Twilight Sparkle - Ranma's Bento Tree
For a moment... just a little moment... Twilight felt irritated that these people had taken to ignoring her like she hadn't just spoken to them.
In the next moment she was silently berating herself in thought
'That's Wrong! No, they're busy and it's rude to expect them to drop everything to answer me... I might be a princess, but I'm not 'their's'. Sweet Celestia! Is this where I go when I'm faced with a crisis 'alone'? Bitter? Impatient? Entitled?... Have I been letting my position go to my head without actually realizing it? I remember using my 'position' as Celestia's student to get lots of privacy before I made friends... Have I just been a snooty jerk waiting to happen?!... Maybe the relative loneliness of my Big empty freaking castle has been getting to me more than I thought.'Yep, she'd gone lost in thought for the moment... At least until she heard some distant roaring thing, though it was far enough not to catch on as an immediate threat, the noise itself was enough to snap her out of her inner monologue... She also thought she might still hear the shouts of that man-human growing more distant, but wasn't willing to distract herself by finding out.
'crap! Now 'I' was ignoring them! What'd I miss?' She quickly 'tuned in' to what was left of their conversation... she also did her best to catch additional names, as it seemed she could only remember actually seeing a couple of them introduce themselves the previous day... or maybe she ignored them.
'Hmmmm, animals made of food huh? Fluttershy and Pinkie would both be excited by finding out about 'that'... Then Fluttershy would probably stare Pinkie into submission for trying to eat 'innocent little critters' because just because they're made of food stuffs... I Miss my friends... Grrr, And I'm going to continue to do so until I find a way back to them, I can't afford to slip into one of those spiral's and lose sight of the goalCrap, she did it again didn't she? PAY ATTENTION TWILIGHT! Speak, think, listen, interact instead of slipping off into your own mind like you used to!
She latched onto the first thing she heard as she slipped out of her mental distraction, and turned the girl with the talking motorcycle, unable to help a slightly snarky chuckle
"I dunno, I saw that insane screaming man from yesterday eating a 'bacon tree'... He was REALLY eating it, I swear half of it was already gone before I came by." She paused to snap off another piece of bacon from the branch she'd snagged and started chewing... then glanced to the branch and snorted
"Then again, I suppose My having this disproves the possibility automatically, he can't eat the whole tree if I stole part of it."Amidst her chatter she also gave a friendly wave to the new girl in the strange and colorful outfit, and thoroughly ignored the strangely proportioned humanoid with the bright colors and enormous... nosestache, greatly preferring to keep a stranglehold on the conversation at hoof so that it won't slip from her grasp again.
And just like that, she momentarily lost herself in listening to the large man calling himself a grandmaster at arms, even if he was wearing surprisingly casual clothing for such a title, but this probably wasn't a location where he was an official grandmaster, like her own title meaning little here... But she was much more fascinated by listening to his short rambling about, were they species in the world he was from? And he wase 'ionian'... She loved hearing about unique species! Now, how could she get him to spill mo-NO! Stop getting distracted, someone finally spoke to you!
She seemed as if she were snapping out of a daydream when she finally realized that 'Ranma' had spoken to her, enough that she'd missed his defensive reaction to her appearance, and put on a pleasant little smile and spoke again
"Given what we've seen so far, that's a fair assessment... If Pinkie were hear, she'd be busy trying to eat everything in sight, she'd probably make this 'challenge' a cake-walk." she stared off into space for a moment as if having some kind of war flash back... then snapped back to reality
"by the sun, the things I've seen that mare swallow whole... Then continue on to the next thing... and the next..."...
It then clicked that several of them had introduced themselves to eachother, and this was a prime opportunity to 'redo' her introduction without half a day's worth of psychological instability wearing on her nerves.
"Oh! And I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, though, I suppose my title doesn't matter for much right now, this definitely isn't Equestria, even if it kindof resembles one of Discord's nation-wide pranks right now. It's nice to meet you all...... Oh, and by the way, is Bacon always this good?! I've never eaten meat before because it normally would've come from someone I might've actually 'talked' to at some point, but this didn't... I might still regret it later, but It can't believe it's this good!"@Grey Star@LuciansMentor@GameGuruGG@Raineh Daze__________________________________________________
Big Boss
It was fairly sudden that a distortion against the ground of 'spinachy grass' would become visible near the tree, though there wasn't a sound as the distortion faded and 'powered down', revealing the man known as Big Boss laying flat against the ground and eavesdropping on the conversation... He also appeared to be chewing on the remains of something ironically snake like, resembling a cross between an eclair and a noodle, or at least what was left of it did... A Snaclair it seemed... He wasn't normally one for sweets, but the abundance of healthier foods 'blanketing' the ground would make up for it.
More importantly, upon noticing that his camouflage had turned off, he flattened out against the grass as much as possible... as if that would make him harder to see? he was still wearing black against a green background, but instinct said it always worked before.