Avatar of Shoryu
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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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didn't DK only bitch slap Krieg to tell him to stop screaming and then go right back? As opposed to dragging him along.
Well, when I get home to write my response. Krieg will be very... involved with the lumbering PISS STICKS! Ahem, I mean Donkey Kong.

Krieg has always been one of my favorites >3> I can't imagine a talking a horse would do much for his sanity either XD
@Shoryu They can talk about anime and games, but I'm pretty sure none of those were anything from other franchises. Mostly it seemed to be shows within a shows. Also not a fan of the whole "point out other characters are from fictional universes" thing myself since it's so easy to abuse that.

I intended the idea more for side-comedy in the style that Metal Gear does it, where strange thing happen now and then but he kindof just brushes it off somehow without making it not funny. Being Big boss, he wouldn't actually 'know' anything about said characters, only that someone mentioned them to him at some point... And I'm fairly certain they talked about a 'few' specific things, even if right now I can't remember because Peacewalker and it's monster-hunter crossover are the only ones I experienced recently.

Still, it was just an idea for a bit of comedic effect, Big Boss 'does' kind of predate almost everyone in home timeline, cept for maybe king knight and overlord, and predates the creation of any but the oldest games in his current rendition, so it's just as likely he'd have no idea what he's looking at even if he 'did' have them described to him by movie buffs and tech genius anime fanboys.

In other words, yes, I can drop the idea without fuss XD
Twilight Sparkle - Mahora


Not good... this was not good... notgoodnotgoodnotgood!... That's exactly what this was, anything 'but' good!... What... is... HAPPENING?!'

There she had been, just enjoying her morning coffee which was typically a requirement of energizing her enough to make the day go well, when the world had just vanished from around her and left her plummeting what would surely have been a fatal distance to the ground well beyond terminal velocity. Yet aside from being a rough landing it hadn't seemed to really injure anything, which she wasn't sure if it was supposed to be that way or if she should attribute it to earth pony qualities at play.

Now here she was laying in a crater with her hair an unbrushed mess and a bruised backside, staring up at an unfamiliar sky as well as foreign buildings around her, more buildings farther in the distance, and even a tall black thing far enough away that she couldn't make out details on it. She was also vaguely aware of her coffee cup sitting next to her in the dirt, still half full, but she now possessed a vastly more invigorating problem than morning drowsiness and was unfortunately teetering on the edge of an episode.

That was about when her brain sortof 'clicked' and she took a deeeep breath, pressing a hoof to her chest and exhaling while pulling it away... Rinse... and Repeat... Ahhh, glorious breathing exercises, they might be mostly symbolic but if it works then works!

In the next moment she rolled over, beat her wings, and took to the air with her partial coffee in tow, already taking a sip from it as she slowed to a hover high enough to get a view of the environment... It only took a few moments both to drain her coffee 'ahhh, glorious coffee' and to notice the seemingly patchwork nature of the land around her which gave her a single glaring idea for how this happened that simultaneously annoyed and calmed her. She banished her coffee cup to somewhere and proceeded to shout "DIIISSSCOOORRRD!!!" It wouldn't be the first time she'd done it, she'd noted some voices nearby in passing but had ignored them in favor of her 'favorite' immortal annoyance.

'don't look at 'me' purplesmart. I'm going to bypass the inevitable time-wasting disbelief and pre-empt you by pointing out that I had nothing to do with this and am completely unable to bring you back. you can only hear me because of the lingering trail and that will be gone in a few seconds.'

Welp... That put her at a loss "um... I... whu?" it was weird enough to hear him in her head, but to hear him sounding 'serious' disturbed her more than anything else.

'elegant as always... I'll let your friends know you're alive and we'll all try to do what we can, but you're probably on your own since even 'I' can't slow down the narrowing trail. Good luck Sparkle Butt, You're tougher than you think you are.'

Then silence, into which she whispered as she felt the weirdness of even his 'voice' vanish completely "I... Discord?..." it was a terribly meek tone, surely nobody else would have heard it... 'That' honestly terrified her, that someone she knew to be able to warp reality with a snap of his fingers couldn't even maintain a way to talk to her. Now she really was on the verge of a proper break-down born of ignorance of her situation and panic for the sake of panic... when she heard someone shouting quite loudly and it ripped her attention aside 'YES! 'that'! Focus on something else, don't start losing control, someone else probably needs help too!.'

At least, that was the primary thought in her mind until she actually spun around to get a look at the general area of the voices below... 'wait... Humans?! well, not the ones I saw, but they're just too similar not to be humans, but I'm obviously not in 'that' world, the mirror wasn't even hooked up, and Discord wouldn't have nearly as much trouble peeking over into 'that' world.' That was enough of that, she started gliding down towards this strange creature, noting the others nearby but pegging him as the one who was shouting.

It was a taller one, and strangely built... was it male? probably, it didn't have any of the female human characteristics she was familiar with, but it was definitely bigger than the males she'd seen too, so maybe it was another type of gender... Celestia's orders be damned, she needed to study other species more when she got back, humans especially, only ever seeing the ground of a single school is not suitable for a comprehensive understanding of an entire species. That was neither here nor there, she wanted to see if this one was in trouble, but he seemed to be armed... she thought? It was hard to tell if most of those things on him were weapons, but one thing clearly resembled a sort of scrapped together axe thing.

