Avatar of Shoryu
  • Last Seen: 15 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 902 (0.22 / day)
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    1. Shoryu 11 yrs ago
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Were you planning on using the character thread/tab? I don't know about everyone else, but I'd really enjoy having all of "our" beautiful faces in one place for quicker reference. :)

I am actually, was just waiting to see if anyone had any negative opinion's of my own Character sheet XD
I remembered what I forgot to add to the OOC! A map of Yellow stone. It's there now though.

Also, for the most part I don't see any big troubles with the CSes so far! I'll make my first IC post sometime tomorrow.

Though Jason, quick question, were those things stolen 'before' he ended up in yellowstone like everyone else is? I don't actually know if yellowstone has any form of gun-stores.

On a side note, it's safe to say there was potential for riots prior to the starting day of the RP. Hell, we have riots 'right now' IRL, half a decade down the line with increasing political and corporate oppression and one could expect plenty more!

I may or may not make a second, was kindof planning an obligatory park ranger to 'know everything about yellowstone', but... I'll think about it tommorrow, I'm tired right now.

I realize the vagueness I left in some places, But I intend to take advantage of that whole 'history appearing in IC' element.

As with everyone else, I'm open to critiques and explaining away things someone might have an issue with.


Name: Sean [doesn't give last name much]
Born: 21 September, 1988 [age 33]
Residence: Recreational Vehicle, though some might say he lives on the internet instead
Occupation(s): Digital Technician and Proffessional Gamer, or maybe...
Religion: Loses it every other morning if you get the drift

Appearance: At Six foot two and Two hundred Twenty pounds with Red hair and white skin, Sean can cut the figure of a rather intimidating Irishman... When he's not messing around with computers. Though he's naturally tall and sufficiently bulky, a certain softness shows from his extensive experience working with computers. He really does manage to look pretty tough, and while he's got enough muscle to 'go a round' he greatly lacks in stamina to fuel himself for long.

Possessions: At least, those he'll be able to take with him.

History?: I'll update as it comes IC :D unless everyone particularly wants me to give it some filler.

Post-Incident: Unknown at present [IC at least]

Abilities, Traits and Powers: PENDING!

18" Machete
44. Colt Anaconda
.357 Revolver
Jennings Firearms Inc. Model J-22 Cal .22LR. POCKET PISTOL
[Funny enough, there's actually a story behind each of these guns in 'my' life]
Bare Fists
His Brain

I have a question on the magic changes, would it be possible since you mentioned Demons and stuff in the interested check, for a character to perhaps start getting demonic magic attributes?

Ex. Telekinesis, Demon Wings, Telepathy, Necromancy, Fire Manipulation sort of things?

If so, then I know what sort of things my character will develop o3o.

all of those are possible XD but like everything else your character would still have to 'learn' how to use them.
Color me interested as well. Oh yes.

I believe you make the roster an even dozen! >3> I think I'll make that the magic number and make a waiting list from this point on XD
<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

To be honest I just took most of clothing off of a luxury website (mrporter.com), and for the rest I just searched "luxury <insert item here>". The only thing I knew beforehand is that I wanted my character to smoke Gitanes Unfiltered because it is a French Import brand.

Hahah XD Cool.

oh, and also, once you're not on mobile and able to handle some of the finer bits of text, I suggest using the 'hider' code for the thicker parts of the CS to add to organization and convenience, if ya want.

Okay... I looked at the interest check and this rp seems amazing. Is it open for people to join?

I'm so interested.

I'll have a character up soon!

Aaand for both of you, maybe. We have a fat load of people already, but there's every possibility that someone we haven't heard from since earlier on has decided to vanish. I'd say go ahead and Submit CSes and see what happens, The people from the Interest check have dibs, but if one poofs, or doesn't appear in the OOC within the next couple days, then someone can take their place.

OH! That's what I forgot to include in the OOC info, lateness policies. Much as I hate to ever be strict about something, delaying 'everything' a few days for someone who isn't posting has been the death of many many RPs.

That is a 'very' thorough list! I don't even know what half of those brands and such 'mean' other than 'rich people wear this'.

So far my character creation thoughts are as follows:

A man that owned an oil company somewhere in the old world, after the whole earth shattered into cereal corn flakes and came back as a gigantic sphere of- something else, he discovered that he has been changed dramatically.

Changed as in he can now change size and length of his body and limbs with the help of 'nature'. When he grows into a 400 feet giant, or stretches 200 yards, it will not be his own human skin but more like tree barks, moss, leaves, pine trees or shrubs, a fuckload of shrubs.

