Here ya go, I cooked up a CS for ya'll XD go nuts [just don't take it personally if someone thinks you over-did it and supplies opinions XD Don't be afraid to opinionate on mine as well when It's out XD]... feel free to suggest things I might have forgotten to include in the CS's categories, i'm only mildly conscious right now, heheh.
Image: If relevent :D but I don't mind if you just use text, though be descriptive if you do ;3
Source: [If relevent, what source material the character comes from, or is inspired by]
Appearance Description: [You know, relevent details, if you didn't use an image you'll want to be thorough here ;3 I prefer actual numbers for height and such, but otherwise do as you will :D ]
Backstory: [We don't need whole stories filling this out, especially since some details might be kindof ambiguous until we've solidified the details surrounding out non-local player characters, but you can put out some stuff about their origins at least. I love seeing what comes out of people's imaginations :D ]
power section- These can be a bit confusing sometimes, and you can tweak this section to your liking, some characters might benefit from a different style XD
Skills: Knowledge and Experience based capabilities, like weapon or cooking skill, or out-standing learning.
Traits: Natural or Biological capabilities that aren't super-natural in origin or extent, whether it's extensive training and conditioning, biological refinement, or natural qualities like touch scales or unique biological qualities.
Powers: Generally things you can do that go beyond the norm for your species, or that qualify as externally supplied capabilities, or things that require something more than just your body's inherent qualities.
Equipment: This one's kindof obvious XD any kind of actual 'gear' you use.
Well, it seems almost everyone has some sort of idea for a character, which is good. Personally, I'm thinking of going with a Marine from StarCraft (basically a guy in power armor with a big gauss rifle).
Interesting! I haven't actually seen someone RPing one of them yet, it should be interesting... especially considering that, despite being a weaker unit in the games, 'lore-wise' they'd be incredibly powerful in some other settings... also, everytime I think of starcraft, Ic an't help but remember the song about over-engineered codpieces XD
alright looks like we got a decent amount of people lets get this ooc up
Indeed! Though I still have work to do tommorrow, So like I said, i'll get allover that OOC on monday :D or possibly started on it tommorrow afternoon if I get free early enough!
If we are including MLP, this would be a decent chance to test out an idea for a character. He's what would be considered in that universe to be a "Weather Dragon", who uses a myriad of elemental powers associated with the weather and fights with a Halberd and a Saber.
Interesting, I may need to hear more, but i'm sure it'll be better explained in the CS :D I can see the concept flowing, I mean, they have flying horses that fiddle with the weather already XD Granted, it'd probably need to be a young dragon [not infantile like spike, just, not 'huge' like the adults XD]... although, some form of size-control could make for some adorable moments where he's stuck small sometimes XD
<Snipped quote by Shoryu>
Yes, FC stands for fancharacters. I see, well I'm not going to enter anyone god tier or undefeatable. I have some ideas, but I'm thinking if you "need" ponies I can enter a pony version of my character Grief. Basically Grief's power is to grow into a giant. I don't know how powerful everyone else will be, but I thought a stud who could become a giant would be funny.
Otherwise, I have characters from the Sonic fandom, as well as the Warhammer fandom. Oh and this demon OC named Lilith, however she's more powerful than Grief is with demonic stuff. Nobody in my cast I'm going to bring to the table that cannot be defeated. I would like to however see specific parameters for how powerful you want a character.
I regularly tweak, rebalance, or possibly entirely rework some of my old characters to fit them into newer settings I have interest in, I enjoy the intellectual experience of adaptation, even if sometimes it just won't work XD
Are we talking 'size control' or a specific size he can change to? Either way, I could see it being workable. I don't expressly 'need' lots of ponies, but it never hurts to varietize the characters more. [there's also the goofy option of being ponified upon arrival, wouldn't hardly be the strangest things that's happened there XD and would allow for more lee-way on origins or details that might otherwise have been a bit more restricted if he's naturally 'from' there XD up to you though.]
As for specific parameters... That can be agonizingly hard to hash out in multiversal settings... Granted, super-hero tier isn't exactly improbable, and given some of my later-game ideas for plots and villains... Hell, If one got down to brass-tacks, STarcraft marines are basically Hulk-buster ironman suits without flight or built in lasers... Hell, with just 'ponies' involved opens up a hell of a variety.
For those who aren't aware, the show has had canon instances of DBZ tier firepower getting busted out [not GT tier though XD], not to mention world ending power-scales being demonstrated here or there, and everything from just making grass grow faster to whipping up tornado's or weather phenomena by 'flying' a certain way and speed, to fucking around with 'time!' XD... I may also break out some qualities from certain stories I've read that seem interesting without being stupidly OP.
That said, while the scale of potential power is 'fairly' up there, I'd say leave room to grow, I'm intending for at least the first plot period to be more of a warm-up and a period to let the characters [and players] get to know eachother a bit [although I'm not preplanning just yet 'exactly' how the opening scene will go, there could be quite a bit of separation after a crash like this ;3], and aside from a suitably exciting end to the first arc, I'm trying to leave my planning fairly lax so people can still suggest interesting things to fill the space in-between... or, at least have the option before I have to make it up as we go ;3