Avatar of Shoryu
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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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    1. Shoryu 11 yrs ago
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<Snipped quote by GloriousSunbutt>
Do not mind me I am just resisting the unmanly urge to squee right now.

go ahead, squee... I dare you, it'll be adorable regardless, and then I shall capture it on video and ruin your political reputation! MUWAHAHHAHAHAH!
Note, I changed Jason's age to 23. Also added a mutation to him which states that his body will become tougher over time. Not something he turns off or one, but when it is finished he can survive three story falls with only some scratches and bruises.

I'm guessing you're not intending any of his 'mutations' to actually be physically apparent are ya? XD

and that's fine actually, considering that problems are liable to grow in threat overtime too.
<Snipped quote by oakman>

That would work, nothing wrong with some repressed memories. Lol. Of course our characters would have more frequent interactions; a gala hosted by a mutual acquaintance is a good starting point for "the escalating conflict" between the two as described by the sensationalist media. Two people with a history of animosity towards each other would be apt to engage in a war of the words in a less public setting, therefore periodically throughout the night sarcastic quips, subtle barbs and low-key insults are exchanged between the two culminating in a heated yet reserved confrontation. However, gossip distorted the true events of the evening and portrayed the event as a rather tactless argument; headlines read such nonsense as Et Tu, Brute?: Thumberstock to Athene, "I will f***ing bury you!" or A Hard Night's Fight: Athene assaults Thumberstock...Chief of Police prevents deescalation.

Thanks, the new picture is an improvement; saw the guy in a BBC Herald Sun article and knew he was born to be Pierre.

Oh my god, just looking at him makes me want to slap his shit for some reason! XD

Also, the IC is up.

And as a note, I realize that the actual 'organization' of my post is probably sub-par, this is actually on purpose as a representation of the mental state within the post! or at least I am experimenting with the idea of setting it up that way.
Sean - The Gamer

It had been shaping up to be such a good morning too.

He'd woken up and handled morning business, which along with answering nature's call included initiating the next stage of internet comedy that he'd taken such a liking to these past few years... It was amidst possibly immature laughter that all hell broke loose, the ground shook, people were screaming and freaking out, and as it got worse he swore he could hear someone shouting about the end of days and repentance.

The next thing he knew was that the RV was suddenly on it's side and he was plastered against a window under his mattress as things just got louder, then gravity reversed and things seemed to float for a short while, long enough to get a look out the windows just before gravity returned and everything went black!


'Ugh... Everything hurts'

Slowly he began to wake again, with a thought that perfectly described his current predicament. "alright, lets take stock." Sure it might be weird to lay there talking to himself, but in a way he considered talking to himself to be a confirmation that he was okay enough to speak. "headache, back ache, crotch ache. everything aches, but everything also feels like it's still intact." Standard procedure that he just invented his head after slamming into the ground in a falling RV was to start wiggling various things to see if it still functioned, and after a few seconds of getting far enough to imitate a seizure he finally started pushing back up against the mattress on-top of him when he felt something and paused "... Okay... no, y-yeah... yeah, no, I'm gonna pretend I didn't notice that, next step!" He gave a shove and rolled the thing off of him to get a look around finally "Okay, So, I'm on the ceiling, that is definitely a thing that is happening."

Indeed, it appeared that the support for his bed was above him, still firmly attached to the 'floor' that was also above him. Scattered around were bits of glass and broken electronics "How did I not get-oh wait I see." It turned out that being slammed into the ceiling with the loose mattress on him had protected him from being showered in glass and sharp computer pieces, even if it involved making out with the metal roof. Luckily, the case holding his collection of dangerous sharp objects had survived, thank you plexiglass. "Welp, there goes my desktop. Good thing I didn't have that ceiling fan installed. soooo, where-" one glance out the upside down window told him everything "It was caught by tree's?... oh god I'm up in the air, I hate climbing."


Welp, that's enough staring at things like a dumbass, nothing was going to get done that way "Let see what I can find that's still functioning and then get the hell out of this death-trap before it inevitably falls the rest of the way to the ground." It would be fairly accurate to say he was running on auto-pilot and allowing for minimal mental distractions, sort of a defense mechanism to stave off the inevitable freaking out once he remembers that he basically just watched and survived the world ending... SO!

