations like this with friends, and it is one of the reason Izuku, from My Hero Academia, is one of my favorite characters. It's fun!

Bubble shield can be done with both basic Tk and advanced Tk but would work in different ways. Basic Tk would be just a simple pulse of TK to repel things. Would only work if the Meta in question was paying attention and might miss things if they aren't aware of some things

While Advanced Tk could set up a static field that repulses up to everything everything without needing to be micromanaged.

The power set growing as the generations grow always makes sense to me.
Hmm best way to explain. First thing is to mention this is all my own thoughts on the matter so is easily up for debate.
That out of the way it's not so much that there is different kinds of telekinesis, that's a different conversation, but more that there are different rankings of Telekinesis.

Basic Telekinesis is lifting/moving things with thought, the strength can be exceptionally high or low without leaving basic telekinesis. You can barely lift a pencil to you can lift skyscrapers, either way basic.

Advanced Telekinesis is when you start adding telekinetic properties to things. Object A pulls on Object B, or Object C repels all things near by, or creating fields or areas of telekinetic effect.

Beyond that you start getting into esoteric things. Like condensing telekinetic force into a useable energy source, or creating slip space pockets of telekinesis to teleport.

From my interpretation of how Jinny went up the wall she didn't use basic Telekinesis. As that would simply be her grabbing herself with TK and pulling herself up no need for outside help to move. No, what Jinny did was encapsulate herself in a bubble of TK that followed two rules; push against gravity, and push against everything not in the bubble.

Useable for flight, if tweaked, but also allows for a lot of other applications. Invert the rules and put it on someone else and suddenly they are moving slower and have a much harder, if not impossible, time dodging those throwing knives she just picked up. plus if she can make TK fields she can add them as edged fields to her knives to make them sharper, or simply throw pointed TK fields to stab things with her mind.

Most TK only do blunt force, ranged punches or kicks. Jinny might be able to do mind bullets or saws.
And a reply.

Will mention that the way you described Jinny going up the wall leads me to think her telekinesis might not be the garden variety telekinesis. If you want to go down that rabbit hole I'm willing to start spouting off my theories. Otherwise I'll stick to your declarations about how her power works.

Also, also. the one bit of fancy stuff that I feel Jinny would do best with at the moment is sadly very difficult to get, but would do wonders for her I think. Nth Metal. Gravity negation, promotes regeneration, and can be used to amp powers or store energy. Too bad it's not native to Earth.
“Most isn’t dangerous no, but still hard to explain” Slade would say as he stayed near the door and watched as Jinayah move about the room picking out various bits of material. Most of the stuff in here was relatively normal. Leather, Kevlar, both normal and with mesh underlays. Ceramic, Polymer and steel plates. Canvas and various types of foam.

But there were also rarer things in smaller bins, small amounts of Promethium, both volatile and depleted alongside depleted uranium and enriched titanium. Exotic animal hides such as dinosaur, or odd alien creatures. Small shards of kryptonite, locked and sealed in labeled lead tins. Along with other bits and pieces of things that Slade hadn’t had the time to puzzle out.

And he, like Jinny, kept track of where everything came from. Though he did such more out of habit then anything.

“Feel free to start sketching when you have time” He would go on to say, once he was done chuckling at being dragged away by his niece that is. Still, he followed along willingly, curious as to what it was that had gotten her so excited.

And once he was let in on the secret, he could readily agree with her enthusiasm. It was both a fantastic display of skill, and endlessly useful. “More then just something” He would say seriously, the gleam in his eye sharp as he reviewed this latest development over and over. It was easy for him to notice that it wasn’t true flight, but the way it was that she was going about gaining lift also led him to believe it was more then simply levitation either. Especially with the mention about bubbles shortly before the Demonstration.

“You’re encasing yourself in a bubble of telekinetic energy tuned to zero out gravity’s effect. Aren’t you?” His question was laced with a small amount of excitement. If he was right, Jinny might be more than a simple telekinetic. And that would prove to be very, very interesting.
Nioh 2. Was a fan of the first one, so figured I would give the sequel a shot.
Welcome back. Wanted to get a reply to you before you got back, but got a new game and lost time. I'll have one for you later tonight however.

.:⋮Return of the Queen⋮:.

[-System Status-
[External damage: 12%, primary damage located on outer extremities.

[Internal damage: 4% and holding

[Regen protocols: Halted. External damage posing no loss of combat functionally or efficiency.
Internal damage posing no risk to core function.
Mana restoration current priority.

[Mana capacity: 67% and rising.

[Gauss system: 23 seconds until ready.
Loadout: Short range, Full Spectrum

[Weapon configuration: Assault Pattern-1.
[CQC armaments-
Primary: Harpoon and Grinder Load Outs Deployed.
Secondary: 1&3 Set into Claw Position, 2&4 Set into Lance Position.

[Near field defensive barriers: Online, 2-3 offensive spread patter initiated.

[Long range Las-casters: Deployed, targeting systems twin-linked.

[E-G Core: Online. Maintaining T.R., no loss to mana recovery.
Stored E-G discharges remaining: 3
Time until full stock recharged: 45 Seconds.

