Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Warning: This RP will contain a variety of transformation content, ranging from possibly appealing to traumatically monstrous.

Due to the context of this RP it is likely to contain much gore at certain points, as well as a number of psychological elements, Psychological break-downs, philosophy [why should I 'warn' about this?], and no small ammount of death and potential for more.

It 'may' contain sexual themes and situations [either colorfully censored or moved to PMs as per site rules, relationships developing is a part of these settings too], Vulgar or sexually related Dialogue of various extremities, and an open policy on free speech to a degree that hopefully nobody has any problem with someone casually mentioning dicks in conversation.

So due to the expected and potential content of this RP, you can consider it rated Mature, or R, or whatever makes it clear that anything goes short of breaking sight rules. If you actually have an issue with something, we can try to be accomodating, but when you blow up the world psychological shifts, vulgarity, and loose morals become a much more common thing to see.


'some time in the morning' April 15, 2021, The First Day

It was ludicrous! Impossible! All kinds of science that nobody ever really explained said that this couldn't happen for at least another few hundred thousand years!

Yet here it was!

At first it was just a tremor coupled with a little rush of pressure through the air... Then it grew, the ground vibrating hard enough to knock people down and topple more unstable vehicles and structures. Soon the inherent rumbling of an earthquake was over-come by the sound of shrieking winds and cracking earth, mountains even visibly crumbled off in the distance. Then everything reddened, the land because cracks were showing as the Yellowstone Caldera suddenly turned active again, or at least that what it seemed like, the cracks started leaking, the geyser's all blew, and... One had to imagine how many people were ready to kiss their asses good-bye, but the sky started to redden too as the O-zone suddenly crumbled and the air grew hot.

Then just as suddenly as it began it ended. With a massive rush of air and a crack that some could describe as sounding like reality shattered, the redness vanished from the air and the lava that had only just begun to leak cooled or sunk back into it's holes... Then the air vanished, oxygen thinned so rapidly some might not even notice or understand what was going on, or that gravity had seemed to multiply for a time, and then the most rediculous sight followed. Absolutely tremendous chunks of rock, trailing rapidly cooling magma behind them, were zipping off into space, growing darker and hard to see.

Oh, the ideas that must have grown in many a man's mind, only to be freshly shattered just like so much around them had.

A wave of some form of green light swept over everything, filling the air, tinting the 'not sky' as well as the other chunks, then gravity was suddenly gone as it pulled it all back in. It'd be a strange feeling, like some kind of other-worldly invisible force craddling people in a soft embrace... Only to find out that the eventual landing was not quite as merciful as they slammed against the ground, or whatever happened to be nearby, as soon as it finally stopped.

Those who weren't knocked unconcious would quickly notice the glowing green air fading back towards blue as the atmosphere returned. though the air would remain thin for quite a while, and the now slight green tint never fully dissapeared, giving the sky a sort of sea-green color, as well a strange nagging tingle remained in every living thing that didn't suffer some terrible fate.

On which note, the body count had to be staggering, with all sources of long-range communication seemingly non-functional there would be quite the difficulty in finding out what had truly happened on the grander scale, so many questions would have unreliable answers at best... and why did the horizon shimmer to the north? wait! that wasn't north, the sun was just in the wrong position.



Other things will likely be added down here when relevant.

speaking of things to add

A publicly available map of Yellowstone that everyone would have easy access to IC. though the odd placement of the sun might make things a little confusing for them.

this should also make it easier to pick out our locations relative to eachother!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 11 days ago

Yay, the OOC is up!