Either way, it was enough to keep her focused on hovering several meters away, ready to fly or teleport away if he suddenly came after her and putting on an admittedly uneasy and halfhearted smile as she called out "Erm, excuse me, but are you in trouble sir? and why would anyone be trying to stab you? You seem... intimidating enough to stop ideas like that." Well that was dumb! It's rude to call people intimidating like that, now what if he takes offense and does something mean back?!

Poor Twilight was just not on her game right now.


Big Boss - Somewhere in Mahora


Another arrival's landing was far less bothersome. In-fact, He kindof just returned to focusing on the world around him, realizing that he was half-buried in settling dust and dirt with a cigar still sticking out of his mouth... "Ugh... Did I zone out and get buried? I need to rethink these cigars." funny the possibilities that open up when you smoke a cigar laced with a drug that alters your perception of time huh?

Indeed, he hadn't even noticed that he'd been dropped out of the sky, for his mind it had blitzed by so fast it was like little more than a flash of a dream, but it was time to come back to reality to get himself situated.

It only took a quick check to realize his gear was all still intact and he had not actually been captured and stripped down, he was just laying half-buried in a crater of some kind... with some voices audible somewhere nearby, something that spurred him into greater action as he suddenly rolled over and began scrambling up to the edge of the shallow crater so that he could peek over... Insufficient sight-lines.

He quickly rolled over the edge and sprinted for the nearest object of cover, being the corner of some jumbo sized red-building, which he pressed firmly against to peek around the edge... 'what the hell?... Did someone drug my cigars again? what kind of crackpot hallucination is 'this'? flying... horse things? big monkeys?... Did that girl have a monster coming out of her skull? Why do I feel like this would make Huey squeal like a school girl?... Still, it's not the weirdest thing I've seen so far.' for the moment he simply checked and readied his Riot SMG and settled in to listen to the conversation, hoping they would provide some insight into what was going on.
eh... to be honest, I've never been a big fan of the whole 'characters in a crossover recognize each other as fictional' thing, though that might just be because I saw it done spectacularly badly once.

oh, I've seen it done spectacularly badly a few times XD but good a few other times :D For me it depends on how believable it is. considering that Boss has several people on his personal team, in just about every mission, who tend to go on and on about things like that, it's fairly more likely.

Personally, I see him recognizing Donkey kong for sure, he's from that general era, I think? >3> I might be wrong there. He'll probably also recognize the 'animal style' of some of the others, but given the time-period, not the individuals.

Of course, I can just 'not'. Afterall, It's just an 'idea' :D He's also 'big boss', he might just not give enough of a shit to think that hard about what Huey might have said about animes at one point or another >3>
Oh god I just realized something!

Big boss's contacts, like Huey and Chico, talk his ear off about all kinds of weird things... Anime, games, fantasy stories, monster legends... Imagine him recognizing a couple of the people in the RP by the descriptions he's been badgered with in the past XD
<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

Please, the Overlord is completely evil! He is the pure force of evil to balance out the good in the entire world! The good only turns bad as there is no evil force to battle against. Also, the good guys turned evil mainly from the previous Overlord who corrupted them overtime, remember? Also, for Overlord 2. Don't you know? The Overlord destroyed every sanctuary for the good magical beings, just to benefit himself. And yet again, the good turned evil after Rose had stupidly tried to change things to make good rule the world instead of evil. But there always has to be balance in the world, and "EVIL ALWAYS FINDS A WAY!"

Edit: Also, the endings show that the Overlord can be quite evil. He likes himself dictatorships and slaves! Also, just sharing my opinions about the Overlord, not trying to start an argument with you. I just like seeing the Overlord as a bad guy.

It would be interesting then if we had both played overlords from different time lines, and you're 'bad guy' overlord could meet my 'sortof good-guy' overlord XD The battle would have been glorious! but alas, only 2 characters and I don't want to stretch my limits of RPability so early in the RP xD

Oh yeah, will be saying everyone can understand each other after the first few uneventful conversations. It's pretty much a hand wave to ensure proper communication between the player characters since not being able to speak with each other will put a cramp in most posts. XD

@Dead Cruiser Your newest character breaks the "no poison rule" from the first post, I'm sorry to say. Also what Screw said.

That is also necessary to facilitate certain individuals from only sounding 'horse-enese' or 'monkeynese' or something XD... Snrk, miscommunication can be hilarious sometimes.

Also, no poisons? I think 'I' missed that rule too... would sleeping gas grenades count as poison? or air-borne anesthetic? XD or the non-lethal 'sleep darts' from the WU pistol?

Edit: Oh wait, I see, one hit kill poisons XD derp
On a side note, I always pictured 'overlord' as a good guy, or anti-hero XD Oh sure, Gnarl always plays up the evil monster angle, but what is the overlord always 'doing'? Beating down worse evils that make his rule look particularly welcoming by comparison. Fallen heroes tormenting those they once saved? an uncompromising empire trying to make a god out of the stolen essence of magical creatures?

Yeah, Gnarl can play it up all he likes XD but overlord has a remarkably tendency to do 'good things' even when he's being 'evil' XD

just my 2-cents >3> heehee
oh hey, you know what would have been an awesome canon character someone could've tried to get into the RP?

The character of 'self', protagonist of the eternal canon of the story of 'life', the most omnipresent form of visual media available to this day :D

Oh, also... Is 'the viewer' secretly all of us as players because we're all viewing this story at the same time? a conglomeration of consciousnesses forming one story >3> heheh.

Edit: school town?... oh god, Twilight's gonna just 'gush' once she realizes that's a thing. XD
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