Expect him to complain, a lot, about everything.
hoo boy! We're gettin eldritch up in here! XD
And awww, That's fine, we'll keep a space open for ya ;3
That's a hilarious NPC you made up there XD
At last! I edited the last little bits of the OOC post and added a couple technology examples, and I shall drop my CS so people can mercilessly judge it!... and I shall be making the first post tonight, within a couple of hours I'd say. There's no hurry for eveyrone else yet, but I'm hoping everyone who 'can' [since there's 2 who've expressed delays happening] will have a CS done before the weekend's over, and if it hasn't already been done over the weekend, everyone's first posts on monday.
Also, I noticed a couple haven't posted in the OOC yet, hopefully anyone who lost interest will tell me ^.^
Character Sheet
Name: Indigo 'Indie' Ventreyas
Apparent Age: 24~
Actual Age: 73~
Former Species: Human, Mildly augmented [50/100]
Height: 6'3" Lean
Weight: 250 [Total weight of augments roughly 100 pounds]
New Species: Some Horse thing with wings and a horn.
Height: 4'8" Lean
Weight: 1028 [augments still weight about 100]
Personality: He puts himself off as a playful partyboy, never taking anything seriously, throwing money at whatever he wants... a pretty but bumbling fool among the elite, easily manipulated, easily controlled... He loves when people underestimate him, but also finds it to be a simple pleasure to 'act the fool' and try to be entertaining... It might also have something to do with a deep hunger for companionship that he doesn't normally get.
In reality he's sharp and calculating, older than he looks and experienced in interacting with those who have power, elites, corporates, security... criminals... Especially criminals. He's very careful and experienced at covering up his more suspicious connections and relishes in having numerous options for sources to work with.
Location: North side High Class District
Status: Unknown
Secrets: Everybody's got em, I think it'd be an interesting addition if everyone had something that other players didn't get to know about them pre-emptively, and discover them as we progress.
Syndicate Connections... whatever good they might still be.
Private Security... If any of them are still alive and willing to follow.
1.357 Billion Credits
Thigh Holster, Tied around right Hind-leg
Holo-receptive Trench-coat
Make-shift Saddle bags
Syndicated Omnious Co. Generation 3rd Verson 32 Holoprojection Personal Computer Implant - Neural Hacking Suite Augmenated
Artherius Syndicate Holo-projection Dermal Augmentation
Syndicated Erchius Co. Modular RailWeapon, Pistol Configuration

A reverse engineered experimental modular weapon system built around magnetic rail technology that fires tiny projectiles at varied levels of charge... that's about it.
In it's pistol configuration it has an effective range of roughly 50 meters or so, with an ammunition load between 50 and 80 pellets.
Fired in maximum speed it can fire roughly 5 pellets per second, but doesn't have the punch to be fatal, though it very good at laying out stunning pain on biological targets.
With at least half a second of charge it manages enough force to punch through skin and clothing, but needs about a second of charge per shot to tear enough to be potentially fatal.
With a full Five second charge the projectile can gain enough force to devastate soft targets and to punch through most lighter forms of armor, but heavy armor will still repel it easily.
Syndicated Arc-light Co. Prosthetic Right Arm

At base the Arclight arms have always been popular with people favoring mobility over hefty durability without wanting to sacrifice all modularity or power as one would have to for the 'cheap' mobility models. It maintains a 'moderate' level of durability and strength enhancement while minimizing on awkward imbalance or slowing someone down with weight.
Most importantly it is highly receptive of modifications, within reason of course, of which there are several in his right arm.
Dendrite hacking wires - Each finger opens to release short range attachable hacking wires that magnify one's ease of hacking things, as long as they can actually find somewhere to be plugged in of course.
Pile-bunker Fore-arm Spike - Every infiltrator needs to have 'some' kind of last-ditch extremely deadly weapon they can use, which usually means melee as ranged threats are more likely to be fled from success. In his case, a catch limited Durasteel spike approximately 10 inches long is hidden in his fore-arm, surrounded by a compact magnetic rail system that allows it to be propelled either out of his elbow or his palm with an energetic release similar to that of a grenade, focused into a singular point of impact. It takes 1 to 10 seconds to charge depending on how much puncturing power is desired and how many other features are utilizing available energy.
