Okay, unfortunately I've just ended up being in a bloody hurry so i'll have to summarize TnT
http://foerpg.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html This is the page with the various rule books, complete and not, that currently exist, give it a looksee to get an idea ^.^
-Based on Fallout Equestria, which in turn is based on Crossing Fallout with MLP.
-Will take place roughly 2 'more' centuries after the usual Fo:E canon period, So you don't actually need to know anything about Fo:E, though the world will be much larger, similar to Mad Max scale rather, with vehicles being reasonably prominent.
-You also don't really need to know anything about MLP, though it helps to have the basic info at least, like names and locations.
-I'm looking for 2-4 people who'll be interested. Myself and another friend have already been doing a couple of practice sessions to test out the system and get a feel for it.
-That said, it is an incomplete system [though a LOT is already done XD] so many things will end up being made up along the way.
-Yes, you can suggest your own additions, custom traits, hinderances, races. It'll be up to the 'group' as a whole if it looks balanced enough.
-With the advent of 'the movie' recently and the expansion of what are considered 'canon races', If you're someone who was especially interested in those additions you can try to design the race for use here. I'll try to help, but it's entirely possible it may need to be scrapped if it takes too long to straighten out.
-You guys will have a few set details to consider while creating your characters, which i'll detail better when i'm back from being rushed. Don't worry, character creation aside from these thing is still as varied as ever.
-those set details revolve around being a part of an old world project to preserve several 'teams' through the following centuries to be awakened to try rebuilding, if other methods hadn't succeeded by then.
-There will be a number of role achetypes that can be filled, like medic, engineer, heavy gunner, ranger, and so on. You aren't restricted if someone else already picks one, i won't enforce 'strict team balance', just know it may or may not come back to bite us in the future. XD [note, you don't have to stick to that role, it mostly decides your starting equipment from what the project 'gave' you, this whole thing is about choice afterall, this is about the only stuff I'll limit the choices on.]
-There is no commander, he's dead... so are a lot of other things, it's kindof mostly failed, but don't worry, you're alive!
-Given the details of the beginning of this, you can start at level 2-4, and you'll be well equipped for your chosen role.
-also, perhaps the most important. This is not going to be 'cutesy harmless nobody gets hurt because ponies' kind of stuff. Vulgarity and gore at to be expected, though I may gloss some 'raw details' for the sake of avoiding overbearing gore-fests, I 'intend' to try and make it 'feel' like a Fallout themed world... with a little mad max influence thrown in.