Avatar of Shoryu
  • Last Seen: 14 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Shoryu 11 yrs ago
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I'll post tomorrow after work.

@aladdin_sane Hector's revenge is around the corner.

but wait! Hector chopped his own arm off and bolted from the building in one of aladdin's posts! XD
Sean the Gamer

Well that wasn't quite the type of response I'd been hoping for, the kind where someone accurately interprets the inherent ignorance in the situation of myself having literally arrived only moments ago, but I guess I'd have to educate him a little bit. I was never good at accepting orders from strangers either. "Given that I arrived mere moments ago I have no idea about the specific subject of her panic, with such information I would be much more capable of assisting effectively." There's a reason I wasn't a teacher, I had a nasty habit of sounding terribly condescending whenever I set out to educate anyone, especially about something that 'I' might have viewed as painfully obvious... Nevertheless I shrugged it off and approached her closer in hopes of getting an actual informative hint.

That wasn't all I got though as she seemed to crumble even further before the search truly got into full swing.

'A classfull of kids under her watch? That's gotta hurt, I'm even feeling it' s'truth, It hurt to imagine it, even more so when it began to pull into scope everything else that was related to those who'd fallen to the same fate, and it quickly began to drag me down as well... 'Damnit! not the time for this!' I could feel my own resolve slipping in the face of what he breaking down was making me think about and I had to try to get this back on track! Part of me wanted to just run off and find some place to take cover immediately, but a bigger part refused to just leave other people laying around in the open like this, so I'd have to hope I could get them in a moving mood before I had my own breakdown... God damnit all I hated timers, especially invisible ones.

I moved on closer to where they sat then, once more oblivious to the music of my phone changing tracks to something much more out of place, and attempted to make some inexperience gestures meant to had some inspiration to my words... or something like that. "There's no reason to lose hope! Absence is not evidence, No body means they might have survived just like we did. Hell, I survived a tumble in an RV full of electronics. I'm sure your students have an idea how the park's emergency plans work, that's one of those things always covered in preparation of school field trips right? Maybe they'll come to the flare too, and if not, we can always do some searching when the sun comes back up. If we can help it, it will be a good idea to have a temporary shelter set up if anyone else comes this way, maybe the ranger station down the way, that should work for a day or two, right? We're all still in relatively good condition aren't we? I'd be willing to bet they're hiding somewhere nice and safe right now." Of course, I wasn't willing to 'really' bet on that, maybe a few of them survived, maybe none of them, but I wasn't about to exacerbate her breakdown by speaking of things like that. For now false hope would be better than none, it would at least get her to a safer place to freak out.

It was odd though, a glance at her doodling was natural when I was close enough, but something about the sun's she was filling the page with was familiar to me... I couldn't quite place it and it wasn't important enough to put any real thought into at the moment.
Lol, my bad should have asked if you were addressing both groups before posting. I shall rectify it in my post.

s'not too bad xD was just to setup the two groups not spending several more rounds wondering when someone from the other might peek around just the right corner and see the other people standing over there...

More accurately, I saw the perfect setup for a bit of a comedic moment and ran with it!

now, to get to work on a post in hopes I won't have to deal with someone interrupting me by badgering me to go driving again...
I figure I should clarify XD my dude, when he wandered out of the trees, shouted at 'both' pairs of people... The roosevelt lodges aren't that huge of a place, so I kindof just jerry rigged a comical situation where they were somewhere near eachother but hadn't managed to 'see' eachother somehow XD
I get the distinct feeling that we should keep a conversation running in the OOC to keep everyone warmed up XD
<Snipped quote by oakman>

It's the magical liopleurodon!

come ooon chaaarlliiiieeee
Wait I think Sean is approaching Pierre and Darla Ann, not Jason and the hot teach.

I think we should start using mentions to avoid further confusions.