Tesla Burst Bicep Suite - A short range Electric Discharge Cannon hidden inside the upper arm, revealed through the elbow opening and releasing the discharge for any number of expected results. It can be used to fire a focused bolt roughly 10 meters away, or a radial blast with about a 2 meter radius in-front. It can also be used in conjunction with the Pile-bunker if he keeps his arm straight, allowing him to bury the spike into hardened mechanical devices, such as sentry bots, and unleash a powerful electric discharge directly into the sensitive innards. It takes 2 to 10 seconds to charge each shot on the same ratio as the pile-bunker, and several more to prepare both of them.
His backstory is going to be one of his secrets ;3
The public gist is that he seemed to come out of nowhere, suspicious to the Nth degree to the corporations by nature, but the sheer volume of 'party boy' he exuded, cover though it surely was, it made him look so much a rich wasteful fool that many let their guard down around him... Afterall, the corporate types rarely liked something more than a useful idiot with disposable income they were willing to throw away on a whim.
Apparent Age: 24~
Actual Age: 73~
Former Species: Human, Mildly augmented [50/100]
Height: 6'3" Lean
Weight: 250 [Total weight of augments roughly 100 pounds]
Handsome was one of those words I heard quite often, at least from the upper class ladies, and some men... Hot, sexy, and 'i'd spank that' were the more common from my preffered collegues.
I was tall, good looking, rich... firmly on the higher end of the range of desirability in this painfully vain world we live in. Even after I'd lost an arm and had to get a hunk of metal to replace it I was still hounded almost constantly by cheap suitors wanting to get in on the money of any available bachelor.
You might notice I haven't gone into detail about my appearance... that's because of my dermal implants. I'm certainly not the only one using a suite of holographic projectors to change my appearance on a whim, but I am among the few that uses them to alter my 'entire' appearance... I happen to enjoy my alone time without everyone recognizing me.
... Of course, it also helps that It's incredibly useful for my more clandestine activities, and for not getting caught... I call it my 'Fashion Assassin Suite', heheh... shut up, it's clever!
I was tall, good looking, rich... firmly on the higher end of the range of desirability in this painfully vain world we live in. Even after I'd lost an arm and had to get a hunk of metal to replace it I was still hounded almost constantly by cheap suitors wanting to get in on the money of any available bachelor.
You might notice I haven't gone into detail about my appearance... that's because of my dermal implants. I'm certainly not the only one using a suite of holographic projectors to change my appearance on a whim, but I am among the few that uses them to alter my 'entire' appearance... I happen to enjoy my alone time without everyone recognizing me.
... Of course, it also helps that It's incredibly useful for my more clandestine activities, and for not getting caught... I call it my 'Fashion Assassin Suite', heheh... shut up, it's clever!
New Species: Some Horse thing with wings and a horn.
Height: 4'8" Lean
Weight: 1028 [augments still weight about 100]
I couldn't believe it myself... ontop of all the shit going on in the city, the sirens, alarms, the explosions... I wake up to find out I was turned into some freaky dark horse thing! I think old myths called it something like a 'thestral', some kind of carnivorous bat-horse monster with a skeletal face, though I don't think they had horns... Thank god I don't look as hideous as those images, but I desperately need to find some goggles big enough to cover these bigass eyes or i'll just get all kinds of shit in them.
Now if i'm being entirely serious, I could still call myself kindof 'tall, dark, and handsome'... in a sense of 'handsome for some kind of disproportionate bat-horse thing'. If it weren't for the 'horse' part I'd almost think I was trying out for a part in one of those 'attractive vampire movies'. As it was I was all dark gray fur, with ironically purple hair and eyes... ironic, because despite my name being Indigo, I used to have white hair naturally.
Of coure, I have no idea how this body normally works, and come to find out whatever changed me only changed the fleshy bits... Can you guess how awkward it is to walk with three horse legs and one mechanical human arm? VERY awkward... It's uncomfortable too, my old arm is just a little bit too thin for this horse shoulder and it pinches when I move too quickly. I suppose I'm lucky that my brain and dermal implants were small enough that they stayed intact when I changed, without horribly warping my flesh around them... they still worked too, so somehow my brain implants must've stayed in the same place.