Now I have to decide between the Mane-iac or something else.. Or potentially something similar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by aladdin_sane
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Pierre Athene

Born: 20 February 1977 (age 44)
Residence: Brooklyn, New York
Occupation(s): Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Lobbyist
Religion: Catholic
Net Worth: 31.8 billion USD

Brief History (Pre-Incident): The youngest son of wealthy French immigrants whom fled France for New York City in the late 1960's to escape the period of civil unrest incited by ardent leftists Pierre was an anomaly; though he never experienced life in the homeland of his ancestors, Pierre realized he could never fully embrace American culture due to his foreign family and thusly remained an outsider observing the ways of his adoptive homeland. Much to the chagrin of his family Pierre recognized at a young age that he possessed an intrinsic ability to manipulate others into carrying out his bidding and derived great joy in pitting his siblings against each other; this antisocial behavior coupled with his intelligence and unbridled ambition was a constant source of strife between young Pierre and his parents (his father in particular, who was under the impression that Pierre's nature pointed to him being a child of an illicit affair). Pierre grew to resented his parents' bourgeois lifestyle not because he believed in wealth disparity, but because his parents squandered their fortune on worldly pursuits and not on buying political influence; by the time he was eighteen his parents' savings was whittled away and they both would die in severe poverty. Allegedly Pierre was secretly siphoning money from his parents accounts for years, but there is no concrete proof of this only rumors. After graduating from Yale with near perfect marks and a degree in Political Science, Pierre entered the free-market determined to gain both wealth and power; he accomplished this by profiting off of various projects his more technically inclined classmates were working on as...he made millions as an investor and is credited as helping bringing the world into the "internet-age" while the true inventors of these ground breaking technologies were relegated to obscurity. His frequent bipartisan lobbying efforts caused the New York Times to nickname him "the shadow-president"; politically he is known to be non-committal on major issues and able to hide his real intentions. Many speculate his philanthropy is a ruse to garnish public goodwill and his efforts to expand Yellowstone National Park have been lauded in the press as a cheap ploy. He is set to make an address at the aforementioned park in order to bring the expansion issue to the so-called "court of public opinion" as legislation related to the matter has stalled in Congress due to debates over government spending.

Post-Incident: The strange magic that encompasses the earth has transformed Pierre from a politically questionable statesman into a changeling (an insect-like equine) that feeds off of ambient emotions in order avoid starvation and in Pierre's case to also retain his humanoid form; the irony is that his vice of negatively manipulating others emotions to best serve himself has become his curse. A man who once forged a political dynasty from the shadows has become an alien in his own kingdom; once thriving on hate and mistrust, he needs love and compassion to live.

Abilities, Traits and Powers:

Psychic Navigation - Changelings are natural empaths and therefore can sense the presence of others through their emotions...it is possible that this is an evolutionary trait as Changelings require ambient emotions to survive; it is speculated that a fully nourished high level changeling can locate prey hundreds of miles away. However, Changelings like Pierre can only detected beings in their general vicinity. Changelings can also feed off of these distant emotions they detect (as long as they are ambient), though this can be a solution to fight short term hunger, distance usually dilutes the potency of the emotions and it is also hard to judge if the target is going through a state of emotional flux. The later aforementioned effect is why Changelings shapeshift and infiltrate a foreign society as an observed target's emotions are easier to judge and possibly manipulate.

Exoskeleton: Due to its bug-esque genetic makeup a Changeling's hide is almost triple the thickness of a regular horse's.

Flight: While in its base form a Changeling can use its wings to fly short distances; longer distances require a Changeling to be fully nourished.