Also this is the creature that was talking to Nathan:

Actually, he 'was' approaching Jason and 'the hot teach' XD Because he recognized Pierre and vastly dislikes politicians
On a side note, feel free to find some generalized survivor NPCs. just, background people to fill out a group, be fodder, tell to do stuff, whatever.
Sean the Gamer

There was one thing that that always bothered me no matter where I was... Monotony was BORING!

I never handled boredom well. If I couldn't apply variation to something I was doing then I would quickly lose my enthusiasm for it around the dozenth time, or minute, or hour, or something in between, and this was even worse if I had to force myself to do it in the first place. Even with the warped land-scape, the occasional body, and the random debris scattered about it was getting old enough in the back of my mind to make me bored, and with boredom came a wandering mind that I truly did not need.

I slowed my pace to a brisk walk and pulled out my smart phone to check the time, after I turned it on since I had been preserving it's power. "One Fourty, I've been on and on for almost two hours overall, the flare wasn't that long ago." Talking to myself was not successfully distracting my mind back to not thinking about what was happening, so I had to do something more effective... I really wanted to conserve every ounce of power in each of my devices, but it wouldn't matter if I slipped my bit in the middle of the forest, so music it would be!

I pressed the button to put it on random, and I just couldn't help myself when a catchy and completely ironic song started playing, I had to sing along.
That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes,
an aeroplane - Lenny Bruce is not afraid.
Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn,
world serves its own needs, dummy serve your own needs.

In my own head I zoned right out of paying attention to the song itself, or my surroundings, for a short time I forgot about the slowly rising fatigue and the disturbing atmosphere entirely as I sung along with a stupidly cheery sounding song about the end of the world!


Right up until I suddenly realized that I had managed to walk right out of the forest and into the open and the main road by the lodges where it bisected the lost lake creek at the very edge of the Roosevelt lodge grounds. I stopped as soon as I heard the differing smack of my shoes on stone and looked around huh, whataya know, I was closer than I thought... and I'm not alone. I noticed a few people from this position actually, comically in just the right positions as groups of two to not see eachother around the lodges themselves.

I took a quick moment to check my phone, leaving the music playing as it became quickly unimportant for me, and brought up a saved map of the lodge grounds http://www.yellowstone.co/images/lodges/rooseveltcabinmap.jpg "Okay here, here... I'm here... Right then, lets see if that practice works!" I slipped the phone into my pocket, still leaving 'end of the world' playing on speaker as I started a jog to get close enough to be heard... I really wasn't thinking of what anyone would think of 'me', scout pants, hiking pack, camouflage jacket. Then again, yellowstone did have a fairly high position in terms of sea-level, maybe I looked like someone who'd just come down from a mountain station or something, or maybe some lunatic who was walking around the forest in an over-heated fucking parka with all kinds of long red hair pouring out of it's hood!

Of course, I had arrived late enough not to catch much conversation, so with the image in my head of a bunch of panicked people cluelessly standing around doing nothing useful I called out with a pointless but entertaining constable accent "Oi! Wha' 're you lot doin' jus stand'n round?! Init common sense an established procedure to organize wif other survivors of a disaster and work together!? Yer all spittin' distance from each other an haven't even noticed! Hop to you lot! Some ought be lookin fer medicals and the rest fer other survivors need'n elp! That girl's even bleed'n from er ead! Sun'll be down soon gardless wot tha clocks say, got setup a place to hunker for the night!" Of course I murdered the accent as badly as that one half melted corpse nearby.

I completely shrugged a strange sensation of familiarity from the one blonde gal and started moving towards her and the other guy who was near her... Mostly because I recognized the one in the other group of two, 'Pierre', and had no desire to put myself in his vicinity until necessary, there were much bigger things to worry about. As it was several of the cabins on the coyote trail were crushed under the same massive boulder, several by lost creek were just missing entirely, and countless others were in varied states of damage from the event, nevermind the actual lodge farther back that looked to be crumbling. This time I dropped the accent though "Alright lady, you look the most panicked, what's freak'n ya out?"
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