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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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did the change cause similar mutations to people in the same area? or is it extremely sporadic with nobody in the same building getting the same change. is there even any possibility for duplicates?

Also I may be awful at drawing but an mspaint community world map sounds loads of fun

I may actually suggest that anyone interested attempt to make a world map >3> I'll drum up an 'extreme simplified barebones' version, and anyone who wants to could refine it further >3>

Aaaand, It is a very chaotic change, there's no real rhyme or reason behind, at least none 'currently' recognizeable, behind the pattern of mutations, or lack there of in rare cases, that it causes. Of course, duplicates, and highly similar cases, are entirely possible, just not likely.... at least, not outside the failures anyway ;p

Total pacifist trapped in the robotic/cybernetic body of a machine meant for war...
-He eventually trained the AI to behave itself... most of the time... at least when it mattered.
-Still can suck to wake-up one day as robocop under remote-override for "lethal-enforcement only".
(Being a corprate mass-produced thing in the 90's, there were, like... 50 versions in the same continuity... yay...)

Somehow I only just noticed these links XD is that last one an actual part of the comic? or an edit to make fun of today's political climate? XD

Either way! Mass quote notification! :D

I'm almost done with the OOC, it'll be posted today, so keep an eye out ;3

In other news, I had an idea. We can collectively set the scene of the 'now' through our characters, tell the story of our particular area of the city through it, you know, include the events related to said characters preceding the beginning of the RP, since we've got quite the variety of survivors. Seems like that might be more fun than me over-detailing the city at large right off the bat >w>

On a side note, if anyone is good with maps I would be delighted to have their assistance in setting one up, otherwise I'll make a half-assed Paint.net map that'll serve to just give us a general idea of where everyone is in the city xD

And, that aside! If anyone has suggestions to include in the beginning portion, now's the time :D cause we're gettin there ;3
Oh my, now that is particularly gruesome XD... and would totally fit the 'fatally incompatible' gimmick, while apparently having a method to keep himself alive through it... It definitely fits the theme XD
So you're saying 50,000 ton flintsteel smart-tanks with the agility of a gundam would be out of the question, right?

Probably going to portrays some corprate fellow that pretty much lost everything they knew.

Yeah... yeah, that would be too far XD... although, some form of mech creations would not be impossible... we're just not gonna have any working ones xD most of such things would be among the 'big things' that were broken. XD... doesn't mean more can't be built though... in time.

Although it would be hilarious if someone's brain were implanted into a vehicle android style... No more simply 'identifying' as an attack helicopter. XD... though we probably shouldn't go 'that' far... although, I suspect at least one hack happy character is going to digitally possess a remote control vehicle and abuse that joke to death.

And that should be interesting XD I'll be curious how you set him up. Though a useful thing to remember is that Corporate types tend to have been very used to having a lot of power, the vast majority being born into it, or drawn in by a bigger corporate type that thought they'd be useful to them, and thanks to 'richness' might very well be older than they looked. Money could literally translate into life-span... ya know, before it all blew up XD

<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

I was picturing some kind of security android too actually XD... technically military fits as well, since the corporation technically 'is' the military... oh wait, 'was' ;3

And! I was also considering 'otherworldly interactions' a possibility, thanks to the whole theme of this 'clysm', though it needs to be few and far between probably. Being from another world isn't out of the question, and 'unwillingly' being dumped into 'this' world could be an interesting element for character dynamics... It could also provide someone to try teaching magic to others... or, ya know, giving hints that might help, since some might have access to a different facet of magic.

on a side note, as a 'powerful mage', I could picture his power being a bit nerfed here since magic is 'fresh' in this world, it's only just begun so it's bound to be more unruly than he's used to, not to mention the potential strange ways that technology could be interfering with it.... especially if it's inside of him. XD... actually, depending on how you work the fusion, he might not even 'have' his magic, or need to find a new way to magic.

Also, just to clarify a point! I don't mind seemingly outrageous ideas, the worst you'll get is an 'oh god no!', but there's a lot that I can accept as long as it can be played 'well'. Afterall, there's a difference between a mary sue harem anime power fantasy character, and one that 'looks' the part while the player handles them more responsibly. Before RPguild was shattered a couple years back I'd made a reputation for myself of challenging myself to use 'that risky character type'[I.e. powerful dragons, some kind of alicorn, nanomachines son!, and so on] in reasonable and entertaining ways that didn't break the bank, so to speak, generally employing generous nerfs or defining undefined power they had in the process... there may be a thin line and a slippery slope combined of course, but I enjoy exercising my imagination as much as seeing the depths of other's imaginations, so long as they can do so without ruining everyone else's fun.