Emotion Drain: As previously mentioned Changelings feed off of the ambient emotions (Happiness, Joy, Love and so on) produced by other sentient creature. While it is not particularly dangerous if a Changeling feeds off of your emotions for a short period of time, long term (or if one allows a Changeling uninterrupted feeding over the span of a few years) it can be detrimental to one's health. The side effects of short term feeding range from a brief period of nausea to unpleasant thoughts and/or dreams; the effects of long term feeding are crippling depression, suicidal thoughts, a strange feeling of hollowness, loss of energy, and eventually a permanent paralyzation that results in one's death. Some report developing a dependency on the emotional draining process and required outside assistance to save them from and untimely demise. Certain types of magic can be effective in blocking a Changeling from feeding on you; for the non-magically inclined it is suggested that one attempt to quickly incapacitate Changeling by putting oneself in a negative state of mind or by severing the horn of the creature if it is foolish enough to openly attempt a feeding. Individuals who have regulated their emotions through years of stoic rituals (ex. meditation) are less likely to be incapacitated by this process and can in some cases mentally ward off a Changeling. Though it is rare that a Changeling will put aside subterfuge and attempt to drain one's emotions in an attack (as negative emotions such as fear can be toxic or even deadly to a Changeling) a severely malnourished creature is also a desperate one and like a rabid dog will lash out in an attempt to gain a temporary reprieve from their suffering. Subterfuge is a Changeling's greatest asset and most people would not notice their emotions being drained; as long as the Changeling in question does not overindulge. It is suggested that without a hive an individual Changeling could potentially develop a particular taste for a certain ambient emotion in lieu of pursuing the certain emotion favored by the Hive's central leader.

Shapeshifting: This is the trait Changelings are most know for and obviously where the species name derives from; Changeling's can take the form of any individual they have seen in order to blend into a foreign population. Keeping up a guise drains a lot of energy and it is not practical for a Changeling to stay out of base form for long.


A Lutwyche Navy Puppytooth Super 170s Wool Suit & Pants
One Bironi Pink Cotton Shirt
A Turnbull & Asser Ribbed Navy Silk Tie
A pair of Church's New York Leather Brogues
A gem encrusted American Flag Pin (Made in China)
One pair of vintage Ray Ban Aviator Sunglasses
A S.T. Dupont Diamond and Gold Plated Lighter
An Aurora Diamante 30 carat pen
A Rolex Yacht-Master II Gold and Yellow Watch
A Swiss Army Knife
Keys to various cars and properties.
A Porsche Design BlackBerry Smartphone (No Signal/ No Internet Connection)
A Pack of Gitanes Brunes Non-Filtered Cigarettes (25 Individual Cigarettes)
An American Alligator Flask (filled with Cognac 1921 Mori)
An Authentic 1968 New York Jets Super Bowl Ring
A Gresham Collection Money Clip Wallet [Containing]
* $2000 (or 20 hundred dollar bills)
* Driver's License
* American Express Centurion Card
* AAdvantage Executive World Elite MasterCard
* Business Cards


1 Heckler & Koch MP5 (formerly belonging to a recently deceased member of his private security team)

Sorry about the seemingly useless gear, but considering it is only day one after the disaster people would generally not throw away things they were carrying before hand as there is still denial about being rescued.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 16 days ago


That is a 'very' thorough list! I don't even know what half of those brands and such 'mean' other than 'rich people wear this'.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Okay... I looked at the interest check and this rp seems amazing. Is it open for people to join?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by aladdin_sane
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by aladdin_sane>

That is a 'very' thorough list! I don't even know what half of those brands and such 'mean' other than 'rich people wear this'.

To be honest I just took most of clothing off of a luxury website (mrporter.com), and for the rest I just searched "luxury <insert item here>". The only thing I knew beforehand is that I wanted my character to smoke Gitanes Unfiltered because it is a French Import brand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 16 days ago

<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

To be honest I just took most of clothing off of a luxury website (mrporter.com), and for the rest I just searched "luxury <insert item here>". The only thing I knew beforehand is that I wanted my character to smoke Gitanes Unfiltered because it is a French Import brand.

Hahah XD Cool.

oh, and also, once you're not on mobile and able to handle some of the finer bits of text, I suggest using the 'hider' code for the thicker parts of the CS to add to organization and convenience, if ya want.

Okay... I looked at the interest check and this rp seems amazing. Is it open for people to join?

I'm so interested.

I'll have a character up soon!

