Sean the Gamer
He was trying his best not to let thoughts of what had happened, no, 'was' happening, rise to the surface in his head... he really was! He knew what would likely come if he didn't manage to keep it down long enough to get somewhere safe, the middle of a recently destabilized forest was not the place to panic!
And yet Everywhere he looked there was another reminder!
Every Hundred of so feet there seems to be another crack in the ground that had fused into a mound of cooled magma, around which there were burned trees that had been choked out by the earlier loss of atmosphere and settled simply for looking blackened on the side toward the hole. Occasionally there was a body somewhere, maybe a charred skeleton, or a half body sticking out from under a big rock, oh, and that one that one that was impaled on a still hanging tree-branch which actually snapped free just as he came into view of it, now 'that' was a sight. There were also constant reminders in the form of scattered objects, a grill here, a tattered tent there, someone's car speared into the river that he checked to make sure nobody was drowning in before moving on... He was starting to feel a freak out coming on, but until it happened there was no reason to shrug off a chance to help someone else.
If this had all been in a game he would've been freaking out in a good way about how thorough someone had been with their new apocalypse simulator, before ragging on them for calling it apocalypse when it was wrong word to use. As it stood though, everything he saw brought him back to that one glimpse through the window of the RV before he blacked out from impact, that impossible sight that refused to let him think it wasn't real or drudging up old memories that he really didn't have the time to deal with at the moment.
It was roughly 3 butterscotchs and a mile worth of brisk walking later that he got the distraction he needed to hold off the building panic.
A sound in the air, a tell-tale skuhreeeeee that was 'meant' to get people's attentions, and he looked up to spot the bright light in the air. It wasn't too far off from the direction he'd been traveling and was close enough to have come from the lodges "Well that's convenient... at least I was going in the right direction." and now he had an objective to focus on. With that in mind he set off at a fair jog in that direction, trying to hurry without wearing himself out before he got there... It really was pretty hot spending an extended amount of time in this clothing moving around a recently heated forest, but he learned to stop caring if he was sweaty a long time ago, there were much more important things to consider anyway, and it would still take him a fair bit to actually 'get' to the position of the flare.
What a catastrophe indeed. Such destruction, such chaos, such confusion... More than enough that perhaps many would not notice the subtle twitching of the dead... Then again, maybe it was just that thing called death throes and there was nothing important about these motions.