Anyway! Double post for everyone! Because I'm going to work on an OOC today XD We've got more than enough people for initial interest. I'm used to a couple disappearing during the transition from Interact check to OOC to IC, but if not, then you guys will be 'the group' until such time as the RP reaches a point I feel comfortable letting even more in... or if someone really wows me to add another to the roster XD

Also, just a pre-emptive mention >3> I'm big on choices and variety and such. Consider this over-all more open world. Though, while I'll try to keep things interesting and contribute something myself even if you wander off on your own elsewhere, you'll probably have to put in more work yourself since I can only split my attention so far before I risk burning out. That said, it's entirely up to you if you want to follow my direction, affect 'that' direction, give your own suggestions, or even set your own direction entirely. I typically take to a Survival style RP as every member of the group being able to influence the groups progression through the story, suggest, redirect, 'know' things that might help, and so on.

On a side note >3> you may notice a little number I add to my post now and then, that'll be because I like to eek in a little chance from time to time to ease the process of deciding certain degrees of happening, let chance decide if something blows up in my face or turns out to be a gold mine... It also 'feels' nicer than just straight deciding 'the best thing happens' XD I won't impose using this kind of thing on you guys, but you're free to borrow the method ;3

I'm thinking of also using the chance theme to define areas of a map we can use as we progress... I like maps, they make organizing general locations awesome :D

OH! I should definitely mention! As this is a 'fresh' catastrophe, though ruin and destruction is going to be a common environmental theme for probably most of the RP, Resources will be 'very' rich, especially considering the vast majority of people have stopped having a use for those resources XD
I enjoy playing weird stuff so this sounds right up my alley.

oh hey, awesome :D

Interested. I like this setting, it seems to permit several possibilities, and the scope for character creation adds even more appeal. A perfect RP for me to work some rust off after a long hiatus.

If you'll have me, I'm considering a High Elf type character, perfectly spliced down the middle with a humanoid endoskeleton - like a Terminator. The Elf's consciousness, stripped from another world and inserted with this one, must constantly combat his machine half's hostile CPU whilst trying to figure out what's happened.

"Target acquired. Threat classification: Medium. Advise pre-emptive strike with maximum fire power."

"No you idiot contraption! It's a child foraging for food. By the Gods, what is wrong with you?"

"Self diagnostics have determined full system functionality. There is nothing "wrong" with my reasoning capabilities. This threat must be destroyed."

And so on, so forth.

What'd you think?

Snrk! Sounds pretty entertaining, and risky ;3 considering that 'hostile AI fear' was played up in the past.
Though actual AI were 'avoided' being made in this world, so that half would have to come from somewhere as well, or perhaps be caused by the addition of a sentient being to the endoskeleton XD

Although, by spliced perfectly down the middle, do you mean 'literally' bisection down the middle with elf on one half and endoskeleton on the other half? I could see him being in desperate need of some artificial skin, heheh. Or do you mean perfectly spliced in the sense of the endoskeleton replacing his own bones?

also, interesting way to get around how any human with an endoskeletal implant would've suffered some form of horrifying death when changing XD

I'm also planning to play someone who has a few augments on the more 'compatible' side that won't get him killed... but will be hilariously inconvenient until he gets them remodeled.

What is the tech like

It's 'all' still in a range between 'oooh, that's cool!' and 'holy shit, I thought that was impossible!' compared to our own modern technology, but the actual technology you'll see varies depending on the overall wealth of an area, since things were leaned so heavily in corporate or wealthy favor.

a Corporate area would be extra high-tech, full of 'future aestheticism', High quality 'newest toys', such as hover technology, improved holo-computer implants, or security robots, would all be nearly universal to every individual who lived there. Any homes in a corporate area would also be fully decked out with a variety of facilities, medical, engineering garages, micro-factories... They really got all the big fancy toys.

A simply wealthy area, like a non-corporate 'rich neighborhood', would have many of the same things, just not universally, There's still be some 'last couple generations' of technology around, such as beginning holo-computer implant [I think I'll come up with an anagram for those, they'll probably be mentioned a lot XD] and holo-tablets will still be in use. they'd usually have things a few steps below corporate though, hover would be extra rare for instance.