*Time/word saving slow and careful equipping montage that included putting on some actual pants, rough weather gear, and preplanned camping equipment set*

Once he was done up like some kind of geek-lord tourist who thought he looked cool in the 'fancy forest gear' it was about time to get his bearings, though there wasn't much visible but the slightly tinted sky and the view of a river nearby. The RV was surprisingly stable with whatever was holding it up, but he wasn't keen on testing his luck by trying to get the best angle, so with everything he considered essential to his survival, or that he wasn't willing to discard such as what portable electronics survived the landing, he surmised that just getting out was liable to be his best bet at the moment, and also that lingering with nothing to busy himself meant more time to end up thinking about things that might make him panic.

Of course, that was easier said than done.

A glance out through the door's window gave a better hint of how high up he was, and it didn't seem interested in opening easily "Great, that means there's pressure on it. I don't even know if that's how this works, but I'm not going to go kicking it open and risk that being the straw that broke the RV and me with it." so instead he went for the roof hatch, which opened fairly easily instead "Thank god for that." Right to the view of nearly 50 foot drop "Gyuhuh. Fucking... Heights. alrightalright, lets see what I have to work with." Stuck in one of few situations that would make him face his loathing of fatal heights, that being trapped in a big metal box that he had no idea the lasting stability of, he did his best to peek out of the hatch first to make a plan for how to get down. "H'okay, there's tree's all around this thing... that one looks close enough. First though."

The hatch wasn't big enough to come out with his camping pack, so after removing a small camping hatch he had to let it take the fall on it's own, most of it wasn't fragile enough to lose to a Fifty foot fall at least, though as he always did he kept the more sensitive stuff in a separate pack, much smaller, and quickly slung over his back. "Welp. Forward unto the breach and all that silly stuff... who came up with that one again?" He took a few moments to steel himself, hatched in one hand and the other white-knuckling the edge of the hatch "God I hope I remember to let go." and-

"SHIIIIIIIIIT-GYUH!" He dropped through, using his grip to cause as much swing as he could in one go before letting go, and subsequently dropping almost Ten feet before the other hand swung out, catching the under-side of the hatchet's head on a branch, causing his shifted momentum to slam him into the pine and instantly latching on with every limb he had like his life depended on it, and it probably did. "Ugh, I can see the ants allover it... Just get moving." Easier said than done, he spent several moments perfectly locked up and calming his furiously beating heart while doing his best not to hyperventilate... Then slowly extricated the hatchet from it's position dug into the one branch before letting it drop to the forest floor, and setting about slowly loosening his grip until he started sliding down at a sufficiently not heart-pumping pace to get to other branches.

"Man, I'm going to have to thank someone for making pants like these, all that and no splinters in my legs!" There was some sap and lots of pine-needles, but once against the toughness of boy-scout pants was proven. Of course that was a silly thing to stop and admire!

"Right, back on track!" He quickly collected the hatch and his camping pack, shifting the smaller bag to cling to the under-side of the pack, and took a quick glance up at the RV "I can't be the only one that happened to. I'm going to have to watch for stuff falling out of trees... and apparently cracks in the ground." Indeed, while the initial cracks had sprung lava from the massive caldera beneath yellowstone, they had quickly cooled after the 'blast', but now there were countless voids in the terrain that had cracked up and been fused back together. With the green tint in the air it almost looked like a totally alien world from here.

He quickly shook his head "Stop that, think more when you're not in the open waiting for something, or someone, to fuck you up Now then, map." He started a very sedate walking pace towards the river he'd spotted as he slipped his Phone out and pulled up... "And Error screen? No satellite or internet then? Back up plan." He pulled up the downloaded map instead, paper was nice and all, but he liked to be able to edit it a little "okay, I 'was' parked near the Roosevelt lodges... I really hope this is the river that leads there." He went to fish out a small compass from his pack, only- "Oh you're kidding me." It didn't seem to want to behave so he put it back and glanced up to the sun, then to his phone again "Okay, I know I no hiking master, but I'm pretty sure the sun isn't supposed to be near the mountains at 'noon'. Man, the swiss are gonna have a heart-attack, someone fucked up time calculation."