[Hover systems: Online

[Blue mage systems -
CC: Primed for acquisition.
Evo: secondary and tertiary mutations bleeding off. Base line stability in 12 seconds.

[S.A systems-
G.G. Nanites: 100% capacity
Auto-deflect subroutines: Offline
A.W. Shot: Ready

[Snoopy: Third Eye Overwatch Protocol in effect.

[Response level: Phase Three: Fiend Calibration: Version 1.

[Humanity.Exe: Suspended
[E.o.D: Fully Online


It was quiet in the room where Penny was. The only noise the soft tapping of keys as Penny tapped away at the console in front of her. It had taken longer than she had wanted to reach this point. The Monsters outside had proven to be a greater hindrance than expected. Perhaps they were bolstered by their superior numbers, or they had lost their fear of death having to linger under the shadow of a Horror. Regardless, while they had hindered Penny they were not sufficient enough to stop her.

So now she was within the ruined HQ of this dimensions Beacon. It much like the rest of the city was in terrible shape, but there were some parts of it mostly untouched. The Spark based defenses maintaining some of the more important systems up and running, and bringing them back online at Penny’s approach.

Thus here she was, standing in front of the Teleporter relay cracking her way past the firewalls that were still in place around Beacon’s network so she could access the command prompts for it. It was her quickest way home. One that was vital important for her to get running swiftly. For she was well aware of what was happening back at the Sanctuary.

Her blood red eyes never blinked as she pushed though the computer system at speeds no human could ever match. The blood slowly drying across her chassis didn’t bother her as she worked. Not even the deathly quiet of this dead realm bothered her. All that mattered at the moment was getting home.

Which wouldn’t be long now. One more minuet to finish cracking the systems, thirty seconds to warm up the one functioning teleporter, less then one to input the coordinates and then five more for the sequence to fire.

That didn’t mean that each and every one of those seconds wasn’t filled with hurt and anger for what was happening at the Sanctuary. Nor did it remove the feeling that each second was far, far too long.

The Sanctuary was in chaos.

At the main floor, girls ran around in barely contained panic. The front door had been savaged, both by claw and caustic sludge. And while Dina had cleansed the sludge earlier there were still plenty of people who had fallen victim to it still in need of assistance.

Monica could be seen calling out orders and doing everything she could to maintain the tenuous cohesion that was the main floor. She was near to open tears and obviously stressed at the disaster that was still affecting the Sanctuary.

As bad as this were up above it was infinitely worse down below. The cramped tunnels hindered those trying to destroyed the invading Monster, who at this point easily filled the tunnels with its bulk. Trapping any unlucky enough to be in their rooms it yet, still able to easily lash out at those who were attacking it with its long tendrils.

Ashlyn along with a few others had joined up with Shane but they were being pushed back. The Mint’s machinations foiling any attempts at a coordinated defense. Which was proving to be exceptionally bad as Ashlyn’s barriers continued to feed the Monster, yet her Mental mutations not allowing her to stop blocking its attacks with those very same barriers.

It wouldn’t be long until it forced its way up to the second floor. Where most of the Sanctuary’s housing was. And from there it wouldn’t be far to the main floor. To those who hadn’t fled, because they couldn’t. Or perhaps worse. Where Beacon might be able to catch wind of it.

It was dire and seemingly hopeless.

But then something shifted. Something about the atmosphere of the Sanctuary became charged, as if the building was waking up. Some of those on the top floor would stop in what they were doing to glance around uncertainly, while those below were too busy fighting to fully notice it.

Then the first spark would be seen at the top of the passage between the second and third floors. A bright sharp spark of white. It would flicker into existence suddenly, once twice and then explode outwards with a harsh crack. And in the wake of those sparks stood the Queen of Penrose. Still covered in the blood of those that had tried to stop her from returning and what minor wounds they had been able to inflict on her.

She stood ready for war, and one look at her face showed she was out for blood. Her right arm no longer held a hand, instead it had a tricone bit where her fist would sit and all along her arm the teeth of a chainsaw stood out. In addition, the edges of the drill bit and the teeth of the sawblade were sheathed in a crimson energy field.

Her left arm was much the same though rather then a drill bit her left had was replaced by an elongated spike and her arm was wrapped in a length of chain. The spike was also shrouded by the same crimson field further lengthening its point.

Across her body her holographic armor was on full display, all of it glowing that same baleful red. Her extra limbs were splayed out around her read to strike out. Not that many people would be able to fully notice these changes.

As not even a full second after she touched down, she would burst into motion. The electrical hum of her hover jests the only warning of her approach as she blitzed at the Monster that threatened the Sanctuary. And shortly after everyone would be notified of her return as the roar of her Gauss cannon loudly signaled her return as it shot gunned a spray of devastation point blank at the slug like abomination.

The Presence of the Mint operatives in the Shadows was not unnoticed by Penny. But they were secondary targets at the moment. And Penny would extract her pound of flesh from them soon.

@BrokenPromise, @twave, @Ariamis, @AtomicNut, @Flamelord
Announcement received. Enjoy your vacation.
And post. bit longer then I was expecting, but I enjoyed writing it so I'm not going to complain.
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