Avatar of Shoryu
  • Last Seen: 14 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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    1. Shoryu 11 yrs ago
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Man... Pierre is a DICK! HAHAH!

On a side note, I got interrupted when I set to posting earlier, and now it's too late and my brain has headed to bed before the rest of me, so i'll have to get it first thing in the morning.

on a side note, I'm considering switching to first person to see if it flows better in my head.
@merrrrideth Who did Darla Ann bump into? INITIALLY there are two well dressed men in expensive suit.

Is it Pierre or Nathan?

I was guessing pierre myself, but given the shortness of her trek prior to bumping into someone, it could be 'dude who thinks he's on a drug trip in the forest still' XD

<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

What is going rattle Pierre is not the fact that he is stuck with other survivors of a lesser pedigree or even that rescue is an impossibility, but the eventual realization that the collapse of global society renders him historical irrelevant as those around him...characterwise once he comes to terms with the idea his actions are only going to effect those in his general vicinity It will eventually put him on the road to redemption. I have a feeling that the most of the humor will derive from the player characters "growing into their powers and just character interactions in general; it will be a light spot in an otherwise grim setting.

I know, I'm all excited to see everything play out! the good, the bad, the world shattering, and the wind breaking!

Also, it seems our Priest is missing in action, poop. Religion has left the building! ... or... maybe it just slept in and didn't want to get up so everyone can spit in it's eye for badgering them to accept a new lord.
<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

That is a good policy..gives everyone a chance to contribute. Can't wait for the character introductions to start.

Indeed! They should be most entertaining! Particularly when Rich man Mc Frenchie realizes it's just a bunch of other survivors instead of a small army of pet agents or whatever out to save the rich.

I'm also looking forward to when the apparent evidence of changes start getting noticed. That'll be a wild ride prob'ly. not to mention reactions to anyone recognizing something someone's turning into.
I figured that everyone was going towards the flare; I was just making sure before we get into the thick of it. :D

Of course some will clearly be arriving at different times from the look of things. I generally intend to wait about 2 days between each of my posts, unless of course everyone present gets their posts in quicker.
Huh, slow day it seems...oh, well ce la vie. Am I safe to surmise that everyone is attempting to group by the flare.

It was the most obvious source of direction, 'any' direction is better than wandering aimlessly... Plus, the 'cardinal directions' have been fucked up XD
I'm thinking about adding inhuman Strength to Jason's list of mutations. It would explain how he can hold that heavy sniper all day without issue.

Also I'm not gonna lie it's because I want him to do things like kicking doors off hinges. Like maybe about the same strength level as Captain America. So yeah.

Anybody against that?

Well, I'm not expressly against it, but actual sniper's carry those kinds of guns around all the time without 'super strength' XD heheh
<Snipped quote by aladdin_sane>

True words, I know it is common courtesy to keep a constant pace when RPing, but whenever posting becomes more an obligation than something you would willingly do for fun, it stops being fun. The greatest writings tend to be produced at the oddest times really.

Oh I KNOW! I hate that feeling TnT

also 'Before the green'!
I was silently considering ideas for a 'name' for this that 'fit' and was simultaneously not a spoiler of anything I have planned for the future! I believe 'The Green' works perfectly!

and ohhh, if only it 'was' just the coke.

<Snipped quote by oakman>

I agree, thusly I do not rush anybody when it comes to posting...I have trust that whomever I am roleplaying with will respond when the inspiration strikes. Unless GM nerfs it I figured that a little pre-incident world building could not hurt; the thing to remember is we are not representing characters in a vacuum I like to think that the in game world existed before the roleplay started so therefore history exists...little things like the aforementioned adds flavor to the game.

And very true! But I'll have to check what you did in the morning :D

That said! I've always said I wanted this RP to be 'group' run instead of 'just' me! So if other's like something and 'I' don't, chances are it'll get to stay anyway.

Isn't it funny? Democracy is most noticeable in smaller groups where you can personally see, and be affected by, everyone else's choices, as opposed to larger national/global groups, where the people with 'money/imaginary power' can manipulate things so you can't see what other people 'really' choose.
<Snipped quote by oakman>

Can't wait! Also as I was bored I crafted a biography of Hector Williams as he is probably going border on Secondary Character/NPC Antagonist. He is beyond redemption, so I do not care if he dies.

Jumbo sized gun happy lunatic? sounds fun!

Also @Jasonhero, wasn't your dude at one of the buildings south of the northern entrance to yellowstone? There's like, 10-20 miles of road between there and roosevelt. not that I'm against him having potentially spent all that time somehow going in the wrong direction and leave him somehow within range there, hahah.
Sean the Gamer

He was trying his best not to let thoughts of what had happened, no, 'was' happening, rise to the surface in his head... he really was! He knew what would likely come if he didn't manage to keep it down long enough to get somewhere safe, the middle of a recently destabilized forest was not the place to panic!

And yet Everywhere he looked there was another reminder!

Every Hundred of so feet there seems to be another crack in the ground that had fused into a mound of cooled magma, around which there were burned trees that had been choked out by the earlier loss of atmosphere and settled simply for looking blackened on the side toward the hole. Occasionally there was a body somewhere, maybe a charred skeleton, or a half body sticking out from under a big rock, oh, and that one that one that was impaled on a still hanging tree-branch which actually snapped free just as he came into view of it, now 'that' was a sight. There were also constant reminders in the form of scattered objects, a grill here, a tattered tent there, someone's car speared into the river that he checked to make sure nobody was drowning in before moving on... He was starting to feel a freak out coming on, but until it happened there was no reason to shrug off a chance to help someone else.

If this had all been in a game he would've been freaking out in a good way about how thorough someone had been with their new apocalypse simulator, before ragging on them for calling it apocalypse when it was wrong word to use. As it stood though, everything he saw brought him back to that one glimpse through the window of the RV before he blacked out from impact, that impossible sight that refused to let him think it wasn't real or drudging up old memories that he really didn't have the time to deal with at the moment.

It was roughly 3 butterscotchs and a mile worth of brisk walking later that he got the distraction he needed to hold off the building panic.

A sound in the air, a tell-tale skuhreeeeee that was 'meant' to get people's attentions, and he looked up to spot the bright light in the air. It wasn't too far off from the direction he'd been traveling and was close enough to have come from the lodges "Well that's convenient... at least I was going in the right direction." and now he had an objective to focus on. With that in mind he set off at a fair jog in that direction, trying to hurry without wearing himself out before he got there... It really was pretty hot spending an extended amount of time in this clothing moving around a recently heated forest, but he learned to stop caring if he was sweaty a long time ago, there were much more important things to consider anyway, and it would still take him a fair bit to actually 'get' to the position of the flare.

What a catastrophe indeed. Such destruction, such chaos, such confusion... More than enough that perhaps many would not notice the subtle twitching of the dead... Then again, maybe it was just that thing called death throes and there was nothing important about these motions.
<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

Ha! This is shaping up to be pretty exciting.

Isn't it thought? Anyway, I'm starting the next posting round. Hopefully our resident priest didn't get swallowed by the depths, and your 'money buddy' didn't get riddled with the rest of the civvis.
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