Aaand for both of you, maybe. We have a fat load of people already, but there's every possibility that someone we haven't heard from since earlier on has decided to vanish. I'd say go ahead and Submit CSes and see what happens, The people from the Interest check have dibs, but if one poofs, or doesn't appear in the OOC within the next couple days, then someone can take their place.

OH! That's what I forgot to include in the OOC info, lateness policies. Much as I hate to ever be strict about something, delaying 'everything' a few days for someone who isn't posting has been the death of many many RPs.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I have a question on the magic changes, would it be possible since you mentioned Demons and stuff in the interested check, for a character to perhaps start getting demonic magic attributes?

Ex. Telekinesis, Demon Wings, Telepathy, Necromancy, Fire Manipulation sort of things?

If so, then I know what sort of things my character will develop o3o.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by aladdin_sane
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

If for some reason someone wants shared history with my character, I am cool with it. Seeing as he was hosting a political event at Yellowstone and is one of the country's elites it would not be a stretch that some of the more politically connected characters know him on some level
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 16 days ago

I have a question on the magic changes, would it be possible since you mentioned Demons and stuff in the interested check, for a character to perhaps start getting demonic magic attributes?

Ex. Telekinesis, Demon Wings, Telepathy, Necromancy, Fire Manipulation sort of things?

If so, then I know what sort of things my character will develop o3o.

all of those are possible XD but like everything else your character would still have to 'learn' how to use them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gotcha man
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by oakman
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oakman Floyd and Ladders and Owls

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nathan Thumberstock | 40 | Male
Thumberstock Oil Co. Founder, ex CEO and board member.

Networth: 50 BILLION USD
USA | NYC, NY | Manhattan
M.S in Economical Science, PhD in Financial Administration.



Nathan is an extremely fierce human being when it comes to business, owning no amount of mercy at all. However at leisure, he is an extremely perfect idol of the idle 20th century gentleman. Extremely sophisticated and quite dapper, both in apparel and character. His manners are beyond noble, but he is quite easygoing when there is a drink and would even get into a barbaric fistfight and demonstrate his once lauded meanstreets "Power Jab".

Nathan is quite humble but he never bothers to get into the affairs of those he could deem below him, networth wise speaking. He would rather avoid fruitless talks with common people and is more interested in sophisticated circles.

Nathan is the kind of man that both drives a Bently to work while rocking Mozart in thr morning, but sporting a thousand hundred helmet and speeding in a Suzuki Ninja while listening to vulgar rap music. He knows his drinks, his threads, and certainly he knows his women.

Transformation Info:

After the "Green Flash in the Heavens", Nathan turned into a being that transforms into Nature's response to hostility and ill souls. He owned an Oil Company that really discarded any effort to preserve the green part of the world, it was only ironically appropriate that he would turn into the entity that savors Nature. A Guardian and Saint to the powers of Nature, he thinks it is nature, could be something much more higher or sinister.

Nathan's ability in a nutshell is the ability to change his physical size to extreme magnitudes using the power of nature. Basically whenever he "grows" into a giant or swings a hundred foot punch it is usually twigs, trees, barks, and leaves doing the "growing". He would however control and learn to master his new powers before even growing a twig on his index finger.

A side effect to his transformation is his gradual personality change, everytime he "grows" it is someone less Nathan and more something else that is in his body and head. This will cause extreme psychological breakdowns to Nathan, and various internal fuck ups.

Weapons: His words and fleet of sailing boats.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by oakman
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oakman Floyd and Ladders and Owls

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@aladdin_sane Read my CS please, we might be sharing a certain interest or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by aladdin_sane
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

@aladdin_sane Read my CS please, we might be sharing a certain interest or something.

Alright just finished reading your character sheet and color me impressed. I like the idea of a shared history and the prospect of a "rival" whom Pierre needs to associate not just because they inhabit the same social class, but because Nathan is a figure that draws popular support. Despite his political clout Pierre is seen as too intellectual, chill, and secretive by the general populace, while Nathan even with his general non-association with those inhabiting lesser classes and his own intellectualism is admired for his good nature, charm, and work-ethic...people hold Nathan as an a prime example of an "American Gentleman" molded by the so-called "American Dream".