The next step down would be 'criminal neighborhoods', ironically not in the sense that there are endless criminals on the loose that'll mug you as soon as say hello, though there were a few because some people are just like that. But these places usually have a syndicate of some form running it and bootlegging the corporate advancements to supply to people, illegally, but infinitely more affordably. The widest variety of technological advancement levels would be available in such an area, though they're usually less 'aesthetically refined' unless they were custom made, you'll find just about everything from 'Old' holo phones and laptops to 'two steps below the newest version' Holo computer implants. Old ballistic fire-arms right up to the fancy new gauss rifle type of weapons, and lasers of course.

The rest varies from Lower class to third world quality neighborhoods[third world by their standards anyway], which could potentially just be compared to something 'slummy' from the Shadowrun games. The lower the wealth the more restricted and rare impressive technology gets... that said, you might find a rare gem. Such low key uninteresting areas are great for smaller groups who want somewhere to hide out under the radar, long as they can conceal or protect their location well enough.


Of course! That was all 'before' the big catastrophe!

You can probably start play with access to a whole variety of interesting toys, I'll just have to mention it if one of them actually manages to go too far, or steps outside the range of things that would've been 'allowed' to develop pre-cat.
<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

I seem to vaguely remember Darkstar finding and giving one of my characters a pet sergal pup... it tried eating his circuitry... repeatedly...

Snrk... yeah, the little one's tend to be even more bitey...
I would love to play this as some kind of odd, monstrous creature like a drider type of being or maybe some kind of extra-reptilian winged naga, or some similarly inhuman and fantastical life form.

Delighted to have you :D either of those sound like they'll be entertaining to see! whether they have fancy cybernetic addons or not.

Definate maybe. Time permiting.

>pets the overenergetic lil bity/slappy kubrow

>Not kubrow! Sergal! Bigger fluffy space raptor! Very bitey! :D

And hope time permits then! more people, more imagination!
Okay, unfortunately I've just ended up being in a bloody hurry so i'll have to summarize TnT

http://foerpg.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html This is the page with the various rule books, complete and not, that currently exist, give it a looksee to get an idea ^.^

-Based on Fallout Equestria, which in turn is based on Crossing Fallout with MLP.
-Will take place roughly 2 'more' centuries after the usual Fo:E canon period, So you don't actually need to know anything about Fo:E, though the world will be much larger, similar to Mad Max scale rather, with vehicles being reasonably prominent.
-You also don't really need to know anything about MLP, though it helps to have the basic info at least, like names and locations.
-I'm looking for 2-4 people who'll be interested. Myself and another friend have already been doing a couple of practice sessions to test out the system and get a feel for it.
-That said, it is an incomplete system [though a LOT is already done XD] so many things will end up being made up along the way.
-Yes, you can suggest your own additions, custom traits, hinderances, races. It'll be up to the 'group' as a whole if it looks balanced enough.
-With the advent of 'the movie' recently and the expansion of what are considered 'canon races', If you're someone who was especially interested in those additions you can try to design the race for use here. I'll try to help, but it's entirely possible it may need to be scrapped if it takes too long to straighten out.
-You guys will have a few set details to consider while creating your characters, which i'll detail better when i'm back from being rushed. Don't worry, character creation aside from these thing is still as varied as ever.
-those set details revolve around being a part of an old world project to preserve several 'teams' through the following centuries to be awakened to try rebuilding, if other methods hadn't succeeded by then.
-There will be a number of role achetypes that can be filled, like medic, engineer, heavy gunner, ranger, and so on. You aren't restricted if someone else already picks one, i won't enforce 'strict team balance', just know it may or may not come back to bite us in the future. XD [note, you don't have to stick to that role, it mostly decides your starting equipment from what the project 'gave' you, this whole thing is about choice afterall, this is about the only stuff I'll limit the choices on.]
-There is no commander, he's dead... so are a lot of other things, it's kindof mostly failed, but don't worry, you're alive!
-Given the details of the beginning of this, you can start at level 2-4, and you'll be well equipped for your chosen role.

-also, perhaps the most important. This is not going to be 'cutesy harmless nobody gets hurt because ponies' kind of stuff. Vulgarity and gore at to be expected, though I may gloss some 'raw details' for the sake of avoiding overbearing gore-fests, I 'intend' to try and make it 'feel' like a Fallout themed world... with a little mad max influence thrown in.
I am interested

Wonderful :D Hopefully a few more will show up >3> Though I'd hardly be opposed to just sticking with a smaller group.

Any Questions? Or anything you think needs discussion/elaboration while we wait?
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