I actually scoffed at Pierre and turned a glare on him, though it probably wasn't visible behind the sun-glasses, and calmly pulled open the revolver's cylinder to pick out the 2 spent shells and fish out new rounds from one of the side-pockets of his hiking pack. Meanwhile, speaking mostly calmly towards Pierre to keep the noise down, though the tone also sounded just like I was completely unphased by his insults and instead simply educating someone I had judged either incompetent or ignorant. "And 'you' are a typical politician, making assumptions on someone based on whatever pops into your head about them, as well as shallow external details, and whatever you can draw a comparison to with other 'common' things, then judging their worth based on only a single inherently flawed interpretation." Once I had the new rounds in I turned towards him, 'without' pointing my gun anywhere near him of course, just because he was a rich fop didn't mean spray n pray wouldn't be the death of me "Hippies are pussies, parading around preaching about loving nature and shunning war and violence while they do so many drugs they frequently wake up in their own waste. Natures a good thing, sure, but I'm not about to rush out and live in the brush all my life if I can help it. 'Petty' war's would be unnecessary if there weren't so many people promoting hating other people because of how different they are in one form or another, but there's not much you can do about religious psychopaths but kill them so they don't kill you. I actually won't mind getting into a political discussion with you once we're not out in the open where any post-apocalypse obsessed forest yahoo with a rifle could pick us off." I never did get over that Nasty habit of rambling on and on when I get going passionately...
"Anonymous are attention whores too, learning from history and copying a guy's representation are different things. I need to shut up and get moving before I 'really' start getting chatty about this... I'll stop with this, Giving all the power to the people is too much, it leads to 'true freedom', which leads to wanton violence and chaos, but giving all the power to the people who already 'have' power, imagined powered from a fabricated monetary system mind you, ultimately leads to the 'demand' for true freedom, which has the same effect when the billions who out-number them reach the end of their ropes and revolt... Personally, I think humanity is over-due for an apocalypse to teach us what's more important than money and fancy possessions and status or whether or not we have some racial gripe we can hold over someone. Or maybe 'Cataclysm' would be more accurate." I wondered for a moment if he might pick up on the meanings of the different words, while I finally pulled my phone back out and shut the damn music up before fingering it around to the map of the Lodges and turning away from him back to the others.
"Alright, you all don't have to listen to 'me', but I'm going to worry about introductions once I'm somewhere safe... I'm going to head to the Ranger station that's just up the road here, preferably before anything gets attracted to the sounds of gunfire. It'll be easier to lock down so nothing uninvited gets in and might have some extra guns around. I obviously have no authority here, so feel free to dink around with whatever." Then I just set off in that direction. As far as I was concerned, I'd done my part. Offered some advice on what to do, tried to comfort the teach, shot a zombie kid, and logically bitched out a stuck up politician. I was ready to just get moving to find somewhere to vent whether they followed or not, though I was grateful for the distraction actually, It pulled my mind away from the whole end of the world focus long enough that I could hopefully get there and find a nice secure little room to duck into and get the breakdown out of my system... Man, why was it always so damn soothing to talk down about politicians? The Thrill I get from this shit was drug-like even now!