Reading your CS I could not help picturing a scene from sometime when Nathan was first enrolled in boarding school; during his first tentative year young Nathan is made aware of a local school legend that just graduated one Pierre Athene. Naturally Nathan is perhaps curious, competitive even and wants to meet this person everybody was so infatuated with; months go by and by happenstance Nathan's aunt is hosting a party the Athenes will be attending, so Nathan socially obligated to be at this event anyway makes a commitment to confront the nineteen year old Pierre. While meeting would be a brief one, it would forever sour Nathan towards Pierre; it is even doubtful that Pierre remembers meeting Nathan. After the formal introductions are over Nathan talks to Pierre and while their exact conversation is lost to history, Nathan is left unimpressed which came as a worse blow to the young boy than if Pierre flat out refused to speak with him; with his critical eye Nathan managed to peer behind the facade perpetuated by Pierre to reveal that this "local" hero was no Apollo. Instead Nathan saw a boy who was forced to manipulate his image as he generally did not connect to people; a pale and neurasthenic boy was not the make of school legends...it was clear that Pierre gained popularity through cleverly concocted lies and used the actions of others as a way to make himself more important, this repulsed Nathan who put a lot of emphasis one's own abilities and social skills. While there is no doubt that Pierre is an inspiring orator and a master manipulator; if one sees the true him they are confronted by the perpetual outcast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by merrrrideth
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merrrrideth Mad Scientist In-Training

Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Name: Darla Ann Thompson

Age: 23

Before the Cataclysm: Being the youngest of five children was never easy, especially considering that Darla Ann was the only girl. The boys were always so overbearing! Most annoying of all was Bobby Keith, Darla Ann’s twin and elder brother by 3 hours. He had always felt the need to stick his nose into his sister’s business. Like that time in high school when he had roughed up Darla Ann’s ex-boyfriend. Or the time in college when he tried to hook up with his sister’s girlfriend. To be fair, Keith had not known about his sister’s fluid sexuality and assumed the poor girl was a lonely friend. What a jerk… but we digress.

Darla Ann, like her parents, was always on the fringe of what was the social norm. Her parents had been hippies, but traded in that life for a family and a sprawling ranch in Texas. Even after settling down, they were quick to startle the nearby community by raising the Thompson children to think on their own and respect the world around them. Not to mention the weird ranch they owned. Not one animal ever died of anything but natural causes on the Thompson Ranch. Darla Ann was a liberal naturalist, an amateur herbalist, a practicer of Zen Buddhism, an advocate of non-monogamy, a gentle-hearted pacifist (except when it came to her twin), a struggling vegetarian, and a devoted student with big aspirations. After graduating from UC-Berkely, Darla Ann headed to Georgia Tech to earn her graduate degree in Environmental Engineering with an emphasis on renewable energies. She was beginning a research-fellowship as part of her PhD program at Yellow Stone during the Spring of 2021.

Changes: The air isn’t the only thing that has a green tint; so does Darla Ann’s skin. And it’s starting to seem really odd that her phone battery hasn’t gone down in the last few hours… Weird.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 16 days ago

I may or may not make a second, was kindof planning an obligatory park ranger to 'know everything about yellowstone', but... I'll think about it tommorrow, I'm tired right now.

I realize the vagueness I left in some places, But I intend to take advantage of that whole 'history appearing in IC' element.

As with everyone else, I'm open to critiques and explaining away things someone might have an issue with.