Now if i'm being entirely serious, I could still call myself kindof 'tall, dark, and handsome'... in a sense of 'handsome for some kind of disproportionate bat-horse thing'. If it weren't for the 'horse' part I'd almost think I was trying out for a part in one of those 'attractive vampire movies'. As it was I was all dark gray fur, with ironically purple hair and eyes... ironic, because despite my name being Indigo, I used to have white hair naturally.
Of coure, I have no idea how this body normally works, and come to find out whatever changed me only changed the fleshy bits... Can you guess how awkward it is to walk with three horse legs and one mechanical human arm? VERY awkward... It's uncomfortable too, my old arm is just a little bit too thin for this horse shoulder and it pinches when I move too quickly. I suppose I'm lucky that my brain and dermal implants were small enough that they stayed intact when I changed, without horribly warping my flesh around them... they still worked too, so somehow my brain implants must've stayed in the same place.
Personality: He puts himself off as a playful partyboy, never taking anything seriously, throwing money at whatever he wants... a pretty but bumbling fool among the elite, easily manipulated, easily controlled... He loves when people underestimate him, but also finds it to be a simple pleasure to 'act the fool' and try to be entertaining... It might also have something to do with a deep hunger for companionship that he doesn't normally get.
In reality he's sharp and calculating, older than he looks and experienced in interacting with those who have power, elites, corporates, security... criminals... Especially criminals. He's very careful and experienced at covering up his more suspicious connections and relishes in having numerous options for sources to work with.
Location: North side High Class District
Status: Unknown
Secrets: Everybody's got em, I think it'd be an interesting addition if everyone had something that other players didn't get to know about them pre-emptively, and discover them as we progress.
Syndicate Connections... whatever good they might still be.
Private Security... If any of them are still alive and willing to follow.
These are all pretty much just made up stuff XD
Syndicate Factory's 235, 236, 247, and 268
Syndicate Micro Factory's 32, 135, 678, and 849
Private Micro-factory 138574
Personal Micro-factory 247586
Syndicate Stash 183945-183955
Private Stash's 1-3
Syndicate Factory's 235, 236, 247, and 268
Syndicate Micro Factory's 32, 135, 678, and 849
Private Micro-factory 138574
Personal Micro-factory 247586
Syndicate Stash 183945-183955
Private Stash's 1-3
1.357 Billion Credits
Thigh Holster, Tied around right Hind-leg
Holo-receptive Trench-coat
Make-shift Saddle bags
1 Corporate Medical Kit, Bandages, anisthetic, Autosuture, med-gel, and other limited supply medical goodies.
Refrigerated lunch box on left side, 2 Cheese burgers, 3 Ham sandwhiches, 2 bottles of water, 1 bottle of root beer.
2 Boxes of 2mm Magnetic penetrator pellets.
1 box of spare scrap materials and tools to maintain his arm.
1 Personal Holo-tablet
3 Old age Holo-phones disconnected from the World-net
Refrigerated lunch box on left side, 2 Cheese burgers, 3 Ham sandwhiches, 2 bottles of water, 1 bottle of root beer.
2 Boxes of 2mm Magnetic penetrator pellets.
1 box of spare scrap materials and tools to maintain his arm.
1 Personal Holo-tablet
3 Old age Holo-phones disconnected from the World-net
Syndicated Omnious Co. Generation 3rd Verson 32 Holoprojection Personal Computer Implant - Neural Hacking Suite Augmenated
As a Syndicate corporate infiltrator it's only natural that he'd be provided with the best technology they could possibly offer, even if sufficient failure would have resulted in that technology being... 'revoked', probably fatally, The investment was made quite often in those who'd successfully dragged their way into positions of power.
The Base functionalities of an Omnious 3rd Generation were among the most broad, as one of the present's highest quality models it could cover everything from gaming to high security business security, recording and surveillance suites, covert communications... The thing could do an amazing variety of things, only slightly more amazingly than the previous generation!
It becomes something far more dangerous with Syndicate improvements however.
