Twilight Sparkle - Mahoru
Twilight instinctively lurched back when the strange creature began shouting and growling 'at' her, she'd considered that his gibberish shouting meant he might be abit unstable, but she'd hope it didn't mean 'violently' unstable. She was also unfamiliar with human 'aggression signs' and didn't really know what he intended to do with the thing he was reaching for, but that arguably made the situation even scarier, and she didn't want anything to do with his 'goo touch' or 'cockatiel slaughter' and she was already angling her wings to slowly give herself more distance from him... She liked helping people, but this was ridiculous, the last thing to really shout aggressively at her was Tirek and she'd actually been royally pissed then, he blew up her home afterall, too angry to worry about fear, but here it had her already tearing up a bit.
She registered somewhere that the others were introducing themselves, but her focus ineffably locked on the screaming angry man... who had just been slapped by a monkey?... like some of the others her mental question was
'what in tartarus is going on here?... oh no, what if I'm 'in' tartarus?! are these creatures all evil and just acting nice? or demons in disguise? wait, no, only one of them is even acting mean, though that really big one walked right out of a door that appeared in thin air... He reminds me of discord.' Ahhh, thinking, ever a good way to calm oneself down... well, usually it is, in her case it distracted her from noticing the strange masked man readying a weapon, not that she would have recognized it anyway, but she'd surely never forget it.
The instant her ears caught the explosive noise of hearing her first 'gunshot' her head snapped back around just in-time to catch the muzzle-flash with comically wide eyes
'explosion?weapon!what?cannon?toosmall.Loud!!SHIE.. me?where?' Some might have consiere that much though happening in a split second an impossible feat in itself, an some might take to mean more than it really did. She barely glimpsed the projectiles flying into the air, and then only because they were large enough to catch the eye even though she'd technically be late noticing. However, when she'd noted the high angle of the source weapon, she instantly curle up an her horn lit up brightly, encasing herself in a bright purple bubble as if expecting the crazy man to have been aiming for her... She curiously uncurled to peek when nothing happened, only to hear louder explosions an whirl aroun to see some fire and smoke in mid-air.
'explosive projectiles that explode in mid-air?! howhigh?range...gotit.I need to get higher.!'To say she' ha enough of the strange excessively violent man with the little cannons that apparently explode a lot, would be beyon an unertsatement... Poor Twilight Noppe out of there so hard she left a freaking after-image!... well, maybe she only imagined she woul have ue to how har she wante to be nowhere near this angerous creature.
Either way it quickly le to her being high enough up in the air to 'hopefully' be out of range of whatever might threaten her. This coul be worse though, as now she ha a chance to let her min waner to her current situation, being alone in a strange place with noboy she knew in any position to len her ai, even her reality warping... er, 'frien' couln't so much as talk to her it seeme.
'NO!nonono. Twilight, focus on something else, think about other things, crisis thinking later, important thinking now! oh look! another flying person, looks like a she, pretty ress, think about 'that', not crisis, say hello or something! she might be angerous too! better than having an 'episode' aroun other people... right, much better. yes, better.'She really was feeling terribly wary about strange creatures now, and kind of wishing she han't trie to offer help to the crazy thing.
'No! Ba twilight, that's mean, even he's really angerous, he might really 'nee' help. flying one first though, less angerous?'She had actually bolted off higher than her target, and soon fluttered her way back own to the floating girl [Reimu] an spoke quite suenly
"'Please' tell me you're not another ball of psychotic rage hiding behin pretty cloths? I don't know what going on an I coul 'really' use someone who's not going to suenly start screaming an attacking things." She was a mess honestly, frazzle hair, uncertain expression, not even noticing her eyes ha grown wet now.
Having little else to do while peeking aroun the wall Boss starte going over what he was in his head...
'So... Talking motor cycle. girl with canon. Talking monkey. Screaming psychopath in a mask. Giant man walking through warps in reality. Flying purple horse with a shield an uses power through it's horn. Flying girl. Headshape robot... Hmmmm... Is it the thirteenth tuesday again?' He paused to check his Idroid
'no... Still not the weirdest thing I've run into...... At least there's no flaming whales or teleporting zombies this time.'He glanced up from the device just in-time to spy a cloud of smoke materializing into a threat... He flashed back suddenly to a memory of disturbing pale thing in black suits 'smoking' from place to place and ignoring the laws of physics while trying to brutally murder him and anything associated with him...
In an instant he lurched back from the impact, with a motion he'd practiced to simplistic perfection an taught to thousands of other soldiers over the years, honed from months of experience with telporting assholes getting the drop on him, he gave his 'assailant' a firm jab to the gut with his mechanical fist while the other grabbed onto the collar of his armor and with a great twist of his body slammed him into the dirt before retreating several sudden steps and in another fluid motion slipped the SMG back into it's spot on his left hip with one hand while the other pulled the assault rifle from his right and both brought it to bear as he circled his target in a stance all too familiar of military experts...
In the very next instance he registered that his 'assailant' had in-fact 'not' been a skull in body armor about to try and rend him limb from limb, but appeared to be some kid in street cloths who had inexplicably 'smoked' the way they seemed to... Still, he didn't let his guard down, but he did extend an olive branch
"Sorry kid. You've got to be careful startling people, they might be an abused veteran who's used to having to body slam an execute 'smokey things' that appear in their face." After a moment he relaxed his flesh and blood hand holding the gun and reached out with the other to offer a hand in picking the kid back up on his feet.