Avatar of Shoryu
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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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And we wait...

Oh my god... I can't believe you did it, you fucking did it XD
Tempted to make Jason do something about Pierre not helping out...

<Snipped quote by Jasonhero>

Do it, you know yo want to...give in to your anger.

Wait WAIT! I have an answer to this!

A'aight, who's waitin on who to post?! XD Many times I find that longer delays happen because someone is waiting on someone else to post who's waiting on them to post in turn and end up with a self perpetuating RP killer. >3>
Well, I doubt that they want to be our friends now... Thanks guys.

maybe they should've talked first then instead of chasing another girl out of the cabin XD
Why must we shoot the children? Maybe they just wanted to be our undead friends :(


I would die laughing if the other one suddenly stopped shambling and raised her hands like 'DON'T SHOOT!', then we had to build a new spine for the boy and screw his head back on his shoulders, literally.
Sean the Gamer

Well this was a fairly pleasant twist when her breakdown seemed to last a record short amount of time. Someone clearly had a very effective coping mechanism, and here I was just delaying mine until I could break it out somewhere safer. "Well, color me impressed, that's some fortitude you got there miss." Of course, this was the perfect time for the walking hate inducer that is a politician to step in and make the situation a huge pain in the ass, and just as I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my own mind she beat me to the punch.

I ended up just staring in morbid fascination as she tore into him... and then handed me the flare gun and told me to shoot him with it if he gets dangerous... Oh, I had the perfect idea "Okay, first, I wish 'my' teacher's were like you back in the day. Second, Hot... and Third, I could do that, or." I shifted the flare gun to my left hand and reached the other into my Parka, which then came out carrying an intimidatingly large silver and black revolver "I could use 'this'. Thing'll put a bear down with good aim." She probably didn't notice though, she clearly had her mind put back on something else, So I took the chance to address 'Pierre'... and tried not to let any bile rise in my throat "For the record, I wouldn't be attending your charity convention anyway. Priests and Politician's make my stomach turn and you can't imagine how hard it would be for you to convince me you wouldn't throw us all in a pit if it made you a buck, 'if' I were to even consider you cared what we thought of you in the first place. Also, a pressed Ten K suit or combat fatigues is not the only possible indicator of someone who knows what they're doing, at a time like this, Competency is determined more by one's success at surviving. And-" Interrupted again, this time by a shout.

One glance was all it took to recognize what was happening, though coping with 'zombie children' was miniscule next to recognizing the cataclysm. "There's your evidence right there, standard catastrophes don't make zombie children- But lets all get somewhere nice and safe before we waste our time bickering." I quickly pocketed the flare gun before steadying myself in a remarkably law enforcement like stance, very firmly gripping the revolver with both hands, and took aim. I remembered the time I tried to shoot this thing one handed, it just wasn't something you did. The shot was as loud as I remembered, if it weren't heard for a mile around I'd be surprised, And it still made me stumble back while my arms flung over my head, but it did it's job... Sortof.

The zombie boy's head popped right off his shoulders in a messy spray as the body tumbled from the impact. It wasn't the head-shot I'd been hoping for, but a bullet like this hitting an already structurally unsound neck was just as good since the head still separated from the spinal column... Then the body started to get back up, an eerie glow visible coming from the severed stumps, both on the body and the head. "Aw fuck! It's Mad-cow Tourettes Zombies allover again!" Okay, now It was a lot less of a molehill. I repeated the process, but went for a body shot this time, which made it tumble back to the ground again with a new gaping hole full of juicy meat and part of it's spine gone which seemed to leave it writhing around all noodle like with one of it's primary supports out of whack.
<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

Hector tentatively has a shaky grip on reality as is the case with being trapped for a long period of time without any social contact or the barest of sensory stimuli (not even considering the effects of the magical gas), but even when Hector regains his composure one thing he knows for certain is the fact that Pierre essentially left him to die.

Lol, at this rate I am pretty sure the rest of the group will kill Pierre before they even cross paths with Hector and Nathan as my primary character has not been very adept at making new friends; though I agree that it will be funny watching Hector and Pierre go at it. I imagine every other player character just standing back to watch Pierre get his ass kicked even though they know absolutely nothing about what occurred earlier.

I could totally see mine being like "Woah woah woah, hold on dudebro mc roidrage! He's more useful as a hostage!" for whatever reason >3>
<Snipped quote by oakman>

No, it is chill man. I will get started on Hector's response post-haste. I am curious are you looking to join the other group or are we trekking it on our own?

Does 'Hector' think Pierre abandoning him was part of his hallucination?

It 'would' be pretty hilarious to see Pierre's reaction to 'holy shit he's still alive!?' and trying to figure out a way to save enough face to keep the giant man from murdering him >3> but i'm sure he'd be smart enough to handle that.
<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

Sounds like a plan to me...ha. I've got so many good ideas just waiting to be implemented.

Me too! And I'm ever curious about the reactions some might show to the changes of others.
Very exciting as the ball is beginning to roll, most of our players are in the same general vicinity and changes will be happening sooner or later.

I planned for them to progress faster while asleep, in a sense that most would wake up and be able to easily find 'something' had changed, but there's likely waking effects as well, perhaps slower so that they aren't excruciating, unless someone 'wants' that the evil bastards.

That's just 'my' plan though >3> you can all mix things up your own ways =3
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