Avatar of Shoryu
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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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Things did not go as you had planned... True, this happens occasionally anyway, but in this case it defied logical probability as your ship's vanished from the familiarity of Rapid transit, The warp around it shredded apart before your eyes, the ship's sensors panicked frantically like something was squeezing the hull, suffocated the engines and preventing control of motion, even 'flood' warnings popped up.

There was no visible sign of what was doing it though, every external view showed only stars, darkness and... why was there a giant 'train' engine puttering by in open space on a trail of steam and fire?! What madness was this? Why were there Nebulae scattered around in impossibly close proximity and... Was that a Giant flower growing out of thin air in the distance? Why was there a 'mountain' in space?!

Perhaps more urgently, why was the ship being propelled towards a huge bundle of Rocky Spheres that was being orbited by a tiny Sun and moon?!

You might have been preparing yourself for what seemed like inevitability in this crash, when that tiny sun elected to Blow fire over your ship... or, at least it seemed that way, how backwards was it that 'space' was trying to destroy your ship, yet a bath of fire calmed the sensor and seemed to have warded of whatever was trying to kill you... Granted, it was still too late to even pretend to get the engines functional enough to avoid crashing.

Aren't you lucky though? another surprise came as the 'surface' you'd been barreling towards gave way like a thin later of water... was 'anything' out here what it appeared to be?!...

Could you really afford to assume the suddenly normal space, and crash-course with the continent below, was fake too?... This would actually be a perfect opportunity to start breaking out those Escape pods, at least, if they still work... oh dear.
@Shoryu Any idea when the OOC will be up?

Today XD... Sorry, I meant to have it done yesterday, but I got surprised with work I didn't expect, and by the time I was done I was barely concious, so I kinda just face-planted in bed XD

Also, Sparky sounds fun too XD given the sound of the backk-story, does he have a ship too? XD
Here we go XD finally a CS, now i'm gonna go get on the OOC ;3

Also, forgive the word-vomit, i just can't help myself sometimes XD

I was thinking of something similar my group is trying to escape the reaper threat and when they use the local relay something happens and sends them into pony (crash)land with no fuel. Also @Shoryu since this is kinda sorta (but not really) based off of sunless sea/ sunless sky are you going to have other weird phenomena happen?

Oh absolutely! :D It might not be very prevalent in the beginning, since we're not 'out there'. The weirdest stuff will likely be discovered out in the big space between World-fragments... I should actually come up with a name for it that fits the setting... Like 'The Infinite Rift' or 'The Ztar Zea' pr 'World Zea' [cause for some reason they replace S's with Z's in names XD]

But yes, strange events and creatures should be quite common out there >w> there's liable to be periods of interaction while in transit as well. And of course as the RP progresses there will be some escalation of strangeness >w>
I agree, it's likely that a good portion of the crews would be dead. But there would still be enough people to work together. Especially since the UED ship would have SCV's, which would help a lot. For how they got there, I was imagining that each ship had some sort of FTL-related mishap (for example, I was thinking of having the UED ship enter an emergency FTL jump with no coordinates to escape from some Dominion ships that were chasing them). The crews and the locals could have all sorts of interactions, too. I'd imagine Twilight would love to check out all the fancy new technology.

I was imagining something not too different, though likely with some comically timed inter-universal phenomenon that actually results in their FTL jump being directed there... heavens though, if it's an FTL crash, we got some real damage coming XD hahah.

This would also be a good excuse for me to throw in a little force of locals to explore with them 'on behalf of the crown' to fill out the crew a bit more. [Pony SCV incoming! MUWAHAHAHAHAH!]
I have played StarCraft 2. I chose an older era marine because 1. I like the story of the first StarCraft more than StarCraft 2, and 2. because I like the original design of the Marine armor. Also because the UED are cool. The time period he's from is the time between StarCraft 1 and 2.

I do like the idea of separate ships from separate universes crashing, and everyone being forced to cobble together some sort of abomination of a ship from the wrecks. Will there be NPC's onboard the ships that the players will control? I'm thinking of it being set up so that each player has a group of NPC's they order around, basically making each player their own little faction.

Ahhh, interesting to know... it's been so long that I don't remember much about the UED aside from Destroying them as the Zerg... and Alexei is one of my favorite commanders in Starcraft 2's co-op mode :D Maybe I'm just too into the over-engineered detailed stuff from the second one XD

That's not a bad idea, I was thinking something along those lines... granted, we 'are' talking crashes, it's entirely probable half those crews get kinda wrecked from the crash, poor buggers.

Ahhh, interesting, a UED era marine >3> Just out of curiosity, have you played Star-craft 2? >3> I find myself curious why you went with an older era marine. I mostly wonder on the difference in their power armors over the time-periods.

That said, he seems fine to me :D It oughta be funny to see him encounter changelings >3>... given that I tend to operate my Changelings as a bit 'zergy', heheh.

Ahhhh, weapon over-heat... Those were the days!... I remember when I figured out how to mod my weapon to pretty much never over-heat and just keep laying on the daka XD

Anyway, he looks fine too :D

Aaaand, I shall go finish up mine, and I should have the OOC organized and up sometime tommorrow, hopefully the last couple who showed interested pop up again soon, it's always a bit sad when there's a lot of attention in the first day, but activity dies off after that D:
Evenin peepes! I'm in the process of reading the new CSes and touching up my own here, but an idea came to me while I was thinking about things... in particular the 'back-stories' and 'crashing first-contact' plot device, as well as the general way this psuedo multi-verse functions >3>

Originally, I'd been thinking of one ship crashing that'd need fixing to progress to other worlds... but what do you guys think of different ships from relevant character's settings crashing... granted, it would mean some additional separation when starting, but then, they could also need to cannibalize eachother's ships to fix up something that would work again, given the lack of such technology on the world they're crashing in :D

I have a few ways, with that idea, that I could handle introducing the characters to the wider-verse between their various world's. one being friendly, and the other hostile XD
Alright, I'm going to have my sheet up in a bit.

Wunderbar :D I shall look forward to it when I get a break!
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