'As' a Syndicate Infiltrator, it's to be expected that many fascinating features will have been illegally spliced in to make it a viable tool and maximize chances of successfully ripping valuable data from the corporations.
The biggest feature is the Hacking Suite, High Quality enough to allow neurological control of approximately 87% of all hacking activities of sub-corporate security levels, and a record breaking 32% of Corporate security levels, with a physical input suite capable of taking on most of the remaining obstacles... It also allows nearly all Civilian level activities to be controlled neurologically.
It comes with certain banned modifications as well, such as the Holo-flash, where it will project a hologram to protect the user's eyes, while a variety of blinding flashes are issued to the environment around the user through use of high charge destabilization of Holo projections, resulting in a controlleable Flash-bang effect with minor EMP like effects... 'minor'.
Another of it's special features is holo-manifestation hacking... this doesn't actually make holograms solid, but it directly a chain of holograms towards a target to supplement neural wireless hacking with something between wireless and physical contact... It's not as good as getting a physical touch on it, but every advantage however redundant might have it's uses someday. It just uses a lot of energy to pull this off.
These kinds of tools are practically required to come with thorough training in being very tech savy, as well as able to maintain it and understand a variety of machines that one is expected to interact with.
The Base functionalities of an Omnious 3rd Generation were among the most broad, as one of the present's highest quality models it could cover everything from gaming to high security business security, recording and surveillance suites, covert communications... The thing could do an amazing variety of things, only slightly more amazingly than the previous generation!
It becomes something far more dangerous with Syndicate improvements however.
'As' a Syndicate Infiltrator, it's to be expected that many fascinating features will have been illegally spliced in to make it a viable tool and maximize chances of successfully ripping valuable data from the corporations.
The biggest feature is the Hacking Suite, High Quality enough to allow neurological control of approximately 87% of all hacking activities of sub-corporate security levels, and a record breaking 32% of Corporate security levels, with a physical input suite capable of taking on most of the remaining obstacles... It also allows nearly all Civilian level activities to be controlled neurologically.
It comes with certain banned modifications as well, such as the Holo-flash, where it will project a hologram to protect the user's eyes, while a variety of blinding flashes are issued to the environment around the user through use of high charge destabilization of Holo projections, resulting in a controlleable Flash-bang effect with minor EMP like effects... 'minor'.
Another of it's special features is holo-manifestation hacking... this doesn't actually make holograms solid, but it directly a chain of holograms towards a target to supplement neural wireless hacking with something between wireless and physical contact... It's not as good as getting a physical touch on it, but every advantage however redundant might have it's uses someday. It just uses a lot of energy to pull this off.
These kinds of tools are practically required to come with thorough training in being very tech savy, as well as able to maintain it and understand a variety of machines that one is expected to interact with.
Artherius Syndicate Holo-projection Dermal Augmentation
Another prime tool for Syndicate Infiltrators... though many don't quite have the neural structure to make maximum use of it, He lucked out in the cranial genetics department and was able to use it to simulate complete changes in identity, though limits still exist naturally, and a number of methods exist to destabilize the Holo projection, it is invaluable for all manner of stealth activities.
It can also be used to project more mundane holographic effects, especially while synergizing with a Holo PC Implant.
It can also be used to project more mundane holographic effects, especially while synergizing with a Holo PC Implant.
Syndicated Erchius Co. Modular RailWeapon, Pistol Configuration

A reverse engineered experimental modular weapon system built around magnetic rail technology that fires tiny projectiles at varied levels of charge... that's about it.
In it's pistol configuration it has an effective range of roughly 50 meters or so, with an ammunition load between 50 and 80 pellets.
Fired in maximum speed it can fire roughly 5 pellets per second, but doesn't have the punch to be fatal, though it very good at laying out stunning pain on biological targets.
With at least half a second of charge it manages enough force to punch through skin and clothing, but needs about a second of charge per shot to tear enough to be potentially fatal.
With a full Five second charge the projectile can gain enough force to devastate soft targets and to punch through most lighter forms of armor, but heavy armor will still repel it easily.