Name: Sean [doesn't give last name much]
Born: 21 September, 1988 [age 33]
Residence: Recreational Vehicle, though some might say he lives on the internet instead
Occupation(s): Digital Technician and Proffessional Gamer, or maybe...
Religion: Loses it every other morning if you get the drift

Appearance: At Six foot two and Two hundred Twenty pounds with Red hair and white skin, Sean can cut the figure of a rather intimidating Irishman... When he's not messing around with computers. Though he's naturally tall and sufficiently bulky, a certain softness shows from his extensive experience working with computers. He really does manage to look pretty tough, and while he's got enough muscle to 'go a round' he greatly lacks in stamina to fuel himself for long.

Possessions: At least, those he'll be able to take with him.

History?: I'll update as it comes IC :D unless everyone particularly wants me to give it some filler.

Post-Incident: Unknown at present [IC at least]

Abilities, Traits and Powers: PENDING!

18" Machete
44. Colt Anaconda
.357 Revolver
Jennings Firearms Inc. Model J-22 Cal .22LR. POCKET PISTOL
[Funny enough, there's actually a story behind each of these guns in 'my' life]
Bare Fists
His Brain

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jason Venti | 23 | Male
Bored College Graduate Student

Before the Cataclysm:
Jason had grown up as an only child his whole life, but that didn't exactly mean that the boy had it easy. He had never really been able to make friends due to the fact that he lived with his mother (his Dad had ran out on them) and his Mother's occupation was in the adult entertainment business. They never really had enough money for anything, mom was constantly working, and he was constantly bullied. This led to the boy finding an outlet in Martial Arts. It was great for him, because the owner of the local Dojo happened to also be Jason's Physics teacher, and was fond of the boy. This resulted in Jason getting to practice there for free. The boy caught on quickly to many kinds of Martial Arts; Tae-Kwon-Do, Krav Maga, and MMA.  The boy also learned the art of using a Katana Sword.

After many years training under his Sensei, Jason went competitive in Tae-Kwon-Do and scored Gold at his first Nationals Competition in Olympic Sparring. This caught the attention of many colleges, one of which offered him a Full-Ride Scholarship. The boy eagerly accepted and went off to college a year early. At the college, the boy joined the Marksmanship team on Campus while attending his studies. He was a natural at it and soon rose to be the best that the college had for Marksmanship and Martial Arts. He was fully enjoying his life at College.

It was the Marksmanship team that had the boy wind up at Yellowstone National Park on the faithful day. They had recently finished a Marksmanship competition nearby the park and decided to check it out. The last thing that Jason remembers before waking up, and stealing the property he currently has, was the sight of his newfound girlfriend Kaitlyn being covered in Magma that had suddenly exploded from the ground.

Suffice to say, Jason has been busy stealing things that the dead no longer needed.

• A Katana Sword and Sheath stolen from a novelty Shop. He sharpened the blade.
• A locket that had somehow survived Kaitlyn's horrible demise that had a picture of them inside it.
•A Barrett M98B Bolt Action Sniper Rifle from a nearby gunstore, Jason figured looters would be a thing
•A Backpack with Ammo and stuff in it.
•His Clothes (reference picture)

• Ability to turn invisible (will develop over time. More practice after he discovers it means longer times)
•Infrared Vision (eyes turn red during this.)
•Short-range Teleport. (Will develop later on in rp. Won't be discovered until after the other two are well worn in.)
•Tougher Body (his body changes to be able to survive harder impacts. Not an active ability. It just kind of happened. He can survive falls from three story buildings without major injury. He will have scratches and bruises but oh well)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 16 days ago

I remembered what I forgot to add to the OOC! A map of Yellow stone. It's there now though.

Also, for the most part I don't see any big troubles with the CSes so far! I'll make my first IC post sometime tomorrow.

Though Jason, quick question, were those things stolen 'before' he ended up in yellowstone like everyone else is? I don't actually know if yellowstone has any form of gun-stores.

On a side note, it's safe to say there was potential for riots prior to the starting day of the RP. Hell, we have riots 'right now' IRL, half a decade down the line with increasing political and corporate oppression and one could expect plenty more!

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