It is kinda ironic how a conglomerate oil company owner turns into mother nature's holy saint and guardian.

Oh and did I say every time he transforms he hates humans more and more, that is any kind of humans. But to avoid having a character that just stomps and fucks around, he will have extreme internal conflicts between himself and this new "green" him.

oh, i didn't comment on this before did I?

I can see it working, though it's funny that the number of humans for him to hate is going to dwindle rapidly as transformations set in.

just remember, s'gotta figure it all out before he can do the crazier side of his powers XD
Testing of all player quote announcement!

Here's the OOC... I haven't quite proof-read it yet, and I can't shake the feeling that I'm forgetting something that I should have included in it [curse my occasionally unreliable memory], so if you think of something let me know and I shall fix that discrepancy! For now, I am going to go work on my own CS[es?] and the opening post.

I look forward to uncovering the secrets behind what's happening with everyone IC! Submit thine character's and lets have some fun!

Warning: This RP will contain a variety of transformation content, ranging from possibly appealing to traumatically monstrous.

Due to the context of this RP it is likely to contain much gore at certain points, as well as a number of psychological elements, Psychological break-downs, philosophy [why should I 'warn' about this?], and no small ammount of death and potential for more.

It 'may' contain sexual themes and situations [either colorfully censored or moved to PMs as per site rules, relationships developing is a part of these settings too], Vulgar or sexually related Dialogue of various extremities, and an open policy on free speech to a degree that hopefully nobody has any problem with someone casually mentioning dicks in conversation.

So due to the expected and potential content of this RP, you can consider it rated Mature, or R, or whatever makes it clear that anything goes short of breaking sight rules. If you actually have an issue with something, we can try to be accomodating, but when you blow up the world psychological shifts, vulgarity, and loose morals become a much more common thing to see.


'some time in the morning' April 15, 2021, The First Day

It was ludicrous! Impossible! All kinds of science that nobody ever really explained said that this couldn't happen for at least another few hundred thousand years!

Yet here it was!

At first it was just a tremor coupled with a little rush of pressure through the air... Then it grew, the ground vibrating hard enough to knock people down and topple more unstable vehicles and structures. Soon the inherent rumbling of an earthquake was over-come by the sound of shrieking winds and cracking earth, mountains even visibly crumbled off in the distance. Then everything reddened, the land because cracks were showing as the Yellowstone Caldera suddenly turned active again, or at least that what it seemed like, the cracks started leaking, the geyser's all blew, and... One had to imagine how many people were ready to kiss their asses good-bye, but the sky started to redden too as the O-zone suddenly crumbled and the air grew hot.

Then just as suddenly as it began it ended. With a massive rush of air and a crack that some could describe as sounding like reality shattered, the redness vanished from the air and the lava that had only just begun to leak cooled or sunk back into it's holes... Then the air vanished, oxygen thinned so rapidly some might not even notice or understand what was going on, or that gravity had seemed to multiply for a time, and then the most rediculous sight followed. Absolutely tremendous chunks of rock, trailing rapidly cooling magma behind them, were zipping off into space, growing darker and hard to see.

Oh, the ideas that must have grown in many a man's mind, only to be freshly shattered just like so much around them had.

A wave of some form of green light swept over everything, filling the air, tinting the 'not sky' as well as the other chunks, then gravity was suddenly gone as it pulled it all back in. It'd be a strange feeling, like some kind of other-worldly invisible force craddling people in a soft embrace... Only to find out that the eventual landing was not quite as merciful as they slammed against the ground, or whatever happened to be nearby, as soon as it finally stopped.

Those who weren't knocked unconcious would quickly notice the glowing green air fading back towards blue as the atmosphere returned. though the air would remain thin for quite a while, and the now slight green tint never fully dissapeared, giving the sky a sort of sea-green color, as well a strange nagging tingle remained in every living thing that didn't suffer some terrible fate.

On which note, the body count had to be staggering, with all sources of long-range communication seemingly non-functional there would be quite the difficulty in finding out what had truly happened on the grander scale, so many questions would have unreliable answers at best... and why did the horizon shimmer to the north? wait! that wasn't north, the sun was just in the wrong position.



Other things will likely be added down here when relevant.

speaking of things to add

A publicly available map of Yellowstone that everyone would have easy access to IC. though the odd placement of the sun might make things a little confusing for them.

this should also make it easier to pick out our locations relative to eachother!
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