Syndicated Arc-light Co. Prosthetic Right Arm

At base the Arclight arms have always been popular with people favoring mobility over hefty durability without wanting to sacrifice all modularity or power as one would have to for the 'cheap' mobility models. It maintains a 'moderate' level of durability and strength enhancement while minimizing on awkward imbalance or slowing someone down with weight.
Most importantly it is highly receptive of modifications, within reason of course, of which there are several in his right arm.
Dendrite hacking wires - Each finger opens to release short range attachable hacking wires that magnify one's ease of hacking things, as long as they can actually find somewhere to be plugged in of course.
Pile-bunker Fore-arm Spike - Every infiltrator needs to have 'some' kind of last-ditch extremely deadly weapon they can use, which usually means melee as ranged threats are more likely to be fled from success. In his case, a catch limited Durasteel spike approximately 10 inches long is hidden in his fore-arm, surrounded by a compact magnetic rail system that allows it to be propelled either out of his elbow or his palm with an energetic release similar to that of a grenade, focused into a singular point of impact. It takes 1 to 10 seconds to charge depending on how much puncturing power is desired and how many other features are utilizing available energy.
Tesla Burst Bicep Suite - A short range Electric Discharge Cannon hidden inside the upper arm, revealed through the elbow opening and releasing the discharge for any number of expected results. It can be used to fire a focused bolt roughly 10 meters away, or a radial blast with about a 2 meter radius in-front. It can also be used in conjunction with the Pile-bunker if he keeps his arm straight, allowing him to bury the spike into hardened mechanical devices, such as sentry bots, and unleash a powerful electric discharge directly into the sensitive innards. It takes 2 to 10 seconds to charge each shot on the same ratio as the pile-bunker, and several more to prepare both of them.
His backstory is going to be one of his secrets ;3
The public gist is that he seemed to come out of nowhere, suspicious to the Nth degree to the corporations by nature, but the sheer volume of 'party boy' he exuded, cover though it surely was, it made him look so much a rich wasteful fool that many let their guard down around him... Afterall, the corporate types rarely liked something more than a useful idiot with disposable income they were willing to throw away on a whim.
I'm sure everyone would wonder how I came to live among the elite without being born there... well that's simple, I had backup, a lot of it, though with it came debt... or so one would call it, though I saw it as mutual assistance rather than debt.
It was a real 'pauper to prince' kinda dealy, born in the slums, wallowing in the muck and leavings of the rich to survive, but there was a fire behind all the filth, a burning desire for more... perhaps it was born of the stories I always took to heart with a childish innocence, maybe it was some strange brain wiring that made me 'hunger' when I saw those massive towers in the center of the city lording over the rest of us.
Either way, I was filled with... determination? Motivation? both are powerful forces aren't they? It drove me to get more, trading, buying, selling, stealing, killing... Like everyone I had my failures, but I had my successes too, and those got the attention of New Ark's local Syndicate.
At first, it was merely as yet another lacky, but it didn't take long for my ambition and drive to be noticed... Oh, it wasn't easy, nor fast, the syndicate doesn't invest in someone like me without absolute certainty that i'm going to be a valuable asset for them in the future... The specifics are none of your business, but eventually I got a 'boost' from them, and was able to quicken my rise from the slums to the middle class, and onward to the upper.
It was years before I was called on to start 'paying out', years that I had spent establishing myself, gaining contacts, building an easily over-lookable reputation as a useless playboy wasting his money, and I fulfilled my expectations gladly! It was eager to do something even more exciting than party.
I finally joined the ranks of the 'true' elite in New Ark City, The infiltrators, the whistleblowers, the tech thieves, the corporate saboteurs... The criminal elite I mean, The ones who picked away at the corporations power every day and night, snuck into classified facilities and stole the 'newest upper hand' of the corporations to be reverse engineered and mass produced by crim-factories that would make it available to the little people at an infinitely more affordable rate.
What better way to claw my way higher? I certainly wouldn't be able to do so while working 'for' the Corporations, they were designed to keep only those on top 'on top', so I was excited, Happy!, to be a part of the counter-system that spread their technological power out to the rest of the populace. In return I could get just about whatever I could ever hope for, life extensions, top quality augments, illegal modifications the corporations ban simply because they offer the little people an edge.