It seemed there was nothing for it but luck and chance now! As soon as he neared the river he just pulled out a coin and flipped it "Tails... Go right." So he fished out a butterscotch from a side-pocket and popped it in, slipped on some sunglasses that were very quietly playing some distracting tunes, checked the rather hefty revolver hidden inside his jacket and the machete on his belt, then set out on his way, hoping to all kinds of things that this wasn't one of the few river's that 'didn't' lead back to civilization of some kind. The map was his only source of getting his bearings and he needed to find something he could call familiar in order to make use of that... Oh, and also so he could get the crisis out of his system and do something other than numbly wander along towards a vague goal.
I like pierre's new picture too! It makes me want to punch him without even knowing him!

Also, sorry for the delay, I hate predicting accurately that I'll be interrupted mid-post.

on a side note, I'm half done now, and feeling torn between the idea of using 'Psuedo first person'['I/me' but no 'you/your'] like I've never actually done in a 'group' RP yet, or stick with the standard 3rd.

I'm tempted to do 2 versions of the post and see what everyone things clicks better.
@Shoryuunfortunately it looks like I didn't win the internets. I have no idea what that is. XD.

Anyways, he would've taken then after. And I'll keep the crap sword until he finds/somebody makes one/He takes it cause somebody else sucked with it for a real one

Then it sounds like you'll need to start somewhere on the edge of the part where you mentioned the novelty shops were, they'd probably have some ranger stations in the same area, so I suppose it's believable XD

Unfortunately, the map I have doesn't clarify locations with enough information to tell me where such shops actually 'are', so you'll probably have to clarify that point yourself.

There are some pretty close to the entrance. Also, he could have stolen it from a Park Ranger storehouse. Like most police units they have a SWAT Team and those rifles are popular with snipers for being able to shoot out windows or take out car drivers and whatnot.

Or ya know, it's possible a piece of Earth which had a Gunstore on it landed nearby him when it was put back together haphazardly.

@aladdin_sane I did the novelty thing because I figured a real one would bother people. If y'all are cool with him finding a legitmate one I'd totally change that so be had it xD

There's still the question of 'when' he stole them xD This Cataclysm came on suddenly and the RP will be beginning within 'hours' of when everything settled back into place, so he'll have to have stolen it beforehand, or in the first hours after it all was pulled back together, the latter option leaving little time to stop and sharpen it.

And this 'pulling back together' was not gentle, if there was a chunk small enough to only have a gun-store on it, it will have shattered on landing, so that situation would either make him have to scour through rubble or finding them scattered allover the general area around it. Which... just struck me as the perfect bullshittery to fulfill that cliche that's in some post-apocalyptic 'games' where you can find weapons and stuff just bloody 'everywhere'. Of course, if guns were raining from the sky because a gun-store shattered like a pinata, it's more likely to be 'pieces' of, or broken guns people would find laying around XD

Personally, I like when there is plenty of room for a character or their equipment to be improved over-time. So, a 'fake sword that's sharpened' seems totally fine, maybe he'll find or someone'll 'make' a real one later. Or hell, maybe he'll find someone 'with' a real one who can't use it!

Just to note, I'm not against your weaponry so far, or the sniping bit XD It'll be interesting to see what happens over-time... Hopefully it won't lead to a 'Nether' moment. If you know what I'm referring to then you win the internets.
Character's tab is open now. IC should be open in an hour or 2.

Edit: Unless I get interrupted...

Name: Sean [doesn't give last name much]
Born: 21 September, 1988 [age 33]
Residence: Recreational Vehicle, though some might say he lives on the internet instead
Occupation(s): Digital Technician and Proffessional Gamer, or maybe...
Religion: Loses it every other morning if you get the drift

Appearance: At Six foot two and Two hundred Twenty pounds with Red hair and white skin, Sean can cut the figure of a rather intimidating Irishman... When he's not messing around with computers. Though he's naturally tall and sufficiently bulky, a certain softness shows from his extensive experience working with computers. He really does manage to look pretty tough, and while he's got enough muscle to 'go a round' he greatly lacks in stamina to fuel himself for long.

Possessions: At least, those he'll be able to take with him.

History?: I'll update as it comes IC :D unless everyone particularly wants me to give it some filler.

Post-Incident: Unknown at present [IC at least]

Abilities, Traits and Powers: PENDING!

18" Machete
44. Colt Anaconda
.357 Revolver
Jennings Firearms Inc. Model J-22 Cal .22LR. POCKET PISTOL
[Funny enough, there's actually a story behind each of these guns in 'my' life]
Bare Fists
His Brain

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