Oh yeah, speaking of augments... aside from my brain and dermal implants I had intended to stay as human as possible, the less tech in me the less chances for the corps to trace things back to 'my' kind of tech. I was perfectly happy with a holo-stealth suite and the highest quality Holo-computer implant the Syndicates could supply me with, filled with alll kinds of stored data, apps, games, the bloody works, HO! I could entertain myself for years even when locked up with nothing to do!
unfortunately, one of my thankfully rare failures caught up to me, not from the corporations mind you, it was actually another of the Rich Elite who'd taken exception to her husband hitting on me, remarkable that I can actually 'say' that... but she put considerable resources towards booby-trapping my own home and setting loose some hacked security droids on me... needless to say, the results were a tremendous mess, some seizure of assets because for once the target of 'the game' had survived to tell the tale, and a lot of comensatory acquisitions.
All things considered I came out ontop, and that 'after' I lost an arm to it all.
Of course this is all kind of old news... and irrelevant, I don't even know why I'm talking about it, considering what happened recently with the entire Corporate empire coming crashing to the ground... literally! [This leads right into the Intro snippet for the OOC ;3 ]
It was a real 'pauper to prince' kinda dealy, born in the slums, wallowing in the muck and leavings of the rich to survive, but there was a fire behind all the filth, a burning desire for more... perhaps it was born of the stories I always took to heart with a childish innocence, maybe it was some strange brain wiring that made me 'hunger' when I saw those massive towers in the center of the city lording over the rest of us.
Either way, I was filled with... determination? Motivation? both are powerful forces aren't they? It drove me to get more, trading, buying, selling, stealing, killing... Like everyone I had my failures, but I had my successes too, and those got the attention of New Ark's local Syndicate.
At first, it was merely as yet another lacky, but it didn't take long for my ambition and drive to be noticed... Oh, it wasn't easy, nor fast, the syndicate doesn't invest in someone like me without absolute certainty that i'm going to be a valuable asset for them in the future... The specifics are none of your business, but eventually I got a 'boost' from them, and was able to quicken my rise from the slums to the middle class, and onward to the upper.
It was years before I was called on to start 'paying out', years that I had spent establishing myself, gaining contacts, building an easily over-lookable reputation as a useless playboy wasting his money, and I fulfilled my expectations gladly! It was eager to do something even more exciting than party.
I finally joined the ranks of the 'true' elite in New Ark City, The infiltrators, the whistleblowers, the tech thieves, the corporate saboteurs... The criminal elite I mean, The ones who picked away at the corporations power every day and night, snuck into classified facilities and stole the 'newest upper hand' of the corporations to be reverse engineered and mass produced by crim-factories that would make it available to the little people at an infinitely more affordable rate.
What better way to claw my way higher? I certainly wouldn't be able to do so while working 'for' the Corporations, they were designed to keep only those on top 'on top', so I was excited, Happy!, to be a part of the counter-system that spread their technological power out to the rest of the populace. In return I could get just about whatever I could ever hope for, life extensions, top quality augments, illegal modifications the corporations ban simply because they offer the little people an edge.
Oh yeah, speaking of augments... aside from my brain and dermal implants I had intended to stay as human as possible, the less tech in me the less chances for the corps to trace things back to 'my' kind of tech. I was perfectly happy with a holo-stealth suite and the highest quality Holo-computer implant the Syndicates could supply me with, filled with alll kinds of stored data, apps, games, the bloody works, HO! I could entertain myself for years even when locked up with nothing to do!
unfortunately, one of my thankfully rare failures caught up to me, not from the corporations mind you, it was actually another of the Rich Elite who'd taken exception to her husband hitting on me, remarkable that I can actually 'say' that... but she put considerable resources towards booby-trapping my own home and setting loose some hacked security droids on me... needless to say, the results were a tremendous mess, some seizure of assets because for once the target of 'the game' had survived to tell the tale, and a lot of comensatory acquisitions.
All things considered I came out ontop, and that 'after' I lost an arm to it all.
Of course this is all kind of old news... and irrelevant, I don't even know why I'm talking about it, considering what happened recently with the entire Corporate empire coming crashing to the ground... literally! [This leads right into the Intro snippet for the OOC ;3 ]